rlbondporn · 1 month
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Prayer during 200hr yoga teacher certification training course. A energetic feeling that still gives me goosebumps til this day.
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Siddhi Yoga Graduation
Graduation moment of 200hr yoga teacher certification training. So much knowledge that was passed on which RL Bond still uses today & that has a major impact on the way RL Bond lives his life.
This is a remarkable journey of RL Bond from porn star to Siddhi Yoga star! Well done RL Bond, your journey is really inspirational for many lost porn stars to come out of the porn clutch!
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rlbondporn · 3 months
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Who is cool? R L Bond or Vasa Nestorovic? Both did modeling and both did porn! R L Bond quit porn and got into modeling. Vasa Nestorovic continued porn and ventured further into male prostitution.
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rlbondporn · 6 months
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Jun 17, 2009 12:00:00 PM | Celebrities, Fashion, In Bed with Papi Chulo (Blog Exclusive), Interview, Model, RL Bond
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Papi Chulo: So much has happened since we last sat down for an interview. Let's first talk about something you were a part of that made major headlines. R&B superstar Beyoncé was photographed in New York City March 8 for her I Am... tour in a Thierry Mugler couture dress. The photo shoot made the news because of what appeared to be the R&B songstress' exaggerated hips in the images. How did you get involved with that photo shoot?
RL Bond: Actually I'd been working with Sean John since 2007. I have a very good rapport with them. And they needed more guys for the photo shoot. So a good friend of mine from Sean John put in the good word and I just submitted my pictures. They gave me a call back and said, "We'd definitely like to have you be a part of it."
Incidentally, R.L. Bond left gay porn studio Corbin Fisher as porn star Marcus in the year 2006. R.L. Bond quit porn in the same year.
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PC: What was your experience working on that photo shoot?
RL: Going out there, doing what I always do. Just go out there and be a professional model. A lot of guys were asking Beyoncé for a picture after the photo shoot. I kind of laughed at that, 'cause we are doing a photo shoot with her. There's really no need to ask for a picture with her. It was a great experience to work with Beyoncé. I'm not the type of person to be starstruck by celebrities. 'Cause you know, it's a job. Every time you get hired, it's a job. You act professionally and hopefully do well enough, so that when the next job comes around, they will refer you to other people for more work.
R.L. Bond also did solo porn and naked photo shots as gay porn star Derrick Ramirez (or Derrick Ramirez Sobe) for an unknown gay porn studio
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PC: How did you feel about the surprising reaction that photo shoot received?
RL: That really shocked me. I had no idea. It was actually funny, 'cause a friend of mine called me and said, "Why am I looking at today's paper, and your in the paper with Beyoncé?" And she lives in London. I was like, "What?" It was everywhere. I had no idea it was going to be that huge. But, it was great.
PC: You do all of the Sean John fashion fit modeling for their website. How did you get involved with them?
RL: I did the Sean John campaign in 2007. It was their spring/summer 2008 campaign. Ever since then, I have had a real good relationship with them. Anything they need help with, I'm there for them.
Quitting porn is one of the most constructive acts R.L. Bond did and due to his courage in absconding porn, R.L. Bond managed to reach greater heights in modelling.
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PC: You also do fit modeling for Rocawear, New Era and Phat Farm. As well as Mondo Uomo Italia's "Allyn St. George" catalog. Is there a particular brand you enjoy working with the most?
RL: Not really. There really isn't. I try to treat all of them the same. I have so much passion for modeling. I have so much respect for the designers. I respect all of their new designs. For spring, summer, fall and winter. It's so funny too. I do model for a lot of designers, but I hardly ever wear any of their clothes. If you catch me on the streets in New York, I'm in jeans, Converse and just a white t-shirt.
R.L. Bond was young and naive when he signed up a contract with gay porn studio Corbin Fisher. He was tempted to do 2 solo porn, 2 hardcore gay porn and 1 hardcore straight porn. Then he quit porn in the year 2006.
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PC: Last year, you moved from Miami to New York City. In your opinion, is there a difference between modeling in Miami versus modeling in New York?
