rowan-macnally · 2 days
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Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover. Hey sister, know that water's sweet, but blood is thicker. Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do.
full bio. // full stats. // playlist. // pinterest.
Full Name: Rowan Allison MacNally-Walker
Birthday/Age: June 30, 1985/38
Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Native
Time in Tonopah Valley: Though born and raised in TV, she lived in Eureka, California, from her mid-twenties up until she returned to TV in the fall of 2022
Occupation: Co-owner of StopShop
Gang Affiliation: Sons of Silence Old Lady
Relationship: Married to Jensen Walker
Eldest of the MacNally siblings, born in Tonopah Valley.
With her father being a founding Son, she grew up around the MC, was fully immersed in that life as a hangaround.
Always a bit of a wild child growing up, very much a free spirit that really only tempered whenever she felt the need to tend to her siblings.
Started dating Jensen Walker in high school. He was the one thing she actually allowed herself to have and dove in without looking back.
After high school, they parted ways. Jensen moved to Eureka to help with that charter, and Rowan stayed in Tonopah. She tried to fill that Jensen-sized void with booze, parties, random hookups, but it never worked.
Finally, at twenty-six, Rowan packed up and moved to Eureka, joining her parents and reuniting with Jensen. By the time she was twenty-eight, they were married.
At thirty, she was pregnant, but after a series of complications, she miscarried at four months and underwent a radical hysterectomy in order to save her life, but...it effectively slashed through any plans at conceiving children of her own. She did her best to push through that grief and be the same force she'd always been, but she was devastated, knowing that one reality she'd always wanted wouldn't be possible for her. She leaned on family and found a way forward.
In 2022, everything changed. Tonopah Valley had it's annual Fall Bike Festival and the Eureka charter, at Cole Monroe's request for backup in the wake of conflict unfolding in town, attended. Rowan never imagined that'd be the last day she ever saw her father alive. When the bomb went off, killing Dean, Serkan Tezel, and Kyle Sakarya, it became all too clear where Rowan needed to be, and it wasn't Eureka.
Shortly after, Rowan and Jensen moved back to Tonopah to be close to her family. She's been there ever since, trying to pick up the pieces as best she can, but admittedly, it hasn't been smooth sailing. Still, it's family over everything, and Rowan's never had any problem standing between her siblings and any shitstorm life wants to throw at them.
Still takes on that mother hen role even now– her siblings are everything to her.
Has an orange cat named Snookie and he’s her life. Also has devoted herself to a German Shepherd named Lamb Chop (blame her husband for that one), and a horse allegedly named Helicopter Buzz, but it’s just Buzz to her.
Basically, her fur babies are everything to her because she knows it’s as close to motherhood as she’s ever going to get, apart from her siblings.
Fully has a baseball bat behind the counter at StopShop and is ready to go Harley Quinn on anyone’s ass at a moment’s notice.
Despite belonging to a biker family and being married to a member of the MC, she’s a bit scared of motorcycles, though she’d never admit it. 
Loves to sing, but unless you live anywhere near her shower, you’ll never hear it.
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
Rowan eyed Arthur as he finished loading up his items at the counter and silently wondered to herself– would today be the day he just paid for his shit without some random, senile rant, or no? Because if she was being quite honest, she didn’t have the fucking patience for it right now. Or ever, really, but at a time when tensions were especially high, she wasn’t here to listen to tales about his rent or his particular obsession with his landlord. “Arthur, I gotta piss, so if you could just kindly pay without a monologue, that’d be fantastic,” she started before he could even get a word in edgewise. At that, Arthur blinked at her a couple times, and she guessed he could see just how not in the mood she really was, and quickly fumbled through his wallet for the total he needed. “Thank you,” she murmured, taking the money and exchanging it with his change before sending him on his way. Spotting Nate next in line, she nodded, “Hey.” Lifting a brow at…his gummy bears and nothing else, Rowan took his change, quickly completing the purchase that felt…deliberate, like maybe gummy bears weren’t really why he was here. At his offer, she shook her head, “That doesn’t look like a cigarette, so no…but thank you.” Folding her arms across her chest with a sigh, she eyed him as he leaned against the counter, “You’re lingering,” Rowan pointed out, deciding just to cut the shit and get right to it, “I won’t pretend it’s because of my infectious company– what’s up, Nate?”
