rosequartzwitch96 · 6 years
Quick and Easy Money Spell:
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A simple spell for attracting a lil bit of money, no tools required except some loose change! I tend to perform this spell using my coins for the bus ticket while I’m waiting at the stop. It’s discreet, quick and gets me good results!
💰 Take a few coins, a note or what have you. It doesn’t need to be a large number; any small amount will do.
💰 Hold your money (I usually close my hand around it while it’s in my pocket) and rub your fingers across the coins to feel its energy and project your own, focusing on channeling happiness, good luck and positivity into it. Once you feel ready and connected to your money, take a few focused breaths to get in the zone and then mentally say the following to channel your intent.
💰 “These coins shall surely see / that money to keep is drawn to me / with harm to none, my will be done / so mote it be.” You can change the words here as you see fit, this is just the little rhyme I use because it’s effective for me. It can be whispered, said aloud or in your mind - it’s up to you.
💰 The next step is to spend your money! The idea here is that once you spend the money, the intent of your spell will be released into the world along with the money you enchanted. For me, the money I release with the spell also acts as a small thank you in return for the money I’ll soon receive, and to brighten someone’s day with the happiness and positivity I enchanted it with. I like to say a small affirmation when spending the money too, to seal the spell: “These coins I bid farewell / for the sealing of this spell.” Of course, this bit is optional but I find that the rhyme helps me re-affirm and focus my goal. You can also repeat the first part of the spell in the previous step if you want to!
💰 That’s it! Now you simply wait for money to come your way. I often find that it comes in relatively small amounts, just what I need and nothing extravagant. When I receive this money I thank the universe and try to spend it on things that are necessary and unselfish to show my thanks (but that’s just me, what you do with your money is totally up to you!)
Feel free to reblog, anyone can use this spell.
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rosequartzwitch96 · 6 years
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rosequartzwitch96 · 6 years
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my new husband!!!!!!! luv him sooo mucchhhhh adgahgsgatg
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rosequartzwitch96 · 6 years
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love squeeze!
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rosequartzwitch96 · 7 years
Salts - Magikal Properties
Whether it is black salt, sea salt, pink salt or just plain old. Salt has a long history of use in rituals, purification, blessings and magical protection. Salt is created and thrives in the Ocean  (or the Womb of the Goddess) It is the taste of Earth in the waters of life. salt is a amazing and versatile natural source for cleansing, and  is a must have for anyone.
Regular Sea Salt - sea salt is overall very common, easy to obtain and affordable. It can be bought in either course chunks or fine like sand. White salt is associated with purification, purity, protection and blessings. 
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  Used in consecration
Placed in water to cleanse it
Purification, cleansing and removal or negative energies,
Can be placed around areas to protect them
Commonly used in circles
Used in Curses
Can be made into salt scrubs 
Celtic Sea Salt- is a “moist” unrefined sea salt that is usually found on the coastal areas of France. It has a gorgeous light grey, almost light purple color; it is harvested from the clay found in salt flats. This salt has similar properties to regular sea salt however because it is a much more natural and pure salt its properties are enhanced especially protective and cleansing. It also tastes amazing and is filled with vital minerals, I also find that since it is moist it clumps together nicely making it easy to work with and shape.
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Used in consecration
Purification, cleansing and removal of negative energies,
protective spells 
great for cooking 
perfect in bath scrubs 
Black Salt- black salt is as the title says black or very dark in color. It is commonly available at magic shops, and is also very easy to make. Not to be confused with black lava salt or kala namak salts used in fine cuisine.RITUAL BLACK SALT IS NOT FOR CONSUMPTION!!!. This salt is easily the most protective of the four as it is great at Nullifying or returning negative energy.
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fire energy,
can be used for darker earthly Elementals & Deities,
the Crone or Triple Goddesses
working  with the dark moon
Warding, uncrossings, and binding work
can be spread around doorways & windows to keep out evil
Himalayan Pink Salt- is a pure, hand mined salt that is from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains.  It is harvested from ancient sea salt deposits, it thought to be one of the highest quality and purest salts available. The salt ranges in hues from white to various shades of pink,  and even deep reds; this is the result of the salts high iron and mineralcontent. This salt has the most soothing and loving energizes of the salts and can be used for bringing about love. 
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promoting love and friendship
promoting positive energizes 
spell bags 
baths or scrubs 
If working with salt keep in mind that it is a natural dessicating agent meaning it sucks all the water so if your working with it outside and are sprinkling it on the ground it will kill your grass and destroy the surrounding soil making it inhabitable for plants and such. 
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Comparison: the anime did better for once
The ons anime changes a lot, constantly, and even though they did the same with the latest episode (10) I think its the only one where shippers have been happy about.
I think it’s mainly because it makes Yuu and Mika seem even closer than in the manga. Or perhaps not closer, but gives us the relationship in a more deeply emotional way
I mean, in the manga chapters both are more energetic about trying to help the other, shouting constantly, like so:
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Yet even with the more muted feel of the anime…it still adds more depth to their feelings and interactions, like so:
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In the manga, although also heartfelt, Yuu stating he’ll cry is done with a comedic side to it. In the anime it’s a little less funny, and more touching thanks to his expression.
And its more than that: the way they react is also different:
Mika: cries a lot more in the anime, and just acts tired and forlorn, while in the manga he holds on to anger and exasperation for longer before breaking. This makes Yuu’s statement about a crybaby more sensible in the anime.
