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When the one brain cell activates. (x)
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remus coming home to you after a full moon.
it's the crack of dawn but the moon has set, he crawls into bed. he goes straight to cuddle and you accept him without saying anything. he land face first into the crook of your neck.
you adjust yourself and your hand strokes his hair gently.
"rough moon?" you mumble.
"did james and sirius get home ok?"
he nuzzles his face into your neck. he closes his eyes and takes in your scent as he shifts even closer to you. anything to feel your touch.
"that's good."
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a/n: OK i was literally gonna post this as a lil thing for the weekend and then got busy and sleepy and forgot 😭 here it is um... ya
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is he acting out of character or did you get too attached to a headcanon
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thank you for doing god's work.
just thinking about brat tamer!lip, like he would literally fuck you until you can’t even think or do anything but whining and he'd be so mean about it, i love hiiiim <3 could u write something like that?
brat tamer! lip is so special to me bc he's so real for that lol.
minors dni 18+
"Why you gotta be so fuckin' mean, huh?" Lip grunted, one hand on the headboard to steady himself, the other tangled in your hair, yanking until your scalp screamed.
"Just gotta run that fuckin' mouth, huh? That's all you do? Just fuckin' run that mouth." A particularly hard thrust annunciated his irritation, leaving you gasping, a gut punch of a feeling to your cervix that had you breathless.
He was being mean, so mean, you'd made a point to tell him that too. You supposed you deserved it, for how mean you'd been earlier.
"What? You got nothin' to say now? No mean ass comments? C'mon, baby, let me hear you. You were so fuckin' loud and obnoxious earlier." Lip sneered, pulling back on your hair so you whined, pulling you into his chest. His hips didn't stop, hands moving to hold you lightly by your neck, just enough pressure to have you clenching and whimpering.
"You gonna say you're sorry t'me?" Lip rasped, nose pressed to your temple, hands snaking up your throat to grab your jaw, pull your face towards his. "Say you're sorry."
"'m n-not, sorry." You whined, legs wobbling when his hips snapped into you, sending you reeling all over again. "You were the one ignoring me-oh!"
"I was working, you fuckin' brat." Lip sneered, fingers curling and pressing into your jaw. "How about I come to your fuckin' job and start actin' all horny and desperate? See how you like it, huh?"
You pouted, satisfied that you'd gotten him so flustered and furious. "You'd like that though. I know you would. You'd like it if I came in and-and distracted you like this? Desperate." Lip growled.
"N-No, 'm not." You whined, your voice lilting and nasally, that pitch that had his abs clenching, waves of pleasure shooting through his own body.
"You are." Lip huffed, his breath hot on the shell of your ear, the ghosting of a whine trailing. "Say you are."
"No." You whimpered, hips grinding down to meet his thrusts, desperate for friction. You were already so close.
"Say it, or you don't get to cum." Lip commanded, yanking your jaw towards him so you faced him, noses brushing. "Say you were actin' desperate or I stop. I'll cum either way, but you... fuck, you won't get to cum."
You knew he was being serious. He'd jack himself in front of you, probably tie you up and make you watch while he told you what a bad girl you were. You huffed, bratty and petulant, making Lip suck his teeth.
"I-I was..." You leaned against his chest, head lolling back in pleasure when his free hand rolled your nipples. "I was desperate." You muttered, eyes closed, refusing to look at him when you grumbled the phrase.
"Look at me." Lip growled. "You know better, look at me."
You blinked, looking at him through hazy, blurred vision, lust drunk and so close to your own orgasm it was painful. "I-I was desperate, Lip, please." You whined, lip jutting out in the perfect pout.
His eyes flickered down to your lip, teeth baring and resisting the urge to bite your lip. Roll it between his teeth, pull it so he could hear you whine and cry. His cock twitched at the thought, hammering into you.
"Say you were a bad girl." Lip commanded, his free hand gliding down to your mound, fingers ghosting over your puffy lips, purposely avoiding your clit when he knew you were so desperate for him to touch you there- knew it would send you over the edge. "Say it."
"I-I was... Iwasabadgirl." You sobbed, his pointer finger pressing on your clit, rubbing just enough to have you bucking in his arms, legs shaking and flooding his cock, overtook by your own orgasm.
