reyesvidai-blog · 7 years
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Why did you come here, Reyes?
To be someone.
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reyesvidai-blog · 7 years
hanging on by a tether
ship • sis!ryder / reyes rating • not adult yet words • 692 notes • this is vvv unfinished, but i’m impulse-posting. feedback welcome, pls! it’s been a bit since i’ve written out a proper fanfic. summary • sara ryder finds herself shy when faced with reyes vidal.
there’s a frown that paints over her features – an all too familiar motion that sara ryder finds her lips dropping into when reyes vidal gives that smirk that causes her heart to clench.
it’s a clench that’s a mixture of both yearning and hesitation, as cora’s and vetra’s warnings chant in her head; she knew him best, yet her crew ground her fluttering heart by reminding her that this man lied to her – which is another worry that’s tacked onto sara’s “to-worry list”, which SAM reminds her is getting quite long.
amber hues scan over her features, and there’s a brief flicker of movement that runs over his left brow that shows some grain of emotion in reyes’ features, an emotion other than the cocky coyness that causes the words in her throat to catch.
“i need an outpost on kadara,” she says, and her words spill out in a cacophony of slurring; it’s an embarrassing display of her prowess, as her pathfinder title remains to be something that she hadn’t grown accustomed to – she suddenly feels like a child, heart aflutter and nerves spiking on the occasion that she has to be oh-so professional with a man who screams unprofessional – a man who has completely skewered her thoughts.
he has the audacity to chuckle, a noise that echoes in the room and causes a layer of chills to spread under her armor.
“wish granted,” he chimes, voice reminiscent to that of a hum – soothing, relaxing –
– and there she goes again, getting lost in thoughts of him.
she clears her throat, trying to retain that small shred of professionalism still present. the lull of music thuds against the wall, and the stench of alcohol doesn’t exactly help to maintain a professional environment; still, she’s the pathfinder, there has to be some sort of consistency.
“i expected more of a conversation –”
“i like to maintain a sense of spontaneity, ryder.”
– “and you certainly do,” plays at sara’s tongue, though she can’t find the courage to let those words properly spill into the conversation. instead, she remains silent - another awkward lapse of quiet, as her eyes dart around for something other than the devil before her, while his eyes rest on her – and a smirk hinting at his lips.
“now, ryder, i don’t imagine that’s the only thing you would like to bring up, is it?”
his tone is taunting; he knows he’s right, especially due to the fact that the pathfinder is fidgeting nervously under his gaze. this sudden bashfulness contrasted the teasing rebuttals he had been met with in their last few meetings, though he doesn’t find it bad –
it’s quite endearing, actually.
sara’s breath catches in her throat, though, once again, her words spill out like a rushing river – all at once.
“what are we?”
a few kisses, an abrupt shenanigan in the depths of a cave - she held them fondly, though she had a terrible habit of exaggerating her feelings and attaching them to moments, something that had repeatedly caused her to be in situations just like this. she never learned, and in a time like this, her blind crush – love, even – might’ve been something merely fleeting to the other.
besides, why would a smuggler wish to align himself with the pathfinder? there’s the business advantage, certainly, but – love? she was to be the paragon of humanity, their saving grace – meanwhile, he was the charlatan, a title that she had heard others speak with both venom and endearment. whichever of those she felt towards reyes, she couldn’t tell.
“we are two of the most powerful people on this planet–”
“smartass – please.”
another deadly chuckle, enough to make her heart skip a beat, even with exasperation laced in her tone.
“we–” reyes begins, though he’s a man more apt to show than tell; he brings himself to sit beside her – a bit too close, enough for her to smell the glaringly familiar aroma of him. despite her stock-stillness, he brings a hand up to her cheek, touch feeling like sparks against her skin.
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