rosalia-art · 4 months
So… what are the possible colors of the next litter? I’m excited
okay this has nothing to with autism and I'm very normal, but I already made a chart predicting every possible colour
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all males will be red tabbies
any females will most likely be black torbies (tortoiseshell tabbies), but there's a 25% of it being a chocolate torbie
the tabby patterning will be a mix of mackerel and broken mackerel, with the possibility of classic tabby
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rosalia-art · 1 year
Inquiring minds want to know: which is more? A metric assload or a US assload?
Both the US and Imperial assloads are larger than the metric assload, but neither can be divided easily by ten. A metric assload can be divided into centiassloads and milliassloads, whereas the US assload contains four buttloads and the Imperial assload, for reasons known only to the British, contains eleven buttloads and a shilling.
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rosalia-art · 1 year
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Yeah, there’s a reason for that.
It’s called: antisemitic caricature.
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rosalia-art · 1 year
Random, but a really handy way to make things seem creepy or wrong in horror is to make them incongruously neat or clean:
In the middle of a horrific battlefield, you find one corpse laid aside neatly, straightened and arranged, its arms crossed neatly across its chest
As you walk through the garden, you gradually realise that the oddness you’ve been noticing about the trees is that they are all perfectly symmetrical
As you move through the abandoned house, you realise that suddenly that there’s no dust in this room, no dirt or cobwebs
You hear hideous noises coming from behind a locked door, screams and pleas, and visceral sounds of violence. When you manage to break down the door, there is no one there, and the room is perfectly spotless
In the middle of a horrific battlefield, a hollow full of churned mud and blood, you find five corpses cleanly dismembered, each set of limbs or parts neatly laid out in their own little row
You witness a murder, a brutal, grisly killing that carpets the area in blood. When you return in a blind panic with the authorities, the scene is completely clean, and no amount of examination can find even a drop of blood
You run through the night and the woods with a comrade, pulling each other through leaves and twigs and mud as you scramble desperately towards freedom. When you finally emerge from the forest, in the grey light of dawn, you turn to your companion in relief, and notice that their clothes are somehow perfectly clean
You hand a glass of water to your suspect, talking casually the whole while, and watch with satisfaction as they take it in their bare hand and take a drink. There’ll be a decent set of prints to run from that later. Except there isn’t. There are no prints at all. As if nothing ever touched the glass
You browse idly through your host’s catalogue, and stop, and pay much more attention, when you realise that several items on a dry list of acquisitions are ones you’ve seen before, and it slowly dawns on you that each neat little object and number in this neat little book are things that belong (belonged?) to people you know
Neatness, particularly incongruous neatness, neatness where you expect violence or imperfection or abandonment, or neatness that you belatedly realise was hiding violence, or neatness that is imposed over violence, is incredibly scary. Because neatness is not a natural thing. Neatness requires some active force to have come through and made it so. Neatness implies that the world around you is being arranged, maybe to hide things, to disguise things, to make you doubt your senses, or else simply according to something else’s desires. Neatness is active and artificial. Neatness puts things, maybe even people, into neat little boxes according to something else’s ideals, and that’s terrifying as well. Being objectified. Being asked to fit categories that you’re not sure you can fit, and wondering what will happen to the bits of you that don’t.
Neatness, essentially, says that something else is here. Neatness where there should be chaos says that either something came and changed things, or that what you’re seeing now or what you saw then is not real. Neatness alongside violence says that something came through here for whom violence did not mean the same thing as it does to you.
Neatness, in the right context, in the right place, can be very, very scary
And fun
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rosalia-art · 1 year
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rosalia-art · 1 year
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Sometimes even the villains have standards
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rosalia-art · 1 year
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rosalia-art · 1 year
What animal looks like it would screm the loudest
the bare-throated bellbird is so loud that it can cause permanent damage to human hearing at close range!
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and they absolutely look like it.
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rosalia-art · 1 year
so was no one was gonna tell me that the painting saturn devouring his son was found painted directly onto the walls of the artist’s home after he died and that it may not even be depicting the greek legend, that’s just the most common interpretation??????
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rosalia-art · 2 years
Just so you know, as soon as Halloween is over, I'm kicking off Chanukah season. I don't care if it's almost 2 months away, if Karen in accounting has a tree on her desk I'm going to have a historically accurate model of the Second Temple on mine.
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rosalia-art · 2 years
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My cat cannot be more than 5% of my body size and yet he demands 60 to 70% of my blankets.
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rosalia-art · 2 years
wait does this mean there are INCOMING PUPPY PICS can't wait
She gave birth to NINE puppies next to our bed eleven days ago.
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rosalia-art · 2 years
Keep your eyes on the ball
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rosalia-art · 3 years
OK to make a font out of your own writing
go here
instead of printing it off just use this blank thing that way you dont have to scan it or anything
so fill that out by pasting it in any art program and whatnot
then save it and upload it to that site
and itll give you an option to download it
so do that and then install it BAM
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rosalia-art · 3 years
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Hi! I’m really sick of whitewashing and the various excuses that artists come up with, so I wrote a guide! How To Not Whitewash, at least with regards to skin tone. Please make use of it, and encourage other artists to do so as well. Here’s a link to this guide on a Google Doc - this document has image descriptions. Feel free to contact me if the link stops working, or if you have questions (in good faith).
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rosalia-art · 3 years
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and its free
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rosalia-art · 3 years
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Lineart step.
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