Lip held you while you shook, slow rocks of his hips until your eyes were glassy, body still shuddering with aftershocks. "There she is. There's my bad fuckin' girl." Lip grinned, lying you against the pillows, sprawled out and whimpering.
His hips ground slow against you, feeling your spasming clenches, hearing the wet squelch that filled the room. "Can you be good f'me? Lay there and let me finish?" Lip tilted his head to the side, tapping your cheek lightly to look at him, hovered above you with piercing eyes and flushed cheeks.
You nodded brainlessly, muttering some sort of agreed nonsense. Lip snorted lightly. "Good girl. 'm close, alright? Just give me a sec."
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what did doja cat say about big noses again ???
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live, laugh, love shameless
what do you think of lip with an innocent!reader who’s curious about cigarettes? maybe at first he’d deny her, telling her that they aren’t healthy, but eventually he’d grab her jaw and gently blow smoke into her mouth so she gets a feel for the light buzz that comes from smoking.
hope you’re comfortable with this! <3
sobsobsobsobsobsobsob :'))
"Don't even think about it."
Your half open mouth snaps closed. "I didn't even say anything!"
"Answer's still no."
"Babe," he starts, blowing the smoke away from you before turning to look at where you sit on the other end of the couch. "This shit's bad for you, you know that."
"You're smoking them," you sulk.
He half smiles and puts the cigarette back between his lips. "Your point?"
You whine a little, scooching your way over to him to bury your face against his arm, nose practically in his armpit. "You're so mean sometimes."
"Sorry for caring about your lungs, I like your lungs."
"I love yours and you still smoke."
Lip sighs, tipping his head back and peering down at you, "stop being annoying, you're not smoking. You wouldn't even like it."
"You don't know that." You frown, lips pursed into a pout, "not even a taste?"
He sits there and assesses you for a moment, eyes unfazed lips pressed into a grim line. And then he's placing the cigarette back between his lips and taking a long drag, but before you can start whining again he grabs at your jaw, squishing your cheeks, and brings you closer until your noses touch. "Just breath it in."
It's hard not to kiss him and forget all about smoking—part of you think that's part of his plan—but you do your best to stay still and do exactly as he instructed.
It doesn't last though, because it doesn't take long before you're coughing right in his face.
Your nose burns, and your eyes are watering, and Lip is pushing your head away, whole palm covering your face, with a smug smile. "You like that?"
"No," you wheeze, pouty with disappointed. You rub your nose sadly, "that hurt."
"Hmm, if only someone had warned you you wouldn't like it," he stubs the cigarette in a cup. "Oh wait."
"Shut up," you hide back in his armpit and sulk even harder than before, "don't be mean while I'm incapacitated."
Lip laughs at you, rudely, but still wraps an arm around you to rub your back and grabs a glass of water from the side table next to him, holding it in front of your face. "Have some water, it'll go away soon."
Somehow you manage to still pout even as you're gulping the liquid down. "Will you listen to me next time?"
"Lip!" you groan, letting him take the empty glass before slumping down against him again.
He hums, pressing a soothing kiss to the top of your head, hand patting at your hip condescendingly. "My little baby."
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this is delicious. you ate. you served. i was eating this all up. thank u.
Winter Prompts Masterlist | Winter Prompts List
Pairing: Harvey Specter x Reader
Prompts: Mistletoe/ Hands/ Fake Dating
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“Cut it out,” You grumble.
“Cut what out?” 
“You’re being too smug. My family’s not gonna buy that I’m dating a smug asshole. Hell, they’re probably barely buying that I’m dating anyone.” 
“I’m not being smug,” Harvey insists, curling his arm around your middle. You try not to overthink the way your body warms with the press of his palm, and the sweep of his fingers against the fabric of your dress. “I’m just so happy to be here with my honey-bunny.” 
“Oh, my god." You reach out, snagging a glass of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray. You draw in a deep gulp, tipping your head back and letting it slide down your throat, joining the two that you’ve already downed. 
“Careful, sweetie. Your family’ll think we’re not happy.” 
“One of us isn’t right now.” 
“Really? I’m ecstatic.” 
You cast an unamused sidelong glance at Harvey and find him smiling brightly at you. 