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with: @rowan-macnally where: stopshop
Nate's intentions here hadn't been to buy anything at all - not in the slightest, and still he was waiting behind a paying customer with a packet of gummy bears in his hand. The article that had been published which only cracked open former wounds, was the main reason he was here. He knew nobody had expected it - he had found Emiri sitting alone in the clubhouse looking visibly sad, which was no doubt a similar pattern knitting into the MacNally's. Though naturally he knew they expressed their emotions louder. "Hey..." he says as he took that motion to move towards the counter, showing his wanted purchase and soon after placing the correct amount of change down onto the surface.
Pulling open the packet in his hands, he stole a look behind him to see that nobody else was currently in store before looking back, choosing to now lean against the counter, "Want one?" he offered out the sweets to Rowan as a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. This wasn't a ice breaker per say, considering it wasn't needed, this was more Nate choosing to come in from an angle that wasn't the way he assumed she would feel.
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
WHERE: Sons of Silence Clubhouse WITH: @sawyerdecker
Needless to say, since the exposé published in the Tribune, Rowan had been fucking fuming. Ordinarily, she didn’t even read the fucking paper, she left that shit to Jensen, but after hearing that her father’s name had been printed in it without her family’s knowledge or consent, it was safe to say she’d lost her shit in record time. It was times like this when she really fucking adored Sawyer for going into law, because while her natural inclination was to march up to the Tribune, her Louisville slugger in her right hand, she didn’t exactly fancy the idea of getting arrested a time when her family really needed her. So, she’d rather try a different avenue. Spotting the blonde as she stepped out of Cole’s office, Rowan flagged her down, a cigarette hanging limply from the corner of her mouth, “Hey,” she started, waving her over, “You got a minute?” Her features were frantic, far more so than she usually let on, which really was just a testament to how fucking pissed she was– if the chainsmoking and dark circles around her eyes weren’t enough, “Just wonderin’ how easy it is to nail someone to a fuckin’ wall for publishin’ shit about my family without consent?”
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
Rowan was counting the bills lining the cash register when the paper was suddenly smacked down in front of her. “See what?” She tossed back at her sister, brown eyes still not wavering far from the money in her hands. When Maeve didn’t answer, Rowan glanced up, meeting her gaze just long enough to see the ire practically setting the blue depths on fire before she finally peered down at what her sister was pointing at. If she was being honest, she’d never been one to read the newspaper, but if it was being flung in front of her, there was clearly a reason…a reason she wasn’t so sure she was going to like. Skimming the article, her eyes grew wider and wider with disbelief the more she read. “What…the fuck is this?” She started, anger ticking at the back of her jaw as she met her sister’s gaze again, “Did anyone sign off on this? Mom?” She wondered aloud, though Rowan felt in her gut she already knew the answer. No one in their family would’ve consented, especially not the matriarch. “What fuckin’ source?” She scoffed, flipping the paper face down before she could stare at it a moment longer.
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Location: StopShop
Maeve had tossed the newspaper onto the counter where her sister stood. "Did you see this?" she demanded, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and disbelief. She pointed to the latest article about the bike festival and it's victims. Although her shift at work wasn't for a few more hours, Maeve had made it a point to arrive at the store early just to catch Rowan. Normally, Maeve wouldn't have casted a second glance to a newspaper, but this particular headline had caught her attention on her way over - her first thought was showing Rowan, almost as if she needed confirmation that her anger was justified.
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
“For the record, I was lookin’ at the tray of chicken nuggets in his hands,” Rowan quipped back at Taliah, shortly before succumbing to a lazy grin as brown eyes darted around the main room, taking in everyone who was there and everyone who wasn’t. At Sawyer’s mention of Nellie, she nodded, inhaling another drag from her cigarette, “I’m sure she’ll turn up eventually.” Resting her forearms down on the table, she gestured at Sawyer as she started for the bar again, “Same– maybe some shots for the table too?” She prompted, seeing no reason not to indulge while they were all here. That was what these parties were for, after all.
Though as she sat back, watching the scene at the bar unfold, Rowan felt her upbeat mood quickly sour the longer the sirens lingered around Sawyer. Already, her mind was conjuring up all sorts of possibilities for what the women were saying to the blonde, and none of them were good. “Ah, fuckin’ hell,” she hissed under her breath, gaze flickering between Sawyer and Taliah. Frowning a bit as she caught the wandering gazes and fake expressions, Rowan pinched the bridge of her nose, quickly crushing out her cigarette far too soon after lighting it. It didn’t take much guesswork to take a pretty good stab at what they were talking about– plus, she’d scarcely been able to make out Sawyer’s lips molding around the word bitch…and then Rowan had known it was on. “The night really ain’t complete without some sloppy whore flappin’ her fuckin’ gums,” she muttered beneath her breath, glancing over at Taliah. “I’m too old for this shit– c’mon, Tali,” she motioned, rising up from her seat and starting for the bar, “Time to earn your stripes.” 
