reviller · 2 years
      Shoichi chortled and followed behind her after she tugged on the leash. His gait was hardly the one of an inebriated person’s, but she could unfortunately pick up on the pungent smell of alcohol his breath carried as he leaned closer to her. Without hindering whatever she planned on doing to Alto, he wrapped his free arm around her waist and rested his cheek against her shoulder. His other arm joined in a loose hug after he rid himself of the bottle, leaving it on the table.
      Contrasting his leniency, Alto’s gaze hardly budged from the cake even as she moved his head. His attention stubbornly remained on the decorations until he had found the perfect spot for the two medium sized dove-shaped candle holders. The candles themselves formed the double digits “99″, likely a joke towards Shoichi’s unknown age, as they both happened to be sharing a birthday.
      “Don’t mention it,” the detective chimed in with a smile as he turned his attention towards her. Behind him, the white chocolate frosted strawberry cake waited for them to dig in. But first, they both had to embarrass her a little bit, as a treat.
      As Shoichi pinned her within his hug, Alto picked up her unoccupied hand and cupped in his own. He brought it to his lips and pressed a kiss against her palm, his emerald gaze transfixed on her with an air of mischievousness. The drunkard’s side to side swaying shuffle was meant to be his version of a slow dance, in which she had to join in whether she liked it or not with Alto as their lead.
      “Tanti auguri a te, tanti auguri a te...”       “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~”
      Their voices overlapped one another in an amusing cacophony. Regardless, Josiah had to hear them through until the last verse.   / @timelostcarrion / cont.
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reviller · 2 years
"Just a curious question, but if something ever did happen to me or happened to me-- say, I died mysteriously and all suspicious like. Or went missing. Would you be in charge of my case?" [House loud killing me have a dumb jojo question dhgh]
“That’s a grim thought to be brought up all of a sudden...”
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Years worth of cold authoritarian discipline came back to him in a flash. The one rule of thumb that he never forgot throughout his training?
“...Never get emotionally invested,” he muttered. It might have come as a shock to her to hear something so detached, but it was true. “That is the key to perfection, the key to solving a case as objectively as humanly possible. That is why no agency should allow a detective to work a case in which he has personal stakes.” Alto paused for a while, adjusted his glasses, then shot her a reassuring smile. “Perhaps it is a good thing that I am freelancing.”
That was, of course, a yes. He would turn everything upside down and go through anyone that stood in his way for her sake.
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“It will never come to that, though. I am an outstanding marksman, you know?” He made a fingergun gesture at her to ease the mood.
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reviller · 2 years
"You won't like. Pop me in the back of the head for like, blowing smoke on you by accident, will you? You are the only researcher carrying, aren't you?" - Scp Faron [fdsf old camera screening of alto popping that one suffering agent during his oof arm incident]
Since he always donned that mask of a smile in public, there was no wonder that most people had trouble pinpointing his exact emotions. It remained unclear whether he was only messing with Faron or the pungent smell of tobacco that clung to his breath actually annoyed him.
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“Oh, please. And waste a valuable asset?” His dishonest snicker sounded like the kind of noise a mischievous fox makes when it wants to play. “That habit of yours does not endear you to me, though. If you are so worried about what I’m packing, would you kindly chew a mint before barging into my office? It might save your life one day.”
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reviller · 2 years
"Does this mean I can just waltz into your office unannounced and touch your stuff now?" - Scp Mark [hjfd kin status]
“That’s cute, Markus. Your usage of now implies that there was a moment in time when you didn’t show up unannounced.”
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“But I would still prefer it if you refrained from touching anything. For your own sake, of course. Unless you don’t mind being subjected to a little bit of irreversible cellular-level mutation or spontaneous combustion.”
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reviller · 2 years
Knox pursed his lips, peering down at his phone now while he listened to Alto speak - knitting his brows a bit, though he knew of his shortcomings and how he settled around his few who had the same. At least he didn’t need to worry about someone trying to play the perfect card, it made him chuckle while he finished up and lifted his gaze. But he let him finish what he had to say on it, while he had looked at the notebook - though the only thing to move were his eyes that understood what he wanted of course, which he complied.
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“It’s okay, don’t worry… I’d rather you have it to avoid that, so–” Knox set his phone aside on the table before picking the notebook and pen with a quick reaching swipe for it, though it wasn’t the most graceful writing - it was intelligible. He slipped the pen in the page before sliding it back towards him over the table, a smile gracing his lips amidst it with a small hum. “You probably will get a message before you even add it though-” Eyes squinted, looking over his phone briefly. Though his number was already added in there to say the least, speedy as could be in his very small roster.