“C’mon, admit it,” He adds, leaning into you, his breath brushing your temple. “I’m a better stand-in at your family reunion than Mike is. I’m better dressed, I’m more interesting, I’m more attractive—” 
“I am so telling Mike that you have such a low opinion of him the next time you see him.” 
“Now that's not fair. It’s just, you know. Mike is like this,” Harvey raises his hand, waving around his shoulder, “And I’m like this,” He raises his hand, waving it around his brow. “Besides, I’m taller.” 
“You’re the same height. The only thing edging you out is your Johnny-Bravo-like hair.” 
Harvey’s jaw drops, a stunned laugh leaving his mouth. 
Your mom calls, “Get over here, you two!” Before your argument can continue. You wince at the sight of your family lining up for a picture. 
“Oh—Mom, I don’t know—” 
“This is not negotiable! Get over here!” She orders, “Both of you!” 
“It’ll be fun,” Harvey insists, his hand resting on your lower back as he leads you over to the familial tangle. 
“I don’t think I want you in our Christmas photos for time immemorial. I’m gonna have to explain who you were every few years.” 
“Maybe you ought to just invite me back every year.” 
“Maybe your mother will—” 
“Do not drag my mother into this—” 
The two of you shut up as your mom waves the two of you into line with the rest of the family. 
“You gonna quibble with me about standing one place or another? Making sure they get your good side?” You mumble.
“Please, sweetheart. Every side is my good side.” 
You roll your eyes openly, winding up for another argument—and then Harvey curls his arm around you again. Your stomach swoops at the feeling, your face going warm. It’s absurd—you can’t stand Harvey, but he’s making you feel all…Gooey. You push a smile on your face for a few pictures, and are determined to hurry away and drown your gooey feelings in champagne—but as the others begin to disperse, your mother warns:
“Ah-ah-ah, don’t get far, you two. You know the tradition, honey.” 
Your eyes go wide, stomach twisting with embarrassment. 
“Oh—Mom, no,” You plead. “We do it every year—Oh, Harvey, you’re gonna love this,” Your mom swears, gripping both of you by your hands and tugging you to a different spot in the room. “Whenever a new significant other is brought home for the holidays, they take a picture under the mistletoe.” 
“Really.” Harvey’s smug amusement is back, spreading his smile wide.
“It’s an old tradition—It’s—Mom, we really don’t have to do this,” You stumble over your words. 
“Oh, come on now! You’ve always been a little shy, never bringing anyone home before, so we can’t pass this opportunity up!” 
She looks up, positioning the two of you under the mistletoe that’s been hung in the event space by the staff (probably at your mother’s request). You glance up at Harvey as your uncle waves you closer together, holding up his camera. Harvey leans in, giving your cheek an obliging peck as you give the camera a weak smile. 
“Oh, please,” Your mom complains, “A real one!” 
Your smile goes tight as you look up at Harvey. 
“This wasn’t part of our agreement,” You whisper, “You don’t have to do this.” 
Harvey’s gaze skates your expression before he gives a small shrug. 
“It’s a couple of seconds to make your mom happy,” He murmurs, “I don’t mind. But I’ll push back if you need me to.” 
You can’t help it—you go a little gooey again at the offer. You’d expected Harvey to brush it off, or to be a dick about it—but his expression is sincere, and his eyes are searching yours for any hint of hesitation. So you give a small nod, and try not to think about the way your heart leaps into your throat as Harvey draws you closer. You sway into him just a touch, chest brushing against his. The two of you lean in, and your lips meet in a stunningly warm, soft kiss. You try to fight it, but your eyes slip closed. Harvey raises a hand to cup your cheek, his thumb sweeping tenderly over your cheekbone as your heads tip slightly, deepening your kiss. You vaguely register the coos and clapping from your family just a few feet away, and that finally snaps you out of it. 
You lean back, nose brushing Harvey’s slightly. You blink at him in slight surprise, tongue sweeping across your lips. As Harvey’s eyes open, he seems just as stunned as you are. His slick, smug look is gone. His eyes are searching yours again, then dip, and catch on your lips before steadying there. Your chest flutters as he seems set to go in again, but you hear your mother shooing, “Alright, you two can canoodle in the corner! We need to get your cousin and her girlfriend in here. Go on.”
