reylo-positivity · 5 years
Hi, @force-bound it's the coolest person ever!!!!!! Huge shout out to that user
anonymous at @force-bound
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reylo-positivity · 5 years
reyloarmy is a really really nice person, one of my favorite accounts in Tumblr♥️♥️♥️♥️
anonymous at @reyloarmy
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@situation-normal is just the best.  Not only is she an A+ person with a kind, giving heart, she is also a wonderful author whose work never fails to bring a smile.  She’s a clever, witty writer and a fierce, loyal friend.  
anonymous at @situation-normal
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@winglessone is a precious human bean and a talented artist and author. She deserves to be cherished
anonymous at @winglessone
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
why do u ship reylo? i’ve heard that it’s bad? but idk
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
Sage McMae ( @wewantreylo ) is an amazing beta! Thank you!
anonymous at @wewantreylo
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
I know it’s actually @stark who runs this blog and your hard work for everyone deserves more recognition! we all love you so much!!
anonymous at @stark
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@ms-camucia writes incredible, charming, funny, and thoughtful stories and tumblr posts. She is underappreciated!
anonymous at @ms-camucia
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@lovethemfiercely is one the best and kindest people I have been blessed to encounter on this site. Knowing her has immeasurably improved my life ;-)
anonymous at @lovethemfiercely
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@calledalaska (Kate_Reid on AO3) is prolly one of the best fic writers you’ve never read. Her work doesn’t get nearly the attention it deserves, and it’s a crying shame.
anonymous at @calledalaska
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@polkadotdotdotreylo is such an amazing writer and kick ass person! Her stories are so diverse, she’s a credit to the fandom and more people should be reading her stuff!
anonymous at @polkadotdotdotreylo
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
All I'm saying is that @lilyevansreyjakku is one of my favorite blogs and person EVER. She is all around kind, inspiring, and supportive. Seeing her on my dash never fails to make me smile. Thanks for your unending support 💕💕 The Reylo fam is luck to have you (Also she just came out with her first Reylo Haunted Mansion au ff!! Congrats and everyone should go check it out 🤗)
anonymous at @lilyevansreyjakuu
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
Tumblr media
What is Secret Santa?: It is an arrangement by which a people in fandom exchange Christmas presents anonymously, each signed-up member of the group being assigned another member for whom to provide a gift, typically a creation (a fanfic, a gifset, a graphic, etc.) 
We want to make it open to anyone who wants to get involved. Thus, if you’re not a fandom creator (a fanfic writer, an artist, a gif-maker, an edit maker, a vidder, or a fanmix creator, etc.), you still can participate in the Reylo Secret Santa by gifting a Christmas Letter to the person you’re assigned — a personal message of positivity and appreciation to put a smile on someone’s face. 🎄
Reylo community as a whole is full of lovely, wonderful people, and although this is probably a little late in getting started, we hope many of you will join us in spreading some positivity and Christmas cheer this year!
Please reblog this post
Follow this blog 
Fill out !! this form !!
All sign-ups must be submitted by December 5th.
Shortly after the deadline, we’ll message you with the details of your giftee. Please keep your ask box open for our admin team.
Once you have been paired up with someone send them ANONYMOUS asks up until the day you provide them with your gift. Get to know your giftee: ask them questions, query what they would like to see in their gift — do they have any favourite Christmas activities/food etc…? It will help you narrow down what your giftee will enjoy in their present. 
Remember your messages to your giftee MUST be anonymous as you don’t want to reveal yourself before the big day. 
Please remember have your ask box turned on to accept ANONYMOUS messages so your Secret Santa can reach you. If for whatever reason you cannot do that, please contact us with an alternative so we can accommodate you and inform your Secret Santa of how to contact you. 
Your creations can feature other characters, but the content must be Reylo and Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)/Rey character focused.
If you do not have time please do not apply. You must be committed to posting a gift for your giftee.
How do I ensure my gift will be seen?
We will reblog all gifts to this blog, so you must tag ‘reylo secret santa’ in the first five tags of your post so we can see them.
You must also tag all your ask replies with ‘reylo secret santa’ so we can keep track of them. If we think any of the asks are funny or creative we will reblog them.
Please @ your giftee once your gift is complete and send them a message letting them know. 
We also have an AO3 collection. AO3 has a really great tutorial on how to post to a collection! Check it out for in-depth instructions. The easiest way to join is to go straight to the Reylo Secret Santa collection on AO3, and click the Post to Collection button. That will take you to a screen to upload your fic as normal! That button fills out the specific collection for you, so you know your work is going to the right place. Your fic will still show up under your works, and you will be listed as the author of your part of the collection.
What is the deadline for gift submission? When is the masterlist release date?
Gift posting will begin December 24th and will end December 31st so you can post your gift between this time.
We will post our masterlist on New Years Day to help with the holiday blues!
Please feel free to reblog this post to give us a signal boost.
If we miss your post for any reason please let us know and we will reblog this for you.
There is no limit on how many gift you give your giftee.
If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. Happy Holidays!
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@constellationsinmytea is such a gifted artist. Each and every one of her Inktober Reylo pieces floors me with its beauty! 😍
anonymous at @constellationsinmytea
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@reyloner is the most flipping amazing talented writer and a bundle of joy all around!
anonymous at @reyloner
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
nancylovesreylo, slipgoingunder, and reylocalligraphy constantly provide amazing fic recs for Reylo fandom. Thank you three for all the time you spend!!!
anonymous at @nancylovesreylo @slipgoingunder & @reylocalligraphy
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reylo-positivity · 6 years
@shmi-solo is such a phenomenal writer and aesthetics creator. I look up to her so much. I'm way too scared to talk to you, but thank you for everything ❤️❤️❤️
anonymous at @shmi-solo 
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