      Mindful not to appear too obvious about it, he glanced down at the notebook and gave the text a quick read before he stored everything back in his coat’s pocket. With a satisfied smirk on his lips, he leaned back in his chair and resumed sipping from his beverage.
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      “Is that a threat?” he wondered, quirking a brow at him. At the same time, he reached inside of his trousers’ pocket for his phone, just in case Knox was about to pull a fast one on him. “Apparently, the way people text says a lot about them. I wonder what kind of person you are behind the screen. Serious? Deadpan? Or maybe you use emojis inappropriately.” Needless to say, he was getting a kick out of teasing him.
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reviller · 2 years
Surely he could’ve used his ability to find people, but it was no business in his head for what context - that wasn’t his idea though and he just wanted a number he knew was reliable to keep contact with him. He nodded, from his spot he was watching attentively from the curious nature since he seemed to exchange routes on what he was looking for - assuming it might’ve been something else involving his own career. But his follow up words made him cough in his own mouth, squinting to the side, almost like he was merely thinking about that now that it was too late, yet a small chuckle sounded off. It truly would be no surprise, considering he was  no different than the few he knew but the respect was share amongst it all.
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“I could’ve but I was late to that introduction then, instead I’m asking for it.” He hummed, stretching his digits under his chin before lifting it. Smile gone briefest in the moment, he tilted his head at him with a raised brow - be it he wasn’t sure what answer he was anticipating. But surely, it made him burst into a small laugh and a shake of head to brush off as if it would be any concerns to him at all. “Think you worry too much, at least that isn’t what I’m worried about anyways but a heads up is a heads up, I won’t take anything out of context.” Knox leaned over, reaching for the slip of the paper. “I’ll add it right now,” Chiming in, his freehand was already dipping into his coat pocket for his phone.
      “If you say so,” he chuckled. “That might not bother you right now, but I know I have my shortcomings... As do you, I suppose.”
       Whether or not Knox had a reply waiting for him, he waited patiently for him to finish saving his contact, flicking the pen back and forth between his thumb and index finger. Secretly satisfied with this turn of events, he smiled to himself as he reached for his cup of latte and took a sip out of it. After Knox lifted his gaze from the phone’s screen, Alto placed the notebook along with the pen on the table and pushed them towards him, encouraging him to write down his details as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.
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      “If you don’t mind,” he said, shooting him a smile. “Sometimes, my phone decides not to show me the names of my contacts and it throws me off. At least if I have your number on paper, you can rest assured that I won’t ignore your calls.”
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reviller · 2 years
(´▽`) @reviller​
The moment Alto made that assumption, had made Knox pause briefly where he was settled - he was rather quick not long after to shake his head. Though he was equally hit with a look of confusion, given the context of his words and the implications but Knox spoke up with a small snort.
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“No? I’m not looking for anyone, my few I know is still on the radar. But what I was looking for, was a better way to keep in contact with you of course.” He added, resting his elbow on a crossed over knee so his chin could rest on his knuckles.
      “Oh,” he said, realizing his mistake. After gesturing for Knox to wait a minute, he turned away and searched the pocket of his coat for his palm-sized agenda that he always carried with him for when he needed to take notes on his current cases or write down witness statements. Never had he used it to give out his personal number before, but there’s always a first time for everything.
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      “If you were any more spontaneous, you could have written down my details from my next package,” he joked, shooting him a sly look. He leaned back in his seat and crossed one leg over the other, propping the opened notebook on his thigh. He clicked his pen and then wrote down his full name in big letters horizontally on the page, followed by his number underneath. It was impossible to miss.
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      “I must warn you, though...” He paused and neatly ripped the page out before holding it out to him. “I don’t do well with texting. I’ve been told on several occasions that the tone of my written replies sounds threatening... Whatever that means.”
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reviller · 2 years
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timelostcarrion asked:
“Can I get your phone number?” - Div Knox [giv it to him sfdgd]
      As Knox's sudden request reached his ears, Alto lowered the cup of coffee from his lips and quirked his brows at him.
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      "Oh? Do you need me to track someone down?" he wondered with an incredulous look on his face. It wasn't often that people took a personal interest in him, so he wasn’t even going to assume that to be the case. He was already reaching into the breast pocket of his blazer for his business card that had his work phone number written on it.
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reviller · 2 years
RP starters: Flirting ( + responses to it. )
“You come here often?”
“Can I offer you a drink?”
“So.. You expecting someone?”
“Do you need a place to stay for tonight?”
“I gotta tell you… you look incredibly hot.”
“Do you want to dance with me?”
“Look at us… we are basically a couple already.”
“I bet you would look even better without your clothes on.”