Making her way over, Rowan slowed to a stop behind the little gaggle of sirens, effectively inserting herself into the situation, “Well,” she started, her voice a bit of a bellow against the music blaring in the background in a bid to make her presence known, “This conversation sure sounds fuckin’ riveting– wanna fill us in?”
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@sawyerdecker @taliah-tezel
Her blue eyes swept the room, landing on the group of girls nestled in the back corner. Sawyer hadn’t paid them any attention, and frankly, she didn’t care to. The clubhouse was bustling, more crowded than usual, a detail she attributed to the presence of the other charter visiting Tonopah. She was still getting her bearings on the club’s intricate hierarchy. "Surprised I don't see Nellie anywhere," Sawyer muttered, her gaze drifting away from the girls as she scanned the room for her aunt. It was a strange realization for her, knowing just how deeply her roots entwined with the motorcycle club, how much of her blood ran through the club. Yet, it was only now that she was truly beginning to embrace it.
After exhaling a cloud of smoke into the room, she rose from the couch with an air of determination. "Hope the kid behind the bar knows how to pour something other than whiskey," she announced, motioning towards the bar. It was her way of signaling that she'd be right back. Sawyer pushed her way through the crowd to the bar, doing her best to not shove anyone standing in her way - though, it wasn't like that was an easy task. "Give me a double," She ordered firmly, nodding towards the vodka bottle sitting behind him. The blonde had been so intent on making sure the kid reached for the right bottle that she failed to notice that one of the women, that was now joined by a man she hadn't seen before, who had earlier piqued Rowan and Taliah's interest, now standing beside her. It wasn't until Sawyer caught the whispered her brothers name, followed by a deliberate shush, that she began tuning into their conversation, though her eyes remained fixed on the bartender pouring her shot. She might have continued to ignore them, if not for the hushed giggles that followed. Her interest now thoroughly piqued, as she listened more intently. "Don't be so loud." The redhead instructed, pressing a finger to her lips and subtly nodding in Sawyer's direction. "Amber said that was his sister, and that she was a fucking bitch." It was in that moment Sawyer's head whipped towards the two of them. "You want to say that a little louder?" She snapped, her voice dripping with challenge. "Not sure the bitch quite heard you." Daring them to continue, the liquor coursing hot through her veins, emboldening her further. @taliah-tezel @rowan-macnally
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
( END. )
"Good of you not to kick a guy while he's down," he huffed an attempted chuckle, though it didn't really make it beyond his throat. Truth be told, all the adrenalin that was coursing through him earlier had evaporated now. He could feel the exhaustion, physically and mentally. "Course we will." He agrees, even though he was the one who originally said it. It was almost like he just needed to repeat it in order to push himself into that mindset of belief to stop himself from drowning. "Sounds good." Riley nodded, offering her a soft smile as he glanced back at the hospital doors. "Nah, I'm good, Rolo. One of the nurses said they're putting another bed in her room so I can stay over." Even if they didn't, he'd sit on the floor if he had to, there was no way he was leaving Maeve's side. "I've offered it to ma', anyway, not sure if I'm gonna be able to convince her to go home." Taking a last puff on the cig, he stubs it out and blows out an unsteady breath. "I'm gonna grab a water and head back in, maybe you can try and get mam to go home with you? No sense us all being here and being wrecked tomorrow. Just thinkin', if I stay tonight, I'll head back in the morning once you's come back?" It was mostly a question, he certainly wouldn't make any of them leave if they wanted to stay. All he knew was that he wasn't going anywhere.