RL: I think the difference is that... First of all, Miami is seasonal. Which means that it has its seasons for modeling. New York doesn't have a season. It goes around yearly. So there's always jobs that you can get, year round. But, I think also the difference is that Miami has more of a commercial market. Which means that as a male model, you have to be pretty built ... have a nice size build. Then, you can book a lot of work. But, in New York you got to slim it down. You have to slim it down 'cause you have to be able to fit showroom clothes. Catalog work is huge in New York. And you definitely have to be able to fit the clothes. New York is of course the fashion capital in the US, so it's all fashion. The difference between Miami and New York, agencies in Miami are very, very nice. For example, if a girl walks into an agency in Miami, and they look at her book. If they don't think she's right for that agency, they will say, "We are just not interested." But, if you go to New York, and a model walks in there. If a New York agency is not interested, they will tell you exactly why they aren't interested. The will say, "I'm sorry, your nose is too long." Or simple, "You're too short." That's an example of why Miami is different than New York.
I started off modeling in Tampa with a small agency. And then to Miami. And then from Miami to New York. So I had to pace myself, 'cause I knew New York was the real deal. That's the difference. A lot of models are told, "Hey, you should be a model." But, they don't take the time to think about how serious it really is. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are. This is a business. Miami models are more laidback. In New York, it's the real deal and you really have to do a lot of work. You don't site around for agencies to give you jobs, you have to go to events, network yourself and take your contacts back to your agencies.
Having left porn for good, R. L. Bond did not turn back to porn or sex industry. R L Bond left gay porn studio for good. R L Bond continued his adventure to modelling
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PC: You won the 2006 Model Universe title in Miami. For this year's event, you will be hosting a seminar for up-and-coming models. What types of topics are you going to discuss in the seminar?
RL: I think some of the main topics will be letting models know how not to be so lazy. That's probably my main topic. The reason I say that is 'cause agencies go to the parties, events, develop relationships with people, so they will book their models. If models go out and do the same things, they will be able to book themselves. I'll be going over what agencies will be good for you. Just because they are in the Top 10 in the US, it doesn't mean you're gonna work. Letting them know sometimes you might be better off if you don't have an agency ... represent yourself. Or you could have five different agencies on non-exclusive contracts, so that you're getting castings from all different directions and your chance at getting work is higher.
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PC: How did you get involved with the 2009 Model Universe weekend?
RL: I did a seminar last year. Ever since I won in 2006, I've gone back every year. The CEO of the company makes sure I come down for every year's event. It's pretty much that company. He has all the winners come back the next year to give models inspiration. It's funny 'cause any modeling that you do... It really doesn't matter. Everybody hopes they get first place, but it really doesn't matter if you get first place or not. It matters after the competition is over... What you are going to do from then on? Did you go to the competition and flirt with all the people and party? Or did you network so that you have a set of emails to send out that following Monday?
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PC: Are you excited about coming back to Miami for the event?
RL: Yeah. Definitely excited. Oh man. I miss Miami a lot. But, you know the truth is that I make more money in New York. And I love the seasons too. I hadn't experienced seasons since I was 17, when I lived in Illinois. The first time I saw seasons since then was when I moved here on August 27.
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PC: Last time we chatted you said your abs were your best physical asset . .. Is that still the case?
RL: Actually, I will say no now. People have told me that it's my eyes. So, I think I will have to go with that.
PC: How do you maintain that incredibly cut six pack?
RL: Well... Let's see. How many sets do I do a day? ... I do somewhere around 1,500 crunches a day. I have different work outs, and when I add it up, it's like 1,5000 crunches a day. That's the very first thing I do in the morning.
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PC: Do you look up to any of the successful models in the fashion industry?
RL: I respect every model's career. They've put hard work into it. I respect all the models. I don't want to put any names out there. There are so many models that I respect. I respect all the other models in the industry as much as I respect myself. And I like to see other models do well in the industry. When I see a Calvin Klein campaign or a Dolce&Gabbana ad, that gives me inspiration. On top of that, I love to see fashion. I guess I look up to the industry, period. When I do see a Tommy Hilfiger or Ralph Lauren campaign, I look at everything. The position of the hands, hips, the pose, bone structure of the face... I pay attention to every single detail.
