republicstandard · 4 years
via Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine
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republicstandard · 4 years
The White Man's Third Position
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Eric Striker has noted that in the recent elections the Republican governor of Kentucky ran a campaign based on a 1980s Reaganesque style revulsion towards "socialism" and against teachers, and he got his head handed to him, justifiably so; in other elections that night affirmative action and sanctuary cities took a beating.  One needn't be skilled in the reading of tea leaves to understand which way the wind is blowing.
Richard Spencer's publishing house, Washington Summit Publishers, recently issued a translation of Armin Mohler's The Conservative Revolution In Germany (1918-1932). Out of that matrix came National Socialism and, while not everyone is a Nazi, embedded within that is the magical position, the third position: conservative on social issues and progressive on economics.  If any enterprising politician should ever want to carry everything and everyone before him he really ought to look into it.
The amazing thing is that Trump ran on a set of issues that were unheard of for a quarter century, and he pulled off a miracle.  One would think that he would have countless imitators but in fact he has none, not even himself.
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Capitalism overturns everything, uproots the world as it creates new ones every minute.  Exotic sexual ideologies expel nature, and fabricate an ersatz reality.  These aren't two sides of the same coin, they are the same coin, the coin of the realm of the ruling class.
By loosening economic controls the right destabilizes communities, by loosening social controls the left destabilizes human beings. Together they work as a pincer movement against our security, as everything that was solid melts into thin air.
The third position is protectionism for human beings and, as such, is inherently conservative.  It is fascism with a human face.  
A few years back Ashton Kutcher infamously declared that he was liberal on social issues and conservative on economics and his statement was hailed as the wave of the future.  He of course had it completely backwards, poll after poll shows a majority wants the exact opposite, wants the third position, wants a generous social democracy combined with an end to the tyranny of insidious social experimentation, be it that of an invasion of alien races or ever new frontiers in gender identity.  What they want is a tight knit and upright community, not a continued greasing of the skids of a no holds barred neo-liberal accelerationism.  They know in their hearts that the left got rid of social controls and the right got rid of economic ones, and that all sides conspired against them.
We forget just how much of a player David Duke was in the early 1990s, ideologically at least, people said oh but they're racists but others said maybe they like his platform.  Then Duke and Buchanan went back and forth accusing the other of stealing the agenda they had first.  But then they faded away, and no one picked up the mantle.
In the early 1990s the movie Falling Down became iconic, about a white man who had had enough and wasn't going to take it any more and proceeded to start mowing people down. This was adduced as an example of the growing phenomenon of the angry white male.  But really the map of this was clear by the time of George Wallace and his not a dime's worth of difference, or even way back in 1948 with Strom Thurmond.  Later Sam Francis cribbed Donald Warren's 1976 book The Radical Center and conjured up his legendary Middle American Radical, and Christopher Lasch diagnosed why liberalism was bad for the common man, and another liberal, Richard Rorty, gave two cheers not for capitalism but for social solidarity.  Later another Warren--Elizabeth--got into the act with her book The Two Income Trap, for by then the American Dream was over.
What was happening was clear enough.  After the war was a golden age for the American white working class.  While our enemies were wading through rubble our industrial plant was in pristine condition.  A man could work, the wife stay home to care for the children, vacations could be taken, retirements made, a good life had. But soon came the natural accelerants of open borders and open markets and the re-proletarianization of our people. This was done in the name of "freedom" and "openness", two things which are always the mortal enemies of decent folk everywhere.  They acted as agents of social sterilization, the jobs went out, the people came in, the housing prices went up, the neighborhoods became crowded, crime went up, as did the cost of living, the birth rates went down. In turn the money machine required more immigrants.  Wash, rinse, repeat, decimate, as is said.
Just in the middle of this deluge came figures who saw it clearly and wanted to arrest this wasting away of the social fabric.  The aforementioned Duke and Buchanan for sure, and also Ross Perot. Together they took what can be considered the white man's third position, against pointless foreign wars which bled our young dry, against the invasion by the colored races, against the free movement of goods across our borders, against moral and social chaos.  If you want to know more about it just listen carefully to that giant sucking sound.  
In addition to waging the culture war against the forces of moral decay Buchanan made a hard edged moved toward economic autarky and economic nationalism. While in Reagan's White House Buchanan once sent a businessman looking for tariffs packing but the former doctrinaire free trader got Dick Gephardt religion, and promoted industrial policy (which by then had become dirty words).  He wanted to make it impossible for goods made outside America to be sold here by throwing up massive tariff walls.  At the same time his corporate tax was zero. Haul up the drawbridge, make it enticing and necessary to produce here, and watch the middle class revive.  It could have worked.
But by the time he came around neo-liberalism was coming into its own, history was declared over, the free movement of goods and people across all barriers was ascendant.  Former hippie Bill Clinton was all for global capital, took the baton from that old internationalist traitor George Bush Sr. and pushed through NAFTA (see giant sucking sound, above).  Earlier Reagan and Thatcher were said to have been running some kind of supposed counter-revolution in the name of the decent folk, but they were not even speed bumps on the road to the loosening of all controls, threw gasoline on the accelerants, tossed on the match, and greased every skid on the way to disaster. Capitalism is nothing less than the overturning of everything at every instant, it says so in the brochure.
And the left came around all the way soon, became outriders of capital. Mass immigration is nothing but a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich but the ones who rail most against income inequality are its biggest supporters, in another time we would have called that false consciousness. Former hippie Hillary Clinton's dream was a unified market from Tierra Del Fuego to the Arctic Circle, and the free movement of everything throughout it.  This too is the dream of our ruling class.  The money spigots of the new world order are open borders and open markets which when the epitaph of America is written will be seen to be its death blow.
Old Socialists knew better.  It was always Nationalism in one country. Bernie Sanders once famously, or infamously, told Ezra Klein that open borders and mass immigration were Koch brothers' ideas (as are freeing all prisoners and eating away at the substance of America). While in his heart of hearts it's doubtful Bernie wants to build Fortress America (alas) it seems reasonable to think that he does want reasonable controls on immigration.  If he could get his base to go along with it he could walk away with the election.  Problem is, he's got the endorsement of Alexandria ("this is occupied land") Ocasio-Cortez.  That crowd hates white people and, contrary to what you read in the papers, they are no friends to the working class, but do the dirty work of corporations, wittingly or unwittingly, take your pick.
It wasn't always that way.   Old socialists knew better.  Dick Gephardt championed industrial policy, the notion that government and business can cooperate in tandem for what's good for the nation, Ralph Nader showed us what evil unregulated corporations will do, Barbara Jordan knew what was good for the worker and it wasn't a mass influx of cheap labor.  Cesar Chavez had his goons bust the heads of border jumping wetbacks who undercut the wages of his men, though the growers wanted brown serfs for their growing world-wide plantation.  And recently in American Affairs Angela Nagle made the left wing case for closed borders and for her trouble was made a pariah, and Aimee Therese regularly reviles all forms of neo-liberalism, or most of them, at least.
Liberal icon Eugene McCarthy wrote a book saying that America was fast becoming a colony of the world, arguing that economically and culturally, colonial status is evident in loss of control over borders, religion and language. Major investment in a colony is from outside, with control held by the investing powers.
Pat Buchanan said he fell out of his chair when he heard Trump's announcement speech and it's true, Trump ran on a straight up ticket of Buchananism.  He took on the three pillars of the ruling class cash machine, war, free trade, and open borders, and he also took away their shield, political correctness, the you can't say this, and you better not say that.  It's what spooked them so very terribly.  An angel mom said that when she heard Trump's speech she sat down and cried.   But as it turned out Trump became obsessed with blacks, gays, Jews, Israel, everything and everyone but what elected him.  The ruling class needn't have worried, he was no traitor to his class, he was one of them and, for that, may his memory forever be met with violent howls of execration.
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The odd thing is that for a position so inherently appealing there's not a single public official who will touch it with a ten foot pole.
So why would such a popular ideology go begging for suitors?  Why the wallflower at the dance?  The problem is that it's what Sam Francis called a strange amalgam of left-right, it's neither this nor that, not one thing nor the other, an ambidextrous ideology and, as such, it's a gossamer world-view, a unicorn position, chimerical. Who would espouse it?  The left demonizes borders while promoting social democracy; the right has its tax cuts while ostensibly preaching morality; they are an inverted mirror image of the other, right where the other is wrong, wrong where the other is right;  yes, the third position is an odd brew.  Add to that that the donors have a stranglehold on the parties and that whoever would take up its cudgel would find himself in the cross hairs of the ruling class and the distaste with which it is viewed by our leaders becomes explicable. Treacherous, but explicable.
This democracy of ours, owned by this ruling class, does have an Achilles heel.  It's that if enough of the people want something, and want it badly enough, they can get it, or at least they can make life very difficult for their enemies.  If Trump proved anything it's that a hostile takeover of a party from the very top is possible, with the right person, at the right time, with the right message.  If the difference between the rank and file of a party and its rulers becomes too great and a canny enough, a forceful enough, and a presentable enough person comes along to exploit and explain it, miracles can occur.  This is not the infiltration of the party, it is a coup de main, a knockout blow.  No one knows what the future holds.  A leader can arise.
In the meantime, of course, every man to his post.  
What that leader would advocate is simple: no wars, no immigration, no free trade, bring up the drawbridge, create Fortress America, become a hermit kingdom, disentanglement from Israel, pro guns, social democracy, pro unions, massive infrastructure spending, social solidarity, anti-degeneracy, public health care, a wealth tax, natalism, pro family formation, pro marriage, pro traditional American heritage, pro traditional gender roles, anti-corporate measures.
Apply social and economic controls, in a word.   Practice fascism with a human face.   To let the middle conspire against the traitors in our midst.
Someone really ought to look into it.
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from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2Khdzci via IFTTT
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republicstandard · 5 years
via Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine
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republicstandard · 5 years
This Year In Jerusalem
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My Dearest Comrade,
You asked me in your last letter how we did it, how after the long and bitter struggle we finally put paid to the white man.  It's an interesting question.  How did this once proud and confident people, rulers of the globe, find themselves at the short end of history, evaporating like morning mist?  How conquered by an alien ideology?  How did rule Britannia become out of bounds?  Who lost America?  Now that it's all over, and long since really, I feel free to speak my mind to a friend, though it goes without saying there's no reason to save this in any way, there is no reason our children or their posterity should ever know too much about this, not now that we have prevailed.  As a keeper of records I am privy to all kinds of information, some of it astonishing, some of it provocative, the lies, the propaganda, for I like to think a Jew is nothing so much as a sophist, proceeding by misdirection.  But, in the interest of time, this will be a truncated version.  Does one really need to know too much of the ins or the outs of the Marranos, the Masons, or the Illuminati?  Arcane banking records?  How we put the squeeze on Cromwell, or ran a slave ship?  Marriage certificates, baptismal records? No, the genius of what we did was what we did in broad daylight, the goyim is ever gullible. No less a personage than Spengler spent his entire career without writing anything of what the Jews had done or were doing, remarkable.  So much for him. So much for them.  And remember as you read this, we did what we did out in the open, and that the crucial factor in our ultimate victory was neither our animal cunning nor our indomitable will, but the fact that we were white.  How lucky!  Had we been blue or purple or red we never would have got away with it.  A star would have done nicely to serve them as a reminder, to remind them of the danger in their midst, and the peril that they faced, but we put a stop to that, amen.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy this brief foray, this ex post facto meandering. I am a humble man, and we are a humble people, so if this ever sounds like bragging it just means I get carried away from time to time, apologies ahead of time and all around.
As you know we are an ancient people.  Thousands of years and all that. We waxed and we waned like them, and like the others tried our best to increase our power, little of it though there was.  However, from nearly the first the other peoples always thought us strange, our famous peculiarity, the dietary laws and the way we clung tenaciously to our ancestral God when they were perfectly willing to share theirs with those of any mongrel people they came across, and we would not let ours mingle freely with the others.  Yes, they thought us barbaric and odd, repugnant really, but for the Romans at least, so focused on power, beneath the surface there was an uncanny fear, for we we had a principle other than honor that we would lay down our lives for.  They knew of honor but ours was truth so-called—the most risible in their eyes.  Yet despite their contempt they couldn't help from feeling uneasy, this they thought was something more than an army, this was either insanity or an enemy to keep an eye on.  It's probably apocryphal but it's said that when Pompey cast custom aside and thrust himself into the holy of holies he found an empty and white shining space. Every other people would have cluttered theirs with images of gods or animals, but we had pure emptiness, pure shining white emptiness, and it's said he was shaken, though it's doubtful that dullard had the strength of character to be disturbed. And it's telling that later the rumor went around that in the inner sanctum set on a pedestal was a donkey. They said we worshiped an ass!  Ha Ha.  He who laughs least laughs best, it's what I hold to.
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But other people were stronger, first Greece, then the Romans.  We finally became a fully subject people and many of us, understandably, chafed at this.  And though I thoroughly disapprove of the hotheads among us the one who threw that torch and caused Rome to level the city did us a favor, looking back.  It dispersed us and we could do a lot more good (for ourselves, that is) roaming abroad in search of monsters to destroy than sitting by ourselves in our mountain fastness.  We've always excelled as the stranger in the land, casting a cold and jaundiced eye on the natives, always ready to lend a hand to the leaders.  We are a numerically small people, so to adapt we let others build what one day we will own. That first holocaust (they say not stone was left on stone!) also gave us the great story (fictional of course) of Masada, which, like the Warsaw uprising, would be put to such salutary use.  The plucky little Jew, the eternal underdog, the mouse that roars, wedded to eternal principles, dying for an idea, for their jealous god.  Who would believe such rot?   Them, that's who.
Perhaps it was the memory of ancient defeat that spurred our later attacks; revenge is after all an underrated motive in history.
Some call it the grace of God, I call it a freebie, but either way, for sure, we got an unexpected and serious break in the person of Jesus Of Nazareth. Some vagabond wanders up the mountain and on his own authority deifies himself and the next thing you know an entire civilization is wrecked.  By means of his admittedly somewhat poetic ramblings and, even more so, by means of his bulldog, Paul, we injected a poisoned chalice deep in the heart of Europe, a Trojan horse smuggled in like the taking out of the key beneath the keeper's nose.  As I'm sure you know later on it would be the fusion of a universalized Protestantism and an aggressively subversive Judaism which would be the stake in the very heart of these people; which, long story short, makes The Book Of Acts the story of another itinerant vagabond proselytizing the virus of subversion.  Freud is said to have said, before disembarking in America, that he was bringing them the plague; so did we for Europe with this alien creed.  It didn't start out that way, for though no one could have known it at the time it was Christianity, with it's scribbling monks copying for no discernible reason, with it's unifying power, which strengthened the white race for centuries, made them a towering and indomitable world presence, which one day we would ride and vault on and over; until it turned sour like curdled milk and burned the building down. For when the time finally came we managed to fool them into believing that that great hater Jesus Of Nazareth, that man who walked around terrifying people, excoriating people, and viciously slandering public officials, calling the Jewish power structure irredeemably corrupt, shook dust off his shoes, brought a whip for the money-changers, scared the living daylights out of random passersby, said he brought nothing but fire to this mortal earth of ours, that this tremendous hater had no hate in his heart, that all you need is love.  You got that:  he had no hate in his heart. Fools like Leo Tolstoy served us admirably here, when he wasn't making shoes that fell apart he was telling the world that Jesus Christ would not have hurt a fly.  In truth real self hating Jews like Jesus of Nazareth are a dime a dozen, another madman Bobby Fischer comes to mind, and we know what to do with them. Hitler said to shoot Gandhi.  We agree.  Killing that man was the best thing we ever did.   Like I say, a freebie.
For Europeans Christianity was a mixed bag, it gave them Bach and baizuos, but in the end it's the order they came in that mattered. Wokeness is Christianity's hangover, the after-birth of a once proud religion.
Calvinism and Puritanism were already Judaism, some of Cromwell's men were so forward thinking they wanted to create a Zion on the Thames and thought that the notion of the divinity of Jesus Christ was blasphemy.
Later in the 1870s one of ours named Felix Adler would preach that the Jews should universalize themselves out of existence, for the good of humanity.  He got select Protestants to go along, the elect now meant those who commit suicide.  Arch WASP (and son of a universalist crank) William James said that moral values supersede survival, and his notion of pluralism later formed the foundation of multiculturalism. As can be expected the Jews declined the offer of race suicide but a century later whites took to it with a vengeance.  So you can see when we finally did wreck their country we were plowing in a fertile field.  You read about those American cranks in the 1850s on their farms growing rutabagas in their long johns and preaching universal ethics and the love of all mankind, they're portrayed as charming but really they were the first growth of our ideology, they did our work avant la lettre, harbingers of collapse.  For after all from Unitarianism to dismantling whiteness is but a step.  By the grace of a jealous God, as specified.
