rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Black Sugar Babies (Great Repost)
I need every single one of you ladies to check this escort out.  She has an amazing website and a great inspiration for sbs or escorts who have issues with setting standards with their POTs.
She is f**king serious!
Reading her site has compelled me to write a detailed sheet about my allowance, ppm, gifting policy, favorite stores for gift cards and shoe sizes.
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Me half the time
C-At times I find myself strange since I’ve never really had this big urge to date and I still don’t. I’m 22 and I’ve never been on a date or had a boyfriend, to society this would be deemed strange. Surprisingly this isn’t an issue for me since my parents didn’t let me and my siblings date during high school. Also from my observation of other young people’s relationships I really don’t have the urge to do it anyway ☹️
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
So I’m in my senior year of college and I was planning on getting new dick for the school year (since all my dick sources are out of town). I was looking at this one dude who had transferred here and he lives in the same apartment building on campus as me. But he’s really shy and barely talks so I wasn’t getting anywhere with him. Then I met a dude off Tinder. He’s nice and everything but he already wants sex and I don’t know him that much.
Now listen to this, this happened unexpectedly. Since I’ve been here for almost 4 years, I’ve known this guy. My freshmen year he had this girlfriend of his. They eventually broke up at the end of the school year. People were talking about how he’s so fine but personally I wasn’t paying attention to him like that. Then my sophomore and junior years, girls around campus were saying how they heard he has a big dick. But he doesn’t flirt with girls constantly like some dudes do and you never hear about who he screwed. Everyone knows for a fact he’s not that type of person. He’s playful and an all around guy. He talks to any and everyone. He doesn’t have a certain group of dudes he hangs with either. He’s laidback and chill, and humble. And he doesn’t brag on his dick also. So he just so happened to be in my class for this semester. I also revently added him on Instagram. Earlier this week, he DM'ed me asking me if he could use my textbook to do his homework. I said sure no problem. He came by me and my friend’s apartment and he actually sat there and watched a movie with us. My friend had her little boyfriend over also. But my friends were all over him. All girls on campus flirt with him cause he is a good looking guy with a nice body (and the whole thing with him having a big dick). After the movie he took my book and left. He DM'ed me again and said that if we needed him for anything, just let him know. I said absolutely no problem. I then told him that he should come over more cause we don’t have shit else to do (plus we always wanted guys over once we got our apartment). He said okay. Then he asked me about my IG bio. He told me to explain why I have “Be an advocate for good dick” in my bio. (LOL) yea I got it from that gay dude on IG called Fahylando (he’s hilarious). And he said “oh okay I thought you wanted some good dick” and I said “welllll I mean I do but that’s not what I meant in my bio” and then he said “well i need some good ummm well you know lol” and i said “goodness I didn’t know u were like this” and he said “yea I like to keep things on hush hush” and i said “yea I’m the same way I like dudes that are lowkey” and he said “yea i like girls that are lowkey” so then he said “maybe one day we could chill or something” and i said “that’s cool with me” then he asked me what was i doing and i told him I was doing homework and he asked “you going to bed after 😏” and i said “yea I got an 8am” and he said “oh ok nevermind” and I said “nevermind what?” and he said “what u think? lol” and i said “maybe tomorrow night lol”
Tomorrow night came and we fucked. Hard. And it was true, his dick was huge. I think that’ll be the biggest dick I’ll fuck in my life. It was so good to him he texted me after he left and first he asked me was I okay, then he said said “I loved it so much omg it was good”. He came back the next night and we fucked again. Just as amazing as the first time. And now he’s gonna leave for the weekend and I want him to come back over before he leaves tomorrow evening. When he texted me about coming back over he said “idk I’ll let you know though” I felt/feel like crying and idk why lol. I try not to catch feelings after sex and I know I don’t have feelings for him but damn, I just need one more night to suit me for the weekend lol.
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
A gem
Confession *Update on my Big Dick Guy at College!!!*
Keep reading
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Confession *Update on my Big Dick Guy at College!!!*
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Hello there! I'm in college and I'm currently contemplating a career between a financial advisor and an investment banker. Investment banker's starting salaries are higher than advisors, but they were tedious hours. Advisors have high earning potential but it's mostly sales. I honestly want to live a rich lavish lifestyle in which I can travel often .Which career do you believe I would have a better chance of achieving this ? Thank you ! ❤️
Financial advice is big business these days. You can also become self employed or start your own business. Wealth management is a similar career to high net worth individuals only. What about management consultants? Some consultants make six figures per job task. Finance is so vast. If you want to work for firms, choose ones that includes travel in the job description
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
😭😩😩😩 snatch that shit back !
C: These white kids from South Africa recently moved to a school district near mine. One of them applied for an African American scholarship (what the fuck) and he actually won it (again, what the fuck). Apparently when he went to receive the scholarship the board found out that he wasn’t in fact African American. His reasoning was that he’s South African & now an American citizen so “technically” he’s African American. Anyway, they snatched that scholarship away and the community white tears came like a tsunami. We were talking about it in my classroom and I was so angry (yet not surprised) that these white people genuinely can’t grasp the difference between nationality, ethnicity, citizenship, etc. If my black ass went to china and became a citizen does that make me Afro-Chinese? Hell the fuck naw!
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Lmaooo say that shit far away from me because my mouth reckless I'll say some fucked up shit right back at ya. IDC IDC
A lot of people just need to say they hate Africans and go.
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Dark Skin Girls Deserve To Know They Are Beautiful Well Before They Start Dating Or Receiving Sexualized Compliments
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Shit is disgusting and not just young girls but boys too. Female and male teachers getting arrested everyday for being sickos smh! Leave these kids alone TF
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
I'm geeked
I’m excited for the Marvel’s Black Panther movie. It’s so refreshing seeing black actors in a film that’s NOT about drugs, ‘baby momma drama’, that tired ass trope of growing up in the hood and cheaters. We need more movies with black superheroes, sci-fi, and fantasy. More positivity please!
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
I just want to be on a Superyacht, being served rosé all day, basking in the sun, thinking about my next shopping extravaganza. I need to get out of the city…
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Love this
How do I gain confidence in myself cause I have like none
To gain confidence you have to sit and analyze all of the good you bring to yourself and realize your self worth and you have to build on that. It took awhile for me to do this but it’s all worth it, loving yourself is very important, especially in today’s society.
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
I envision us fucking to Tory Lanes Juvenile Freestyle 😅👅👅👅 💦💦 something about him screams stamina
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
Reblog this and money will be entering your life this week
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
I hear this a lot....
So the other day I was talking to my homeboy who has just gotten out of a 2 year relationship because his girl found out he had been cheating. I asked him why he cheated and asked, “if you weren’t happy with her or the relationship, why didn’t you just leave?” He said, “I was happy. That girl made me the happiest I’ve ever been. I don’t think I’ve ever been that happy in my life till she came along.” So I asked again, “then why did you cheat? was she not enough?” And all he said to me was, “she was more than enough, sis, she was 10x more than enough but for some reason idk I still wanted more.” Idk wtf that means so can one of you cheating ass niggas care to explain?
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rinseandrepeatsb · 7 years
GO BE A HOE A SIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Go be a hoe sis, I’m telling you now.
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