You clear your throat, pressing your hand to Harvey’s chest and guiding him away from the mistletoe. The two of you come to a stop in a quiet corner. Harvey’s arm is still curled around your middle; your hand is still on his chest. You raise your hand a little, absently straightening his tie, just to do something with yourself that isn't fumbling an apology, or drawing him back in.
“Thanks for the, um…” You trail off, waving toward your family. “I’m sorry, I didn’t remember that—stupid tradition.”
“Doesn’t seem that stupid to me,” Harvey offers. 
“That stupid implies that you think it’s at least a little stupid.” 
“It was unexpected.” 
“I’ll give you that.” 
“Wasn’t bad, though.” 
“Sealed the deal. I mean—” You hurry to correct, eyes darting to Harvey’s face nervously. “In terms of being…Believable. I never pegged you as such a good sport.” 
“No one’s ever managed to peg—” 
“Oh my—I don't need to know that," You groan, turning and hiding your face in his shoulder. He chuckles, arm tightening around you. 
“Still think I’m a smug asshole?” He murmurs against your temple. 
“I know you are,” You grumble. “Just because you’re an alright kisser doesn’t mean you’re not.” 
“An alright kisser? Oh, that just won't do."
"What do you mean that won't—"
You go quiet as Harvey cradles your jaw, drawing you in for another kiss. You let yourself lean into him, your hand slipping from his tie, up into his hair. He hums softly against your lips, nudging you back against the wall. Your breath leaves you in a soft huff as feel yourself pressed into the hard surface. You can't imagine what your family is thinking, or if they've noticed that the two of you have, in fact, taken then chance to canoodle.
Harvey just smiles, smoothing his hand over your hip.
"Better than alright?" He murmurs. You pretend to consider before shrugging a little.
Harvey's expression darkens, and he chuckles softly, shaking his head.
"You're asking for it," He warns. You smooth his hair down, a wicked thrill shooting down your spine.
"Why honey-bunny," You coo, sweeping a fingertip along his plush lower lip, "I don't know what you mean."
Tag list: @amneris21 ; @elen-aranel ; @brandyllyn ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight
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now this is writing at it's finest.
Making breakfast for them before they leave w/harvey specter pleaaaaaaaaaase
Send me a comfort prompt
Warnings: Mentioned sexytimes, but not shown; fluff
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"What do you wanna eat?"
"Eat?" Harvey scoffs, picking his shirt up off of where it's hanging on your bed frame. "I thought you didn't do one night stands."
"And I thought you didn't do sleeping over, but you're here, so. Your point?"
"My point is this is all seeming a little too cozy."
"I'm not sending you out of here running on empty. And after last night, I know that you're running on empty." You smirk smugly, resting your hand on your hip as a slow smile curls Harvey's lips. "It can be toast, or coffee, something. But it has to be something. So?"
"Jelly? Jam?"
"Yes, dear?"
"For the toast," He chuckles. Your brows raise and fall as you take up your robe and draw it on, tying it as you head into the kitchen. Honey on toast, that's a new one.
You're trying not to overthink the last twelve hours—going home with a stranger that you met at a mixer, having what was quite possibly, the best sex of your life, and waking up to find him still there. He'd looked so deliciously disheveled and sleepy, and had smiled gently at you as you'd opened your eyes.
You shake your head a touch to try and rid yourself of the thought as you get the bread and butter from the fridge. The honey's already on the counter, so that's that squared away. You pop a couple of slices into the toaster and grab a plate for it before you turn to the coffee maker.
You don't have to overthink anything. You know that, logically. That doesn't stop your mind from racing. Are you ever going to see him again? Did he have a good time? He must've, right? He wasn't drunk when he came home with you, and he spent the night. He had at least a bit of a good time, right?
C'mon, don't be so hard on yourself. You know what, he had a fucking great time. More importantly, you both did.
"Coffee smells good."
You jolt a little as he comes into the kitchen. You glance back, nodding and waving toward the toaster.
"Toast is toasting."
"Thank you."
You pour the freshly brewed coffee into a mug, sliding it over.
"Milk's in the fridge if you want it."
"No thanks."
"Yes, sweetheart?"
You snort a laugh, shaking your head as your face goes hot.
"You know what I fricking mean."
"No thank you." He settles against the counter beside you, taking the mug up and drawing in a sip.