“Are you single? Just asking.”
“You’re the most beautiful person I have ever encountered.”
“What would you say if you and me would go somewhere else?”
“I love the way you’re dressed.”
“Do I have any chances with you?”
“Do you have anything better to do later?”
“Can I get your phone number?”
“You seem like a bad boy/girl/person type.”
“I can do whatever you want, babe.”
“You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”
“I bet guys/gals/people are all over you.”
“You should be a model.”
“Are you… trying to flirt with me?”
“Maybe if I get a free drink I can consider talking to you.”
“That won’t work. Try again.”
“Oh my god, did you just say that out loud?”
“I’m waiting for someone. However, you can amuse me in the meanwhile.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“I thought you were taken.”
“So, have you flirted with every girl/boy/one in this bar yet?”
“Do I look like someone who seems interested in you?”
“Compliments won’t pay my drinks.”
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reviller · 2 years
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@timelostcarrion​ said:
Gift buying wasn't something she was all that good at. Of course two pups she kept up with. Yet at least she knew there were more than one way to spoil someone, whether that meant with treats and consumables. Where she had a small bag of selective goodies that were treats - albeit alcoholic based and another singled out bag inside of it that wasnt like the rest, that caved more to his coffee based tastes, expenses hadn't mattered even if he wouldn't buy it. She was going to. Busy or not, she was already up in his space and that was his lap - half sprawled over it while she dug in the bag she had.
"I got a little bit of everything-- even if you might not like some of it," She added, digging in the bag she had before pulling out a pink wrapped sweet. "Cocktail gummies?" A hand raised towards his face with it. "There's the infused chocolates too, if you'd rather stick to that, but-" Rolling her head more towards his belly where she buried her face, a few muffled, yet audible kissie sounds went off. "Happy birthday," She chimed in, peeping up at him. "I got your blend too if you don't feel the treats-" Your. She's likely going to be buying it for him by default now.
[Making alto happy juice sip makes sure to slam the best gift in there bc i have no restraint when making ur pups happy sgfhx tell me one thing I'm instant eyes emoji and @ my love]
      Alto didn’t expect her to remember. At first, he took the presents from her thinking them to be just that - his Christmas gift. But when she specifically congratulated him, his polite smile wavered and he went red in the face. To cover up his flustered expression, he pretended to fix his glasses and cleared his throat into the palm of his hand. With a clumsier smile, he leaned in and wrapped his lips around the candy, pulling it into his mouth. While he chewed on it, he made up for his silence with affection, petting her head and running his fingers through her soft hair.
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      “Grazie, gattina,” grinned Alto as he ruffled up her bangs. “You didn’t have to go out of your way to buy me all of these. I would have been content with your congratulations alone. But I appreciate everything, I really do. We can enjoy them together.”
      Instead of letting her fret about her choices of gifts, he went ahead and dug out a handful of sweets out of the bag. He unwrapped the first one he saw and popped it into his mouth.
      “Mmm,” he softly groaned while he studied the spicy taste on his tongue. Without telling her what flavor it was, he unwrapped a similar one for her too and, before he lowered it to her mouth, he kissed it for her. “It’s not fair if I’m the only one buzzed,” he chuckled as he gently pushed it between her lips. “I’ll make us some coffee afterwards, maybe it will help us sober up.”
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reviller · 2 years
*bestows upon Alto a wee yowling husky pup donning a crimson ribbon* hap borth
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"Not to be ungrateful, but I own three cats..."
He can't tell whether it's his birthday or April Fools anymore.
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reviller · 2 years
heard ya boy S.C. be ripping up every joint in the city. he be getting down to every wee ditty. the dj be overwhelmed with requests down at the candy cane club. doesn't help it also doubles as a tipsy tinsel pub. homeboy be drowning in spirits before he tries to raise people's holiday ones. stumbling to pack the sleigh with presents as he runs. sometimes I be thinking ol' Chris Pringle be a bit too jolly. too much peppermint julep has become his greatest folly. lord ho ho ho be boozing and cruising something fierce this crisis mass. all that can be hoped for is this moment too shall pass. so donchu be fretting about old saint nick this day, that's for rookies. all homeboy really cared about was your tribute of annual dairy and cookies. merry crust miss
“It’s my birthday and yet, everyone only talks about that crusty old man...”
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reviller · 2 years
“Every year I’m not only being let down by Santa, but also by my friends.”
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What an unfortunate timing for his birthday.
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reviller · 3 years
28) one muse is in danger and the other, who is usually antagonistic, shows up to help them. - Div Knox [get double protecc sfdf unit]
„Now of all days,” he grumbled under his breath as he picked up the pace of his footsteps.