We're often called a rootless people but this is wrong, we're not at all, certainly not just just because we had no home, we were at home wherever we were, we made ourselves at home.  Indeed, we're one of the few people now who really have roots, they are just not tied to a land, a country, or a nation, little Israel notwithstanding. We're tied to us, not to the idea of us, to the reality of us.  We know how to stick together, to work together, to network, to remain ethnocentric, ethno-obsessed, to practice nepotism, over centuries, over time and space, though thick and through thin, over vast geographic areas.  Everyone knows of our checkered history, the famous one hundred and nine, the expulsions, the migrations, the conversions, the inquisitions, the pogroms so-called, the burning hatreds, the harassment, ejected, but always returning, always returning. We blend in, we creep up on you when you're not aware, we're blatant as can be but seep into the background. We throw fairy dust in your eyes, or we proceed by indirection.  And so it went for centuries. We would ingratiate ourselves with kings, be awarded patronage, be prized middlemen, do their dirty work, earn the ire of the populace, be banished, and brought back.  Always brought back because they couldn't do without us, we made sure of that, as useful as can be.  And slowly we built up secret and fantastic wealth, fantastic networks, webs of subterranean influence, intersecting directorates, interlocking systems,  always moving a little closer to the our goal, never stated but always in mind.  We'd drop out of sight, become one of them, convert, and be indistinguishable from what we were subverting.  They call us foreign, alien, parasite, and that's not far off; but neither is predator, and for them neither is prey. For these many centuries we were outsiders, we infiltrated the elites, we kept to ourselves, the power behind the throne. But that's never enough when the throne beckons. Which of course it always does, particularly among a people seemingly intent on abandoning it.  They were strong when faith was in the saddle but they loosened the reins, and money came in, and us not far behind.
I believe it was that Jew Karl Marx who said that in emancipating the Jews the Europeans themselves became Jews, for all practical purposes. They say he hated Jews but he's in the fold, he's one of us; once a Jew always a Jew's what I say.
In the early nineteenth century the idea of humanity began to spread like wildfire through Europe; now that it's all over we can see that this was the death of them all.   We Jews were still on the margins at this time; but a word began to circulate, circulate in the name of humanity: emancipation. It was a deceptive word, meaning freedom.  Give freedom to the Jews, let them join civil society, base membership in the clan on an idea.  Assent to a proposition!  A German was one who lived in the German states.  What madness comes from the temples of reason!  But for us from then on every year was the Current Year, every year was Year Zero.  We would never bow before other Gods but their civil society we'd salute, mingle freely in their society was fine.  It was to be ours soon enough in any event.  Yes, emancipation, it was certainly an idea whose time had come. It would not be the fist time that freedom could easily be construed as to our advantage.
Some Jews themselves were uneasy with it.  But some Jews are fools. Their concern was that if we blended in we'd lose our fervor....we would cease to be Jews, as if that could ever happen.  No, they needn't worry, we can go underground for however long is needed and we'll arise on the earth no one but ourselves.  Once a Jew always a Jew. Atheist, secular, orthodox, reform, international, indifferent, no difference, always a Jew in the end.  In the meantime be baptized, go into the professions, make a mark, become distinguished, become a European, become English or Italian, marry up, call yourself white, become civilized, speak the native tongue, German, French, whatever, abandon Yiddish, cut your hair, dress in a suit, put on a top hat, put on a bowler, wear a tie, whatever it takes, rise, rise, rise, make a pot of gold, interpenetrate the ruling classes, crash the directory, become doctors, lawyers, judges, writers, editors, publishers, reporters, you name it we're there, the more we're them the more we remain ourselves. And so we did. The long nineteenth century was a banner one for us, we came into our own, came into our power, we were the chimpanzee who put on a suit and rolled around on roller skates: see, they said, they're just like us, and so we shattered a world.
Europe was always just a staging ground for America.  As early as the 1830s Alexis de Tocqueville saw that Russia and the USA would be the twin stars around which the world would one day revolve.  And it was from the so-called pogroms (trumped up as they were) in the latter that we got ejected into the former, it's what led to that poem at the base of that statue, it's what made the liberals cry, it's what made a mass of Jews leave for the New World.  We were under siege you see, and for no reason at all. And so we headed out for our new hunting grounds.
Tocqueville said in the 1830s that the 20th Century would belong to Russia and America, eighty years later we controlled both.
When the Jews first came to America from Eastern Europe the Jews that were already there, who had come from Germany, who were a well dressed, assimilated and prosperous lot said: this could be trouble for us. And no doubt those new arrivals must have been quite a stinking crew. But we clean up nice, don't we?   Once we had undergone out civilizing ordeal.
America with it's ideals, it's openness, it's all men are created equal, it's nation of immigrants, it's huddled masses, it's making the world safe for, it's dedication to a proposition, it's shining city on a hill, it's exceptionalism, it's missionary bent, it's self-made men, it's rugged individualism, was always immensely subject to hijacking by a determined outsider, and by the end we were pushing on an open door.  Otto Von Bismarck said that the most important event in world history was when the first Englishman set foot on the American continent and that was true when he said it; but it was soon eclipsed when the first wave of Jews from Eastern Europe began walking around Manhattan.  Just look at the record. An ancient people living in miserable hovels on the spine of Europe, speaking a barbaric and snarling Yiddish, going in wave after wave into a young country, one about to become a world power; going to an intellectually backwards people susceptible to high sounding balderdash; it's young people ready to leave behind the nation of villages; a rather simple and moral people prone to pangs of conscience; we would soon make them a raceless people capable of offering no defense.  A country created on paper is eternally vulnerable to someone overwriting their script, when you are created by words someone can come along with different ones, or give new meanings to the old.  If a nation is just an idea what happens when we change our mind?  What happens when we win the war on the battlefield that is your children's minds?  By the end it was like walking into a sacred space and finding it empty, abandoned.  No, Hitler had it right: in America we finally found our perfect hunting ground. They even let this alien race scrawl graffiti on their venerable temples.  
The end of the nineteenth century was a fatal time.  After that there was no going back.  It's been said that if the Protocols are fake then a mad unknown genius was in the employ of the czar.  That is definitely true. Whoever he was he was a seer, a man after out own hearts, by violence and make-believe we rule the world!  Spoken like the poet he was.
The two fatally twinned movements, the movements which contradicted each other, complimented each other, completed each other, competed with each other, fed off each other, grew up together, fought each other, if only one could survive in the end, were  Zionism and Scientific Racism. That the latter is world famous and the former confined to the sewers of history is no reflection on their relative merits; ideologies are just masks for power, the power of peoples, and these two were no different; a last ditch effort to save, respectively, the Jews and the Europeans; daggers drawn is war to the knife.  These two, in the scope of history, appearing at the same time, were the twin stars in the drama to come, fatally entwined; one the dream of a homeland, the other of annihilation, or vice versa, if you will,  for by the time it was all over both dreams were the same for those dreaming it, staying alive and decimating the enemy.
It's said that American scientific racism started on a bison range and ended up in Nuremberg.  And it's true, it started on those hunts, ran through conservationism, immigration restriction, birth control, sterilization, progressivism, eugenics, and finally got applied in Germany where it's bible ended up in the famous trial as exhibit 151.  If it seems a declining trajectory it's only because we've made it so; had someone wanted you to think it was something ascending and been able to they would have; but they weren't, they didn't; the arc of history bends only towards those who bend it; the rest get crushed beneath it.  So even the mention of racism coupled with science sends heads spinning, horrifies and scandalizes; but in truth it is rather elementary, if you are a people who loves nature and beauty and purity why wouldn't one want it to remain unblemished, perfect?  The word ecology was dreamt up by a fascist, which was no coincidence, the Nazis were obsessed by personal purity, they banned smoking in public places, they eliminated asbestos, assured that no additives and nothing artificial made it's way into food.  In word they wanted to rid the world of it's toxins, anything foreign, anything extraneous to the initial plan, and of course to them what was a more bitter toxin than a Jew? What more alien presence?  What more corrosive, like an acid bath?  What more foreign pestilence?  With the end in view it seems clear that from our first northern migration it was set in stone that we and the Europeans were headed toward a climactic, shattering moment, one where everything would hang in the balance, for a while; we are drawn to flourishing like moths are to flame, we circle like vultures over carrion, over killed carcasses.  And when we talk about their trying to protect the astonishing success they had, four hundred years of going purely vertical, we get to a man who sensed this, and of whom I speak with nothing but admiration.  For the most part, and once the fighters passed away, it was like playing tennis with the nets down; but earlier, some men had spines of steel.  Some were willing to put their very souls in the balance.  Some were willing to do whatever was necessary to assure the survival of their race, their people, their country, their culture, their dominance and, as such, were worthy foes.  The others, our propaganda to the contrary, are the ones with blood on their hands.
Albert Johnston was a hard drinking newspaperman from a small town in Washington State.  When he became acquainted with the elite scientific racists of Manhattan he was gratified to learn that his old fashioned racism was cutting edge theory.    
When the 1924 Immigration Restriction Bill was passed Madison Grant told a friend that they had finally got rid of the Jews, but he spoke too soon.
In 1931 in Dyerville, California the world's tallest tree was dedicated to Madison Grant, Grant created the science of wildlife management, and he became fascinated by the possibilities of racism after his successful efforts to save animals from extinction by culling the herd.
The scientific racists in America were jealous of their German friends for having a leader who was finally applying their theories.
Nearly the entire American scientific racism establishment was on intimate terms with their Nazi counterparts, Madison Grant knew the Nazis well too but just before his death in 1937 he expressed an ambivalence about this close connection, fearing it could backfire......
There was a de-lousing facility in Poland used for Jews who might immigrate to America, the Nazis later took it over and supposedly used it for other purposes, after the war they said that limiting immigration was fascist because there once was a facility in Poland for Jews.....
The last people who could have saved White America were the WASP scientific racists of the 1920s, Franz Boas feared that there would be wave upon wave of these men with their spines of steel, but it turned out they were the last of a dying breed, and now their names are mud.
Madison Grant liked to brag that the key to political success was organization, and that he could create a group out of thin air and with the right stationary and the right letterhead he could work miracles, though anyone who knew him could have told you that a cold heart never hurts.
As late as the 1930s Franklin Delano Roosevelt could say that America was a Protestant country, and Jews and Catholics were only there on sufferance.
The list of the accomplishments of Madison Grant is a testimony to an industrious age (and takes one's breath away).  He founded the Bronx Zoo, helped build the Bronx River Parkway, was a leader in the movements for immigration restriction, birth control, eugenics, sterilization, led the effort to save the Redwoods, was instrumental in creating the California State Park System, Denali National Park, Yosemite National Park, the Everglades, helped save numerous species from extinction including the elephants of Africa, the Koala, the chinchilla, the gorillas of the Congo, the giant tortoises of the Galapagos, the ibex of Spain, the zebras of South Africa, the elephant seals of Mexico, the giant sable antelopes, the nyalas, the white rhinos, the wisents, and many kinds of whales, though with his one true love, that most charismatic of megafauna, the white race, his luck ran out.  Now as far as nature goes I'm with the American President who said "if they think I give a flying fuck about nature—they're wrong"—but white people seemed to care a lot about it, and so did Grant, and so did that entire generation of scientific racists.  And, of course, along the way he wrote the book that Hitler called his Bible which, I may say, is praise from Caesar.  And more than anything else it was the indefatigableness of the man that impresses.  The fact is that nearly the entire American ruling class in the 1920s was racist and in favor of eugenics, then after the war, or before it really, when our propaganda about Nazi "excesses" (so-called) started filtering back to America, they flipped to a virulent form of anti-racism--and so the game was lost.  It's that simple.  But those men in the top hats in Eastern cities at the turn of the century, they were the last ones who could have beat us.  And the reason they could have was that they were willing to do anything that it took.  And they had the right idea too-—eliminate us.  Don't treat with us, don't try to convert us, don't assimilate us, don't keep us down, don't discriminate against us, don't keep us out of the country clubs, don't keep us out of the colleges, don't stop us from marrying your daughters—or, rather, do all that, but don't stop there—yes, eliminate us, for the game of global domination is the game of total control.  Truly astonishing the unadulterated hate they had, they wanted to make us universal outcasts, to separate their lives from ours in every way possible, to banish us from the realm.  Grant himself in private is bracing—no nonsense about humanity, no treacle about universal anything.  And looking back over the records of my forbears they feared that their advent might spell the denial of their dream, but the fear soon dissipated in the fog of their dying gasp, the last gasp of the final cohort.  As they strode their way around Manhattan like they owned the place, because they did, they must have been an intimidating lot, and for a while they went from victory to victory, strength to strength.  Their later imitators at best would talk of deportation or remigration, as if it were gentleman's tea, but no one wanted to really do anything about it, or put one's soul in the balance.  It still surprises me how people don't grasp the fundamental nature of war. Even after you explain it to them they simply don't get it.  
Henry Adams said that when he saw his first Issac or his first Jacob walking on Boston Commons, straight from the misery of a Cracow Ghetto, speaking a barbaric and snarling Yiddish, he identified with the Indian, as one who had been ejected from his heritage. He was right.  And had he been born Cohen on the Temple mount, he'd have still had it.  
I can say without doubt that the raging battle that was waged between Madison Grant and Franz Boas was the hinge upon which world history pivoted and was, if I can say it, the cross upon which the white man continues to hang.  If that seems extravagant, pay attention, if I seem to give it overmuch attention, look again.  Consult the record. There were others of course, Dewey, Bourne, Kallen, but it was Boas who knew for certain what was at stake, the man keeled over in Manhattan in 1942 while preaching the evils of racism. Lined up behind Grant was the WASP elite, the American Establishment, prominent politicians, the best people on the East Coast, the media, propagandists, magazine editors, magazine writers, amateur scholars, gentleman scholars, folks across the American political spectrum who had rightly and finally woken up to the prospect of race suicide.  But along with Boas was the wave of the future, the Jewish intellectual, some early Protestant misfits, some East Village malcontents, New York Cosmopolites, some professors.  But he had one crucial advantage over the long term, the discipline of Anthropology was in it's infancy and he was a professor, a professional scholar, he had made some serious inroads in the universities.  And just imagine anyone after the war being taken seriously who was not a professor, a certified scholar, a monkey dressed up in a natty suit and tie, or a Bohemian loser talking down the master narratives, another one of our unsung accomplishments, the professionalization of opinion; and Boas would seed these budding hothouses of nonsense, sedition, truckling, and treason with his own kind and they would carry all before them, eventually.   And that, in short, would be that.  
America was started by words on paper and has never lived it down, it was the death of them all.  There is something inherently blank slatist about a country that begins this way, that is conjured out of thin air in some Quaker meeting hall, and when a more powerful and more determined outsider comes in to overwrite the script there is little reservoir of defense.  And this is true, we simply overwrote the script, we wrote our graffiti on the walls of their temples, we unrwote them and wrote ourselves in in indelible ink.  That it would be so easy was what was so surprising, it was like, well, pushing on an open door.  At first though the enemies arrayed against our race seemed quite formidable, quite daunting.  Any dispassionate observer looking on in the early 1920s would have been unlikely to predict the eventual outcome, let alone how much of a rout it was in the end, how we in time went from strength to strength and imposed on them our alien ideology. It's true that a most incredibly acute observer might have observed some cracks in their walls, a crumbling of their facades, some Churches going wobbly, some whites in the wilderness preaching the erasure of themselves, but in the main the fight did not seem fair. But in truth, had one been able to see all the wheels spinning, the issue was already decided the other way...the WASP you see was out of breath...he had become the default position....and no one gets too worked up about a default position.  That some among them valiantly and harshly stirred for a last ditch defense is to their everlasting credit.  Them we can save.  But in the end it was as if they used up every last bit of energy their people had and when they were vanquished (on paper, mind you) they were vanquished the only way you can be, for good. In some outdated history books I have lying around it says that in the old days when a battle was won one person from the losing side would rush the victors, immolating himself in the fire of defeat; they were like that, those great men.
Arthur Gobineau was the first European to talk about the races in a coherent way, he came up with the idea of the Aryans, Alexis de Tocqueville, who was at heart a timid soul, once told Gobineau that with his brilliance he would go far, and with his ideology would do much evil.
It didn't help that frequently the ones who flocked to their banner, though possessing truth, how much truth they knew not, more often than not had a little bit of the crank in them, just a shade of the charlatan.  It started with Gobineau, went on to Galton, went through Chamberlain, and finally made it's way to that Valhalla in Long Island, Cold Springs Harbor.  I always wondered if reputable circumspect American biologists had come to the fold, professional and even keeled men, who had been measured in saying what they knew, and what they didn't, but argued persuasively that genetics held the keys to the coming kingdom, what would have transpired, had they put racism on a respectable basis.  Better for them, worse for us, to be sure.  But instead they got bogged down in catch phrases, Nordic, cephalic, unit characters, family traits, which contained kernels of truth, more than kernels actually, but unprovable at the time, and that easily could be portrayed as bogus and which tended to obscure the eternal truth they possessed.  They focused on stories about Revolutionary War heroes bedding whores and breeding dullards, they interviewed old timers and took what they said about ancient hair lips as stellar incontrovertible evidence.  And so they were like people who possessed gold but muddled the selling of it, and when the gold became obvious generations later our propaganda machine had been so effective, had prevailed so thoroughly, that in Britain the Indian offspring of millennia of high caste genetics could screech in the pages of the Guardian that:  race does not exist!  Had they put all their money into IQ tests, and rode that horse hard, they likely would have prevailed, I mean you scratch a negro and you get what you scratch right?  It wouldn't have taken much to get people to accept that your average African was not going to put on short pants and take us to the moon.  But cranks is cranks and if there's anything America perfected it was cranking out cranks, unless it's doing away with itself.
If you got Madison Grant on the subject of cephalic indexes you had a happy man but Franz Boas ridiculed the notion that a cephalic index (the size of the brain) was related to IQ, and as it wasn't provable then his ridicule won out, when years later magnetic resonance testing proved the racists right it made no difference, so completely had Boas prevailed.