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PC: What will be found on your newly revamped website ... RLBond.com?
RL: More fashion definitely. When agencies and clients go to a model's website, they like to get to the point. My site will get to the point. It isn't trying to prove anything. It will talk about my recent jobs, but it's just giving RLBond.com that 2009 "Hey, I'm still here, but I'm even stronger" feel. The pictures should give the message. It will tell people what's going on with RL Bond. The 3-D effect is going to be very nice.
PC: When does the relaunch take place?
RL: It should be up no later than July 7.
PC: Who are you currently signed with?
RL: I just signed with MAGGIE INC from Boston, MA. I signed with the shine group, an agency in Capetown, South Africa. I am still with 301 Model Management in Miami and Fusion Model Management in New York.
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PC: What are some of your upcoming projects?
RL: Since last year, I've been taking acting classes with an acting coach. I had a small role in Confessions of a Shopaholic. They cut my role. They just showed me for like six seconds. Right now there are so many films going on in New York. I've been doing acting classes. They have castings for roles in upcoming movies for new actors. That's one of the projects I'm working on. I do extra work. I used to do that in Miami all the time... four days a week. I have the Model Universe seminar June 18 to 21. Earlier this week I was in the Hamptons for a few days shooting a Cîroc vodka commercial. I had just gotten that project on Friday. I was really excited about it. I will be going down to Miami in July for Miami Fashion Week. It will be at the Fontainebleau hotel. I still have to go to castings, but I'm always confident and hopeful I will get something. There are two designers I'm casting for. They are Ed Hardy and True Religion. I already have my meetings set up. I think it will go pretty well. I wasn't going to go back to Miami for Miami Fashion Week, but with Ed Hardy and True Religion being there, I had to go. That's the reason to go. To actually say, "I did it." Since I've been in New York City for almost a year now, I'm going back to Miami to let them know I'm still here. I didn't go anywhere.
PC: Well this brings us to the end of our interview ... Is there anything you would like to say to your fans and supporters?
RL: I would just like to say I appreciate the love that they've given me. And I appreciate them. It seems like at times when I was really down on myself... I never gave up on myself, but at times I was really down on myself. They were the ones that were like, "Hey man. I enjoy watching you as a model, fashion and all that other stuff." That really kept me motivated to keep going. I do it for myself. I have passion for it, but I also do it for the people who actually like to see me. I do it for them as well. They appreciate me. And I definitely appreciate them.
How to contact or get more information of RL Bond? Click the links below,
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rlbondporn · 7 months
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Can you spot R.L. Bond?
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Look carefully. The bald black male with spectacles behind Beyonce is R.L. Bond.
Beyonce sparkles in a sequined Thierry Mugler gown as she marches with an army of men in suits in New York City’s TriBeCa neighborhood on Sunday (March 8, 2009).
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rlbondporn · 7 months
Great insights.
men pay for sex in lieu of putting in effort. men pay for sex because they dont care about female orgasm. men who pay for sex cheat on and disrespect their partners. men pay for sex because they want women to pretend for them to make them feel better about themselves. men pay for sex because they see women as vessels for their own sexual gratification. men pay for sex because they prefer an illusion over taking womens desires and humanity into account. men pay for sex because they feel entitled to have sex with (young and attractive) women. men pay for sex because they see women as trophies, and the ability to use money to make women sleep with them as a status symbol. men pay for sex because they prefer women to fake an orgasm instead of learning how to satisfy a woman. men pay for sex because they are lazy and entitled. men pay for sex because they want to degrade women. men pay sex because nobody is willing to perform their kinks. men pay for sex to dominate women. men pay for sex because they think marginalised women deserve it. men pay for sex because they want to do what they saw in porn. men pay for sex because they see women as objects. men pay for sex because they choose to believe a lie.