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
“Honestly don’t know that there’d have to be a whole lot of planning on our part,” she quipped back with a laugh as she reached for her drink. Raising it to her lips, she smiled softly as they lingered on Riley and his beautiful mind. “He probably could,” cure diseases, that was. At least, that was what she chose to believe. When it came to him, she’d tell anyone who asked that her brother could do absolutely anything, because she’d never once run out of faith that he could. Snorting softly into the rim of her drink, Rowan shrugged a shoulder, “Get that from my ma,” she drew another sip and then set her drink aside, turning to glance at Taliah, “I’ll take it though– someone’s gotta be the crazy one, might as well be me.” Nodding, she couldn’t help the soft smile that tugged at the corner of her mouth, “Spot on,” she agreed, knowing that the love of a good woman could accomplish quite a lot. Gabe was just proof of that. It went without saying that both of them were happy for Gabe, but Rowan could understand why Taliah had put some distance there and didn’t fault her for it, “No, I get it. He’s your friend, you’re happy for him…you just want some of that support to be reciprocated. Nothing wrong with that.” Rowan just hoped that for all their sakes, maybe Gabe would come around. Smiling warmly, she nodded in agreement and reached for the fresh shot, “I think so,” that Cole was good for her, too, “You seem different– in a good way.” Rowan could’ve elaborated on what she’d meant by that, but she was all too curious about whatever this proposition was. Though as soon as Taliah started, she found herself wide eyed and shaking her head, “Oh hell no, let me stop you right there– since when are nipple piercings part of girl code?” Despite her high pain tolerance, laying her shit bare for a stranger to see wasn’t exactly on her to-do list. So as Taliah continued, stipulating that she really only needed to be there, Rowan sobered somewhat, finding that easy enough to agree to, “I’ll go with you, but…these titties aren’t seeing the light of day, much less getting fuckin’ needles through them.” Taking her shot and knocking it back, she snorted a laugh and shook her head, “Swear to god, I never know what’s gonna come outta your mouth. When you mentioned a request, this wasn’t even remotely in my head.”
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"We should get together one night and plan a real fucking head buster. Something to confuse the living shit out of at least 80% of the guys. Theo doesn't count, he's permanently confused." She chuckled, knowing she didn't need to tell Rowan she only said it in jest, Theo was smart in his own special ways. "He noticed once when I changed my mascara. My lashes were longer and darker than usual. Does he know he's literally like a mad genius wizard? You know, I bet if you supplied him with the tools, he could find the cure for diseases in 3 days flat." Okay, probably quite the exaggeration, but it was just her way of agreeing that he was unique. "I can see why you're the psycho, though, but I also don't see why that's a problem. You let bitches know you're not to be fucked with, I admire it." Taliah chuckled, supposing she only thought that way because she never imagined she'd be on the receiving end of her wooden bat.
"The love of a good woman, am I right?" Grinning, she knew Rowan was on the money. Sawyer had most certainly restored life, love and hope into Gabriel's life and she loved to witness it. "No, I never would. It's not like I've lost any love for him, never mind the kids, it's just... Different. I feel like, before, I used to be able to make myself at home and talk to him, but now I can't do that because I want to talk about Cole? I'm not going to do that if he's going to sit there and roll his eyeballs at me because I might be tempted to pluck them out." Snorting a laugh, she waved a hand as if to dismiss the thought and conversation. As she pushed a fresh shot towards her friend, she shrugs, giving one of her dimpled, bashful grins. It was heartwarming to hear approval from Cole's closest, it really meant a lot to her. "He's good for me," nodding, she just wanted to add that on the end there because it was true. "Alright, well," pausing to throw back the liquor, she soon sets a look of mischief on her lips. "I promised our girl Reina that before the months end, I'll get a couple piercings. Specifically in this area..." Taliah pointed between her boobs. "Now, my request is either that you do this with me, you know, girl code or whatever the fuck? But if I absolutely can't convince you by the end of the night, I still need you to come with me, because you're probably going to need to hold my shoulders down. That, and if you're there I can say I was peer pressured, but that's only in the scenario in which Cole thinks they're ugly... Which he won't, I'm sure, because we've already talked about it, I just haven't told him I'm actually going to do it, you know? So yeah, that's the deal, now drink your shots and get your nips done with me, bitch."
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
Setting her firearm down on the ledge in front of her, Rowan turned towards Nellie, examining her scar as she chuckled softly, “You know, I was wondering how you got that– I figured you just ate shit in the shower or something, but drunken fire practice is definitely more up your alley,” she quipped, head shaking as glanced back at the target she’d been aiming at. “I bet he lost his fuckin’ mind,” In a sweet, endearing way, of course, though Rowan didn’t feel the need to add that in. “If you think flashing my tits is gonna smooth things over, you’ve obviously never seen them,” Rowan snorted, eyes giving a playful roll, “It’s like a goddamn Easter egg hunt– we’d be better off selling Andrea’s shit.” Frowning gently, she eyed Nellie again, “Speaking of…how is she?” Andrea had always been a sore subject with Sawyer– hell, both of her parents were, and so Rowan did her best to never mention them. Ever since they were kids, she’d just wanted to give her friend a safe space away from them, so when it really came down to it, Rowan didn’t keep up with Andrea, or whichever vice of the day she was leaning on. “Did Jeff croaking finally send her off the fucking deep end or no?”
