resistingfateymir · 4 years
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Stay safe and wear your mask
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resistingfateymir · 4 years
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Fun fact: This pig has inspired the creator team of a Hong Kong forum, LIHKG, to create an escaping pig emoji for the users.
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resistingfateymir · 4 years
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I’ve always want this..😔♥️
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resistingfateymir · 4 years
SNK # 127 - End of the Night
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In terms of pure composition, this is one of the best double-spreads Isayama has ever produced. I love it so much that I’m starting this meta with a breakdown of the different elements. From a wide angle this honestly looks like a Renaissance painting. The linework is crisp and the shadows are gorgeous especially in relation to Pieck’s Titan, but I want everyone to take notice of the way Isayama has blocked this scene off.
Every faction is cordoned off. The Survey Corps, The Volunteers, and The Warriors are all sat together in an attempt to break bread. The tension, however, couldn’t be more tangible. Our attention has literally been directed to it. This is so genius not only as an artistic choice but also as a cheeky answer to those critics of the closing panel of Chapter 126. No, we’re not all friends here. No, no one wants to be here doing this. Yes, we have a long way to go with not lots of time to cover. If you were to purchase the physical copy of this volume you could literally cut the tension with a knife.
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resistingfateymir · 4 years
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resistingfateymir · 4 years
Lost Stories: Levi
@okahco I’m your secret Santa. Made an angsty introspection fic for Levi in the current manga run.
Lost Stories Levi
Levi can't move or see. He can only think back to that day, the night before the battle at Shiganshina where the younger Scouts set up a festival for the veterans, allowing Levi and Erwin to challenge the Mirror Man and a fortune teller.
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resistingfateymir · 4 years
Sooo cute! I love the artwork. Thank you for the secret santa.
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Offer up your Christmas heart @resistingfateymir cuz I’m gifting you these smol kiddos to keep you warm during holidays!
Oh and happy birthday to Levi (you deserve to be a bit tall for your birthday)
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
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Just some…Out of context spoilers from Chapter 124~ One of these is just my self-inserted JeanMarco scenario, please don’t mind me u_u
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
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Hey everyone! As some of you remember I did a secret santa dedicated to the SnK veterans (and their respective crews if you please) back in 2017 so I’m hosting another one this year :) Even though I lost track of the posts and didn’t get to reblog them all but at least you all had fun and i did appreciate it a lot ;; 
If you want to participate you just have to:
Like and/or Reblog this post
Fill out THIS FORM by December 3rd (might change, depends on the activity)
Tell your friends
When I close the form I’ll give everybody someone to gift which will give you around 21-22 days to complete the gift (you will be giving it the 25th so)
When the posting date comes:
- You can use any or all of these tags (if you post your work don’t forget to have it/them among the first five so people can find them in the search):
#snk veterans secret santa
#snkvets ss
- Oh right, since tumblr tagging system kind of sucks now; I’ll ask you to also @ this blog (me alemanriq) so I make sure to not miss any of your gifts ;v;
- If you don’t want to post your gift and just send it privately, that’s alright too! just let me know when you do so. 
I’ll have my ask open in case you got any doubts or suggestions :D But also now, there’s a tag for Q&A from last time that you can check beforehand.
Have fun and be nice to everyone! specially to the lucky one you’re going to surprise haha
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
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Walls face both in and out
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
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GO VEGAN!! watch: cowspiracy, forks over knives (both on netflix), 101 reason to go vegan, the best speech you will ever hear by gary yourofsky, & earthlings (all three on youtube) - all living beings deserve to live their lives. animals are on this planet for their own reasons, not for humans to torture, rape, kill, and eat. going vegan has been the best decision i have ever made. it has changed my life completely and opened my eyes to so much. i’ve learned TONS and honestly have never felt so good. i no longer feel bloated or have bad digestion, my skin has cleared up, my hair and nails grow super fast, i literally just wake up and feel full of energy.. the list could go on and on. plus, going vegan you will save 1 animals life, 1,100 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 30 square ft of forested land, and 20 pounds of co2, EVERYDAY. make the connection and go vegan. for the animals, the planet, & your health! 💕🐮🐷🐤🐣🐔🐭🐰🦀🐠🐟🐳🐬🐝🐙🐸🐨🐼🐶🐱🐻🐭🐹🐰🦁
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
So emotional. I teared up remembering Moblit.
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モブリット (Moblit) by 茶野麦
Shingeki no Kyojin・Moblit/Hange・26 pages・T
* Translated to English and reprinted with permission from the artist. * Please do not remove the original source.
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
Yes. You're right. This is only evidence that Wall Sheena has outward-facing Titans. Sad funny. It's not very noble for Karl Fritz to keep the royal capital safe, while the rest of Paradis is under the gaze of Titans.
However, I do think this orientation will extend to the other Main Walls too. When I think of the districts, I like to see it as Titans surrounding the citizens from all directions. As the districts include part of the Main Wall, those Titans should face towards the district too which would be away from the centre of Paradis, hence facing outwards. The Main Walls are rings, so the Titans should be facing the same direction along the entire stretch. The diagram I drew on Page 2 and 3 of Secrets of the Walls which might help conceptualise this.