Among the genteel scholars Mr. Grants stands out.  No petering out for him, he knew that with an indomitable will, and a vicious hatred for the alien races, victory could be his, and it was, for a while. When I look back on his career the thing I think most is that at one point in the early 1930s he began to warn of the Southern Border and the Mexican Menace, and said to close the border now, and everyone looked at him like he had three eyes.  What a visionary!  What an implacable will!  What industry! The question is always was the decline and burial of the WASP murder or suicide and of course it was both, it was assisted suicide, it was euthanasia, but if the patient had seen clearly what was happening and got up off the table in time the doctor would have been eliminated.  Well, our Mr. Grants sounded the toscin, raised the alarm bell in the night, his conscience is clear.  There is absolutely no blood on his hands.
It truly is amazing that just as we were coming into our power a small committed minority of them were as well.  They advocated forced sterilization (in fact three generations of imbeciles is three too many), protected the environment, advocated both positive and negative eugenics, came out against smoking, against drinking, saved species, saved trees, went in for birth control, preached the Great War as the White Civil War, warned of the rising tide of color, identified the Jews as collectively a mortal threat to the white race, saw that Jews acted corporately, moved to restrict all non-Nordic immigration, spoke of race suicide, in a word—seers.  But for the final showdown not enough of them could keep up their head of steam.  They should have knocked us out while we were relatively weak.  They could have done it easily.  Instead they let us slip through their fingers.   And the thing about a Jew is if you give us two chances we'll never need a third.
I assume Franz Boas was a sincere man, meaning he was an idiot.  But of all the Jews he was truly the Jewiest, that is, he did us an incalculable service, he put paid to the America Of The Villages.  There is really no one close.  Against every ounce of common sense that most people had he argued that the concept of race, which had been so universally accepted for millennia that most never even thought about it, had no existence whatsoever.  No existence and yet they are all equal!  It would be some time before this absurdity would be amplified to it's logical absurdity by saying not only don't they exist and are all equal but that some are more equal than the others, more equal than whites that is, but an immortal race has nothing but time.  And, moreover, he argued, that race had no impact whatsoever on anyone's capacities or characteristics or proclivities or tendencies, or brains for that matter, eons of evolution and man had somehow-—broken free!  Everyone was a tabula rasa. Indeed, looking back on it those environmental anthropologists resemble nothing so much as the creationists that at the time they deemed the most absolute know-nothings.  You see, for them, a person's personality and capabilities sprung ex nihilo from the social world, environment was all, take the most benighted Australian Negroid and put him Berlin at just the proper moment, and he'll be composing sonatas, just like that, as if sonatas weren't bred in the bone.  And Boas took this cock-eyed idea, that there were no races or that there was only one race, the human race, and he beat them down. And you see the thing about it is, if environment is everything, and there is no human nature, if man is infinitely plastic, totally malleable, if you think about it, there can be no limit to our tyranny.  
When it came to Americans at large and the nature-nurture question there was always something latent boding well for our side, Lincoln in the log cabin and all that ridiculousness, every man a king, the optimism of a people always starting over, always lighting out for the territory, wiping the slate clean, picking up stakes, assuming new identities, as it were, so they were particularly stupid when it came to the big picture.  And of course the depression we engineered (banking minutiae) played into our hands, normally when things get scarce people turn on each other, but such was the brilliant homogeneity of the American people at that time that hard times actually drew them closer, in deep sympathy one with the other, and no one was wanting to hear about a master race, a hard doctrine, I'll admit.  In fact, since 1933, really, we ran the show.
So Grant and Boas had their little duel.  It played out in University Anthropology Departments, in access to government grants, in magazines, in newspapers, on boards, in meetings, in letters, in government institutions.  Each of the two would review a book of the other, or have their proxies or surrogates do it, they vied for votes on committees, each circling the other warily,  knowing that the other was too respected in certain quarters for an all out assault.  Relative to the other they generally kept their mouths shut in public, though in private one was the worst thing of all—a Jew, an alien—and the other was the worst thing of all—a non-scientist, a charlatan.  What particularly galled Grant and his circle was that Boas was turning Anthropology into a study of the marriage and sexual habits of savages, they'd travel thousands of miles to see the ritual aspects of some defunct tribe—why study a beaten people? Why romanticize an extinguished race?  Prior to that Anthropology was always the study of race and now it was the study of what?—pottery shards? What galled Boas and his henchmen and henchwomen was the smugness of them all and that they weren't practicing--wait for it--science!
And to give you an idea of how the wind blew over time Grant's protege Lothrop Stoddard was a widely respected writer in the 1920s and could speak comfortably against Jews in popular magazines, the everyday Jew hate of the average man in the street, the small change of life, really; but by the mid 1930s he confided in friends that the subject had become delicate and he found himself watching his tongue on the matter.  In his lectures at the Army War College he dropped the subject of Jews altogether and after Hitler's racial ideology was beaten he would die socially discredited and in obscurity in 1950.  This is how this country remembers it's prophets and great men.  And Linbergh, whose prestige was unparalleled, found himself at the short end of our wrath and paying the price for his untoward and ill-timed words about us.  In private letters Anne Morrow said that even though she agreed with him she wished her husband hadn't said those things about the Jews, that nothing was worse than the prospect of pogroms on Jews in America, nothing was worse than anti-Jewish violence, that even war was better than that, even losing one's country was better than that.  Better to die, apparently, than to hate! Better to die than to live!  Lindbergh!  This was a man who to wake himself up on his way to Paris dipped his craft into the troughs of the waves to have the water splash his face. But we are fiercer than any ocean.    
It didn't help them that we (we being the Jewish media arm) glossed over the much worse things the Soviets were doing and pointed to the little upsets of Germany.  In the 1930s the Soviet Union had murdered murdered millions of people and for these pains the Roosevelt's administration recognized their government, and spoke warmly of them. Hitler knocked off a few of his own followers and broke some windows and in the American media (see Jews, above) they were a byword for pure evil. We could point to the interlocking directorate between Nazis and the Americans, normal business of a people who wish to survive, and they fell all over themselves with a sickening remorse.  And then there were those those trodden on little Jews, that ship that got turned back!  We could say: you don't want to be like Nazis, do you?  Do you?
How Boas did it was by working through the very institutions that not too many years prior would have barred us outright (when they still possessed sense).  We really did, you see, overwrite the script.  While the young discipline of Anthropology was still growing and the opposition was allied with the government and putting out periodicals Boas was seeding with his acolytes the vanguard of the future—the universities.  While they had great stationary and sterling names on the letterhead and were taking Rockefeller money Boas had students and soon heads of departments all over the country—and they were teaching the next ones, to control the future control the minds of children, for the minds of children are eternal and universal battlefields.  And it must be said the race scientists, though they had eternal truth on their side, were preaching a hard dogma, we an inviting one.  As a poet who was no fan of our race said truly:  human kind can bear very little reality. And nothing was more inviting than equality, universal brotherhood, egalitarianism, a fair chance for everyone, all men are after all created equal.  It says so right there on the dotted line.  Would Thomas Jefferson lie?
Of course we had more work to do but in truth the deal was done.  It amuses me to no end to read the books of the early 21st century and see how they describe "race science", admittedly a forbidding name, as discredited.  Most of those scholars are Jewish, of course, and take their cues from one ours, a true hack but serviceable for sure, Gould, but even the ones that are not are obedient to the general plan, knowing all too well how bread gets buttered.  But how such "scholars" can be so ignorant of the epochal work going on even then in genetics, and now even more so, is beyond me.  Or perhaps they knew but wanted to keep it under wraps, with humans the race between stupidity and duplicity is always a close run thing.  Either way, they kept repeating the bromides. It's been discredited!  Everyone knows it!  You're not a Nazi, are you? But they served their purpose in the last push of the great awakening.  They are gone now, of course; being of no use.  
On the eve of the Second World War the race scientists were all dead or were outcasts, or soon to be.  Men in top hats were already dinosaurs. Their name was mud, we dragged them through it.  Boas as mentioned died during the war keeling over in Manhattan inveighing against them. But his pupils lived on, his ideas lived on.  And were about to make a killer entrance into the annals of history.
In the 1920s men who held the views of a later time's Dissident Right were deeply respected, socialized with Presidents, sat on boards, referred to FDR in letters as "Dear Frank",  thirty years later men with the same views were nearly universally looked on as moral monsters.
The question remains, how did it happen?  Into the early 20th century the American people were a materialistic people but a stern and a forbidding one.  We think of Rockefeller handing out thin dimes to street urchins.  But if there is one thing true about immigration it's that every people you mix in effects the blend, changes the people in ways subtle and unsubtle, and there is no doubt that by the 1920s the Americans, with their novel and at times exotic mix of ethnics, were fast becoming a sensual people, a ravenous people, a lazy people, the tone got lowered, as is said.   And with the Depression they became a frightened people, and when a sensual people becomes a frightened people they do not go looking for bad ideological news, it's only hope and optimism that they can bear.  So the flinty Yankee gave way to the little dark eyed brunette—and all soon being swept up in the rancid patriotism of the war  so that the nation of villages was left behind, left behind once and for all, without really too much of a look back.
Now to the annals of history such as they are, such as they were, for we Jews are nothing if not sophists, we proceed by misdirection.
Germany was the end of the line for the universalizing mission of Rome, they got ambushed in a forest and had to give up, had to turn back, wept over their legions, but we had better luck.  For it's true that until the end of time (last week) the German people had always been the bone caught in the throat of anyone who would rule the world.  For any universalizing mission it's always Germany that must perish.
Hitler was always the horse we always wanted to ride, no sooner was he dead than we symbolically dug up his corpse and have ever since continually paraded it around the public square so when anyone gets out of line we can point to it and say don't forget, Hitler....
I'm not saying he wasn't our implacable foe, he was, or that he was a pilgrim, he wasn't, or that he didn't cross and re-cross a line or two, or engage in excesses, he did, that much is obvious, but just that unlike the reports of his death the reports of his crimes, such as they were, were greatly exaggerated.  Did he have blood on his hands?  Hardly. For is it a crime to want a country of your own? Is it a crime to want your people to survive? Is it a crime to want to secure one's future for oneself and one's posterity?  It would seem to me the real crime is the opposite, a crime unprecedented, to deliver your people to being replaced by another.  No, we fought Hitler with all our might and main, and then turned him into the ideological gift that keeps on giving not because he was a criminal, he wasn't.  We did it because he was in our way. It still surprises me how slowly some are to grasp the laws of war, the laws of biology, and the laws of demographic conflict, and how shocked they are to hear them.
Nazism was an experiment in applied eugenics.  It was putting the broad, solid, eternal laws and principles of biology to use for social and political life, in the service of the people.  
Written in 1925 The Great Gatsby is the only book published prior to 1945 that contains both the words "holocaust" and "swastika", my staff assures me of this, they've done the cross-checking of this seeming anomaly. Fitzgerald complained to Ed Wilson that the southern Italians were practically Negro (there goes the neighborhood!), and that American naturalization should be limited strictly to English and Swedes.  In Gatsby Nick enters Manhattan in a car and sees, he says, two black bucks being chauffeured by a white man and notes, accurately, that one never knows what one will see when one enters Manhattan. And of course there is Wolfsheim, the predator, the Jew to out Jew all Jews.  And of course he was published by Scribners, the same firm that published Grant and Stoddard, the latter being famously being referenced in the novel, unless it was that other guy the allusion was about, the one who wrote about the hair lips and the morons, even my excellent staff can't yet say for sure, so we'll put a pin in it, for now.  Thus it's not a leap to put two and two together, that this great American novel is not in anyway about something as banal as the fragility of the American Dream, as untold numbers of English teachers, obedient to the general plan, have said, but rather how the clean green breast of the New World was destroyed and desecrated by Jews, Blacks, and assorted mongrels, causing decent folk to retreat to the German Midwest.  That's the theory, a least, but one I hold with.  They got to beat us down.
The Passing Of The Great Race was exhibit 151 at the Nuremberg Trials.   It started on a bison hunt.......
The USA entered the First World War only after Britain promised a homeland in Palestine to the Jews and the Jews gave the signal to Wilson that it was safe to make the world safe for democracy, that is, safe for Jews.  Hitler remembered this perfidy of Albion perfectly well, having cause to.......
After the war we concocted the allegation that Hitler was supposed to have said near the end that he never loved Germany, by then we had a cross between a stranglehold and a death grip on world media so the famous last words slipped into the realm of history, people only know what they read in the papers, our papers......
The message to the Germans was:  neither should you, you shouldn't love Germany either.   Had we wanted them to believe something else they would have.
If someone was in in the mood they might have thought that equally on trial those months in Nuremberg was the scientific racism of the Americans in the 1920s, that the so-called liberators were the real Nazis; in this way we had our view to the future. We brought in the American sterilization laws, the three generations of imbeciles is enough, the various eugenics movements, the close connection between German and American racists, and so we planted seeds that would bloom in a million flowers in the glorious anti-racist future.  We got them thinking: were the liberators really all that different from the ones they conquered?  Indian Genocide?  Slavery?  Jim Crow? The Klan?  The color line?  Weren't they just part and parcel of the same authoritarian system,  all far down on the F Scale?  White man Nazi, that was the lesson and message, one the white man learned all too well in coming years, being an eager and obedient student, an apt pupil—white man Nazi.  Patton is said to have said that the trials weren't cricket--that they offended his Saxon sense of fair play—indeed they must have! What a world of difference between Saxon fair play and eternal Jewish victory. As for Patton himself he is said to have said some bad things about some little Jews, and it must have been quite a shock for such as him to discover that he and his men had been used as a blunt instrument in the furtherance of an international criminal conspiracy.  Imagine his chagrin!  But we all need to wake up sometime, smelling the coffee is good for the soul.  And had he lived he would have been a minor irritant, at most, his prestige was enormous, but we had laid the groundwork with how he treated the men, that slap was truly unfortunate, boo hoo hoo, etc.  Even he would have seen that there are some things you just can't say about us, at least not with impunity. But he didn't live, you'll recall.
When one starts thinking one starts thinking about Adolf Hitler.
Hitler!   Now there was a man!  One after our own hearts, who saw things as we did, eye to eye, a brother under the skin.  To have utterly defeated such a worthy foe makes the victory all the sweeter.   Had he never existed it certainly would have been necessary for us to have invented him.   Yeoman's work for sure he did us, he's the gift that keeps on giving. I had one of my students who was looking  through the archives wonder if the H Logo for the long defunct History channel stood for Hitler and, clever as I am, I said no, it stands for Holocaust.  When I think of Hitler (which is the beginning of wisdom) I think of the question: could it have been different?   For certainly Hitler was their very last stand, the last thing that could have possibly withstood us, compared to him even Grant and the rest were bush league, for we could not make peace with that, we could not possibly let the white man have a country to call his own.  And they couldn't have a country to call their own with us. It's as simple as that.  The old us/them binary, who/whom and Jew/Gentile, the selfish gene is an amoral monster pursuing a blind and relentless will to power. Could it have gone different?  If perhaps he had had the later concept of whiteness and brought the whole flock into the fold he could have prevailed, perhaps; and had he, prevailed that is, there would be statues of him in every city in Europe.  But now, alas, his name is a byword for absolute evil.
It was always the German people who got in the way of every international dream, and we were not going to make Rome's mistake and get bogged down in some godforsaken German forest, where they say Freedom was born (though it was stillborn), that we could not allow.  Anyway it was never by arms but always by make-believe that we rule this world, an uncanny something that is more than any army.   How many divisions do we have?   How many have you?
Germany must perish!    A rallying cry, no doubt.  When I think of how history was falsified on the spot, at the time, how little the American people were allowed to know.  Hitler wants an alliance with the white world, I can't hear you, Hitler wants peace with Britain, scrambled in the telling.  We bamboozled them, really.  Only let filter out what was consonant with the general plan.  But we knew, and our surrogates in government knew, and that was all that mattered.  Hitler had to be stopped.  Germany needed to be pastoralized, pacified, they were our ancient enemy of only a century or so.  And, really, it's fascinating that we even had the chance, that we could stand up on our hind legs and say: we're Americans!   American as you, or more American, really, we believe all are equal, and we have our right to our opinions.  And in our opinion the Nazis represent the apex of evil and American boys (our boys!) should drive them from the face of the earth, they should be used crudely as a blunt instrument in furtherance of our international criminal conspiracy.....
In the 1920s there were three components to the Democrat party: rural Southerners, Northern Ethnics, and Jews.  When we all hit the jackpot in 1933 the first two clamored for jobs and patronage, lined up dutifully at the trough, but not us, instead we became very interested in foreign policy, for as a people we always keep our eye on the main chance.......  