And then there’s Yuu: the anime added so many scenes with Yuu just…going out of his way to touch Mika:
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And there’s much mroe but this should be sufficient to make my point. 
Given that Yuu isn’t usually a very touchy kind of guy, it adds to how happy he must be feeling, and the connection he has with Mika that he acts like that, seeking to touch him constantly.
And as for the sword scene: depsite the fact that in the manga Yuu didnt lift a hand…in the anime, he’s not pushing the sword away either, but keeping it next to his neck and telling Mika to do it. Because he trusts that even like that, Mika will not.
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It’s not to me, ultimately, a matter of being out of character, but showing a depth of their feelings the manga did not
So, all in all, although the manga chapters are still great, I feel like their relationship was shown as more emotional in ep10.
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Rene: Here comes that new vampire. Hey Mikaela, is that your face or is a possum caught in your collar? I hope you suffer a debilitating brain aneurysm, you freak!
Lacus: He’s cute, isn’t he?
Rene: Go away.
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Introducing Themselves to Mika
Rene: I am Rene.
Lacus: And I am Lacus.
Lacus: *trips and tries to get up slyly* And they call us Rene and Lacus!
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Sorry, not sorry :)
Lacus: wow, the stars are beautiful
Yoichi: yeah they are
Lacus: you know who else is beautiful
Yoichi: *blushes* who
Lacus: René
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Your Owari No Seraph Boyfriend~
Aries:Kureto Hiragi
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Taurus:Guren Ichinose
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Gemini:Hyakuya Yuuichirou
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Cancer:Hyakuya Mikaela
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Leo:Crowley Eusford
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Virgo:Norito Goshi
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Libra:Shiho Kimizuki
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Scorpio:Shinya Hiragi
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Sagittarius:Lacus Welt
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Capricorn:Rene Simm
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Aquarius:Yoichi Saotome
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Pisces:Ferid Bathory
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Flirting Headcanons
⏩Yuu is like super confident about flirting until he starts flirting because he’s really bad with words so it’ll probs be something like “hey are you an angel because you fell outta heaven–wait no i said that wrong hold on i got this wait–” he starts to get irritated and blush after like his third time trying to get it out and then will just be like “please put your mouth against my mouth and shut me up”.
⏩Mika is only good at flirting as long as he’s the only one flirting. For example, if he says a pick up line and someone says one back he’ll like “wait hold on wtf was that??” and get hella flustered and start stuttering. Luckily for him, people are usually too shocked by his “charming” looks to ever reply. (But tbh Shinoa’s squad is having none of that).
⏩Shihou is a man of silence and usually just uses his expressions for flirting (ex. winks, “sexy” smirks, raises eyebrow, etc.) but this is only because he’s a nerd who blushes easily. Someone told him that he had a really pretty face and it was a shame that he only scowled at the world and told him that he should try smiling or something. Needless to say, once he did, that person has the need to have a Shihou Kimizuki fanclub.
⏩Yoichi is surprisingly good at flirting and flustering people. It’s because all his “flirting” is 100% natural. He’s really honest with himself and very open with his feelings so if Yoichi thinks you’re “an angel that must have descended from heaven because you’re so sweet” he means it and will not hesitant to tell you.
⏩Mitsuba does argue-flirt a lot and that’s usually how she flirts most of the time. She’s super sassy and confident in this and let’s her dominance and pride as a debater get her point across. It’s only when she tries to do the standard flirting is where she fails. She gets super embarrassed because “that’s too embarrassing~~!!”
⏩Shinoa is, we all know, the queen of sass and the face of confidence, but that doesn’t mean she’s a good flirt. She’ll start flirting and then pull back because she hesitated. Also, she’s kind of a nerd, who has never had a crush before so she doesn’t know how to properly flirt or good pickup lines and just settles for teasing her crushes into high heavens because loves watching her crushes blush and swarm.
⏩Narumi is actually king dorky, ruler of all of dork land and thinks that just because he’s older he thinks he’s the shit at flirting and all that. In reality, if someone shows any interest in him he’ll blush with the warmth of a thousands suns and lose his voice and can’t speak. Honestly, save this child he’s fragile.
⏩Lacus is the epitome of self confidence and all of his flirting is in the mindset of “go big or go home”. And by that, I mean Lacus is so openly flirty that someone has to make him stop. He’ll invade personally space, flirt every other sentence and has pretty much convinced himself that his voice is an aphrodisiac. He literally flusters everyone he flirts with.
⏩Rene is another man of silence, but he does flirt very well. Everyone is shocked whenever they see Rene flirt because he does a complete 180 like “omg is that Rene wth how did he do that shit why is he so attractive rn.” Flirty Rene is so sly and crafty that everyone is just so into him. It’s become a thing that everyone flirts with Rene just to see this transformation.
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Gdi Mika
Lacus: Where is Mika?
Rene: No idea.
Ferid: -shrugs-
Crowley: Don't care.
Mikaela: -around a corner making out with Yuichiro-
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
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René Simm - Owari no Seraph
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
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Owari no Seraph Vol. 05 Chibis
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rosequartzwitch96 · 8 years
Lacus: That big one, that’s Ferid.
Rene: He’s totally rich because his dad invented Toaster Strudels.
Lacus: Ferid knows everybody’s business. He knows everything about everyone.
Rene: That’s why his hair is so big, it’s full of secrets.
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