"You always insist on feeding your one night stands?" He asks once he's swallowed.
"So I'm special?"
"I wouldn't say that. I just don't usually...Have one night stands."
"Well that makes me even more special."
"If you say so."
Harvey reaches out, gripping the tie of your robe and using it to tug you closer. You let him, watching him as his eyes skim your face.
"Remind me where you work?" He asks.
"McHenry, Sigmund, and Lowell."
"Good firm."
"Yes, it is."
"Not the best, though."
"Is that so?"
"Nope. If you were working for the best, you'd be working with me."
You reach out, prodding the toaster as the bread pops up.
"Honey," You nod toward the jar on the counter, beside the butter. Harvey lets go of your robe, turning to the toaster and plucking the slices out of the toaster. You take another mug down, taking your damn time about pouring your own cup of coffee. You take a few sips, giving him a guarded glance as you hear him take a bite of his toast. Harvey hums softly at the taste.
"Alright—" He speaks up through his bite, "I was knocking you about making me toast, but this was a better idea than I thought."
You smile smugly, giving a little shrug as you take a sip of your coffee.
"I'm very smart, Mr. Specter."
You look over, smiling curiously as he dusts his fingers off and reaches into his jacket pocket. You raise a brow as he draws a card out of his pocket, holding it out.
"What's this for?"
"We ought to have a conversation."
"Because we slept together?" You ask, taking the card.
"No, god no," Harvey chuckles. "I mean, it was great, but that's not why we should hire you."
"Nice save."
"I mean it. You made some damn good points last night—though you made an even better one when you brought me home with you. " He pops the last of the toast into his mouth before he turns away from the counter, chewing still as he says, "Alright. Now I have to go."
You nod, pushing off of the counter and drifting after him as he heads for your front door.
"You've overlooked one critical thing, Mr. Specter."
"What's that?"
"I'm not in the market for a new job."
"That's a mistake." He turns to face you, smiling. "But that number's also good for...Other things."
"Such as?"
"Drinks, dinner...Anything else that may follow."
"And if I choose not to use it?"
"Well," He glances away, shrugging a shoulder. "That's up to you. But it's another mistake." He takes a step closer, cupping your cheek and drawing you in for a kiss. You expect it to be a quick peck, but you sway into him as his lips slip tenderly across yours, his tongue gently prodding between your lips. Before you can really give into it, he leans away, giving you a bright smile as he gently pats your cheek.
"Have a good day—and thanks for the toast."
"Yeah...Yeah, you, too," You smile.
You can't stop thinking about him. It's not overthinking, not this time, but he's just...On your mind, all week. His card is burning a hole in your pocket. You've been carrying it around with you,m switching it between bags and purses and jackets, and just...considering.
Now, you've decided to do a little more than consider. It's Friday night, you've got no plans, and you're sure he does, but...You make a call. He picks up on the first ring, and chuckles when he hears your voice.
"I was hoping to hear from you."
"Oh?" You grin, flattered as you sink back in your desk chair. "Why's that?"
"I owe you some toast."
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Jacob Elordi as Felix Catton Saltburn (2023) dir. Emerald Fennell
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this right here is a solid find.