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"How do you think I got this bad boy?" Nellie chuckled, pointing to the scar on her cheekbone. "Target practice after one too many highballs. God, Taylor was furious. Yelled at me like a pageant mom yelling at their kid after they drop the baton in the talent portion." They hadn't been dating long, at that point, Nellie had even't been sure if she was considered his old lady. But there was something about it, as he yelled at her, so obviously concerned about her safety, she couldn't help but smile like a god damn idiot. "Oh come on, I'm sure we could make it happen. Flash 'em a tit and we'll be golden. Might have to pay to patch a few holes, but I'll just sell some of Andrea's shit to cover it."
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
Stable was good, stable meant there was still time to turn things around, and it was that line of thinking that kept Rowan grounded as she waved Theo inside and started towards the laundry room. “I’ll wake him, and he can meet us there,” she answered, shutting the door enough to put a barrier between her and Theo, but parted enough so she could still talk to him without yelling. “He’s still gotta get up and get dressed, and I wanna go now,” she explained, not wanting to waste a single second as she wiggled her way into a clean shirt and jeans. Once Rowan’s mind was set on something, there was little hope for redirecting her. Shoving the laundry room door back open, she snagged her sneakers off the floor and slipped into them, nearly tripping over her own feet in the process, “Plus, he’ll remember to bring all the shit I’m about to forget,” she added, grateful that Jensen had been blessed with a level head, particularly when it was impossible for her to have one in moments like this one. “Here,” Rowan started, grabbing her purse and tossing it at Theo, “Go start your car, I’ll let him know what’s up and meet you out there.” At that, Rowan turned on her heel but then skidded to a stop half a heartbeat later, realizing that she hadn’t put her new pack of cigarettes in her purse yet. Snatching them off the counter, she handed them over to Theo, “Priorities, right?”
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Theo had braced himself the entire car ride for her reaction, yet even then, no level of preparation could have readied him for what awaited. The sting was sharper because he got it; they'd nearly lost Maeve. For the MacNallys, who had already endured the deep loss of Dean, the conversation would have been unimaginably different had Maeve actually died. Theo quickly nodded, his gaze dropping to his shoes. "Uh, yeah. Riley's with her now. I think she's stable," he muttered. Memories of Gabe's accident flooded back—the way he'd bolted to the hospital, ignoring any objections. He blinked the thought away, afraid if he pondered on it any longer the floodworks might start. Rowan's reaction was a testament to the fierce love among the MacNally siblings. Yet, when she mentioned needing a ride, his eyes widened a bit. "Uh, yeah—but what about Jensen?"
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rowan-macnally · 8 days
In a moment as tense as this one, Rowan appreciated Jensen’s ability of getting her to find small traces of humor to settle on, even for just half a heartbeat. She figured that he knew better than anyone that she couldn’t stay stuck on a miserable loop forever and needed small lapses here and there just to keep her head above water for both herself and for her family. Glancing over at him, she shrugged simply, “She would’ve deserved it.” The nurse, that was. But thankfully, Rowan was on her best behavior tonight– the night was bad enough already without her causing a scene in the middle of a fucking hospital. Sobering somewhat, she leaned back with a hard sigh, thoughts circling around her late father. As much as she wished he was here, a part of her was glad he wasn’t. Smiling fondly at the thought of him, despite how much it hurt, Rowan nodded, knowing her husband was right, “I got no idea how he did that, you know? If something was wrong, he never let it show.” Rowan, on the other hand, usually tended to wear her heart on her sleeve, showcasing every little thing she was feeling. “Do I?” Remind him of Dean, that was. No doubt, it was one of the highest forms of praise she’d ever been given, and all she hoped was to just be at least half the person her father was. “Oh yeah, that shit’s all Ally,” she snorted, head shaking softly, “Don’t think the devil himself would dare to dance with that temper.”
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A low chuckle slipped from Jensen as he listened to his wife's words. "I somehow don't doubt that," he mused, the night culminating in him standing outside the county jail, waiting to post her bail. Jensen was an only child. His mother was serving a life sentence in a South Carolina state prison, and his father had passed away over two decades ago. Despite this, he felt a profound connection to the MacNallys, almost as if they were the family he'd never had. He gave his wife a soft nod in agreement. "It would have," he acknowledged. The thought of seeing Maeve in her current state could have shattered his heart. Indeed, the mere idea of any of his children suffering was almost too much to bear. But he knew, just as Rowan did, that her father wouldn't have rested until her sister was free of her demons, even if it destroyed him in the process. "That smile would've never left his face," Jensen remarked, a pang of sorrow tugging at his heart as he remembered his late father-in-law. "You remind me a lot of him." He paused before adding. "Your momma's temper though."