And the timing was something, how we made our nearly vertical and sudden ascent up the back of America, letting it launch us into the stars, how we came from miserable Cracow ghettos speaking a snarling Yiddish, and nearly found ourselves, just like that mind you, atop the world of this brand new colossus—and no sooner had we than---came a man who could stop it.  It really was a pretty brilliant pas de deux, it was because we were we and you were you!  When you think about it he was the only one who saw clearly what was happening and was willing to put his soul in the balance, if that was even necessary, to redress it.  Worthy adversary!  Implacable foe!  Many can talk but who can kill?  Who is willing to take the existence of his people in his hands and kill for it? Animals in the wild have no compunction.  He saw that with our infinite network we were circling the globe, that finance was becoming a god, the rabble as bankers, that markets would soon suck in everything that was not firmly rooted, and even that would be a close run thing, we'd jar that loose too in the end; that we had the rising power of the West, even if we would ultimately lose that of the East, we had this stupid rising power, this Goliath in short pants, wrapped around our gold ringed fingers, in our deep pockets.  And we would stand atop it.  And with this wind at our backs, after centuries of scheming and manipulation from mere pockets of power, what could we not accomplish? Everything, that's what.  The whole world would be at our feet. And he saw with crystal clarity that it must be stopped, now not later, there was no time after the present.  He saw that what was needed was more than autarky in one country but, at the least, autarky in one continent.  There came a movement in the teens of this century of those claiming that the European Union was nothing but Nazism writ large, a direct lineage and genetic descendant, but they mistook means and ends, two men may get in an identical hand basket but only one will be going to hell.  And for our incipient EU (one world is enough for all of us......), our game of global domination, Hitler knew that Germany needed to assert a rival reign to supplant it, to combat it, if not defeat it, this was really the stuff of high drama, the true story of that war, the crucial one, it would make great reading were anyone alive to tell it. Instead we got syrupy pablum, stories of Democracy and Tyranny, and pious speeches at Normandy, and old battle-axes and womanly men preaching and screeching about the liberal order even as it crumbled at their traitorous feet.  For the propaganda surrounding the Second World War, then as well as now, was that it was a war against totalitarian dictatorship and for freedom, but really it was that a sharp eyed Germanic people saw clearly the net that was being thrown over the world by us and tried to elude it, but missed.  The rest of it is just catnip for the masses. Of course we covered that up in Old Glory, our new calling card, and the UN, and world peace, and boo hoo hoo about the Jew and his six million, and anti-communism when it came to that and, well, you know the rest. No, Hitler is a man we can respect, and not even begrudgingly, a man after our own hearts, a man who fought for his people, as we fought for ours.  It would make no more sense for us to bear him any personal ill will than to be upset by animals killing in the wild.  For surely at this late date it is a truth universally recognized that a people who are unwilling to defend themselves deserve to perish.   He was never that, God bless him.
When I think of him now I think of him as a man with tremendous courage, who educated himself to the truth, the truth of what we were doing, and said it plain.  Of course it was easy to brand him as a lunatic, as a clown, the ludicrous dictator, because who could believe we were doing such a thing, or who could admit to it, it seemed so warped, even as we were doing it right out in the open.  No, by that time we had trained them well to hate Jew hate above all and even the smallest hint of it was in bad odor among their elites, it's why the Lindbergh wife dreaded it, better they perish than hate.  I can tell you, comrade, as one who has savored it, there is no more perfect crime than getting away with it and calling all who object criminals and insane ones at that, it really is looping the loop, getting your victims to defend you, a species of madness some used to call the Amy Biehl syndrome, named after a seditious white women who went to help the blacks in South Africa, and paid the predictable price (help the coal, pay the toll, as was once said).  Ms. Biehl's parents later traveled to the rainbow nation and forgave the ones who hit their daughter in the head with a rock (one liberal, one grave).  As for us cranking up the propaganda machinery to enforce a general obedience to the general plan, and a Talmudic taboo against deviating from it, take Hitler's book.  If you believe what we say about it his style was poor, shoddy, and disjointed, pedestrian at best, his thoughts confused, but of course few read it, though it's sold freely on the open market.  But when one reads him with an open mind one finds him to be perfectly lucid, workmanlike perhaps, with the faults of the self-educated, but a fine serviceable workingman's style nonetheless.  And, needless to say, a penetrating analysis.  But we've attached the stigma to him, that he was some unlettered bumpkin, an unreconstructed racist rube rallying the racist rubes, an atavistic reversion, some self made monster, when in fact he was nothing of the kind.  He was a man who looked at things slowly and deeply, scratched his head, stared at them, stared at them again, studied them, took deep breaths, went back over and over them until it was all finally clear in his mind, and so over long periods of time worked things out for himself.  But if you only read the papers, our papers, you'd never know the truth. Indeed, his book shows that he did have a great struggle, had a great overcoming, to see though everything, and elucidate it perfectly, and then get cast as a joke, a criminal.  It's ironic that his last inheritors and imitators would label the intermediary world that we cast over the old one, that we overwrote the script with as "clown world", which is getting close to the bone.  But of course to the honest observer he was anything but a clown, though one of ours pictured him as the clownish dictator.  It's true, he had no pedigree, no lineage, came from common stock, but then Lincoln was born in a cabin, and his high sounding phrases were stultifying and stupid--—dedicated to a proposition indeed, any nation not dedicated to it's own survival will be gone soon enough.  When he arrived on the scene we knew we had to handle him with special care, to go all in on defaming him, on anathematizing him, on placing him well beyond the pale, off the reservation, others wrote him off but we never did.  When the reprisals started we knew that this was to be a war to the knife, we knew that he and we were fatally entwined, knew that this was the final showdown, winner take all, and everything would be swept before it.  For instance how much of the ultimate reaction against scientific racism came from it's association with Hitler?  See, we said, this is what it means, see?  This is what it comes to.  Few had the stomach for it when you put it that way. Indeed, in the annals of subversion the 1930s are an underrated time, textbooks were changing, history was being re-written, public officials were being re-educated, mouths were being closed, people were being shut up, a chill went over the land vis-a-vis the Jews, what one could say about us was being curtailed, the story line was subtly changing, and all from our perspective, all at our behest.  If anyone objected we said: Hitler? That's not what you are is it?   And so quickly, before he even did a thing, we ratcheted up our propaganda to warp and wailing speed, and he became the world historical monster of our own making.  I tell you had he never existed it would have been necessary for us to invent him, which we did after all.   Which we did.
Seen from a certain angle it's easy to see Hitler as barbaric, certainly his racial ideology has gone out of fashion, at least when it's articulated, we live it of course as a matter of course as do you my dear friend.  But the ideology's passing was only because in the years following the war civilization had reached a kind of plateau, one from which it was really impossible to see the past, the war had been a cataclysm no one wanted to peer back over except to be rid of it.  When the state of war returned, or at least an intimation of it, things looked somewhat different. What no one could think at the time was that he was doing what was necessary, he was acting in the extremity of the future, his future, his people's future, seeing the cold hand of total defeat that his people were being subtly dealt; but then such is the general fate of visionaries, we forget too  easily that the canary in the coalmine as often as not comes up dead.
There's a scene in The Stranger (1946) when an ex Nazi played by Orson Welles in order to cover his tracks tells Edward G Robinson that the German is incorrigibly evil and must be destroyed and driven from the face of the earth.  Mr. Robinson emigrated to the USA and fabricated some personal small-scale pogrom he witnessed in the old country, not his country, but the old one, and said when he came to the USA at age ten he felt for the first time free.   I'll bet he did, I know many people felt the same way, many people like Robinson, who were Jewish, more than a few up my family tree.
Gemany Must Perish!  We laid it on with a trowel, it's true, you can never lay it on too thick.  Germany Must Perish!  My god, read from the perspective of a later humanity what a dreadful book that was, one probably unwise to publish, but we got a away with it, we always do.  We were on the side of the angels by then, or damn close to it. What was the small change of life regarding what you could say about us not ten years before was now viewed with distaste, and so Jew hate was driven underground, where it belongs, if you could say boo about the Jew by then you could just say it barely. And in the first glow of our slow acceptance we made Hitler the pariah he is today; we truly created a monster, anathematization on a cosmic, industrial scale. Prior to that a man such as Lindbergh would think nothing of getting a service cross pinned to his chest by Nazi officialdom, little did he know that soon enough he would be seen as having supped with Satan with an exceedingly short spoon!  How could he have known?  He was just following the protocols of  the Knights of old.  But the reins were about to loosened, faith dimmed, chivalry dead; this new world we were creating was not going to be cricket.
But they had the right idea alright, they were taking hygienic caution, it was a racial prophylactic, they were seeing the world with clear eyes and taking the measures that were necessary for survival.   One can only laud that, most people want to live, though when not faced with having to prove it most will deem it a reversion, they are a squeamish lot; looking back there were the race suicide prophets in America, the alarm bell in the night about the rising tide of color, which by the fifties simply seemed odd; but everything in the post war world blurred reality, the battle between Russia and America froze it in an ice from which it was released in 1989, history resuming just as the neoliberals were saying it was ending; but the ones who saw clearly in 1940 knew that they were at the choking point, and theirs was the only way to save a civilization, a culture,  people, a race, a way of life.  For what we have now is not that, a civilization that is.  The machines goes on like before but no one can really distinguish it from the operators.
Germany did perish, thank god.  With them out the way it was smooth sailing, for the most part.  Some unreconstructed Southern racist was no match for our Fuhrer.  We wailed at the dogs on chains, and the water hoses, and the lunch counters, and cried them rivers about the back of the bus, and the eternal corpse of Emmett Till (may God rest his useful soul), but a man who can walk into a hospital and put  patients to sleep-—that man means business, that man would throw fire down on a school rather than let a black girl walk in.  
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But, comrade, I must leave dear Adolf for now, otherwise I'd go on forever, he is truly inexhaustible. Here at the Ministry I have employees look up and bring me odd arcana about him, I think I must be one of the few remaining experts on him, for most he's just some vaguely evil spirit from a dead past, something with which to startle the horses and scare the womenfolk from time to time but little more.  I have the misfortune to be an historical man in an unhistorical age.  And now that all the tension has gone out of history it's hard to understand that at one point, when the outcome was not apparent to all, any political or social issue could be resolved by reference to him, it was as if he had subsumed in his person everything from the past and brought it to it's primal and irreducible level. His thought and his life are the gifts that will always repay attention for he brought history down to it's focal point, shorn of everything superfluous, in his itinerary is the entirety of human existence; his works, his words, his deeds are endless.  Even I, old cynic that I am, learn something new from him now and again, from time to time.  But basically he reminds us of the law of life, prevail or perish. And one should never feel any guilt for wanting to prevail or for prevailing. Otherwise you have been captured by an eighteenth century paradigm, when the living was easy.  That, I assure you, was never our problem.
William James said that for a people being moral is more important than survival.   Jean Raspail said that if the white man was to survive he was going to have to do things that will put his soul in the balance.  I suppose that is true for everyone, either way, you must choose.  Hate or die?   Which will it be?
Before we turn to the post war era, the era of desultory mopping up, there's one last question I have for Adolf.  Was he wise in all he did?  The question is asked again and again.  A last gasp is one thing but a foolhardy thrust is another.  HP Lovecraft was thrilled by Hitler's emergence, by his advent, he said that he thought that the man could and would  rejuvenate the European peoples.  That was in 1933 but just before his death in 1937  Lovecraft said he worried that Hitler was becoming too extreme in his policies and in the end he might have the exact opposite effect of what he intended, which he did, we know by now. Was he right? History has many cunning passages....could he have taken the Junger route?  Drawn a circle around Germany and wished the world of color away?  Simply expelled the Jews?  Got them a homeland in Palestine? Made a nice little white country of his own?  I think not.  I think he sensed not only the gravity of his situation but the finality of it, that after him was the deluge.  Hitler was an impulsive man, but in this instance I think his impulse was correct.  He sensed which way the wind was blowing, he saw the French pour coloured troops into Germany, he saw anti-colonialism rearing it's ugly head, he saw the various ideologies of race-mixing being bandied about and finding a receptive audience among fools, he saw the American Negro looking for a place in the sun and, above all, he saw that we Jews were getting more and more powerful every year.  The white world around him was becoming morally weak and no country is an island, and unless the rot was excised then or soon it would soon engulf them all. Look at Eastern Europe in the 20s, they made their stand, they had their mini baby booms, but were unable to withstand the rising tide of...what do we call it...color...yes, color....they made their half-hearted try but our markets swamped them in the end, they were small peoples unable to withstand the tsunami.  Hitler rightly knew or sensed that racial autarky was an incredibly difficult thing to maintain, amidst prosperity that is, prosperity coupled with moral weakness, that race is that promiscuous thing, it's hard to make it impermeable, there's always someone sneaking off to the hay bale, that unless it is vigorously and jealously guarded it always bastardizes, it always becomes unstable, there is always a fox in the hen house somewhere, and there's always a negro in her wood pile, safe to say.  And we held the Anglo world in our clutches and Weimar, well, Weimar was just dormant, incubating, ready as ever to return, break out, a virus poised to become an epidemic. So it was, as the Americans used to say, when they were a much more confident lot, do or die.  And who knows, if he had punched through to the oil fields the world might have become a very different place.  If he had went pan-white, perhaps? Of course there was the bomb, the Jew Bomb. Would goy have bombed goy? Gentile on gentile?  Would they have been that obedient to the general plan?  Ah, who knows. History not only has many cunning passages, it always deceives by vanity in the end, but now no more, not now that it has ended.  But who can think of anything more dramatic, a man, a great man, a world historical man, the world historical man, makes one roll of the dice for the white man, come up snake eyes, but just barely; and the die is cast.  It's a story someone really ought to tell.
There are other theories too, that Weimar wasn't so bad and would have reformed, that Strasser could have threaded that perfect needle, Hitler never should have abandoned Feder, etc, that Nietzsche detested petty bourgeois anit-semites, the same old tripe, and I notice that the people who promote these theories tend to be over-serious Christians, so see poisoned chalice, see Trojan Horse, above, if you even bother.
Once Hitler was presumed dead and we put those pictures of bulldozed bodies on American movie screens History, with a capital H, was over. Just like that, amazing.   We eternal sophists had to blind our eyes.  Even we were a little startled by the suddenness of it.  It's true that the Holocaust, with a capital H, and that stands for trouble, did not emerge for some time, but one belt, one road, right?  All we have is time, we are the immortal race after all.  And now that we have allied with our equally stout and unwavering Han brothers (who also wanted to live forever and never hesitated for a single moment as to how to deal with their undesirables) all we have is the future.  Standing there in 1945 for all intents and purposes we might have seemed a defeated race, but for all intensive ones we had prevailed, we were on the cusp of a true breakout.  Who could see it?  A few.  Patton belly-ached....but what could he do?  He was dead, not having been obedient to the overall plan.  The others had been discredited.  No one knew or cared, but L. Stoddard lived on until 1950, a relic, a vanquished relic, an ideological husk.  Our enemies had been vanquished before us, our moral enemies, our mortal ones, and the world breathed new air, the air of An American Dilemma, a watered down American Creed, and the UNESCO statement on race. Safe to say that no one had a good word to say for racial ideologies, or racism or, even, race, that non-existent thing.  Oh, racism had turned Europe into a field of ruins, but anti-racism would level it all, we made sure of that. We would soon make genocide a right of the peoples, we would clothe tyranny in tolerance.  And it really wasn't all that hard when you're dealing with a weakened people. If you want to destroy a people you sever their roots, you destroy their history, you destroy their classics....you know the drill. Soon dead white males would be the red headed step children of the world.  But let us not move too fast.   Let us linger over the intervening four decades, the beginning of what was really little more than a clearing of accounts.
With Hitler dead and buried we had our totem, our talisman, our bogey-man, our thing-that-goes-bump-in-the night, our salutary example to the goyim, with him in our pocket there is nothing we could not do, he was truly the horse we always wanted to ride.......
No one writes history any more as we don't like to overmuch burden our youth with useless trivia but if one were to write the history of Modern America they should divide it like this:
1890 to 1950:   Softening Up
1950 to 2000:  The Great Unraveling
2000 to 2030:  Knock Out Blow
2030 to Present:  Death And Burial
One theory of social movements is that they succeed to the extent that their leaders possess "social capital" in the form of ties to the mass media, corporate cultural intermediaries, and the state intelligentsia---where dominant interpretations of reality are generated.
Of course we were a racial movement not a social one and we didn't have ties, we were it.  After the war we had New York, Hollywood, the universities, newspapers, all were in our pockets and we generated the dominant interpretation or reality which was of course: white man bad; and later on, when the time was right, white skin bad, dark skin good.  We like to keep it simple, by make believe we rule this world.
What happened in the decades after the war was not a cultural revolution it was something much more, and much better, it was a social revolution, everything solid melted into air.  If in 1960 one wanted to see pornography it was certainly possible but one would need to go to the weirdo part of town, to the weirdo theater, or to the weirdo book shop.  In short, one would be a weirdo.  A half century later not only would one be saturated with pornography, up to one's eyeballs in it, filled to the very gills with it, by watching it one would not be a weirdo, the weirdo would be the one who still said you were a weirdo (hang-ups you see).  A world turned upside down is one that can be ruled by violence, and of course by make believe, inversion is the best kind of magic.
They had rights but we gave them human rights in order to take them away.
And that's all it ever really was from May, 1945 on, a mopping up exercise, an index on the end-ex, a collecting of our winnings.  Just how massive was the win? As a for instance it's a sign of how America was overtaken by an alien ideology that what for over a century was an icon of Liberty was changed to mean they must submit to being invaded by alien races whose rule over them meant the end of their Liberty.
We overwrote the script.  Let me say that again: we overwrote the script. A country created on paper, out of thin air, created in a Quaker meeting hall, was particularly subject to this horrible indignity.  Better for a nation to be born in the mists of time beyond recall, any nation created on a rational basis will evaporate like morning mist.
