reviewspoint-blog · 4 years
How to take care of your power tools
If you own some power tools like electric drills, Palm sanders, Power saws, Nail guns, Routing mechanics, and other power tools, it's important to take very good care of your tools if you want to get a really long time service from them. Tools are like love to their users, so it should not be a headache for you to take care of your tools, all you need is a guideline on how to do it. Power tools are more fragile compared to hand tools if not taken care of. Here, I will take you through the process you should follow in order to give your tools good maintenance. 
Keep your tools clean
Power tools are a combination of mechanical and electrical parts, they are more prone to dust and debris that are accommodated around the tool while working. Your power saw will definitely be covered up a little with sawdust even if you vacuum properly. So, be sure to clean them up after every use and they will serve you as long as you want. 
First of all, run the tool without getting it into work, the vibration will help some excessive dust come out. Now wipe off the dust and dirt from the outer cover of the tool, then take a lightly-oiled cotton cloth and wipe off the fine dust inside the tool as deep as possible. Then you should take a blower and blow air inside the motor compartment, vents and crevices to push out the remaining dust. 
Store your power tool correctly
If you want your power tool to last a really long time, store them in a friendly environment where it will be safe from dust, humidity, moisture and any other negative environment that can harm the mechanism of your tool. After every use, clean them firmly and keep them in the hard case if you have one, if you don't have the original case, try to get one from the local store or search online if you can find one. Or, just keep them in a separate closet made for your tools only, where the climate is more controlled; It can be the garage you have.
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Inspect for Damage or Wear
Inspect your power tools periodically if there is any sign of damage or wear, especially pay attention to the cords where the wear and damage are more likely to be. If you can see any exposed wires or frayed insulation, take action on an immediate basis. Repair the cord to the maximum safety or just replace it if possible, and make sure the repair or replacement job is done by a professional. 
If you do it yourself, make sure you know what you are doing. The damaged or exposed wire can potentially lead you to a severe injury from electric shock. Also, make sure to inspect the wire if there is any bent wire inside or outside the power cord. Repair them with maximum care as well. if you want some idea about repairing your faulty power cord,  https://readyresearch.com has some impressive tips and tricks to follow.
Lubricate the Moving parts
If your Power tool has a  moving part, and the manufacturer suggests you oil it, don't skip the oiling and get into it frequently. This will keep your machine running smoothly and it will decrease the chances of developement of rust inside, which can lead your machine to the end of its life. Be sure to go through the manual after purchasing the tool, because not every power tool with the moving part requires lubricating frequently. 
Final advice
If your rig is cordless, battery-powered, make sure you keep the batteries in perfect shape all the time. If you can find any damage, replace them right away and use your batteries at least once every two-three weeks. Don't drop them from high, it can damage the batteries
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