roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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Source: Pixiv ID: 32101745
Member: シア
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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Credit: illbewaiting
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
I think --
Yes, I believe I've finally finished my page orz;;
I've added a couple new pages, including a Threads page. The threads that aren't linked are from deactivated blogs, therefore there is no actual thread, but I still wanted to include them in the list.
Please, please let me know if you want to RP! I will get a starter written up as soon as I can (or, if you're on my list of crossed out threads but we never actually finished the RP, I have no problem continuing it if you would rather do that).
Also, if you happen to write a starter for me to respond to I am more likely to get around to replying to that than writing my own starter (because I am fairly busy but also lazy I'll be honest)
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 11 years
-followed all the new people in the group (hi new people!)
-came off hiatus
-working on my theme
-dunno if I can do RPs today because I might be busy later but omg I'm excited to be back I missed you guys!
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 12 years
Olette I answered your ask privately instead of publishing it asdlkjf
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 12 years
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 12 years
roxy-xiii's name means: 1) Highly suspicious. 2) To get excited after seeing homo.
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zexionisback’s name means: 1) To let your imagination run wild. 2) Likes homo.
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 Okay then.
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 12 years
"Yeah, I s'pose there's not really much to do around here when we're not practicing for a Struggle tournament, huh?"
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roxy-xiii started following you
“Eh, not much m’self, either.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 12 years
Roxas ignored the stupid nickname. "Not much, Seifer, how 'bout you?"
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roxy-xiii started following you
“Sup, lamer.” 
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 12 years
Roxas turned just in time to see someone walk out of the forest, but not just any someone. It was like he was looking at his twin, but he didn't have one... did he? He supposed it was possible that his other had a twin, he didn't remember anything from that life after all, but how did he get out here?
The other kid grabbed Roxas's shoulder and anxiously asked for his identity. "My name's Roxas," he answered quickly, wanting to calm the other boy down. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Roxas was still trying to deal with the other kid having his face, but it seemed like he was handling it better than him at any rate.
"Hey, you don't look so good, why don't you sit down or something?" Roxas eyed the edge of the cliff warily. It would be just his luck for this guy who looked like him to pass out and topple off the edge, something Roxas definitely did not want to happen. He took a few steps back, pulling the other kid along, and pushed him into a sitting position in the grass.
For Bobo;; ofventus
It had been a terribly long time since he visited the Enchanted Dominion.
The eerie silence that welcomed him back did nothing to sooth the ragged tension wearing thin over his patience threshold; there had been a reason he avoided returning to that land, after such a long absence. The world was a landmark – the very place where he had begun to harbor lingering doubts about Terra’s willpower. He turned his back on Aqua, who had only tried to keep him safe, to chase after half-truths and while lies, while thoughts of evil witches with the cruelest smiles and princesses who lost their hearts danced in his head. Even when everything was said and done, regrets trailed behind him as afterthoughts. And it haunted him, sunk right into the core of his soul; hypotheticals, dreams of what could have been different.
But it was time to move on; to stop being that fragile, easily-broken child he made himself out to be.
Everything there started out with a mistake wrought in good intentions.
Shadows weaved caricatures of monsters across stone; warped distortions that appeared to move underneath the glow of fading light. He slowly across the ground, feet firmly planted on his glider, dissolving the armor that encapsulated him as he clamped a hand over his shoulder guard and hopped down, the swell of dirt crumbling beneath his feet. Mountains rose up to greet him in jutting spikes of cragged rock and precarious cliff faces, their dangers obscured underneath the dying illumination of the sun The half-hearted chirps of pigeons roosting in the branches of drooping birches and scuttle of small woodland creatures punctuated the peace. Ven ventured into the foliage of the forest beyond; emerging into a completely different place than the one he’d left, all those years ago.
Stark desolation swapped for steadily deteriorating disrepair; a rusting bridge where there had only been dust and a straight drop into oblivion. Even the castle had changed; a color palette of airy pastels and a pervading sense of tranquility. It took him a while to notice the lone outline of another boy gazing out at the same scene, tumultuous blond spikes ruffled by a dry breeze, his profile unnervingly lucid even as the sun went crashing into the skyline. It was .. him – ?! No, no – Ventus pressed a hand flat to his shirt, gripping at the fabric, but the image of the lookalike didn’t fade or shimmer away from view. It was no illusion; an identical version of the keyblade wielder, if he’d decided to wrap himself up in an embalming cloak of black instead. He reached out to grapple the other’s shoulder with a renewed anxiety brewing in him.
‘’H-hey – who are you?’’
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roxy-xiii-blog-blog · 12 years
He smiled as he watched his friend take a seat on the other couch. "Yeah, I'm pretty beat. I had to go to Agrabah and chase down these Heartless. Not too difficult, really, just tiresome. What about you?" He asked, noticing how Axel relished the comfort of the sofa. "You look pretty tired yourself." Roxas hoped he wouldn't be too tired to get ice cream, it was tradition after all.
As tired as Roxas had been after his mission, he always felt like he wanted to get up and do something. He could be content to lay around in his room all day, but sometimes he just had an itch to go out and wander around. Exploring new worlds was always one of his favorite things to do, but that only occurred when he was sent out on a recon mission, which was rare.
For Axel; eternalflameviii
Finally. After executing the finishing blow of the battle, Axel dismissed his chakrams and relaxed for a moment, trying to relieve some of the tension of the battle. Man. There was always something to dread when the mission orders instructed one to take out a giant Heartless. Work was still work, of course, but that didn’t change the fact that it sucked when the opponent happened to be five times your size and extremely adept at elemental magic. In this case, lightning, which was definitely not something Axel could oppose with ease. How tiresome.
Opening up a dark portal, the redhead quickly slipped through, hoping to avoid any additional Heartless that may have decided to show up. Despite how easy they were to take out in comparison to the gigantic one he’d just defeated, encountering them would only add to his exhaustion, and that was something he planned on avoiding. It wasn’t like he could collect hearts, either — meaning the large Heartless would be back, and his work was nearly wasted. The Heartless would have to be defeated again. But it did buy time or whatever, keeping the Heartless from getting too out of control.
The Gray Room was quiet when Axel arrived, most of the other members still out on their missions. Thinking about it, he did finish pretty quickly, by some miracle. He did a quick glance around the room, spotting Roxas lazing about on a nearby couch. Well, relaxing was probably a better term. The boy did look exhausted, after all. He probably needed rest after whatever mission it was that he’d been sent on. Axel definitely knew that he planned on getting some relaxation.
But he did want to talk to Roxas. “Hey, Roxas,” he greeted, taking a seat on the adjacent couch. He leaned on the back of it, feeling rather relieved after having had to deal with incessant lightning attacks for his whole mission. “Tired, hm? How’d your mission go?”
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