We employed a long term and multi-faceted strategy to destroy White America but it boiled down to this, our strategy was very simple, very simple from beginning, from the time we washed up on their shores:  it was to mongrelize the in group until there is no in-group, mongrelize the in group until they have lost not just the ability to survive but the will do it.
Leslie Fiedler said that in the 1950s in Manhattan every gentile who came to the big city to become a big intellectual immediately started taking on the role of the little Jew, dressing like a Jew, acting like a Jew, speaking like a Jew, assuming the aspect and accents and affect of a Jew, and in this way American culture become thoroughly Jewish, which is an homage to power indeed......
We of course had our Frankfurt Group, our Adorno, our F scale, but I'd like to point out one that is often overlooked. It was the Civil Rights movement after all the was the dagger in their hearts, the subversive movement that was the paradigm for all the insanity that followed, it took their rights away and racially degenerated them.  And it was Brown v. Board which was the camel's nose in the tent, little black boys and girls and little white boys and girls and all of that disgusting nonsense, our lawyers saw to that, we Jewed up the Courts until they buckled like a cheap suit. They dragged their feet on implementing it, but it was the principle that mattered, nine robed visionaries properly shamed and coaxed could degrade the racial character of a nation of 200 million.  And behind that scam was an actually fairly little known (and less read, understandably) book by a guilty Swede, Myrdal's An American Dilemma (funded by the Carnegie Corporation, Yaweh love it). A stealth bomb that book, the unheralded keys to the kingdom.
Myrdal himself was a rather obtuse fellow, and his theory was that America was racist and had always been racist, and that in order to remove this stain it had to stop being racist.  They were wrong to defend themselves he says.  The color line, the only thing standing between anyone and the abyss, was made anathema.  It was written in 1944, weighing in at a dull thousand plus pages, just at the time the stampeded goyim were doing our dirty work in Germany; and the Swede did a number on America's elite, not hard you say, and you're right, they were a thinned out and rather unimpressive lot.  It's also the book that gave us the phrase "The American Creed" (see countries created out of thin air, above).  The book had a unique and undue influence in all the right quarters and was the key to Brown, etc., indeed a generation of white folk were inculcated in the idea that there should be no white folk.  The Swedes, my god, what a godforsaken people.
And some time in there, a little before or after, was the UNESCO statement on race, that there are no races and that they are all equal, that miscegenation does not lead to racial decline, that race was a social myth, etc., all of it certified by FDR's ghost, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Alger Hiss. That nominally serious people could have taken so seriously such child like fantasy beggars belief, it wasn't even high sounding balderdash, it was low-brow balderdash, but what was said of the Germans was true of white folk in general, they were always at your throat or at your feet.  Indeed, if we had a guiding star, it was that there are no races, that there was only one race, the human race, and that racism, something endemic and perfectly natural to humans, so natural that for thousands of years no one gave it a second thought, was anathema. We are racialists preaching anti-racialism, racists selling anti-racism, even as we are sophists proceeding by misdirection.  But then if you can believe that Ashley Montagu is a reasonable sounding name for a Jew you'll believe in anything, however far-fetched it is.    
Civil Rights (meaning no rights for the white man) was the vanguard but so much came in it's wake, and though it was ostensibly for blacks you can be sure we Jews lawyered the shit out of it.  And it's true:  equality is a weapon. If we had a theory it was if it was standing knock it down, knock it down until there was nothing left, nothing left for them but their eyes to see their own destitution. Kinsey, the Pill, free speech, psychedelics, rock and roll, imagine there's no country, race riots, assassinations, Miranda, no payer in schools, feminism, women in the work place, the two parent trap, outsourcing, abortion, gay rights, trans rights, the Loving ruling, pornography, the sexual revolution, the cultural revolution, the social revolution, globalism, libertarianism, Vietnam, anti-racism, no fault divorce, Dead White Males, the patriarchy, affirmative action, anti-colonialism, black power, Chicano Power, nothing comes between me and my Calvins, fists in the air at the Olympics,  Stonewall, Lady Chatterly, Playboy, Jackson Pollock, Pop-Art, modern art, an end of the great narratives, I could go on but, safe to say, to the average white man watching this all on television it must have been one massive  indignity after another.   It was the great unraveling. Everything solid melted into air........
Somewhere in there too (1976) a Jewess with a jaw-locking prose style named Judith Butler announced to the world that biological sex did not exist but rather there was something called gender which existed only in the mind.  Only in the mind, mind you. By the time she died she had been given every award a society can give to a scholar and so in the end we did to the sexes what we had done to the races, first we fused them and then we simply made them disappear.  
If you want to destroy a people you destroy their heritage, you destroy their history, you destroy their classics, their past, their heroes, their culture, their language, their literature; perhaps in the end you leave them only with their eyes so they can witness their destitution. A people who are without the voice of their ancestors are like a plant that has been uprooted and is living above ground synthetically with chemicals. Without lineage, without blood, without time, without identity, they are just a cipher waiting for a more dominant interpretation of reality.
Now that the Germans were gone we knew that the final bone in our throat would be the American White Man, White America.  They never had a full blown policy named after it, and that was the problem.  We turned all of our attention to him, to make him a stranger in his own home.  We knew that the white man in the end would always stick to his mores, his traditions, that after years of their being submerged, he would stick to them even more. We always knew that the white man was the last obstacle to our universal dreams, the very last.  And, as such, he had to go.  He had, after all, or so we put it about, blood on his hands, and tomorrow belonged to us.
The author of that defeatist Serenity Poem (a favorite of losers everywhere) was Reinhold Niebuhr, in the 1950s he also authored the so-called "truce" between the big three religions, essentially gutting any notion of religion in the public square, thus removing another ancestral claim of the white man to his own country.  Two percent and we got a rabbi at all of the governmental functions, "Judeo-Christian"--what a crock and what a coup, put a menorah on the White House lawn and call it surrender.
When I think of yeoman's work being done I think of little Emanuel Celler, in Congress at the time of the 1924 immigration restriction act, a brand new congressman from Brooklyn, on the losing side, but sticking around and re-emerging 41 years later to lend his Jewish name to the stake put into the heart of White America.  Imagine that! Forty-One Years!  Being a little pipsqueak Jew speaking up bravely to the WASP establishment, taking a drubbing, then not so much licking his wounds as rubbing his hands, and watching as the long decades rolled by, and as his enemies became more and more deracinated, their identity thinned out, more and more in disarray, more and more exhausted, more and more demoralized, waning while we were waxing, dying out and dying off, until that great day in New York Harbor where, as referenced, the representative of a once great Anglo-Saxon nation referred to the 1924 Act as a "cruel and enduring wrong", a "harsh injustice", and an affront to the American Creed of judging every man on his merits.  Imagine it!  A cruel and enduring wrong! Injustice!  Merits!  A people wanting to survive and have a country of their own cruel!  He spoke like one of us, or he was as dumb as Texas cow shit. And of course little Manny Cellar, Jewish little Manny Celler, was there that day and had to hold in cold contempt the people who would sign their own death warrant in full view of the Statue Of Liberty, a veritable suicide note it was.  As for the poem at the base, that was a fine bit of work, which reminds me that no self respecting people lets aliens scrawl filthy graffiti at the base of their temples. That poem, barely literate and indicative of suicidal tendencies for anyone who would adopt it, had started out inside the statue getting no attention, until a rich WASP socialite named Georgina Schulyer paid for it to go at the base.  It continued to sit there in obscurity until we played it up as of 1938 in order to get more of us in from Europe, and then a half a century later it was holy fucking writ, it was damn near the law of the land, a statue become like statute.  And on that fateful day when the America President, charged with protecting a 90 percent white nation, signed that people's suicide note, the Vice President chimed in too and he said the Act would prove that in America there were no second class citizens; he was wrong though, that designation was reserved for the white man.  It would not upset the ethnic balance of the nation, it was said, it was not a revolutionary bill, wrong on all counts, we are liars and we operate by misdirection. We were fully aware that we were delivering the death blow, that we got the unsuspecting white man to herald it as the triumph of the American spirit, and to do it in full view of Lady Liberty, that was just insult to injury.
If your ideals can be used against you you have the wrong ideals.
And that poem of course was occasioned by the so-called Russian pogroms that were largely fictional, we sold those too via innuendo, rumor and lies.  By make believe we rule this world.
The first way we work is by means of race-mixing, race-mixing in the sense of miscegenation (the flood of images of white women and black men coupling) and race-mixing in the sense of mixing the races together, multi-racialism, multiculturalism.  We flooded their nations with nearly sub-human mongrels, we mongrelized the nation until there was no nation left, the destruction of White America was beautiful to behold.  In 1960 it was a nice white country but by the year 2000 it was a disparate amalgamation of alien races, an international flop house, and more importantly a machinery had been set in place whereby over a million green cards were issued each year, a vast machinery for nation wrecking and, short of the political will to stop it, and there was none, it would go on til the crack of their doom. We turned this nice white country into little more than a legal entity, an economic zone, and a universal refuge situated at the crossroads of the world.  Everything that was solid melted into thin air....evaporated like morning mist.....
The money spigots of the neoliberal order are free trade, open borders, and war, the exact things which were the death of White America.
Amazing too is how slowly we got the left to be outriders for global capital, in the name of humanity they did the work of the ones they once called robber barons, and in a final reduction to absurdity even unions got on board with mass immigration and the decimation of the working man.  
For most of American history a tariff was a reasonable idea, but we moved around a lot so for us the free movement of people and goods became our ideology and our God, free trade and open borders, to reject these ideas meant a people wanted to have a country of their own, and if they were sane enough for that the Jews knew they'd be the first to go.
Open borders, and free trade, behind these twin ideas we put an enormous amount of effort, the jobs went out, the people came in and so all sides conspired against the middle, and so in earnest the American middle class was hollowed out.  We made "industrial policy" into a dirty phrase, but all industrial policy is is a people wanting to have a country of their own, so we made it a dirty phrase and free trade became a god, finance became a god, the usual neo-liberalism being the preferred method of societal suicide.  We had charts, graphs, a wide variety of voodoo, and luckily the Americans were suckers for anything with the word free in it.  You could take the rattiest old couch in the world, toss it out on your curb and slap the word free on it and it won't be too long before some asshole will come along to pick it up.
There is a reason after all they say Uncle Sucker.
The neoconservatives were Jews who started out as Marxists, moved on to Trotsky, when the USSR became anti-jew they turned cold warriors, they didn't like the hippies so they became conservatives, whereupon they proceeded to hijack the Republican Party and led them happily into social liberalism and eternal war.
Neoconservatism was simply the realization on our part that we needed to play both sides of the fence, that to destroy White America a pincer movement was required.
We worked from the right via neo-conservatism and after all the good work the traditionalists did to build up the Republican Party we hijacked it just as that great friend of ours, that great nitwit Reagan, took over the country.  We stole the Republican Party like the key from under the keeper's nose!  Just like that, as is said. And by the mid eighties we had the three-legged stool, we tossed in social conservatism just to keep the rubes interested, but sending that great gentleman and scholar Mel Bradford packing was a sign of which way the wind blew—at our backs. Ah, the Paleos—we did them in with our amen corner.  War, trade, open borders, it's not that hard to bring a once mighty people to their knees (simultaneously loosen social and economic controls).  You see after the war America was really the only one left standing, everyone else was wading through the rubble, and it was a golden age for the average person, and we worked hard on the re-proletarianization of them, never forget that the etymology of that word is the making of slaves.  And so the left got rid of social controls, the right got rid of economic ones and we played all sides against the middle---some things are so nice you need to write them twice.
And you my young friend, you know this drill better than anyone, your people bled America dry there for a while, they should have left you stagnating in your billions but they were a greedy lot, they couldn't leave well enough alone, global order and all that suicidal rot.  Indeed, after letting us in bringing you into the world economy was their biggest mistake, perhaps they could have survived the one, or the other, but that one-two punch was deadly.  The jobs went out, the people came in, the wages went down, the price of a housing went up, the fertility rate went down, men didn't make enough money for women to want to marry them, however counter-revolutionary that is, so bring more people in, more people in, wash, rinse, repeat, kaput.  It really was that simple.  It really was Satan's circle.  Combine it with the rising of other countries which their foreign policy facilitated, the web of finance needs so to become global, and then when we threw in automation on top of it, it was too much for them to withstand, they buckled then they collapsed, eating bugs in sparsely appointed pods.  Though I must say on the robots we held back a little, slowly in the wind and all that, there was never any reason to startle the horses or scare the womenfolk, better to let them slowly and gradually get acclimated to and even somewhat comfortable with their extinction.  Satan's circle has all the time in the world to spread it's basic message.
The left got rid of social controls, the right economic ones.....
Sometime in there a famous movie was made called Falling Down.  The hero is your average white collar white guy who's had enough and isn't going to take it any more and he starts mowing people down.  It was adduced as an example of the angry white male phenomenon.  But let's not forget that the movie was called Falling Down.
Middle American Radicals they were called. They had the right idea, of course.  Go third position on us, resurrect the dead ghost of the even then living Junger, it would have been very popular in the right hands, could have carried a lot before it.  A leader can always arise.  But we had a stranglehold on the parties, so it was a no go, we made sure of that, donors, networks, the media, the networks, the newspapers, the magazines, the schools, we had a tight little control on things.  From time to time those of us still interested in such things in the Ministry  (and there are fewer and fewer as I grow old) ask each other: when was it finally over?   There are still some among us that say Hitler's death was not the end and that, in theory at least, they could have sublimated the racism for the new age and have slaughtered us hard from the left and the right.  It could have worked, true, in theory; but it was always an odd brew, that chimerical Third Position, that unicorn world-view, that gossamer ideology as fool's errand; and anyway no one picked up the cudgel. Well, in truth Duke did and Buchanan did, and Perot did, at least a little, taken together they were by hook and by crook honing in on a white man's third position, but they faded away and no one seemed interested in taking up a viable mantle.  The problem was they were small fry and, like I said, we had a stranglehold on the parties.  And so we were able quell democracy, take over the courts, make the living constitution the death of them all, and split the sides against each other; where if a leader had emerged to join the far left and the far right and bring a lot of the heartland along they could have given us a run for our money, maybe.  And you know why they couldn't?  Race, that's why.  It was race that the conservatives were scared to deal with, wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, it was race that the far right made frightening, and that the left treated the way vampires treat holy water.  The far right and the far left were naturally matched, almost peas in a pod, they were anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-capitalist, anti-corporation, anti-war, anti free trade, anti-establishment, anti-finance, but race got in the way.  That's what kept these perfectly natural allies from greeting up and making one last stand: race.  How funny. The issue of race will always be the cross upon which they will always hang.  And it's why our basic strategy was so sound: mongrelize the in-group; and their's should have been always keep it white, through thick or thin, my god, just keep it white, and all will be well, all manner of things will be well......
And it was not really true to say that whites were being dispossessed, not all of them, many came over to our side and did fine with their possession, were fine with being obedient to our general plan, it was the Paleos, the nationalists, the white nationalists, the supremacists, the middle American radicals, the alt-righters and the right dissenters, the average white man, in short, who got disestablished, but then those are just other names for the losers.  That is, what was dispossessed was nothing less that whiteness itself, for they were always a people in themselves, but never for themselves, alas.  
And it's not too much boasting to say we decimated the middle class. There was a time when a man could work, the wife stay home, and they could have a nice white life in a nice white city and in a nice white country, take nice white vacations, have nice white neighbors, look forward to nice white retirements, but then suddenly it all vanished, things got pinched and both husband and wife needed to work and even at that they couldn't meet the standards that they had before.  How did that work? Fortress America could have saved them, autarky on one continent.  But the jobs went out, the people came in......  
When the epitaph of America is written it will say that this was a people who loved freedom but who from the first slave ship, to all the steamships, and to the last special exemption visa loved cheap labor more.  True that.
The left got rid of social controls, the right economic ones, the jobs went out, the people came in, and all sides were played against the middle.
America really was a husk of itself by this time though it continued to live off it's admittedly dwindling accumulated capital before the law of diminishing returns took effect, something you were too young to see.  If not quite eating bugs they were experiencing power outages, crowding, housing prices through the roof, under our tutelage it's always inevitable that Metropolis becomes Modern Times becomes Soylent Green....
Make Room!  Make Room!
Internationally,  anti-colonialism had the same goal of targeting the white man wherever he was and the promotion of the rising tide of color.  White skin bad, dark skin good, we had our mantra, simple is as simple does. Rhodesia, South Africa, two once thriving white countries that we turned into test cases, then black basket cases. And you'll notice how the white power structure all around the world heaped massive opprobrium on the only countries who had the right idea, the ones with the spines of steel, their backbones still intact, the ones who could have resurrected the chances of the white man, in embryo true, but one must start somewhere. But to get the white man to kill the white man's chances, to sell out their brothers in arms, it's rather easy when you've ruled rule Britannia out of bounds.  We know who lost America.
We might pause here to say: and the Jews were behind all of this?  Yes, we were, we were very much indeed, we most emphatically were.  I don't and won't supply footnotes to this, but safe to say find a movement, a tendency, an attempt to tear down something Christian, something traditional, something American, something white and behind it you're sure to find more than a few Jews in the woodpile, we have our fingers in every pie, if none in the dike.  After us, my lord, the deluge.