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rowan-macnally · 9 days
( END. )
"Yeah I can tell." he quipped back; he was just messing. The smile on his features seemed to soften down, figuring he had jokingly picked at Rowan for longer than necessarily. Though at the end of the day it was just banter. "Right," he threw his right hand up lightly - briefly - in the air just to grasp his comment. "Some people are just... I dunno, questionable." he chuckled, knowing he too was thankful for the family he did have. No, he may not have been close in that MC aspect as they all were, but he loved his mom and siblings and that was all that seemed to matter to him. It meant he was on the correct track, at least.
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rowan-macnally · 18 days
“Thank you, I’ve spent my whole life perfecting it,” she chirped back, offering up an amused smile. Really, she had no problem being the crazy one– if anything, she figured it made her role as the eldest that much easier, because who would actually fuck with a psycho? She settled with a soft sigh then, really unable to imagine her life being any different from how it was. She’d always had a good relationship with her family and couldn’t even fathom it being any other way. Rowan tipped her head to the side, trying to recall any mention of this Kayleigh girl, “You might’ve once…briefly, if anything,” she supplied, cringing slightly as Aiden recounted his experience with her and her family. “Yikes. You know…for however fucked up people think we are, at least we’re not…like that,” Rowan chuckled, head shaking briefly, “I’d take our chaos any day of the week.”
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He laughed lightly, "Yeah and you do it so well." Being a psycho, that was. But hey, someone had to take that crown. "'course." He loved all of his siblings, all for different reasons and yet, it was there and strong. They were the main reason he had come back to Tonopah, their dad dying had more of a reality hit for Aiden, knowing that putting an ocean between himself and his family wasn't something he could ever continue being comfortable with. He didn't like it here, but sacrifices were easy for family. "Yeah it would be, did I ever mention Kayleigh to you? I dated her for a while," he was talking about in Ireland, "But anyway, she and her sister hated each other, like actually. Which was always weird to me, but I met her one time and she threw herself at me and.." he blew out a breath, "Kinda get the whole can't choose your family thing. Think we hit the jackpot with ours."
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rowan-macnally · 18 days
“It’s like taking candy from a baby, honestly,” she teased, knowing that Taliah would see it was always just in good fun and that Rowan never meant anything malicious by it. In her view, being able to laugh and joke with her partner was the hallmark of a successful relationship. “Oh?” She prompted, lifting a brow at Taliah’s mention of Riley. It wasn’t all that shocking for her to hear though– she knew her brother was a bit more neurotic than most, but to hear that he’d had a total meltdown after noting that one little scent was off practically sent her. Rowan cackled then, fully able to imagine the scene Taliah was describing. “He’s a special one, my brother,” she snorted, head shaking, “He notices things that no one else would even think twice about, and I’m kinda jealous that I didn’t get that gene. I’m apparently the psychotic one,” she snorted, referring back to her conversation with Aiden, though it was all in jest and she knew that. Plus, it wasn’t like she’d disagreed with him. 
Lips rolling into a thin line as the topic settled on Gabe, Rowan nodded, “Yeah, I think our girl has brought him back to life, you know? But…I know what you mean…he’s not a fan of the club and has never tried to hide that, not even from Theo.” To each their own, she supposed, but Rowan could definitely see how it’d be a point of contention for Gabe moving forward. “It’s good you didn’t let it come between you and his kids though. A lot of people probably would’ve.” But Tyler and Lochlyn deserved better than catching the heat from an age-old feud and Rowan was glad that Taliah saw that. “Maybe he’ll come around,” she mused aloud, even though she knew it’d likely take an act of god for that to happen. Still, she’d be hopeful, mostly because she thought they all deserved to be one big happy family, a feat that was hard to accomplish when Gabe was so vehemently opposed to one of the threads that bound them all together: the club. Chuckling softly as they shifted gears somewhat to talk about Cole, she nodded, “Well…it’s you, clearly,” she agreed, happy that both of them had finally ended up where so many of them thought they needed to be, “You’re good for him.” For as long as she’d known Cole, she’d always viewed him as a fucking wildfire, one who needed someone to temper him down, and from what she could tell, Taliah was that person. Lifting a brow, she eyed Taliah then, hesitating slightly, “Oh god, I’m almost afraid to ask.” Taking the offered shot, she raised it to her lips, “What sorta request?”
