robynmeif · 5 months
A careless barista, he was. Always made my drink wrong. I tried to tell him, but he’d just apologize, only to make it the exact same way again. Now, he was handsome, or at least, I thought so at the time, and as you know, beauty can make one forgive a thousand cruelties.
After a while, I filed a report. I told the manager; and the barista was fired. I missed how he made my drink, although wrong. Or, is it that I miss the taste of the drink itself? It’s such a complex order that no one else was willing to make it. I spoke to a friend. She, too, was a barista. I’d call and bitch about missing the taste of my drink.
Little did I know, this barista already knew my order. Practicing making it, over and over, until they were confident she’d make it perfect for me. I never asked her to.
Time goes by, and I’m sent to care for myself. A little retreat. No coffee. No barista friend. Who cares, anyways, I’d spilled a cup of coffee on her, staining the hoodie her partner got her. They want nothing to do with me. The caffeine withdrawals hurt. Was it that? Or was it the withdrawals from the barista herself?
After I get back, they’d ran the hoodie through the washer a few times. The talked to me. Her partner was more upset than her, that I’d spilt my drink on the hoodie.
We talked until the ice broke, and the blend of emotions we’d always wanted to express poured out, layered with foam, fluffy and sweet. She made me my drink. I’d missed my coffee, but that wasn’t half of it. I loved the way it tasted… -felt- when made by her. She has her own favorite coffee too, and I hope more than anything I can make it for her someday.
The stained hoodie soon became their favorite, reminding them of me. I tried a dirty chai, her favorite coffee, and though my hands shake too much to make it perfect, just like me, she cares less about the coffee itself, and more about the time spent making and drinking them together.
Hot, cold, sweet, bitter.
Love is like a cup of coffee. Sure, we like how it tastes, It’s addicting, but sometimes, it takes a while to find the one person who can make your order right.
robyn Meif (12/26/2023)
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