rinthynous · 3 years
how do you write intros/intro sentences for your work? i’m struggling so much
i struggle a lot with this myself, something that someone on here said (i think) when i asked for advice about this was try and start the scene with something that embodies the Vibe of what the scene will be. if it's a conflict-heavy argument scene, maybe it could start with dialogue to jump right into it. or if you're starting with a paragraph of description (the room, the characters, the setting, wtv.) play around with using descriptors that capture the Feeling of the place. if it's an argument, point out the sharp edges and temperature and lighting to fit that mood. if its something soft and slow, maybe focus on breathing or small details and colors. sometimes it can help to picture it like an introductory scene to a movie - what kind of shots do you see? detailed and up close? or lots of empty spaces? can you see the sky? is there a hue over the screen?
also it's worth saying: go through a lot of options. first drafts are vomit drafts where you have to let your writing be bad, and intros can be the epitome of this. its totally fine to start your scene with "he is sitting here and they are sitting there and it is dark outside period" because you can always continue and go back later on to match the beginning to the critical part of the scene. awesome advice that i have to constantly remind myself of is "don't get it right, get it written"
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rinthynous · 3 years
writing fanfiction is just. i’m being so creative and original. i’m plagiarizing everyone by accident. i’m a genius. i’m cringe. i’m too angsty. i’m too cheesy. this is not in character. it doesn’t matter that it’s not in character because these are my characters now. i love my hobby. this is the worst possible use of my time. i’m seeking validation. i’m projecting my own personal problems onto this story and i’m barely hiding it. i know so many words and i’m using all of them wrong. im on tumblr posting about it instead of writing it.
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rinthynous · 3 years
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warning: your device is infected with (1) georgenotfound
hello tumblr! idk how tumblr posting works or anything so excuse the jank lol
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rinthynous · 3 years
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rinthynous · 3 years
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rinthynous · 3 years
I was VERY interested in Tommy's conversation with Foolish so I took the liberty of transcribing it, starting from Tommy telling Foolish about L'Manberg
Transcript below + a bit of analysis in the notes
Tommy: You see this? L’Manberg.
Foolish: Oh yeah, I’ve heard this before.
Tommy: This was mine and Wilbur’s na- it was Wilbur’s nation. It was Wilbur’s, which makes it all the more heart-wrenching, right. And he decided that even- and he doesn’t mean this, but even though at the time when we made this, it was to get away from Dream. Because Dream wouldn’t let us do what we wanted to. He told us that we have to live under his big iron fist. But we went “no Dream, that’s not fair.” Is it? Right? You don’t think that’s fair, do you Foolish?
Foolish. No, no. (under) So you were a couple revolutionaries- revolutionists basically.
Tommy (over): People wanna do what they want, so we made this nation, yeah? We made a nation and it was glorious and it was amazing! People challenged it, sure, but we got through it. (sigh) And then to try and con- you really don’t know the story?
Foolish: I mean-
Tommy: And then to try and consolidate our power, we held an election. Now…
Foolish: Oh man, there used to be governments here?
Tommy: Now, the problem with an election is it kinda puts all your life on the line, which can be good if you’re confident but perhaps we were a little overconfident… And because of that Foolish, well we um… we lost… to the hands of JSchlatt. Right here, actually! Right about here is where we lost.
Foolish: Oh.
Tommy: And Schlatt banished us. Now, we were ok w- I was ok when we were banished, I knew that we’d get it back. And we’d talk about it, right. As you said, peace is the option.
Foolish: Mm-hm.
Tommy: But here’s the thing, Foolish… Wilbur didn’t wanna do any more talking. He’d given up with that. Because some people aren’t strong enough. Some people stop talking. You know the phrase “treat others how you want to be treated,” Foolish?
Foolish (over): Yeah! Yeah!
Tommy (under): That’s a really important phrase and people hear it- you hear your teachers say it and you hear it when you’re young- people don’t ever listen to it. Treat others how you want to be treated. Wilbur disregarded that rule. He decided he wanted to be treated poorly so he’d treat everyone else poorly.
Foolish: Why do you think that?
Tommy: (sigh) Honestly, sometimes I don’t know myself. But this block here... (points to TNT) He used this and he blew up L’Manberg and shattered it into a million pieces. Now Wilbur, he was a good man, he is a good man, deep inside him, alright? But he-
Foolish: So you’re saying there’s still redemption for him?
Tommy: Well he’s been a good man deep inside him. But he’s been a bad guy for a very very long time. And I know that there’s still good in him, there’s still good in everyone really, Foolish. Even if they are all arseholes and wankers. But-
Foolish: You believe in second chances?
Tommy: No I don’t. I don’t really believe- I don’t- I- that’s not a thing for me, Foolish, it’s just that… (sigh) I believe everyone’s got a little bit of good in them. And I know that Wilbur had good in him, alright? (sigh) So I won’t-
Foolish: You said “had”?
Tommy: Yeah, he did ‘cause when we made this nation, although now he seems to clai- he claimed to me, Foolish, that the nation we built together… he claimed that it was all just a ruse for power. Now I think Wilbur’s just being a bad guy, alright? And that’s ok, we’re all bad guys. Everyone messes up, it’s- you learn the most from your mistakes.
Foolish: Oh yeah.
Tommy: He’s made so many mistakes. So many that have hurt so many people, but… what this is gonna be about isn’t giving him a second chance, isn’t giving him a third chance, it’s not about chances, Foolish. It’s about making sure you don’t give up on the people you care about. So I know you’re still really new to this server-
Foolish: Yeah.