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"Oh, so fun. They just make it so funny to watch them try and calculate what's different, or what's amiss. It's like you can see the little wheels spinning. Adorable." She teases, giving a mocking little pout. "Your brother has given some of the best reactions though, I'm gonna be so honest. Are we sure he's not a robot? So, the other day he walks by Cole, stops dead in his tracks, walks backwards, and honestly, he looked so concerned. He said what's happening here, and gestured around Cole's head. We were both thinking, what? Is he malfunctioning? Turns out, it was all because Cole used my shampoo and not his own, so he smelt different and it really threw him off, he looked genuinely stressed. And when we said we couldn't tell him what days to expect what scent, god, his face, Ro, I swear." Taliah can't help but laugh warmly as she recalls it. "He's always talking about lizard people and sometimes I think maybe it's because he is one."
"Yeah, I love him, don't get me wrong. I saw him at his worst, ready to give up, so seeing him now? Big relief. But... I dunno, he said some things the other week that kind of threw me off. Basically doesn't like Cole, judges him, so on and so on," she's sure Rowan knew all too well how that conversation usually went with people who held those beliefs. "It really upset me, actually, so I feel like I've distanced myself from him, but I'm still showing up to take the kids out. Well, Tyler only when he's not doing his teen angst, but my lil Loch is gorgeous. I like to pick her up and let her decide whatever she wants to do. If any kid deserves everything, you know?" A sad smile washes over her features, always finding herself wishing she could take away every ounce of her trauma so she didn't have to. "Nah, for me I think I always felt like I knew he was capable of it, with the right person. I didn't know that person was me, though." Chuckling, she shrugs her shoulders and smiles. "He's been my person from day one, I guess if that was ever going to change it was only ever going to become more true, not less. But, before you send me on a tangent about how beautiful my angel is, I have a need to get drunk, and a simple request if I get drunk enough, that requires your help... Interested?" Pitching it, she slides another shot towards Rowan and smirks her way.
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rowan-macnally · 18 days
“I wouldn’t have beaten it out of you,” Rowan protested with a slight purse of her lips that soon stretched into a tired, yet real smile, “Not right now at least.” She knew better than to kick a man when he was down. But Riley had been right in thinking that she wouldn’t have let it go in the end. She couldn’t, not when her family was involved, and so she was just grateful he’d opened up on his own. Though what he’d said had been hard to hear, there was a part of her that was more at ease upon hearing it, because at least now she could figure out how to be there for her brother. “Don’t be,” sorry, that was. There was no need for that, especially when it came to her. 
Easing back from his embrace, Rowan glanced up, offering him a soft smile, “We will.” There was no doubt in her mind about that. They’d all pitch in and help Maeve through this point in her life. Rowan knew there was an army behind her sister, and many of its soldiers weren’t even blood related but they might as well have been. She nodded, mind already thinking up ways that she could help Laura prep the cabin for Maeve’s arrival, “Okay, good. I’ll call Laura tomorrow, see what all she needs help with.” In the meantime though, Riley’s suggestion of gathering up Maeve’s clothes would keep her busy, giving her mind less room to wander and worry. “Yeah, I can do that,” she agreed, nodding again but more sharply this time now that she had a task to focus on. “Anything I can do for you?” She asked, not wanting him to think that she wasn’t also thinking about his wellbeing and how deeply he’d been affected by this.
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The silence fell, threatened to swallow him whole if it wasn't for the solid presence of his sister. He didn't like to dwell on where he would be without his grounding force, his family, without their influence he'd surely be lost at sea. "Never again," his head hung low as he needed to inhale a breath. If that cool chill was what he'd have to live with should anything happen to Maeve, he could only wish, selfishly, to be the one to die first. "Figured it was better than havin' you beat to outta me," turning his head so she could see the half-a-tired smile, he straightened up and turned to properly wrap his arms around her. "Sorry." Riley says, even though he knew he didn't have to, that she would probably protest to it. It was just instinct, he didn't want to take this awful situation and make it worse by having her worry about how much it had crippled him.
With a big squeeze, he releases her and looks down, giving her a firm nod. "We'll get her through it, I know we will." None of them were going to give up, that was for sure. "I gave him a quick call earlier, tried to explain what I could so I'd think he's probably already sorting it out with Laura. Don't know when they're gonna discharge her though, I'm gonna stay tonight. Emiri is gonna look after Buffy." Everything seemed somewhat in order, which was a weird feeling to balance with the chaos and devastation of the day. "She will need her clothes and shit takin' up there though, if you wanna deal with that?" He couldn't imagine Maeve would want anyone else to do it, except Ally.