Someone once asked me what my social philosophy was and in lieu of anything else I told him: dark skin good, white skin bad.  And though we don't believe a word of it it's true: our stroke of genius was to get enough white people to believe that white people were immoral, there was the slavery, the colonialism, the treatment of women, the Indians, the aboriginals, it's life you say, but we made them hate life, made them hate living, made them hate their people.  So naive were they, so enmeshed in a bubble of their own making, that they believed the nonsense, believed the lie.  The white man immoral!  But who isn't?  One shoots Gandhi doesn't one?   The American generation that came of age in the mid sixties will go down as simultaneously the most lucky, the most stupid, and the most evil ever born; they literally inherited the world and their response was to fuck in the mud.  What can one say about such a people save good riddance?
We hit our true genius, really, well after the miraculous decade of the 1960s.  When did it start?  When is the fist time you heard the phrase political correctness?  When did you first hear that even more important phrase: dead white males?   Dead white males, more of them please!  In a very real way the madness that came to fruition in the teens of the next century, all of it,  can be traced back to that single phrase from the 1980s: dead white males! smash the patriarchy!  down with the classics!  Hey Hey Ho Ho Western Civ has got to go!  It seemed harmless or amusing at the time to many but these were  our poisonous growths that bore deadly fruit.  That a so-called serious nation would countenance such refuse is justification enough for it's demise but here's the truth: they ate it up, the flagellants ate it up, or enough of them did.   When a nation becomes busy abrogating it's past perk up your ears, something big is going on.  It's true that in the grand scheme of things the 1960s made the splash but my heart's always been with the 1980s, for the sheer audacity of subversion. That's when multiculturalism and the "studies" revolution got into full swing, that's when immigration hit it's ongoing fever pitch, when neoconservatism made it's vertical ascent, that's when the American mind finally closed.  Reagan and Thatcher were supposed to be leading some kind of counter-revolution but in fact those two were not even speed bumps on the road to degeneracy: they were it's necessary accelerants, neo-liberals always are.  Mr. Enoch Powell once told the Thatcher woman that he'd defend England to the death were it to become communist, which baffled Maggie, which is the difference between a being a real racial patriot and being a mercenary bitch.
And here we get to the heart of the matter, or near it, or near enough. When you can get them codify their own racial destruction, to exalt it as their ideal, to grant it the legitimacy of an ideology, to get them them to work for it and defend it as moral, you've achieved something.  And such was multiculturalism, the famed French living together.  Some time in the 1950s some idiot came up with the theory called Contact Theory.   He had noticed that racial tensions seemed endemic to all societies and he thought that it was because the races didn't really know one another, and that the more they did, the more they lived among one another, the more they lived together, the more contact they had, the more the tensions would be eased or erased, the more contact the more getting along; but of course he had it basackwards, the tension was due to the fact that they knew each other all too well, and contact theory was a theory that was stillborn, dead in the cradle, contact theory was a theory that did not survive it's first contact with reality; life is nothing but a state of nature, a state of war, the war of all against all, is nothing but demographic conflict, no matter how much prosperity papers it over, for a while.  Which is why, of course, we went in so big for the mixing.
The remarkable thing about Bowling Alone is not that it shows that the presence of diversity means that there is less social trust between the groups, that much is obvious, but that even within the groups the trust decreases, as if the presence of several out groups makes the in group turn on themselves........  
It's what we counted on.
I've heard that multiculturalism was just an ex post facto rationalization for the surprise of diversity.  This doesn't give us enough credit. We've known from the beginning that the 90 percent white country was bad for us, that every bit of white racial decline meant our power grew; and if society was split up among many factions we would be the most powerful, it really was as simple as that.  It took us half a century but when the civil rights movement made race hatred out of bounds, how could they deny their tolerance to the rest of the world?  Of all the things that happened in that era it was the one on October 3, 1965 which was the most important. Everything else could have come later, would have come later, eventually.  But once starting out on the road to race diversity, to race mixing, to race amalgamation, to social miscegenation, to the destruction of White America, there was no turning back.  And we did it at the time when their wealth had put them asleep and when they woke up they found that their decline and then demise was completely entrenched in the system, it was an unstoppable and vast machinery of undermining the fabric of the country, Mr. Johnson signed a suicide note......
Pavlov was never prouder of his dinner bell than we were of our "racist"—salivating is one thing but making them grovel is a difference of an order of magnitude.
In the 1970s a moderate form of scientific racism returned in the guise of sociobiology, the so-called return of human nature.  It was a measure of how successful we were that when Nixon called Dan Moynihan to discuss Herrnstein's book the first thing that the latter says is be sure no one in the White House knew he was reading it, Nixon agreed, as if he were reading a dirty book, which he was, which he was.
Richard Dawkins was the man who put forth the idea that genes were amoral monsters blindly pursuing a relentless will to power but who in his dotage became a dreamy humanitarian.  So much for him, so obedient to the plan.
And you have to admit that in our time period it was a real coup d'etat, though the outlines of it could not be seen until years later.  It was even more, truly, than an overwriting of the script, it was the engrafting of an alien ideology onto a healthy host, a healthy body.  And it was a real rout. The master narratives were dead and we placed chaos at it's heart.  If it was standing we knocked it down.  In 1997 President Bill Clinton said that his country was on the cusp of the third great American revolution, when America ceased to be a European Country.  The first two had been disasters, the third would mean death, but his Oregon audience of young white people applauded their own demise, they clapped not for themselves, and certainly not for their posterity.....
If we have just left the long period of the great unraveling, we now move on to the penultimate one, the Knockout Blow (2000—2030). Unfortunately by the time the 2010s had arrived the catch phrase "cultural revolution" had been taken; really it was perpetual; perhaps we could call it the Social Revolution.  Some of have said it was that old American favorite, a Great Awakening, with more than a few burnt-over districts.
In 2005  Sam Huntington, scion of The Mayflower generation, wrote his civic nationalist screed Who Are We?  He opened it with flags in Boston which reminds me by then more than a few had been ejected from their heritage. The flags had come out in honor of 9/11, and it was good that we channeled the righteous anger into good old fashioned patriotism that was as American as your mother.  A smarter country would have seen that it was the very notion of exceptionalism that had brought on this discontent, the belief in mission, the universalizing mission, the making the world safe for, the shining city on a hill, the dedication to, all to be tied bewilderingly, if not inexplicably, to the idea and reality of the Jewish state (miracle of god). When Truman recognized us in 1948 nearly the entire American foreign policy establishment was against it, they knew America was hooked in with the oil and why antagonize 100 million people?  But that ex-Klansman was the same guy who said that the 1924 Immigration Restriction Act went against the wishes of no less a personage than Jesus Christ himself and he wanted to be King Cyrus, the fool.
Decades later, and decades ago, a similar irrational orgy of Old Glory broke out in your province of Hong Kong, and as I saw it on the television I had to laugh up my sleeve, these Hong Kongers unfurling a symbol that was by then long dead, by then no one on the left believed it, no one paying attention on the right did, only a few old war horses dreamt of Ronald Reagan in the night, wave it for the Gipper, you know, but those protesters they were just the pallbearers of a dead ideology, appealing to a defunct ghost.
A smarter country would have become a hermit kingdom, would have created Fortress America, would have thrown up walls, and tariff walls, closed the draw bridges and brought everyone home, instead they plunged into the world and brought in more Muslims and more of everyone than ever, suicidal tendencies die hard.    
We are a patient people and we had our Witzes and our Bergs, and our Wolfs, and our Steins in the Defense Department for decades, blueprinting little Israel's wars as America's wars, it took us a while but soon enough we cashed in; our amen corner is very powerful; when Patrick J. Buchanan opposed the first Gulf War he said only two groups favored it, the IDF and that American amen corner; when he opposed the second we brought in one of our own from Canada to call him un-American which, in hindsight, was laying it on a little thick, that was one glint-eyed black Irish who would kill for America.  But it worked, the war fever brought out the worst in them, discredited the Paleos, to the point where some of them must have been thinking they used to be outraged by the allegation that America was the Great Satan but now they saw the point, it's a phrase that has traveled well.  And so they got bogged down in endless, pointless, expensive wars, our wars, wars without end, the ones we inveigled them in, split the country further; Huntington noted that the flags on Beacon street eventually dwindled but the chaos we left behind endured; it always does.  
I myself was ambivalent for a while about the value of Israel.  It put us too much on the radar, it was nice to flee to, but why wave a flag to point out how obvious what one is doing.  But I think I was wrong, broad daylight was best, flagrant is the best disguise, and we had those Americans groveling at our feet, hands on that wailing wall with a look on their face like they just had a religious climax, small hat on head, ours, ours, all ours; one elected official once said that they got their morality not from government but from us, yes sir.  And when they fought our wars, sent their very own children, flesh of their flesh, blood of their blood, to die for us it just put the most emphatic of periods on the last words of their suicide note.
The word goy does not strictly speaking mean cattle, that's a sort of slang, what the word means is one who is a little dim, a little obtuse, not too quick on the uptake, not the brightest star in the firmament, nor the deepest river in the forest, is too trusting, and with a singular inability to detect deceit.
The neocons were a strange breed, flagrant in their allegiances, they started out as anti-American reds, but when the USSR turned on Jews they got on board with the liberal establishment, wormed their way in you may say.......
In 1981 Hollywood made a television movie called Skokie, with several major stars, celebrating the fact that the ACLU defended the rights of Nazis to march through what they called a Jewish neighborhood filled with Holocaust survivors; the chances of Hollywood making such a movie forty year later were exactly zero.  See obedient comma general plan.
And yes from 1981 to, say, 2017, was a real sea change (consult the demographic charts for the reason).  Some put the great awakening in the year 2013, which is as convenient as any.  It's when we cast any caution aside and began to dismantle whiteness in a big way, brick by brick, really, so that no one stone was any more atop the other. And when they asked me later why we wanted to dismantle whiteness I always said that every criminal wants to be rid of the evidence of their crime, especially when they have no plans on fleeing scene, having long since taken possession of it.
Look at free speech.  Look at the record.  Mario Savio went to a sit in, and they clamored for it.  Hollywood made a film by one of our own celebrating the First Amendment, The People v. Larry Flynt.  As long as we were injecting them with degeneracy, lies, subversion, and filth we loved free speech, fought to the death for it, but if they tried to defend White America we put them in a cage.  Safe spaces became the fashion, making the world safe for us.
Some cry out as they strike you, others say sorry as they're struck.
And what happened at this time was really phenomenal.  It was as if every poisonous fruit that had been stored since the mid sixties had suddenly threw off perfect spores and bloomed--—the 'woke' arose as one to reap their rewards.  Statues were toppled with abandon, genders blurred, reputations smeared, pictures taken down, heroes debunked, streets re-named, whiteness pilloried (from pillar to post), murals from the 1930s were trashed, masculinity was reviled, books were banned, people were purged, channels were deleted, anti-semitism was deplored, anti-racism took center stage, fascists were de-monteized, campuses were taken over, professors were shouted down, Nazis were punched, conferences were cancelled, speech was curtailed, it was a Talibanic orgy, I tell you if it was standing we knocked it down, a great erasure was in place, as whiteness every where was under assault.  Imagine that!  Whiteness under assault!  White America was no more!  No self respecting people allow a race of aliens to scrawl graffiti at the base of their temples, and no self respecting people allow themselves to become servants in their own homes.  But we were not dealing with a self  respecting people; we were dealing with a fentanyl addled, opioid addicted, self-flagellant, guilty, cringing, dying race, a defeated people having been ejected from their heritage.  There were exceptions, of course, there always are.  But just because some take to the hills doesn't mean we haven't pacified the countryside.
The retroactive criminalization of the past is a sign post of revolutionary dictatorship, it says as much right there in our manuals.  
And somewhere in their too capital got woke, and antifa became the ground troops of the establishment, the left became complicit in global capitalism, in the new world order, no mean feat really, that.  It is a truth universally recognized that mass immigration is nothing more nor less than a transfer of wealth from the working class to investors.  I always imagined some multinational CEO watching the left scream for open borders, and the cold contempt that he must have for them as they did his bidding, did it with such vehemence. Well, they were doing our bidding too, as was the CEO, as was nearly everyone, let me repeat again, the left got rid of social controls, the right economic ones, and all sides ganged up on the middle.  But the way in which Big Technology, the corporations, went left, if in name only, how they bought off the radical's complaints, how they were somewhat taken aback by Occupation Wall Street, so went all in on men in women's bathrooms and drag queens flashing little children in public libraries to nip an outbreak of class warfare in the bud, was a thing to behold.  The Democrat Party became the party of the rich, the Republican party remained a hand maiden and we, as ever, prevailed.
The thing about the Great Awakening was it's burnt-over areas, it's moral puritanism. People need to believe in something, and unlike us, they were not able to believe in their race.  So they glommed on to a "morality" which was fine as long as their morality was the morality we spoon fed them—"white skin bad, dark skin good".  And they took it up with a vengeance, as if to our manner born.........
And of course every action has a reaction but by this time everything was dyed in the wool.  I say the ship had sailed for Europeans in 1945 but my more cautious colleagues in the ministry say they still could have resisted, that 1990 was more like it.  They could be right.  But certainly the so-called "populist movements" which reared their ugly heads in 2015-2016 were a pop gun in a thermonuclear blast.  They were going to take back their countries! As if they weren't already ours.  Reporters went on safaris in the hinterland of Pennsylvania to see what the natives were thinking which was: we're fucked.  Ah, by then they were walking across moonscapes filled with opium eaters.  And to be fair, of course, to get the chronology right, you can trace the lineage back before that, there were the old school die-hard and preeminent racists like Oliver and Pierce, hell, at his death the latter, who had taken over an ill run and defunct organization, was  raking in millions a year—but he died. As for Oliver, their true crown prince, the pristine defender of whiteness in it's purest form, our boy Buckley put paid to him like he did so many,  it's always nice to see an exaggerated high WASP accent so in sympathy with our needs. And of course their ilk had the right idea but we had so prevailed that they were the skunks at the garden party, pariahs to our paragons, their names were mud.  And as specified you had your Paleos and then the alt right and then the Dissident Right and then the—again on the right track but Hitler sent his goons to bust up our shops due to one of ours being an assassin—it was a far cry from that, you need broad popular support and a leader to kill your enemies.  As for the populists they were supposedly White America fighting back, but it was a last gasp of a dying people, as the next decade proved. If you want your people to survive keep a ninety percent majority, and stay in fighting trim, that's what I would have told them at the time, had they asked.
They would have been better off had they resigned themselves that they were not going to stop society's leftward drift, they were not going to stop globalism, they were not going to stop the market's voraciousness, they were not going to reverse white demographic decline, they were not going to deport thirty million people, and instead put all their efforts into becoming an unreconstructed white minority that would become the sharp bone that gets caught in our throat, which we could neither swallow nor digest.  But they wanted to get their country back, not realizing it had long since been lost.
That arch racist Jean Raspail wrote a novel called Who Will Remember The People? It is about the eradication of an indigenous South American tribe as the result of repeated encroachment and invasions, and he wrote it because he believed that nothing on earth is sadder than to witness the passing away of a people, any people, or to witness the passing away of a distinct way of life.  
And indeed the year 2020 was the year that anyone who had been following the bouncing ball could see everything clearly, it was after all our jealous god who made this joke.  And of course the 20s were the watershed, when it went from this to that, and after that, truly, the deluge. Prior to that the man on the street may have thought the matter was in doubt (it wasn't) but by the middle of that decade everyone had thrown in the towel.  They spoke of civil war, they spoke of boogaloo, but too many were obedient to our upward drift, and using a gun was getting increasingly legally perilous.  We had the full might and main and force of the most powerful government in the history of the world at our backs, we had the technology companies, we had the entire media including the controlled opposition, we had the entertainment complexes, we had the universities, the secondary schools, we had the internet channels, we had both parties, and each and every one blared out the slow drum beat of a victorious and irreversible world-view and, as a backstop, should things ever get dicey, we had the military, we had the big city police departments. And too we had totally completed the job of labeling anyone and everyone who spoke the truth as a thought criminal and worse.  The back of the American people was totally broken, though not all really realized it, they thought they were being moral; but nothing is more degrading  than being a servant in your own home, or enjoyable than ruling in a stranger's land.
And over time we amped up our war on the thing we hate the most, hate.   We perfected our algorithms to the point where if you searched for Adolf Hitler you got redirected to Yad Vashem.  
And oh how they took to canceling whiteness, that incubating virus, that cancer of world history (or so we said). They had their invisible knapsacks, their white skin privilege, they handed over microphones, they granted everyone else special privileges, they honored foreign races, they enshrined minority heroes, they ruled themselves out of bounds, they sat in the back of the bus for a change, they made way for their replacements, they dug their own graves, they deemed themselves immoral, they befriended their daughter's rapist, they forgave their child's murderer, they paid for their own demise, they universalized themselves out of existence, they excused themselves for living, they broke faith with their ancestors, they anathematized their own history, they took down their own statues, they erased their heritage, they surrendered to the tyranny of guilt.
We made up the word genocide, so it seems like it's up to us to employ it. And the thing about this White Genocide (for let's drop the charade and call it by it's proper, formal name) is that when you've combined humanism and genocide you've really accomplished something, if there were to be any future historians they would surely see this genocide as unique among genocides in that they would take as a given that the perpetrators are the good guys.  And of course I don't need to tell you that there are plenty of white people around, you see them every day, but whiteness is a dead letter, it's kaput, has crapped out.  We don't ask for much in exchange for living, just obedience and attention and a good word for ourselves now and again.