Tommy: -and I know you’ve built lots of things. So if you ever care about someone, do not give up on them, Foolish. Don’t give up on people, right?
Foolish: You know what, Tommy? I think I had you-
Tommy: ‘Cause that’s how you lose.
Foolish: I think I had you wrong.
Tommy: Oh, I don’t know what that means.
Foolish: Well I just- y’know? You’re a little bit more mature than I thought you would be. I thought you were just a loud, obnoxious, you know what I mean? Do what you want, y’know, couple muggings here and there, but maybe there’s more to you than meets the eye.
Tommy: I still do that, obviously, ‘cause it’s funny and it-
Foolish, laughing: Well then- nah, I understand. Maybe there’s more to you. Maybe there’s more to you, Tommy, than I thought.
Tommy: ...Thanks, I guess. Maybe there’s more to you too.
Foolish: Oh, there’s so much… Do you consider yourself to be the good guy or the bad guy? Tommy: That really depends who you ask, doesn’t it, y’know? If you ask Dream, he’d say I’m- he’d say I’m his little- I’m his little play- his little toy that he plays with, y’know? It doesn’t… Foolish honestly I used to- I used to consider myself the good guy. Y’know the fucking second in command going round going “yeah let’s do this!” but I’m- recently… these past… (sigh) These past, like, six months or so, Foolish. Everything got so much harder than it was before. Because before it was us fighting the bad guys and it was all so clear, you know? It was all so clear.
Foolish: Yeah-
Tommy: But it’s not been clear for so long, alright? It wasn’t “these are the bad guys, these are the good guys.” Now it’s “he’s doing this, that makes him a bit worse, that makes him-” it all got so fucking complicated, so... I don’t know. It depends who you ask, but…
Foolish: I don’t know, it just all seems strange ‘cause just from, y’know, hearing from others and y’know learning a little bit, it seems like you’ve been the hero, you’ve been… the villain, the conqueror, the savior and even now I still have no idea what you exactly are.
Tommy: That’s up to you to decide, isn’t it? I’m just a… I dunno, these days, Foolish, I’m a little weaker than I used to be. I’m not who I- I’m not who I want to be, but… (sigh)
Foolish: You know, to be honest with you, Tommy? That’s the same case for me as well.
Tommy: Oh, really?
Foolish: Yeah.
Tommy: Here’s the thing, Foolish… Unlike you, I don’t really have a choice. I have to try and be who I want to be. ‘Cause if I don’t… very bad things are gonna happen on this server.
Foolish: Y’know-
Tommy: And I- now. Now Wilbur’s back, Foolish, I can’t… quite frankly, no one can risk that. So I don’t really have a choice. I’ll just keep on mining, I’ll keep on pogchamping…
Foolish OOC: You’re just gonna pog through the pain?
Tommy OOC: I tried to and then Twitch deleted the pog emote.
*They then continue speaking about the pog emote*
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rinthynous · 3 years
imagine being 11 rn
Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.
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rinthynous · 3 years
I would like to say that I love you, Rin 💕 (homoplatonically) - Spoonie
ur tha fuckin best
i know this is so old LOL but i almost never go on tumblr
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rinthynous · 3 years
so important
Can we just… normalize teens loving their parents? Like obviously you’re not obligated to if your parents are shitty, but damn, I love my mom. She’s there for me all the time and sure we have rough patches but honestly she’s the greatest. Like. We need teens to know that they don’t have to hate their parents just cause.
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rinthynous · 3 years
Techno seems to have a tendency to dedicating himself to allies that pick their own ambitions over him. Again and again, he'll put aside his caution and achieve incredible feats to protect, arm, and help the people he views as allies. But those tentative friends to Techno always turn out to be the ones who betray his trust. (often with the very resources he gifted to them. it likely makes him think that he's doing something wrong) But once, just once, I'd like to see one of Techno's allies stay committed. I want to see the old L'manburg citizens, the Eggpire, maybe even Dream, come to the North with a proposal. I want to see them ask Ranboo to kill Techno. And what I want to see, standing tall with his weapon equipped, stepping in front of the enemy to shield his friend, is Ranboo, saying that "Techno has given me the world, so I'd be a fool not to fight it for him." I want Ranboo to break the cycle of betrayal and choose Techno for once
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rinthynous · 3 years
why is tommy’s second death considered less important than the other two?
tommy’s second death was the duel between him and dream for L’Manberg’s independence. tommy notably (quoting hamilton) had doubts about whether killing someone in a sanctioned duel was good or kind (“do i shoot at him or do i aim for the sky?”) and in the end, shot first (staying true to how a real life duel would go by shooting as soon as he turned around), missed, and paid for it with his life.
why is this death forgotten? what if he hadn’t missed? what if he had aimed for the sky? what if they had both died?
why does anyone look at a kid who offered up one of his lives on a silver platter just for that one-in-a-million chance that he could win independence for l’manberg and call him selfish?
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rinthynous · 3 years
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from karl’s latest strem
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rinthynous · 3 years
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bang bang bang!!
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rinthynous · 3 years
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yea tbh
not tagging bc i know virtually no one here but anyone who sees this, mf go for it LMAO
Choose one picture from ur camera roll without downloading to sum your personality and then rag 5 ppl
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@justnerdystuffs @zetrif @lostaff @supremeshogunrj @vincent-van-gtg
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rinthynous · 3 years
fuck, dude
all c!tommy does is suffer the consequences of cc!tommy's actions
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rinthynous · 3 years
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SO…. ranboo fans, how’re we doing?
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rinthynous · 3 years
im imagining a sit com-esque interaction where george and technoblade see each other at an airport as they essentially swap countries to meet up with their respective friend group
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