rmacorpus-blog · 7 years
Dear Bry
I’m so glad that I found such a wonderful boyfriend who I know will always be faithful to me and who will always love and care for me! Thank you Bryan Lee Songco!
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I am so crazy in love with you and I cannot wait for our future together.
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Bry, I love you with all my heart. I can’t wait to have a life with you and our family and be able to come home to you everynight and just wake up next to you. To be able to kiss you goodmorning and goodnight every single day babe. I’m so so in love with you babe. I know how much I tell you babe but I just want you to know how commited I am babe. I’m all yours. 
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You're the best ever babe. 
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Bryan Lee Songco makes me the happiest boy in the world. All I know is that I’m so blessed to have him and I’m so in love. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Babe, thank you for being you. Thank you for being the man of my dreams. Thank you for loving me at my worst and being there when I need you most. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful memories with me. Thank you for letting me back in and opening up to me. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything.
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I honestly can say I have never been happier. We’ve come so far and every day I think to myself, “what the hell would I do without him?” Every time I see you I get those butterflies in my belly, that feeling in my chest, and the biggest smile on my face. I love being in your arms. It’s where I belong. I don’t want anyone else. I never will. I’m all yours. I always will be baby. You’re the best thing I’ve ever had and I’m not letting go this time. I’m happy to say that I’m in love. :)
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I’m so glad I have a boyfriend who always understands where I’m coming from. And I always understand where he is coming from. This saves us from so many arguments. I love the fact that no matter what the situation, he’s there for me. Telling me how much he loves me. Even when I’m so pissed off that I wont even talk to him. He puts in the effort. He knows how to make me smile when I’m sad. He knows how to calm me down when I’m mad. He spoils me when I least deserve it. He’s everything a boy could ever ask for. And to all these bitches who gave him up, I’m glad they did because now I’ve found him. And I’ve fallen in love. There’s no one else like him. That right there is the perfect boyfriend.
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I love you. I’m so in love with you. I can’t wait for the day I make you my husband. Bry, you’re the one for me, and even at this young age I know that’s for sure. 
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rmacorpus-blog · 7 years
Well, I'm back!
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Taking a very-supercalifragi-really-long break (2 1/2 years to be exact) was absolutely needed because I wasn’t feeling too inspired to write at some point judging from my recent academic load and responsibilities as a medical student. 
It surely felt like forever. I missed writing, but looking back now, I see that the break was valuable. I found inspiration in many places I wouldn’t have if I didn’t take time off.
I revisited my core. I reconnected with the passion that made me start blogging about the universe- my random world in the first place.
This post is just a quick one to say thank you for being patient whilst I was on a hiatus- and also for the messages (from tumblr friends) I received- it has encouraged me to keep going with my blog! 
I’m really excited to get back to blogging and I can’t wait to share more writings, adventures, random musings and other beautiful ideas with you.
Lots of love, Mondie
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