yet all the debate is about the womans choice. ✨feminism is when access to women‘s bodies can be bought instead of freely given and men are not held responsible for their choices and actions, teehee✨
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rlbondporn · 7 months
Can you spot Marcus (RL Bond) in this video? BTW, Marcus is the gay porn name of the man who is successful in modelling as RL Bond
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rlbondporn · 11 months
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R L Bond (as porn star Marcus) did his first and last straight porn with Bianca. Bianca has been performing porn with other gay porn stars of Corbin Fisher prior to her porn encounter with R L Bond. R L Bond bottomed to porn star Kyle and topped porn star Logan prior to his porn encounter with Bianca. R L Bond quit hardcore porn after this session with Bianca and Marcus of Corbin Fisher disappeared forever! Why did he quit? Only R L Bond knows and I am very eager to know!
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rlbondporn · 11 months
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In the year 2005 R L Bond signed contract with gay porn studio and began his porn career.
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rlbondporn · 1 year
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Sex Bomb!
Handsome looking R.L. Bond is oozing in sexiness. I wonder if it’s his sexiness that led Gay Porn Studio, Corbin Fisher, to lure R.L. Bond to sign a contract to perform porn in the year 2005. After performing 2 solo porn (masturbation), 2 hardcore gay porn and 1 hardcore straight porn as porn star Marcus, R.L. Bond quit porn for good and pursued his career as model. For me R.L. Bond is very much sexier now than when he was in porn.
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rlbondporn · 1 year
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Just look at R L Bond’s face. RL Bond is brimming with joy and fun. Imagine if RL Bond did not quit porn in the year 2006. Would RL Bond be jumping in joy? I believe not. We don’t know why exactly R.L. Bond quit porn but quitting porn is one of the best thing R.L. Bond did in his life. R.L. Bond is a real man!
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rlbondporn · 1 year
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RL Bond is a good looking man. But ugliness was reigning his life when he RL Bond got involved in porn. RL Bond was floundering in porn until he quit porn for good. Unlike Adam Cuculich (porn name Ryan Driller) who is still not quiting porn despite getting married to a productive and innovative woman, Valerie Penso, RL Bond abruptly quit porn and never turned back. RL Bond is a gentleman! RL Bond is an achiever! R L Bond is a real man!
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rlbondporn · 2 years
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RL Bond quit gay porn!
RL Bond quit gay porn because his fellow porn star who bottomed to him could not handle his 8 inches penis and suffered anal pain throughout his hardcore penetration session. You can see another pics or Logan’s ordeal here and here.
So what really happened?
RL Bond signed up a contract with gay porn studio, CF, in the year 2005. He initially decided to do solo porn shots.
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rlbondporn · 2 years
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RL Bond is a sexy Kisser
Ex-gay porn star RL Bond is a good kisser and so the Mums ads personnel approached him for his talent. RL Bond was not a good kisser back then when he was performing adult movies for gay porn studio, CF.
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rlbondporn · 2 years
How a Porn Star become a Super Model?
Gay porn star RL Bond quit porn in the year 2006 and left gay porn studio, CF and relinquished his porn name Marcus and Derrick Ramirez and become world class super model.
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rlbondporn · 2 years
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RL Bond showing off his penis and testicles. RL Bond is proud of his assets. RL Bond posed for naked shot under the names Derrick Ramirez and Marcus.
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rlbondporn · 2 years
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RL Bond: Rising from Porn to Prom
RL Bond was exposing his naked body, sexual organs and performed explicit hard core sex stunts with other porn stars in front of the camera and allowed the images and videos reach the whole world. However, subsequently he realised he was meant for porn. RL Bond was not happy. So he left porn for good! No more scorn of porn!!! Having fallen into the ditch of porn and having dirtied his face, he had to work hard to rise. He attempted to remove all his porn materials from the net. He was 95% successful. RL Bond’s porn images and porn videos are still available to the public. He then ventured into modelling and managed to find his niche. Well done RL Bond!
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rlbondporn · 2 years
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RL Bond exposing his 8 inches Penis to Camera (gay porn studio).
RL Bond began his porn career with gay porn studio, CF, in the year 2005. This is probably his first photo shot after signing a contract with CF. RL Bond secured a huge gay porn fans via his very first porn shot. What 8 inch mamba could not do?
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