m.list - remus lupin
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❥ - mei’s favorites
☼ - fluff
☾ - angst
✘ - nsfw content, minors please dni
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remus + thighs ✘
bodyguard!remus ❥
taking care of remus after a full moon ☼
remus + “look so pretty like this for me” ✘
remus + “oh I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m in love with you!” ☾
remus + reader parenting harry  ☼ ☾ ❥
studying with remus ☼ ❥
remus + academic rivals to lovers ☼
remus + “that’s enough, love” ☼
remus + college au ☼ ❥
remus meeting reader’s toxic ex ☼ ☾
letter to remus before his wedding ☼ ☾
remus walking in on sirius’s sister changing ☼ ❥
remus + thigh riding ✘❥
prof!remus running into prof!reader ☼ ❥
remus + boobs ✘❥
remus + plussized!reader ☼
remus pining over reader ☼ ❥
remus comforting reader ☼ ☾
boxer!remus ☼ ❥
librarian!remus ☼ ❥
barista!remus ☼
rockstar!remus ☼
hockey player!remus ☼ ❥
remus tries to win reader back before her wedding to sirius ☾
reader dying in remus’s arms ☾ ❥
remus helping reader raise sirius’s baby ☾ ❥
texting with hockey player!remus / part 2 ☼ ❥
reader barging in on mafia!remus ☼ ❥
prof!remus x student!reader (both adults) ✘❥
spiderman!remus ☼ ❥
hockey player!remus + injured reader ☼ ❥
love letter from boxer!remus ☼ ❥
letter from remus after a full moon ☼ ☾
remus + hand kink  ✘❥
remus + library dates ☼
doctor!remus ✘❥
merman!remus ☼ ❥
priest!remus ✘❥
sub!boxer!remus ✘
academia romance with remus ☼
stepdad!remus getting jealous ✘
rockstar!remus singing reader to sleep ☼
hockey player!remus + family skate ☼ ❥
acrobat!remus ☼ ❥
photographer!remus ☼ ❥
mafia!remus being soft for reader ☼ ❥
jealous boxer!remus ☼☾
stepbro!remus watching reader’s recital ☼✘
remus x potter!reader ☼❥
remus x muggle!reader ☼☾
dealer!remus finding reader’s teddy bear ☼❥
mafia!remus running into reader on the street ☼
gamer!remus teaching reader to play ☼❥
stepbro!remus x crybaby!reader ☼☾❥
remus feeling insecure about his scars ☼☾❥
getting into a fight with mafia!remus ☾
getting a dog with mafia!remus ☼❥
casual dominance with dealer!remus ☼❥
giving mafia!remus the silent treatment ☼☾
remus finds reader drunk ☼☾
remus comforting reader after a long day ☼☾❥
reader begging dealer!remus to smoke ☼☾❥
softdom!stepdad!remus + sirius and james ☼❥✘
assassin!reader fights with mafia!remus’s men ☼
remus taking care of reader with allergies ☼
reader eats dealer!remus’s ‘special’ brownies ☼❥
bodyguard!remus catching reader on a date ☼☾✘
florist!reader x baker!remus ☼❥
giving dealer!remus a custom lighter ☼❥✘
assassin!reader throwing a knife at mafia!remus’s men ☼
reader rambling to mafia!remus ☼❥
mafia!remus offering assassin!reader a job ☼
hockey!remus misses his good luck kiss ☼☾❥
toxic!dealer!remus ☼
dealer!remus teasing reader ☼❥
mafia!remus soft for assassin!reader ☼
sleepy cuddles with remus ☼❥
remus + only one bed ☼❥
pre-full moon remus ☼✘
brother’s best friend with hockey!remus ☼❥
mafia!remus catching reader out without permission ☾
reader being a brat to mafia!remus ☼☾
assassin!reader disappearing on mafia!remus ☼
toxic!remus finds out reader is being bullied ☼☾❥
mafia!remus needing assassin!reader’s help ☼
artist!remus x poet!reader ☼❥
doctor!remus x nurse!reader ✘
reader riding along with dealer!remus ☼❥
cat!remus ☼❥
tattoo artist!remus ❥✘
reader begging mafia!remus to go home ☼☾
dark!roommate!remus ❥✘
academic rivalry with remus ☼❥
grumpy!remus x sunshine!reader ☼☾❥
dbf!remus taking you home ☼❥✘
drummer!remus ☼✘
singer!remus seeing singer!reader in concert ☼
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if u got into a fight with remus out of al the boys i feel like he would definitely be the one to sigh mid fight and say “no one said anything about us breaking up” after seeing you start crying bc u thought he was done w you
"fine, we can just break up if you want." your lip is wobbling and you're glaring at him but his heart breaks a little when he hears you try to swallow a dry sob.
"I never said I wanted to break up," he sighs, grabbing at your arm and bringing your struggling form into his chest. you cry into his chest while he rests his chin on your head. "take a breath, m'right here."
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women can not be blamed for having hundreds of screenshots we’ll never use in our camera roll. it’s the gatherer instinct
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11K notes · View notes
no cap, on jah.
why do some ppl call old ppl “cute”
they’re not cute they’re expired and annoying wtf
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remus lupin = anthony bridgerton = newt
sirius black = benedict bridgerton = minho
james potter = colin bridgerton = thomas
74 notes · View notes
Who is your favorite submissive and breedable celebrity
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