Also thanks. I'm flattered. Making Secrets of the Walls took away all my writing time, but I think it was worth it. It was actually the Miner's tale which prompted this comic. I like theorising, but I love writing snk characters more. It's my first time writing Hange, but in their current place in the manga, they deserved some attention. Estranged from the rest of events, Hange is the perfect character for this introspection. Such a shame Eren never opened up — Hange deserves better.
I like your interpretations of the manga, @momtaku. Keep up the great work.
A miner of Stohess tried to dig under the Walls to sneak into Sheena. He went to the forests outside the district and, when digging, hit his blade on something sticking out from under the Wall. I always assumed this would be the front part of the foot of a Colossal Titan. If that is the case, then the Titans on the Main Wall would be facing outwards. What do you think? I posted the miner story on my blog as well as my "Secrets of the Walls page 2" comic that has a panel of Stohess at the start.
I always forget about the miner’s tale, but you’re right. It would indicate that the titans surrounding the innermost wall face outward. I wonder if it’s significant that Sina is home to the capital and ruling headquarters of Mitras. Hmm. 
I just took a look at your Secrets of the Walls comic series. Amazing!! I agree with the folks on reddit that it looks like official art. I love the Hange POV. Thanks for making and sharing it. I can only imagine the work you put into it.
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
This is a fun conversation. Haven’t seen Rico is so long, but at least she hasn’t met Pixis’s fate.
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Shelter from the Rain Vol. 09 Dot Pixis & Rico Brzenska
The people of the rainy town carried on as they always did, bustling about. Whether voices from peddlers, the sounds of carriages rolling by, or the complaints of the unemployed, the commotion drowned out the sound of the rain.
Rico, a Garrison soldier in rain gear, quickly slipped her way through the throng with documents in her hands before stopping under the perfect roof.
"…This rain is miserable."
"Well, aren't you a hard worker?"
"What? …C-Commander?!"
Of all the people to bump into under a roof, Rico now faced the Commander of the Garrison, Dot Pixis.
"What are you doing in a place like this, Sir?!"
"Oh… I can't ever see people in their natural habitat all cooped up in the Commander's room. I make it a habit to observe them in the wild like this every now and then," Pixis said with a cool expression. Rico could see the shoulders of the aide who he seemed have brought along sinking as he made the ridiculous statement. "And what about you? Might you be working?"
"Yes," Rico nodded. She took off her glasses, wiped her lenses with her sleeve, and looked at the day's records.
"…No apparent inconsistencies in the Merchants' Association report, a few more troops will be needed to maintain public safety, and our most urgent need is to address unemployment."
"Oh, what a stiff report."
Rico grimaced. The cool-headed soldier was just trying to faithfully perform her duties.
"You know…" Pixis began to ask Rico as he looked at the people going back and forth in the rain. Ahead of them was a fruit Seller trying to convince a child of how cheap his groceries were, and next to them were housewives having a lively conversation by the side of a well.
"What do you think of this town's people?" he asked.
"What do…I think?"
Rico considered for a moment before giving her honest impressions.
"I think some of them tend to take peace for granted. In part because this town is far from the front lines, but also because they lack any awareness of crisis management."
"Hmm… Well, you did experience what happened in Trost District. I can see how you might feel that way."
"Was there a problem with my answer?"
"I wouldn't say that."
Despite the showers, the children frolicked in the streets, the men knocked back their drinks, and the merchants pitched their goods.
"However… Would you not say that it's our job as soldiers to allow them to Taka it for granted?"
Rico's eyes opened wide and looked at Pixis's smiling face.
Though Pixis never stopped looking like a kindly old man at first glance, there was an unwavering sense of determination in his eyes as he watched over the people.
"We often speak of…protecting 'humanity', do we not? And there's no better example of humanity than what we're looking at right here. It's them. Isn't it our job to build a world that lets them take peace for granted?"
The words made Rico think back to the hellish scenes of carnage she had experienced in the past and ruminate on what they meant.
That's right. It's the regular, unassuming days that can crumble the fastest… Isn't that what I learned in Trost District?
Rico snapped into position and saluted, showing that she'd reconsidered and understood.
"You're exactly right, Commander. I'll go back to my duties of protecting everyday life. As for you, Commander, I hope you'll show moderation in your observations."
"How unsparing of you."
"You're going to give your aide an ulcer," Rico said, before disappearing into the rainy throng to go back to her duties.
"My goodness," Pixis laughed. He put on his rain gear, explained to his aide that he would only be a little longer, and walked out into town himself.
SOURCE: Attack on Titan: Short Stories
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resistingfateymir · 5 years
Yes. Quick Maths for the Colossal Titans' Feet. Awesome.
That Marlian sketch is interesting too. At first, I thought it was the Wall of a district due to all the titans (or are they children?) at the edge, attracted to the dense human population. But now that I notice, there are farmlands behind the Colossal Titans which suit the Wall outskirts much better. Hence it could be the Main the Wall and the figures running towards the Walls represents all the Eldians left behind by Karl Fritz.
Here's a picture of Stohess for reference to the forest that the miner visited. And bottom right, above the Wall, is where I think he started digging.
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The Miner that tried to dig underneath the Walls
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I’ve always liked this story. Wonder if he hit the foot.
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