bgs are hard but at least this makes it easier T_T
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Here's a website where Palestine GoFundMes are vetted and shared that you can send out to people. The url is gazafunds.com
Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
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I’ll look through all my oc art and being like “omg I really wanna see more of these characters 😍😍” fully aware that I’m the one who has to do that 💀
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does anyone understand my curse
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This is the first time Im posting a drawing I made so I'm really nervous
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This is the digital drawing I'm most proud of to the date, and I know is really simple but I'm just starting to learn how to draw digitally and I'm not even that good with traditional still so to me this is a lot.
I hope you all like it and and if you could reblog it I would be really thankfull 😊😊
All the information about the character is below the cut so if you're interested be sure to check it out, and if you will like to know anything about him or any of my others OC's you can ask me anytime. I love to talk about my OC's but I don't really have anyone to do it with so it would make me really happy.
This is Liam, Liam Drake.
He is one of my favorite OC's and the one I draw the most with no doubt 💜.
He's member of my imaginary band called NonExpectations in Wich he plays the drums, he is also romantically interested in the most recent member, Elías, and used to have a relationship with the ex-guitarist
He works as a tattoo artist and is studying to become a veterinarian, he loves animals but mostly cats and dogs, he's a simple man.
His favorite hobbies are drawing and listening to music.
He likes pastel things, sweets, kdramas, spending time with Elías, fashion and dyeing his hair.
He hates sour things and can't handle spice at all, animal abuse or animals dying in movies makes him cry unconsolably, he can't stand mean or egocentric people, and he hates when people (mostly parents or old persons) look at him weirdly for the way he looks, it makes him really uncomfortable.
He is REALLY shy and awkward so he doesn't have a lot of friends outside the band members and his co-workers.
He lives with his mom, one of his big sisters and his two younger siblings. He also has two more older sisters, who live with they're respective parnerts, and a nephew and niece.
His natural hair color is blonde but he's being dyeing it in different colors since he was 14 years old.
He has a lot of piercings, like, a LOT. On the head he has: seven on his left ear, six on the right, one on each cheek, one on the tongue, and one on his right eyebrow. Then he has one on each nipple and some on his private parts 😳.
He is pretty tall, around 180 cm, and has broad shoulders but is really thin since he mostly lives at ramen and pastry, thin enough to make his big sisters, mother and Laura (the band manager) worry.
He has really notorious eye bags from not sleeping ever (he doesn't have time for that mom, he has so much study to do).
He loves fashion, specially alternative fashion, he dresses somewhat edgy mostly but sometimes he likes something more casual or even preppy.
His appearance tends to intimidate others, but he's a real pacifist and hates anything related to violence.
His biggest dream is to live in a farm with the love of his life and to have a lot of animals.
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