Human rights was our battle cry, but it was human rights turned upside down, to commit a crime against humanity in the name of humanity is quite a feat, to dress up tyranny as tolerance, enslavement as freedom, standardization as diversity, genocide as the rights of peoples.  By violence and make believe we conquered the world.
There were pockets of resistance, of course, there always are, some dyed-in-the- woolers routinely take to the hills for their ritual Masada, as we said there is always the pruning of the weeds and the mopping up to do, from time to time, now and again, one must mow the lawn.  The nationalist populist movements of the teens fizzled out, still born in their cradle, the last gasp of the white man before the death rattle could be heard clearly by all.  Those dissenters online, the tin pot Nazis, liked to play name that Jew.  Occasionally some white man would go armada like into one of our places of worship and mow down a couple dozen but they were pariahs before the fact, and whatever last rights to guns they had would be curtailed further in the fire and brimstone hysteria we cranked up in the wake of it.  The fact is they were like the alleged folks at Masada, no match for the Romans in a mood.  And as you know even these are now few and far between, symbolic Germany has finally been pastoralized, the people subject to a universalizing mission, to complete pacification. And, really, what is a score of slain Jews placed along side eternal victory?  At the drop of hat I'd buy it cheap even as I'd sell it dear.  Hell, I'd pledge six million if forced, not that we did, but if we had to, mind you.  Wave that bloody shirt boy, wave it until the cows come home, call it a steal at the price.  We no longer cry out as we strike them.
Somewhere in there an aging aesthete gave the bootless cry:  you will not replace us!, and this big replacement of his gained a tremendous currency in dissident circles, and was ridiculed by us, articles were written, etc., umbrage taken; we of course laughed up our sleeves knowing that we replaced him long ago; portrayed him as a Nazi and responsible for all sorts of crimes, standard operating procedure, pretty perfunctory.  And this was the same man who a little while previously had glorified random sex with rough trade in the bushes, he did our work for us when he had the chance, he was fully obedient to the general plan; and then on the other end, to soften the cushion of his graceless fall from society, he ran around screaming that the replacers were the real Nazis—while the opposite was apposite—at least the torch bearers had the courage to name names: Jews will not replace us! Jews will not replace us!  The magic word! Talmud and Taboo!   But you, you sly fox, you of the large replacement, you aging aesthete, you Gay Icon, you changed it to You.  Good one.  So much for him, so long Marianne.
The Great Replacement was the most important event in world history.   When the first Englishman stepped foot in Virginia it rocked the world, but when English culture went it was ten times as shattering.
Relative to their present mongrelization it's interesting that a first century Roman described his beloved city as the universal pot into which the cloaca of the entire world is emptied.  It's what happens when you become nothing more than a legal entity, an economic zone, and a universal refuge, situated at the crossroads of the world.
And truly all of the so-called Greats, the Great Plague, The Great War, and the Great Depression, were all small relative to this Great Replacement (because of course the theory was true): and what antiquarians there are will wonder is how this once proud and confident people ended up getting History's backhand.  Low numbers can't explain it.  With that large a lead they could easily have set a glide path for themselves, doing decolonization, say, in the 1970s rather than the 1950s, parceling out rights gradually, under tutelage, white man's burden, etc., and slapping them down in the meantime, but they didn't have the stomach for it.  Had they, their future would have been secure.  But, oh, they were greedy bastards and they engaged in the Great White Civil War, and then it was my God what have we done!---and they self-immolated in an orgy of self-recrimination.  A man can survive anything except a bad conscience.  
And so we created the universal slum, the global favela. Make room! Make room! We were going to have them living in pods and eating bugs which, while not quite true, was nice to slip into the stream, paranoid fantasies are the stuff of future plans.   But we did and have proletarianized the masses, and they are on their way to being the coffee colored serfs, docile and compliant, that we've always wanted for our world-wide plantation.
And in so doing what we did was make the world safe for Jews.  Can there be any other proper aim for a people?  We proscribed them, we outlawed them, we made them illegal, we de-platformed them, we de-monetized them, we branded them as criminals, we stigmatized them, we made them unacceptable in polite society, we held hearings on them, we called them immoral, we called them evil, we targeted them, took down their channels, we demoralized them, we banned speech, we banned words, we banned hand gestures, we cancelled people, we made certain that everyone knew that it was certainly not ok to be white, and left them in disarray, and all of this in their own home.  Our home now.  Who's even going to think about saying boo about a Jew?  No one: that's who.
As for your people and mine, comrade, we reached an honorable stalemate, one could not do without the other, the chessboard was complete and no further moves to be made.  And so we reached our accord, our separate peace.  When you think about the great peoples of the world, the Japanese, the English, the Germans, it's only us who will last and that's really the only metric that matters.  You'll run the machine and we'll be your lawyers and media consultants, you'll supply the violence, we the make believe.   For after all a master race is one that masters.  
Now that whiteness is little more than a rumor.
Any country created on paper is subject to hijacking by a different people with different words or that can give new meanings to the old ones.
And that my good friend is about how we did it.  If I went a little rapidly over the latter years it's because I know that was when you came of age and at that time your country still paid particularly close attention to the baiuzo, as a curiosity, as a weakness to be manipulated or exploited, though now they are smart and don't teach much history other than the bare minimum, like we won, they lost and so forth.  Like us you are a practical people and don't go around digging up graveyards, the past is now just a fable we dreamt up.  
But to answer your very good question:  how did we put paid to the white man?
Two police officers in No Country For Old Men are in a Texas diner in 1980 and one says he saw a boy with green hair and a hoop through his nose, never thought he'd ever see such a thing, never thought he'd see the like, and the other one says well, once they stop saying sir and ma'am, everything else follows.
It's so true, it's the little things that count.
Few individual in history have the honor of being simultaneously utter geniuses and complete nincompoops.  Leo Tolstoy is one, John Lennon another.  A third is Thomas Jefferson.  So befuddled was he that when he got one of his state of the art coaches from London and found he didn't have the cash he was surprised to be told by his creditors that his slaves could serve as collateral; and he signed them over forthwith, pleased with the discovery.  He did invent the swivel chair, however, to his eternal credit. As a matter of fact I'm sitting on one right now.
The white man had a good run in North America but it didn't take, it turns out it wasn't just the republic they couldn't keep, it was the continent
Jefferson  was going to Germanize the Great Lakes in this endless farming republic of his, freedom would be reborn in the city of Big Shoulders.  Herrs and Fraus up to their eyes in liberty and manure, all the live long day.  But in fact it was mild mannered professors in that second city who would drive daggers into that wonderful creation of his, that beautiful small scale nation of villages.
If there was one idea which served us in good stead, did us yeoman's work (in honor of the sage of Charlottesville) it was that America was a proposition nation.  A people become an idea!   Universalize oneself out of existence!  Rather a people is blood, time, history, heritage, lineage, ancestry.  The railsplitter and logic chopper came along and said that his nation was better than those that came before, it was dedicated to a proposition.  Better it should have been dedicated to itself.  Had it been it might have lasted.
And so we return to our old question, your question, or two really.  How did we do it? The answer to that is to answer when there was no turning back, when it was written in stone, when did the white man prove to have his identity graven in water?
It was all right there in the beginning really—that ill advised rhetorical flourish—all men are created equal.  It did us yeoman's work, stillborn, dead in the cradle.
Some people are born in the mists of time; others in a Quaker Meeting Hall.
As you know working in the ministry I have access to all kinds of records, deep in the minutiae, and from time to time I have time on my hands. When I do one of my underlings who knows my sense of humor will send me something.  Just the other day I found in my box an old commercial that ran for a while on one of our Jew networks. It was a white man, a southerner by lineage, one of our collaborators, a traitor obedient to the general plan, a middlebrow historian of some repute, the kind of person they trotted out when something serious was going on, the way in the old days you knew it was important when they served you up that hoary old bag of bones Doris Goodwin.  His voice over was simple, the message was clear.  He said that America was not a nation founded on a birthright but on the ascent towards an idea, an idea enshrined in-----
An ascent to an idea, an assent to an idea, I could not have put it better myself had I tried.
Whites created the civilization that we inherited, it's their world, but we are the only possessors, the only inheritors, and what succeeded their civilization is not a civilization but an anti-civilization, an anti-culture, an anti-history, the machine goes on as before but becomes more and more indistinguishable from what operates it.
It's one thing to be able to create a world but it's another thing to take it over.  We were a numerically small people so our adaptation was to feast on what other's had made; from a survival point of view it makes perfect sense, finding the niche that expands to a world; because what is survival but inheritance, being an inheritor?  
And when I take in the grand sweep of this history it takes my breath away.  A small people hemmed in all sides by enemies, beaten back by all, but always pushing back and making gains, but still by the beginning of 20th century most of us were mired in miserable Cracow ghettos and speaking a snarling and barbaric Yiddish, or just filing off of the boats in New York Harbor and catching a first glimpse of the green breast of the New World.  A hundred years later we controlled the levers of government, the commanding heights of the culture, the movie studios, the technology companies, the universities, had the military committed to making the world safe for Israel-—you know the list.  Yes, we went straight vertical, hoisted ourselves on the petard of this new colossus, it was always the horse we were going to ride.
Yes, it was our century, just as the present one will be yours and mine.
That once they got a taste of capitalism China would morph into a Western style democracy was classic neoliberal folly, steeped as it was in a defunct 18th century paradigm, they were baffled that race, blood, history, time, lineage, ancestry are all older than ideologies which they've already vanquished.
It is impossible for two percent of the population to generate a country's dominant ideology without millions upon millions of collaborators.  A people unwilling to defend itself deserves to perish.  They say that every nation builds it's monuments and writes it's epitaph, but in their case they built them, we tore them down and, in the end, we wrote it.  It went:  we wish die.
Seemingly eons ago some egghead and fool announced the end of history, just when it was resuming.  The cold war had locked it in amber but glasnost was appearing—and we were just coming into the completeness of our power.  But now history has come to a close, we have ended it.  They went gently into that good night in the end, what else could they do, we having won the game of global domination; we had to, really, win it that is, because we realized early on that the future is much too important to leave to humanity.  
Tomorrow belongs to us.
The arc of history bends toward those who bend it.    Those who believe otherwise bend beneath it.
Those who knew Bill Pierce remarked that he seemed to bear no personal animosity towards the Jews, it was as if he knew that to do so would be as absurd as to be outraged that animals kill one another in the wild when that is simply the nature of what they do.   I agree, there was never anything personal about it, nothing personal at all, it's just that it was always going to be us or them.   You see, they were in our way, and I really hope there are no hard feelings.
A thousand year Reich is child's play to the likes of you and me, a perfect example of shot term thinking—a sprint.  Which is nothing for an immortal race.  Only the strong can inherit the earth, only the ascendant can possess it.
And here we come to an end, their end, though our beginning.  This turned out longer than I hoped, though I could have gone on; I hope I haven't bored you.  If against my advice you do choose to keep a copy of this I flatter myself that I've hit the nexus of it, and that in some future time some recondite scholar of odd lore may think it contributed perhaps a little to this vexed and fascinating question.
But anyway, enough of them---to us, comrade--a glass!
Yours Obediently,
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republicstandard · 5 years
via Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine
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republicstandard · 5 years
The Dark Vision Of Renaud Camus
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“The Game Of Global Domination”—the motto of the board game Risk
“They are dismantling the sleeping middle class.  More and more people are becoming poor.  We are their cattle.  We are being bred for slavery”---from the movie They Live
“Once the science of management had been perfected and everything was reduced to a unit of production it was perfectly natural that they turned their sights to their final prey, man”
Renaud Camus has gained fame and notoriety for his theory of the Great Replacement, for suggesting that perhaps Jews might not be the best interpreters of French Culture, and for being prosecuted right and left for saying sensible things about African immigration.  The Great Replacement is of course the hallmark of his work but it is only one component, and he possesses an even darker and more dystopian vision of our future, a future run by a hostile and malevolent elite clique managing the world, managing the “human park”, a neo-feudal system with full rights of ravage and no obligation of the honorable.  In short, he has a theory of the case.
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His vision shares much with that of William Pierce’s idea of the New World Order. Pierce pointed out that in 1999 then NATO commander Wesley Clark gave voice to the emerging feudal overlords, the “we” being the most important part of what he said, and few grimmer words have been spoken:
“There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states.  That is a 19th Century idea, and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with muti-ethnic states”
Pierce himself outlined the vision when he said that:
“The New World Order schemers have the ultimate aim of creating a homogeneous population of coffee-colored serfs---docile, predictable, and interchangeable”
Camus takes up this vision and shows how it operates, what the crime is, and who it’s perpetrators are.   He calls what they’re doing Global Replacism, the elites’ creation of a Global Slum which they will rule from their feudal redoubts, rule the docile serfs, who in the end will be dispensed with entirely, hence the catch phrase “genocide by substitution”--substitution is the means, genocide the goal.
In describing the global ruling class Mr. Camus cancels the distinction between the so-called democracies and the authoritarians indicating that they are but differing sides of the same global coin, they are all one overlord class seeking  to exercise universal rule and global domination:
“The torturing Chinese dictatorship and the self-liberating Western democracies reveal the same background, the generalized surveillance, the aspiration to the total control of the sections of the human park of which they respectively manage.”
In the future it will be humanity itself which will be the central obstacle to the dreams of our elites.
It is the “human park” that they are after, the relegation of human beings to zoo animals, penned in, livestock, serfs, slaves.  The central means by which this is accomplished is “Global Replacism” the reducing of everything to units of production that can be interchanged with anything else.   This happens on a global scale:
“For better or worse, everything is being replaced by something else: something simpler, more convenient, more practical, easier to produce, more at hand and, of course, cheaper. Las Vegas displays a fake Venice in Nevada, Spain establishes a mock Las Vegas in Castilla, China has its own Paris near Peking — a much safer place than the real one for the traveler and for the local dweller alike.”
His ultimate vision is dark indeed:
“Men, women, women's football ... The Clique presents this as a progress of equality, therefore of democracy. This is a progress only of Undifferentiated Human Matter, the industries of man, of the scraping of the species in standardized liquid for the plastic cans of the global slum.”
So if one were bent on the creation of a neo-feudal system, complete with dishonorable rights of ravage, a global slum, of global substitution, global replacism, of genocide by substitution, extermination, how would one go about it?  What are these crimes?   Who are these criminals?   And what judgment?
The first way the Replacist Power operates is by means of race-mixing, race-mixing in the sense of miscegenation  (the flood of ads showing black men and white women coupling) and race-mixing in the sense of mixing the races together, multi-racialism, multiculturalism (the famous French vivre ensemble “living together”).  Camus insists that anti-replacism is a humanism, and that he is for the preservation of all races in their indigenous, pristine, and original form.  So like the Dalai Lama he would say Europe is for the Europeans, Tibet for Tibetans etc.  But elites know that there is an unimaginable strength in these primordial identities and hence their desire to break them up via race-mixing, to demoralize and disorient the peoples of the world so they can offer no resistance.  They want to pick us off, one free white man at a time.
The nominal belief in the non-existence and the equality of the races preceded World War 2 but it was the negative reaction to Hitler’s racial nationalism that allowed it to prevail wholesale. To paraphrase Peter Brimelow the entire ideology of the modern left, of the official anti-racism as dogma, is the posthumous revenge of Adolf Hitler.  Camus believes that the turning point came in the 1970s:
“I am convinced that the termination of the concept of race in the 1970s was the moment which made everything that followed possible; and made (almost) impossible any resistance to what was to happen — mass immigration, invasion, colonization, ethnic substitution.”
“The dogma of the inexistence of races, proclaimed in 1970s, is the credo quia absurdum of both anti-racism (in its second phase) and global replacism. It has much in common with the Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.”
The not so subtle sleight of hand is that if races don’t exist then there can be no objection to their mixing, because there’s nothing there to be mixed, nothing mixing, so of course it’s not a problem for a country to be inundated by different races, to be subject to racial swamping, because, of course, that’s not what’s happening---because races don’t exist.  Such is the absurd logic foisted on us to such an extent that is has become official ideology, unimpeachable dogma.
The title under which belief in the non-existence of the races goes is “anti-racism”, the evil teaching of our time.  Like it’s progenitor, human rights, anti-racism is inherently genocidal.  As a hatred of war led to the Second World War so anti-racism has led to the racial swamping of France, Europe, and America.  Anti-racism and it’s offspring, tolerance and diversity, is what has made everything possible.
“Anti-racism plays exactly the same role leading to the Second Occupation and its Collaboration, as pacifism did to lead to the First Occupation and to it’s own Collaboration. One cannot want to step out of history and at the same time pretend to remain free.”
And if there is one thing that the Ruling Class knows except that the races don’t exist it’s that these non-existent entities are all equal (even as some of these things that don't exist are more equal than others).
“Equality between parents and children has destroyed family and transmission. Equality between teachers and students destroyed the School. Equality between citizens and non-citizens has destroyed the nation. The equality between Christianity and Islam destroys France.”
If anti-racism is the official ideology of the Ruling Class, the Replacist Power, the belief in equality is it’s evil twin.  Equality is the official dogma of Human Rights which, as such, are inherently genocidal. Equality is a leveling of all distinctions into the great digested mass of undifferentiated human matter (UHM).  It is an industrial process of liquefying meant for easy handling and for best storage.
“The principal ideal involved is equality. The principal interest at work is normalization, standardization, similarity, sameness — needless to say, equality is the condition to those.”
