rkbgyu · 4 years
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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He’s so dramatic. I kept smiling through the whole thing .
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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                                                                                                HARRY POTTER
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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rkbgyu · 4 years
♠ Surprise! ♠
with beomgyu signed to trc, things certainly were going to get more interesting around the place he did have to admit. it was hard to find training boring when you were surrounded with your friends and people you happened to get along with. and he could already imagine the beomgyu could help him get up to if things did happen to get a little too boring for his tastes. of course, nothing which was going to get his contract terminated as he was actually enjoying this ‘trainee’ business, but there was nothing against just a little bit of fun which was sure to lighten the mood of everyone else. as if his absolutely winning personality didn’t do that anyway. 
“well, you better be prepared to lose some of hat weight now you’re here,” he couldn’t help but tease just a little, “you’re going to love the gym sessions and the dieting.” the gym training was absolutely awful, but the dieting wasn’t that bad as he was a pretty skinny person to begin with so technically didn’t need to lose any weight. if anything, he needed to gain more weight to make him stop looking so much like a literal matchstick. 
finally being able to straighten up fully now the younger boy had jumped off his back, jordan made sure to put on a show of rubbing the small of his back like he was in great amounts of pain. “you’re being loud right now,” he did have to point out with a slight grin, “and yeah, i could hold you for longer, but i don’t see why i should.” if anything, he could probably hold him for longer than he used to thanks to all the training making him stronger. “you get signed and the first thing you think of is eating?” 
Having Jordan in TRC was definitely going to add more excitement to training. Even if he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do yet, Beomgyu knew that having Jordan training with him made things a little easier. Things were never dull with Jordan and Beomgyu could already see the things they will get up to. While they probably couldn’t do as much of the things that they used to, there was still so much they could get up to. Beomgyu was down for anything and Jordan knew that. He was already anticipating the shenanigans the duo would participate in and the thought excited him. He was already getting antsy.
❝ Are you calling me fat, hyung? ❞ He asked, pretending to be hurt by the other’s words. Beomgyu had heard stories about the trainee life and how extreme it was and now that he was one he was experiencing things first hand. Not being able to eat as much as he’s used to was going to be hard but if cracked then he’d just need to dance more to burn off any fat. ❝ I have already been told what I can and can’t eat so, ❞ he shrugged.
Beomgyu rolled his eyes at the other’s dramatic actions. ❝ I’m not being loud. This is the level I usually talk at, ❞ he pouted. ❝ You should because you love me and it’s what friends do. ❞ He grinned cheekily. ❝ Eating is all I think about. Eating and dancing. ❞
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rkbgyu · 4 years
The Bunny ||
It wasn’t even Halloween and yet jongsuk already was in total Halloween mood. After all, the arrival of fall meant spooky season and pumpkin spice, so he’d already traded out his usual style, for a plaid flannel mix with a beetlejuice style jacket. The crowning glory on top of his eccentric style of dress were a pair of fluffy pink bunny ears, matching his unofficial easter bunny title at trc. that was his whole fun thing that he always did with  new trainees whenever he saw them around the company. offer up candy, like the easter bunny and then disappear away. 
he ran into one of those new traineess that he hadn’t had the time to meet yet while he was adjusting his jacket on the way into practice. “ah! you are a new human!” he exclaimed. he remmeberd that there was a few new kids joined in the summer so he finally now had a chance to meet one of them. “i’m lee jongsuk, trc’s easter bunny! it’s a pleasure to meet you my delightful human!” he exclaimed  
October was definitely one of Beomgyu’s favourite months of the year. Halloween was extremely fun and allowed the teenager to get away with dressing weirdly. He had a thing where he liked to dress up in a new costume or in a weird way every day leading up to Halloween. Since it was still the beginning of the month his dress style wasn’t as bad as it would get the closer Halloween got. It was just something he liked to do to have fun and celebrate the spooky season.
