roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Kelly woke up in a giant room. The room gave off a feeling similar to what you would expect from a grand castel. As Kelly stood up she realized she was dressed in a grand ballgown. 4/5/20
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Ew, 4/4/20
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Kelly started wandering. She had no idea where she was going, or if there was even a destination, but she kept up her pace through the forest nevertheless. After about 3 days of seemingly endless walking, Kelly came to clearing that housed nothing but a small room in the center or it. Kelly approached the small room with no doubts or concerns in her mind of who or what she may find, so she reached the entrance and opened the door. In the room was a small overhead light, that was already turned on despite the fact it was quite sunny outside, a sink with a dirty looking knife next to it, and a single chair facing the back wall that had what looked like a girl around the same age Kelly sitting on it. Kelly was now wearing a look of some sort of shock, and although one might mistake it for fearful shock it was most certainly the opposite. Kelly had now walked in further to face the front of the chair and took a few seconds to take in the face of the girl she had found in the chair. The longer Kelly stared at the face of the body she soon realized it held no life. And the longer Kelly stared at the face of the body she realized that even thought Kelly had never seen herself, they both looked exactly alike and Kelly was filled with a wave of something quite similar to relief. Kelly all but threw herself into the arms of the lifeless form in the chair as she pulled it into a hug, now covered in it's blood that hadn't been there before. Or perhaps it was hers. The was no sure way to tell. As Kelly looked around again she noticed that the knife was no longer by the rusted sink, and was instead in her lap between herself and the body. Kelly picked up the knife and began using it to cut some of the other girls hair, reached into a pocket she didn't know she had to pull out a ribbon, and carefully tied it into the left side of the newly chopped hair of her matching counterpart. Next and finally, Kelly stood up, backed away, and with what seemed like practiced ease, calmly snapped her own neck as her world went dark. 4/4/20
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Quarantine without wifi and cable, and with siblings is the worst (and generally life). These bitches talk way more than usual, and when they arent talking, they're yelling, and I cant even watch anything or or listen to music to tune them out, or when I'm just bored, this is like a suckier version of a void,, it's literally no fun, the most exciting thing around here is kiwi flavored chapstick and occasionally my dreams :[ 4/3/20
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Dude, quarantine really does suck because I literally had barely any social skills and now that I dont talk to people, cuz im not a privileged facetime apple user, I don't think I am physically capable of conversation anymore, dang. Also I have no wifi to wish one of my best friends a happy birthday l and I feel guilty because I have nothing but free time,,. 4/3/20
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Totally writing at 4am, but imma copy-paste-and-post in a few days so honestly, it never even happened and that sentence made no sense. Oh also I don't think I even mentioned I live with my mom now not my aunt (still not vibing with my siblings tho), but I think I started writing this to say that I'm proud of myself for "working on my works" (edits and art and stuff), and although no one likes when others talk about their "accomplishments" but that's fine because it's a good to take note of little accomplishments and also because nobody even reads my blog so I can brag all I fucking want lol. 3/29/20
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Honestly, what even keeps everyone else sane enough to not lay in their bed and cry all day? Like, where does everyone get motivation, because I can't find any for the life of me. In fact, I can't even find a basic source of HAPPINESS or anything to make me want to keep going.. like, my parents don't love me enough and my mother absolutely hates h u g s even, I take normal online classes and my teacher is mad I'm never working on it cuz I dont have any motivation, or REAL reason to foniah and graduate, and my parents dont ever wanna spend any money on any of my few hobbies that actually DO make me happy, even when we aren't in a total crisis. Literally, the imaginary person who sees this, help meeee,,..
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
One Another note
AnYwAy, I dont think I've mentioned it here before, but I do likr to cosplay, and since I'm a l w a y s home I've finally started that, and lemme just say, I only have one cosplay so far, and it's kinda technically just stuff that was already in my closet, but I love it so much, and cosplaying is the best :] 3/23/30
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Scorpia and Entrapta are still best girls, kinda excited + sad for season 5 in may
Well, it’s 5:00 am and I just finished binge watching all of She-ra, so that’s always fun. (Entrapta and Scorpia are best girls, don’t @ me)
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roomof-tomahawks · 4 years
Dude, I totally forgot about this blog
Well anyway I don't hang with any of these people anymore and I've moved in with my mom and changed school, like, 3 times. AnYwAy, all these weaklings are complaining about being away from their friends but All my school is ALWAYS online, do plz calm down, after this y'all get to go back to each other but I dont. 3/23/20
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roomof-tomahawks · 5 years
also I forgot to mention
but I don’t talk to my aunt because she’s really petty and judgmental and treats me like shit compared to my sibling, but I finally got up the courage for once to ask her about hanging out with Lilac on Monday (because now things like that have to go through her) and she got mad because now I’m “only talking to her because I want something and it’s convenient for me” (kinda true, but dude it’s been 7 months and I’m not the one holding a grudge) and I was literally kinda mad because the 3 times she did talk to me (as a therapist instructed her) was to ask me to  do chores. I’m sorry, but that seems pretty contradictory to me (8/31/19)
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roomof-tomahawks · 5 years
dude, so after the school move one of the most impactful parts for me was leaving Lilac and Maritza. And even thought Maritza and I know more and have t fuck ton of trust, Lilac and I have a deep connection (not a romantic one, I wont get all weird and sappy on you guys) But leaving her has indeed made me really go back (to my anger issues and psychopathic tendencies and blackouts and stuff. so probably not the best thing) And separately yet on a related note, it has made me very obviously “different” and my family keeps asking me whats wrong and I can’t really tell them because they already think I’m a lesbian or something and that I’m dating this chick or something (and they are mostly judgmental white people) (I’m not with, or in love with her again I promise) (and I’m bi so technically not wrong but I won’t confess cuz assumptions are different than reality) (8/31/19)
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roomof-tomahawks · 5 years
Already over school
Keeping up with this nonsense on here sucks, but I quit too many things and I’m determined this time so I guess here we are. anyway I’m pretty sure a bunch of my friends think I like Hansen (mostly Jaylee and Janna (Janna is from middle school and I just met Jaylee)) but I don’t like him, my attitude just changes because hes one of, like, 25 kids coming from my school (only 6 of which I’m friends with) whatever tho  (8/22/19)
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roomof-tomahawks · 5 years
Well, it’s 5:00 am and I just finished binge watching all of She-ra, so that’s always fun. (Entrapta and Scorpia are best girls, don’t @ me)
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roomof-tomahawks · 5 years
Out of all the names I could have picked for him??
So, nothing cool from school anymore, but I'm really happy that Hansen (one of my middle school friends) looked better today (yesterday he look devastatingly sad ngl) and that he actually let me hang out with him for once. I wonder how he feels now that he doesn't have that one chick hanging on his arm, or his “not really boyfriend” tho
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roomof-tomahawks · 5 years
First day cont.
Oh hey, did I forget to mention that I had to miss the first 2 periods so that I could re-register because this district sucks? no? well there you go.  (8/15/19)
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roomof-tomahawks · 5 years
First Day! :[
so, first day of high school today, and honestly, I feel like it wasn’t as bad as everyone says it is- or even as scary either, but that’s probably just me. All those YouTube look books are totally right tho (u know, the ones where they look like thots in every outfit lol) anyway, I did get ignored by just about everyone (especially the people I knew) and really miss all my friends that got to go to the other school :(  (8/15/19)
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