Typography Blog 14
This week was my final week in typography class. I presented my ad creation project and got mostly positive feedback. The only criticism that I remember from the class was the position of the "making ideas work" slogan under the Benchmark logo. In all, this class has been a positive experience in building my typography skills. From this, I am better at keeping designs faithful to its material and illustrating hierarchy in text. Also, I know better where to appropriately use serifs and sans fonts. I used to almost exclusively use serif fonts just because I font them to look nicer, but now I am better able to distinguish appropriate uses. Lastly, this class improve my understanding of how ads and designs should work.
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Typography Blog 13
This week, for my final product of my ad recreation project, I have decided on a new approach because I feel that the original layout leaves little room for job information because this is an employment ad, not a consumer ad, so more information is appropriately needed. Also, this project is an ad recreation, not another ad revision. I settled on creating create an employment ad based on this business's website layout and descriptions, basically condensing the Information on their homepage. In my final product, I put business information with headings and body texts from their site underneath the logo and slogan. I used icons straight from their site. The ad was divided into sections based the color and organization of their site.
Final Ad Recreation:
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Typography Blog 12
This week, I started to work on drafts and ideas of how to redesign the benchmark ad in an efficient way. I tried to recreate the original layout with new assets and headings straight from their new website with their slogan "making ideas work" in the focus in its original text. In order to advertise the employment, I wrote "IS NOW HIRING" in big text to capture the eyes of the viewer right underneath the company's new logo.
Here's a draft or sketch of which I have completed.
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Typography Blog 11
This week, I settled on the Benchmark ad because it ironically gives the opposite picture of what it is trying to do with “Join the most stressful work environment” and the way the bowtie is pictured. I found there website and they have significantly rebranded with whole a new logo and color palette. I found that they are a creative and tech business located in Cairo, Egypt and Dubai, UAE.
Site: https://benchmarklabs.me
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Typography Blog 10
This week, I explored ideas for the next and final project, the Ad Recreation. I did a Google Search for bad ads and found a useful webpage with plenty of ideas. The webpage is https://contentfuel.co/ineffective-print-ads/.
Here are a few ideas for bad ads to recreate I found on that site.
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Typography Blog 9
This week, I finished my ad revision project by fixing the design flaws in the original ad and studying other Krispy Kreme ads. I looked at the messages and reorganized them in a visual hierarchy. I replaced the image with a high quality Krispy Kreme photo and I even added Krispy Kreme ad features such as the green dots surrounding the logo. Here is my final product.
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Typography Blog 8
This week, I was looking and I found an ad, which I found deeply flawed and suitable for my project, in the FGCU library on a bulletin board. It is an ad for Krispy Kreme sponsoring FCGU Quadball. Immediately, I found the text and assets to be squished, the main image of donuts to be low quality and poorly integrated, a huge lack of visual hierarchy, lacking emphasis on main points, and the design to be uninspired by its branding conventions. I recreated the ad on Photoshop, so I can revise it by gradually fixing its flaws.
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Typography Blog 7
This week, I started brainstorming for my next project, keeping an eye for flawed ads around me. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet found anything suitable for my project as it has to be a physical ad found in person not researched online. I will search more next week.
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Typography Blog 6
This week, I refined and completed the Type Family Classification project, creating a sans-serif font in a similar style to the Earthbound logo. I revised some letters in Illustrator to give it higher detail to catch the eye. This is my final name logo font.
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Typography Blog 5
This week, for my Type Family Classification project, I have begun on creating a font for my last name based on the Earthbound logo. I started out by tracing the letters in the logo un Photoshop. I then used to the letters E and R, which are in also in Miller, my last name, in my last name, and used the rest as as template to create new letters for my last name based of the features of the traced logo. This is the groundwork for what I will redefine into my new font.
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Typography Blog 4
This week, I have been brainstorming for the next typography project, which is to create a new font out of the letters of my last name. I have looked for inspiration in a RPG video game franchise which I am a fan of, Xenoblade Chronicles and using its logos to based my last name font off of. However, I found that the Xenoblade logo used a generic and overly simple Helvetica Neue Black Italic typeface, so I decides to change course and find inspiration in the logo of Earthbound, another RPG video game that I am a fan of.
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Typography Blog 3
This week, I have been working and finalizing the 4 Corners Creative Magazine Ad for the first project. I decided to use the font choices and layout styles typically used in 4 Corner's Creative's branding. I also had the increased the font size of the heading text as it goes down to give a semi-3d effect, making the slogan pop out. I also used a paragraph descriptive text text to the computer icon.
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Typography Blog 2
This week, I have been planning for the first project and found out the one of my ideas, the 8-bit Hall of Fame was destroyed by Hurricane Ian which ravaged the store and ruined its entire inventory. Because of this, I have settled on my backup plan, 4 Corners Creative. I will create a new ad for 4 Corners Creative using branding assets which I have from my internship at that business. I have made some layout plans for the magazine ad.
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Typography Blog 1
This week, as the first week in class for typography, I have been thinking for the first project which is to create a magazine ad using our knowledge in typography. It requires to be for a local business here in Fort Myers. One idea of mine is for a retro video game store I am fond of called 8-bit Hall of Fame. If that doesn't work out for me, my current backup idea is for a local digital design business which I recently interned for called 4 Corners Creative. I will keep myself open for new ideas.
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