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rowan-macnally · 20 days
( END. )
It was rather odd how life had turned out for him. He'd always felt like a second-class citizen after his mother married and had the twins. Rex was left to his own devices the moment he turned eight years old and the twins were born. They were their mother's entire world, and Rex was cast out into the shadows. He honestly didn't mind it, preferred it truthfully. When his accomplishments came through the year, that was the rare times his mother popped up, taking credit for all her hard work raising such an intelligent and bright young boy. There was a small part of him that could have left the twins high and dry. He didn't owe them anything, and yet he stuck around, and seeing them cross that stage at the end of May would make it all worth it.
"I can work on making sure they do a better job at that, but can't make any promises." If it weren't for the ladies and the few guys who did help keep the den clean, he swore this place would be condemned. "Thanks again for the advice, Rowan. I do appreciate it." It's moments like these that continually reemphasized for Rex why joining the club was the best decision he could have made for himself and his sisters.
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rowan-macnally · 29 days
Though Rowan had a hard time putting herself into Rex’s shoes when it came to his mother– thankfully she’d been blessed with a mother like Ally– she could empathize when it came to his need to keep his siblings safe. Rowan understood that without even trying to. She was fucking feral when it came to her siblings– there wasn’t a force on heaven or earth that could stop her from doing everything she could to protect them. Shaking her head at his thanks, Rowan offered up a small smile, “No need to thank me, it’s what I’m here– and I really do get it. My siblings are my goddamn world, you don’t have to explain to me how badly you want to protect the twins.” Rowan was glad that Rex felt like he could vent his frustrations to her. Really and truly, that was what she was here for, and she never minded lending an ear. “Happier than a pig in shit,” she answered, though by the way she droned it out with a sarcastic flare, it was clear that that wasn’t wholly true, but…at the end of the day, she couldn’t complain that much. “Nah, really– I’m good. I’d be better if some of your comrades would actually change out the toilet paper once they see that the roll is empty though.”
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"Yeah, yeah," he said with a small nod. It was inevitable that his mother moved like a tornado with no care for anyone in her track. Rex still needed to come to terms with it. Ten years had come and gone, and they were all standing upright and sane because of his efforts. He had become the twins' parent when both of theirs were taken from them, and he was proud of his work. However, Rex felt a bit selfish as he didn't want his efforts to be overlooked by the return of Anne Mulaney. "Thanks for talking me off the ledge." If it were up to Rex and his anger-clouded lens, he would have scolded his mother right in front of everybody. Her selfishness and schemes had fucked his trajectory, and he would never forgive her for that. Everything had a way of working itself out, but there were always those unanswered 'what ifs'. "I'm here venting and didn't even ask how you were doing. All is well, I hope?"
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rowan-macnally · 29 days
“I try to make that part easy for you,” the not worrying about her bit, that was. Truthfully, Rowan did try to avoid trouble, because she wasn’t much use to anyone if she was constantly wrapped up in her own bullshit. But…in a town like Tonopah, trouble tended to find everyone, no matter how hard they tried to outrun it. Snorting a laugh at his assessment of her, Rowan tipped her head to the side almost like she was contemplating it for a moment, then shrugged, a clear sign that she wasn’t arguing it, “Probably true. I’m…gonna choose to take that as a compliment though– being the psycho’s a full time job, bout time I got some fuckin’ credit for it.” Sipping at her beer, she narrowed her eyes at him despite the smile curving at the corner of her mouth, “You damn well better,” love her. She scrunched up her face, “Do you ever wonder what it’s like though…having siblings that you hate? Feels like it’d be weird, you know?” Rowan knew the MacNallys had always been close, and perhaps that was why it was so hard for her to wrap her mind around the idea of the alternative.
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He nodded lightly in agreement, silently approving of the fact that his sister's husband wasn't useless. He liked Jensen, so that was something. "Good, because we're not supposed to worry about you." he jested, chuckling faintly soon after. Naturally, of course his comment was a simple as it was: a joke. He knew himself and his siblings included worried for Rowan. "Yeah," he laughed this time, "like I'm pretty sure you're actually crazy, like psycho of the family crazy." he was just teasing. Aiden had no problem with it, not when he knew if he ever had to hide behind Rowan, he'd come out unscratched. "That's why we love ya though." he says more to keep her sweet and ignore the fact that he basically insulted her in a nice way.
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