It seemed like he wasn’t the only one who practiced this. He had heard whispers from some of the other trainees about a guy wearing bunny ears. Beomgyu was more curious than scared and wondered if he would be able to see said trainee for himself. He didn’t have to wonder for long. Beomgyu grinned brightly at the older male and waved. ❝ Hi! I am. Hello. You look very cute, hyung, ❞ he chuckled. ❝ It’s nice to meet you, Jongsuk hyung. I’m Choi Beomgyu. The nickname really fits you, hyung. Do they call you that because of your ears? ❞
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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rkbgyu · 4 years
Blue Hour - Concept Photo:
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#BEOMGYU part 1
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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                                 ✥ HOW TO BE A  PISCES ✥
Jasmine (Acoustic Version) - DPR Live | @rkseunghun, @rkserim​
This month’s evaluation was something that the teenager had never expected. He never would have guessed that one day he would have to perform something based on his zodiac sign. Beomgyu was not the kind of person who paid attention to things such as zodiac signs or personality types. He just couldn’t understand how the day he was born linked to his personality or how he behaved. He had tried to use this month to understand the Pisces sign more and how he fit into it but to no avail.
Working with people who were close to his age was easier for Beomgyu and he was able to relax more. The more comfortable he felt around someone, the more he relaxed around them and having two members he knew made this month a whole lot easier for the high schooler and he was thankful for that.
It seemed that neither of the three males knew anything about zodiac signs or the Pisces sign and so they had tried to learn more before deciding on their concept and final song. Beomgyu had learned some interesting things about not only himself but about the Pisces sign and he could see why people were so interested in this kind of thing.
The trio had agreed to rearrange their chosen song into a more mellow and acoustic version and Seunghun had managed to rearrange it for them while Serim had somehow managed to fit his beatboxing in and Beomgyu felt a little out of place. His team members had managed to provide something but what had he brought? Nothing.
Not dancing felt unusual and a little weird to the dancer and he often had to remind himself to stop moving so much when singing. His body had become so used to moving that standing still felt foreign to him and he needed to at least fidget. Actually focusing on his voice instead of his dancing allowed Beomgyu to work on his vocal abilities and he was thankful for that.
Singing an acoustic song was a first for Beomgyu and the more he practiced, the more he hoped he had improved. The trio worked hard on harnessing their vocal abilities and skills during their rehearsals. Seunghun had managed to create a decent rearrangement and Serim’s beatboxing added a uniqueness to their performance that just worked.
When it finally came to evaluation day, Beomgyu was nervous and a little uneasy. His body was still not used to staying still and he often had to remind himself to stop moving and to focus on singing. During their performance, Beomgyu worked hard on remembering everything they had learned and worked on during rehearsals and by the end of their performance, Beomgyu had found himself having fun.
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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hes so cuteeee 
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rkbgyu · 4 years
please save the bunny
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rkbgyu · 4 years
water sign
he didn’t know if he should laugh at this situation, but it couldn’t be helped. after talking to some fellow trainees about the evaluation, it looked like everyone was clueless like him, which made him feel both relieved that he wasn’t the only one going through it and slightly nervous that he couldn’t find any zodiac sign expert in his company to help him out a bit. not that it was impossible to understand – after reading a couple of blogs and books, he could discuss the topic with his friends – but finding the perfect song to translate such traits was a big challenge. 
“don’t worry, this is not a pisces test!” he teased jokingly. this wasn’t something that someone with his knowledge about it could do anyway. “mm let me see…” he made a small list of songs that came to his mind when he was doing his research, some because of the vibe, others because of the lyrics but they still didn’t feel right. as he tried to decide which one to play first, he turned to beomgyu once a thought crossed his mind. “do you think if our defense is convincing enough, anything will do?” he wondered out loud, chuckling. not that he was that good with words, but after reading about it enough and finding a connection, he could pull it off like the good student he was.
Normally, Beomgyu was air-headed and clueless. That’s just how he was. He was often too busy focusing on anything and everything that he just couldn’t focus on one specific thing so many people just thought he was dumb or didn’t care when in reality he cared a lot. However, for the first time, Beomgyu was actually clueless. For the first time, he was living up to his reputation. He had zero idea on what to do this month and honestly, he wasn’t even sure if he fully understood this month’s concept. He had tried to turning to others for help and they had tried but he just couldn’t wrap his head around the whole zodiac thing. The thought that the day you were born determined your personality and how you interacted with others baffled him.