Whoever was following him didn't try to hide it at all. On the contrary, they were obviously stalking him, waiting for him to turn a corner where they could ambush him with whatever they were hiding underneath the lapel of their coat. But Alto was always a step ahead of them, both literally and otherwise. He had his phone out, recording everything with his front camera that also acted as a mirror for him, where he could see his possible aggressor.
Just as he was about to close the app and dial the emergency number, though, something unexpected happened. A familiar figure ran up to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, just like he did back then when he felt the need to hide away from the world. And, despite making Alto gasp, it worked. The second pair of footsteps stopped in their tracks and turned around as soon as Knox jumped into action. Visibly shaken up, Alto's attention snapped towards him, eyes wide with surprise and his complexion sickly pale, like his soul had just left his body. After checking over his shoulder to confirm that his stalker had given up, he started panting, catching his breath after having power walked for so long.
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„Ma, che cazzo era quello? Putanella maniaco,” he blurted, clinging onto his wrist while he partially leaned on him for support. „Thank you for coming in clutch, my knees were about to give out.” He broke the tension with a scoff, shooting Knox a funny glance. „Show up a bit sooner next time.”
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reviller · 3 years
      Faced with such a silly sight, he couldn’t help but snicker to himself. It might have sounded like a mean-spirited laugh, but it really was one of relief instead, seeing that Knox wasn’t injured and was well enough that he could crack jokes about it.
      „Well, you know what they say. The taller they are, the--”
      His sentence abruptly cut off once he felt Knox’s grip tighten around his wrist. He lifted his eyebrows at him and pursed his lips, shooting him a look that read I don’t think I will, though it soon became apparent that it wasn’t up to him to make that decision.
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      „Hold up. When did I offer to help?” he scoffed. Despite his words, he turned his hand to grip at his wrist for support, trying to haul him back onto his feet.
     At first, he expected it to be a practical joke, but in mere moments, he got yanked out of his spot and he was on his way down, threatening to fall on top of Knox in a heap. There was no way someone of his build was able to lift someone of Knox’s size.   /   @eeriestatic​
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reviller · 3 years
Whether or not he was bearing extra weight, he hadn’t minded it one bit if Alto was leaning, he’d easily support it without issues while they carried on - although he remained adjusted to the pace Alto was at and moved carefully not to interrupt it of course while he was listening. But with what weight difference, his arm only tightened naturally so he could hand onto him better, by any means if he was uncomfortable, he was free to let him know or make it known for him - he’d ease up without a second thought. But while he was talking and getting his thoughts out, he was his quiet audience and listened to every close detail regarding the situation - albeit as soon as more the concept of family got mentioned, it soon only started to sound worse with how poor things came off to be. It made his brows furrow a bit, but in turning glance, it’s weight slacked when he glanced back down at Alto.
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“Sounds like one of those parents who think they can just push around their kid, when they have nothing else to cling to in a passing like that. My condolences though still, I’m sorry that’s what was waiting for you by the time that’s passed. Rather unfair, but I know how it is to have something rocky with parents. It’s not always fun though, not saying it is to deal with such a thing.” His attention averted a bit, huffing a bit under his breath. “To think it’s been a few years, that’s something that would make me want to block and carry on, so persistent in something she’s no help in, regarding you and even small needs. But even in legal binding, the system may as well just say hell with you, his kindness works to help even in that time, where now she’s trying to vulture the work you made off it.” Knox shook his head a bit, turning his full attention down to look at him again, rolling his opposite shoulder with a chuckle. 
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“I don’t think it’s boring, but it is very unfair in that manner, but if you’d rather stop your share there, you can. I’m not going to force you talk, it sounds extremely personal too… Though I’d rather you be comfortable speaking about it so that too, even if we’ve only met a few times in passing.”
      The redness on his cheeks grew darker when the reality of the situation sank in: he had just said all of that out loud and Knox now new some embarrassing details about his life. Still, he had a vague smile on his lips as he nodded along to his words, his gaze affixed on the concrete below. A few steps later, his walking pace slowly came to a stop and he unwrapped his arm from around Knox's frame, more or less reluctantly.
      „It is true that we haven't properly sat down and chatted before, but I find you easy to talk to,” he reassured him, treating him to his regular foxy smile. „Although nothing will change about my situation, telling you about it took a load off my chest. Thank you for listening to me.” He bowed his head in reverence before he straightened up right after. 
      It looked like he had more to say as he scratched his cheek with his index finger and timidly averted his gaze from him. 
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      „Maybe I shouldn't take up more of your time, after all... Though, if you aren’t opposed to the idea, we could... grab lunch together.”
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reviller · 3 years
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