He let out a slight chuckle at the other’s words. ❝ Ok good because I would probably fail it. ❞ He grinned. Beomgyu moved a little closer to the other as he watched Seunghun compile a list, his head nodding in agreement at some of them and his face showing surprise or confusion at others. How were they supposed to pick a song that is related to their zodiac sign when you had no idea what those songs were. He gnawed on his lower lip as he thought about Seunghun’s question. ❝ You know, I don’t see why not. ❞
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rkbgyu · 4 years
♠ Surprise! ♠
it slowly seemed as though everyone he had managed to befriend over the years were ending up in trc with him. jibeom and seunghun had joined the same time he has and he had thought that was a pretty great coincidence. and now it seemed beomgyu was here as well. debuting was still not something he was very sure he even wanted, but getting the chance to debut in a group with his friends sounded like a nice idea, thinking about it. better than ending up in a planned group with people he didn’t really get along with, anyhow. though he didn’t think he had to worry about it for some time, no chance that debut was closing in anytime soon. 
“ah, really channelling your inner koala, huh?” he did have to groan out as the younger boy only tightened his grip to continue hanging off his back. it was not exactly a comfortable position to be in and jordan was starting to ache from having to bend over so much to stop himself from collapsing and then getting squashed by the boy clinging to him. 
“yes, that is exactly what i am saying,” he said with absolutely zero shame about it, “and can you please maybe thank you stop hanging onto me like this now?” he did have to wonder, trying to straighten up in an attempt to shake the kid off his back, “when you break my spine you’re the one going to have to pay the medical bills.” and probably explain to tiger jk how it had happened and why jordan wouldn’t be in practices for awhile. it was rather hard to dance when your back from broken, after all. 
Being the first of his friends to be signed was something Beomgyu was still trying to wrap his (tiny) brain around. The fact that Yeonjun, Yeojin and Soobin had yet to find a home with a company still confused him. Soobin was very popular online and his vocals were no joke. Yeonjun oozed talent and Yeojin, well, she was perfect. When he had heard Jordan had been signed, Beomgyu was honestly a little surprised. He had no idea Jordan had been wanting to debut but he had been happy for his friend (and frankly a little bit proud). Now he was here, Beomgyu would do anything to be able to debut in a group with his hyung. Beomgyu was someone who could easily befriend people so the thought of being part of a group with new people didn’t scare him. He would just feel more comfortable being with at least one person he knew well.
❝ Yup! ❞ He replied simply, a playful grin graced his lips. Beomgyu was too happy seeing the older male that he had completely forgotten that he was heavy and Jordan wouldn’t be able to hold him for long before he began to feel the pain in his limbs. Though, there was probably a part of him that was challenging his friend to see how long he could handle Beomgyu’s weight.
Beomgyu let out a very loud huff as he finally jumped off Jordan. He fixed his clothes before he glared at the older, arms crossed. ❝ I’m not that loud hyung, ❞ he whined. ❝ It really hurts that you think that, ❞ he added with a pout. ❝ You’re getting weaker, hyung. You used to be able to hold me longer, ❞ he teased with a smirk. He stuck his tongue out at the older male. He then looked around. ❝ So what is there to do here? What are some good places to eat? ❞
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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Staring: Choi Beomgyu and Song Hyeongjun (@rkhyeongjun) Genre: Teenage, Romance, School, Comedy, Drama, Thriller First Kiss tells the story of high school love. It follows Beomgyu and Hyeongjun as they meet, become friends, and fall in love. What started as a joke among friends led to something that neither teenager expected. However, when something threatens their school, will they be able to defy the odds and stay together or will they be forced apart forever?
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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I can’t believe it’s your birthday again you only had one last year. Anyway! Happy birthday Soobin-ah! We’ve been friends since we were kids and I couldn’t imagine life without you. Keep soaring high, Binnie! ^^ @scoobybin ( @rksbin )
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rkbgyu · 4 years
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Happy birthday Yeonjun hyung! Another year older and another year of being awesome. Thank you for being you, hyung! @chy913
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@rksbin @rkyjun​
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