“Do you know that every time someone proposes to abolish a border, between nations, between peoples, between civilizations, between races, between classes, between genres, between genders, between levels, this person works for Human Nutella?”
Camus calls any indication of inequality “ideological bad news” which is the one thing the Ruling Cass is unable to bear.  So thorough has been this brainwashing and this indoctrination that it is impossible even to think anything other than equality:
“The conceptual apparatus of our time do not allow, by chance, for the conviction that men and women are not equal, or, for that matter, that there is any statutory, or natural, inequality. It is impossible to think that, just as it is impossible to reach by car a fishermen village which is not linked to the hinterland by any road”
The famous Old Republican John Randolph said “I love liberty, I hate equality”.   Camus feels much the same way:
“I believe in the equality of nothing—except by chance, or by a sometimes legitimate coup d’État of the law. Equality, as soon as it leaves its legal and political bed, destroys everything it touches — vessels, ramparts, cities, men — as Æschylus said Helen of Troy did. Equality between parents and children has destroyed the family, transmission, civilization. Equality between teachers and pupils, or between good pupils and bad pupils, has destroyed schools, teaching, knowledge. Equality between high culture and entertainment has destroyed culture. Equality between citizens and non-citizens is destroying citizenship, states, nations. Equality between century-old local traditions and mores and imported ways of life and foreign traditions will leave nothing standing, or worth standing, of any nation. In France and in Europe, equality between Christianity and Islam spells death for French culture and European civilization.”
Thus equality is a dissolving agent, an evil homogenizing scourge which wrecks everything in it’s path, liquefying it, cutting it down and cutting it down to size. Equality is the path of least resistance, the path of genocide.
And equality takes the lead in the creation of what Camus calls undifferentiated human matter (UHM), an eradication of all differences, everything reduced to a common denominator in a flat standardized mass.  It’s also what he calls Human Nutella, something liable to be easily and smoothly spread across the face of the earth.  For the Replacist Power wants nothing more than to do away with, to abolish all differences, between nations, peoples, cultures, races, sexes, because they know that nothing presages the totalitarian like Global Humanity.
“Who does not see that the incessant appeals for more equality, between the sexes, between ages, between souls, between classes, between races, serve in fact only to better grind down man, to make him more homogeneous and standardized, for the industries of the UHM?”
And, of course, we see that massive push for “gender” equality, for trans rights, for the denial of biological sex, for men in women’s sports, for hormone blockers, for boys being girls and vice versa.  Rooting out the most fundamental of all natural differences is the most fundamental of their wishes:
“It is becoming more and more evident that the Replacist Davocracy and its Clique now consider the question of races as outdated just as they planned. It is the question of the sexes which it now wishes to settle and, like the preceding one, by disappearance, fusion, UHM.”
What they did to the races they want to do to the sexes, make them disappear.
When man is ground down, when he is but an equal mass, he becomes defenseless in the face of slow if relentless assaults by the Ruling Class.
Concomitant with the denial of race and the ideology of equality comes the wholesale attacks of the root of everything, of culture itself, of civilization, for the small replacement heralds the big one like the sea water receding precedes the tsunami.
Camus is a prolific author; two of his books are called, respectively, The Small Replacement and The Great Replacement.  In his theory the small replacement is what he calls “deculturation”, the end of culture, what T Lothorop Stoddard called “the revolt against civilization”, the creation of an anti-culture, an anti-civilization.  It is the attack on high culture and replacing it with the low, it is an attack on the classics and replacing them with Gender Studies.   It is a universal daze, a kind of stunning of the cattle, and the small replacement heralds the big one like the sea water receding precedes the tsunami.
If you want to destroy a people you destroy their heritage, you destroy their history, you destroy their classics, their past, their heroes, their culture, their language, their literature; perhaps in the end you leave them only with their eyes so they can witness their destitution.
Recently we have seen Mark Zuckerberg’s sister attack the Western Classics, no less a personage than Meghan Markle has suggested that we “decolonize the curriculum” and of course as far back as the 1980s at Stanford anti white zealot and too slick by half race impresario Jesse Jackson made the infantile chant “hey hey ho ho western civ has to go” which set Peter Thiel on the road to anti PC.  And of course Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who had some reason to know, said that if you want to destroy a people first sever it’s roots.
Mr. Camus calls this severing the “small replacement”, that which heralds the big one the way the sea water receding precedes the tsunami. The small replacement is the eradication of standards, the erosion of taste, the disqualification of distinction, the outlawing of discrimination.  It’s a world where seventy year old thinks nothing of dancing as if they were twelve.
His prime culprit, at least in France, is sociologist Pierre Bourdieu.  Mr. Bordieu came up with the novel idea that people with educated parents tended to be more educated, determined that this was unfair, and solved it by recommending that no one become educated.   An ill educated mass of people equally ill educated is at least equal.
“Bourdieusians and pedagogists in French and other educational systems, whatever they might have wanted to do, have in fact operated along exactly contrary lines. Since they could not insure that the non-inheritors would inherit, they made it sure that the inheritors would not.”
“He (Bourdieu), at least, and, I imagine, most of the innumerable disciples he has had in France — where they have been running the educational system for forty years —, and in the world, wanted the privilege of children with educated parents put to an end, as a privilege, by being offered to all children.”
Of course what you offer to everyone you offer to no one.  For Camus there has to be privilege, there has to be inheritance, there has to be transmission, there has to be lineage, and distinction, discrimination, taste.
“The hereditary class (and it must be a class) has a privilege, it’s privilege, namely culture, won’t always be transmitted: there will always be failures in transmission. For that reason it has to be partly renewed with each generation: lineages dropping out, lineages coming in. But it has to remain partly hereditary.”
When the lines of heritage and the roots are cut the message of our ancestors can’t get through, no longer speaks.   It’s like a plant that has been uprooted and is living synthetically with chemicals above ground.
“History of equality and its ravages, history of the industrialization of man & Undifferentiated Human Matter, history of the end of lineages & transmission, the perpetual present, the anti-inheritance. Needless to say, these three stories are one story, the story of anti-history”
“The educational system has radically collapsed, cultural transmission is in shambles.”
“Civilization of first names, collapse of the school systems, failure of the transmission, teaching of the forgetting, blocking of the inheritance in the name of equality, end of the lineages, presentism - prelude to the end Time, the end of time.”
Culture gives way to entertainment and, though it hasn’t the right, still calls itself by the name. Camus uses music as his prime example, from high to low, from classical to Pop, from Beethoven and Bach to the banality of Beatles, and from there an even steeper and more  precipitous decline on to the unholy abomination called rap, and says that more than anything contemporary popular music is black music, is the imposition of blackness into the heart of the European peoples.
Plato said that when the music changes the gates of the city crash but when it changes to black music the city itself disappears.
“Those rhythms, generally binary, military, insistent and disquieting like the obstinate sound (boum-boum, boum-boum, boum-boum) of an artificial heart in the operation room of a hospital, are themselves largely inspired, if only through jazz, by African musical traditions. Those also manifest their influence directly, in Europe, without the detour by the United-States but unfortunately through commercial filters which are as many philistine adaptations, if not downright treasons, of what would be, all things being equal, African “classical” music.”
“Music in the new sense, combined with dancing, can be seen, through its huge success in all classes and all ages, as a rising back of Africa in the European body.”
This is an abrogation of culture that ends up in nonsense, in baby talk, in babble, in anti-culture, non-culture, non-civilization, savagery.
“Such ascent is obviously made much easier by the highly noticeable infantilization which has been provoked by general deculturation and which so curiously coincides with the growth of violence and brutality in daily social relations. It seems the more people call themselves by their first names on their first encounter, use baby talk even in a political or official context (ministers or other officials speaking of moms and dads, les mamans et les papas, even in public speeches or official appearances), turn to a flabby and namby-pamby way of expressing themselves, replace manners by the expansive expression of a no less conventional good will—in short shorten if not abolish the distances between them (or so they think), the more the common space is becoming a place of constant aggressive and often criminal behavior.”
Glory was replaced by fame, and fame by notoriety, becomes gossip and finally insensibility and senility.
“The said dictatorship and the Small Replacement (of high culture by popular culture) is never so evident as on the days when a pop star, even a minor one, dies: national programs on television are entirely dedicated to them, all other news disappear, and the general consensus is that the dead artist, who may very well have had no importance whatsoever in the life of his cultured contemporaries, was a life companion for the entire people.”
“But if men and women have to be prepared for general interchangeability, distances between them must be abolished as much as possible, and individuals must be deprived of all the social protections that étiquette, grammar, private property, race, sex or nationality could offer them against global replacement.”
It is the classic case of Frantz Fanon, of how colonial subjects are subject and subjected to:
“Expropriation, spoliation, raids, straight murder are accompanied by a ransacking of cultural systems, or to the very least make the enabling conditions of such ransacking. The social landscape is disrupted; values are flouted, crushed, gutted.”
The small replacement precedes the bigger one, the severing of roots, the weakening of culture, the abandonment of rules, the loss of standards, the abandonment of the past, the end of discrimination, the abolition of taste, the killing of heroes, dead civilizations, worlds washed away.
And this decultured culture, this babble of chaos, is of course made available instantly everywhere, and though if someone had a drinking problem you would not recommend they put kegs and a tap in their basement, most of us walk around with devices eternally hooked up to a fetid, open, global sewer.
What they have now is a raceless mass of equal humanity without a past. This creation lacks distinction, distinction between the races, distinction between the sexes, distinction between each other, distinction of any kind, it is pure product, a ground down Inhuman Nutella ripe for being spread smoothly across the face of the earth, ripe for Global Replacism, they have been prepared to be victims of an enormous crime, ritually prepared.
The powers that be want more power and they ask themselves: who's stopping us? And they conclude the only ones in the way of total global domination are the national populists and they notice these tend to be white folk wedded to tradition, so they do all in their power to destroy them, including allying with the left whom they must regard with chilling contempt
“Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is the common inspirer, for all practical purposes, of nazism, soviet communism and global replacism. What those three have in common is totalitarianism, concentrationnism, standardization, managerial gestion of the human park.”
“Faux, simulation, imitation, ersatz, simulacrum, copies, counterfeiting, fakes, forgeries, lures, mimics, are the key words of modern human experience. Stone masonry is being replaced by ferroconcrete, concrete by plaster, marble by chip aggregate, timber by PVC, town and countryside by the universal suburb, earth by cement and tar, seaside by seaside resorts, mountains by ski resorts and ski lifts, paths by hiking trails, nature by land-use planning in expectation of economic spinoffs, real people by B&B hosts, clients by friends, friends by clients, culture by entertainment and the leisure industry, exercise by sport, sport by the Olympic Games, the Olympic Games by big business, business by corruption, corruption by doping, literature by journalism, journalism by information, news by fake news, truth by fallacy, last name by first name, last name and first name by pseudonyms, intimacy by familiarity, hearts by artificial hearts, every part of the body by spare parts, history by ideology, the destiny of nations by plain politics, politics by economics, economics by finance, the experience of looking and living by sociology, sorrow by statistics, residents by tourists, natives by non-natives, Europeans by Africans, White Anglo-Saxons by Afro-Americans and Latinos, mothers by surrogate mothers, men by women, women by inflatable dolls, men and women by robots, robots by robot-like humans, peoples by other peoples and communities, humanity by post-humanity, humanism by transhumanism, man by Undifferentiated Human Matter (UHM)”
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) was a direct descendant of a traveler on the Mayflower, descendant of abolitionists, White Anglo-Saxon-Protestant, the father of scientific management and the efficiency movement. It is on his works that rested the unprecedented surge of affluence in the 20th century.  He was a machine worker who turned man into a machine, into a unit of production. He is the Isaac Newton of work, and he has blood on his hands.
“Frederick Winslow Taylor is the central figure in the history of Replacism, or pre-Replacism.   Although he is certainly not a figure of comparable intellectual scope, he is to replacism what Marx is to communism.  That, of course, is an enormous responsibility.  As writes his most recent editor, “Frederick Taylor has blood on his hands”.  I certainly agree with that: not only blood but sweat, tears UHM (Undifferentiated Human Matter), not to mention mad cows and deaths by drowning across the Mediterranean.  And as he wrote himself, “In the past man has been first; in the future the machine must be first”.  In other words, man will be replaced by machines (robots, electronics, computers, numbers, statistics). From a movie buff’s point of view, global replacism is Metropolis + Modern Times + Soylent Green.”
“In the past man had been first but now the machine, the system will be first”
When a city is under siege the attackers are trying to reduce it, the Global Replacist power wants more than anything to be reductionist, to reduce everything, first to units of production, then to nothing.
“Taylor’s central concept is that of normalization, or standardization. Products, objects, instruments, machine parts will cost less, in time and money, and will henceforth yield bigger profits, if they are the same and can be easily exchanged with one another. Taylorization is always a process towards the same, the sameness of the world, it’s looking like itself (but, consequently, not being it). Standardization is a similarization, but this word has two meanings which, although very similar, must not be confused. Making things, objects, products similar to each other means that they will look and may be the same, but it also means that they won’t be exactly what they were, that to look or be like other objects, instruments, piece of mechanics or products they will have to be similis, copies, imitations, same as others but, by this very fact, different from their original version. Imitation, reproduction, factitiousness, are at the very core  of the Taylorian revolution, which amounts to nothing less than a second Industrial Revolution. Imitation for the sake of mass production, precipitating the era of mass reproduction so well observed and analyzed by Walter Benjamin (and so well exploited by Andy Warhol, Pop Art and Pop Music), is what made Taylorism particularly appropriate and suitable for the advent of the petite-bourgeoisie as the new ruling class, which it certainly helped to achieve”
Frederick Winslow Taylor has blood on his hands.   For once the science of management is perfected it becomes perfectly natural that human management comes next, the tailoring of human beings to fit the Replacist System. The future is too important to leave to humanity.
Global Replacism is the science of human management, of tailoring humans to meet the needs of the system and it’s rulers, for when the science of management had perfected itself and turned everything into a unit of productivity, it was perfectly natural that they would then turn their aim towards man.
In addition to reducing everything the Replacist Power wants to devalue everything, to strip it of value.  They want inflation of words and the currency of reality devalued, until everyone is pushing a wheelbarrow of worthless conceptual dollars through Berlin to buy some butter; and when that happens you can be sure soon there will be transvestites roaming the streets, and worse.
One thinks identity is fantasy, they can be what they dream, man-woman, straight-gay, black-white, a whim, the other thinks it's inscribed in blood, lineage, heritage, ancestors, one is rooted in the real the other takes it perilous flight from it headlong into a raving new world.
They can call a newly arrived person an American, more American than the Americans really, more American than the original, this newly made American, that all they lack is a paper, but really the ones saying that are Americans in name only, the only thing American about them is the paper.
America was created by words on paper and has never lived it down.
In America there is a constant battle over identity, there are those who think that America was based on a race, the white race, and the further one gets away from that origin the more perilous things become; and there are those who think it’s based on a creed (‘all men are created equal’, ‘dedicated to a proposition’, ‘make the world safe for democracy’, ‘a nation of immigrants’) that we are a proposition nation and that any border crosser who stands up on his or her hind legs and assents to the proposition (four score and twenty years ago!) is as American as any Daughter Of The American Revolution, or  more American, really, more original  than the originals. But if a national identity is infinitely malleable then there isn’t one.  Race is older than ideology and will always vanquish it.
Judith Butler is the reigning philosopher of the replacement, she says identity has nothing to do with time, lineage, history, heritage, ancestors, blood, but rather it’s as modern as tomorrow afternoon and often as unknown, and, as such, she has blood on her hands.
“To put it simply, once one accepts the idea that a man can become a woman just by thinking he is one, it is remarkably easy to be persuaded, for example, that England can become ‘other’ than the homogeneous home of the English.”---Andrew Joyce
To explicate this devaluing, this fake real, Camus uses the Platonic dialogue between Cratylus and Hermogene.
“For Hermogene words mean what their common users have decided they would mean, and nothing else; and if the same common users, or others, decide to change that meaning, then it will be changed, whether that pleases the speakers or not. Meaning is but a pure convention, a contract, a deliberation, a pact, an agreement.”
“For Cratylus, on the contrary, words are just as many survivors of time, and their letters and syllables have much to say about their signification and their long journey throughout the centuries. What they are and what they mean do not depend on some arbitrary decision, but on their origin, and on the origin of that origin, and on their endless run uphill in the nervous stream of history, like a salmon swimming counter-current towards the singing spring. Do words like French or British refer to an administrative stamp on some legal document, or to an ancestry, a long experience, a shared history, blood, race, love, culture, civilization?”
“Nouns and adjectives pertaining to nationalities are probably the best and simplest testimonies that for every given word there exists a mute and ferocious rivalry between its Hermogenian meaning — the superficial, administrative, official, legal, scientific, triumphant one, with its ID papers always in perfect order — and its Cratylian meaning, real, deep, profound, hard to explain, poetic and literary.”
“Hermogene, champion of stamping, and who has easier, simpler, more authoritative (be it only the authority of the law, or of dictionaries) ways of playing the game, or running the war, always wins. It is highly probable, though, that he has never won more than he is winning now, if only because a Taylorian world of normalization, standardization, general substitution, badly needs the power to name things and people pretty much as it pleases.  Quartiers populaires, in French, popular districts, refer to districts from which the original, indigenous people, have been expelled.”
And here we get to the crux, or next to the crux, of the matter. Global Replacism at it’s heart, not surprisingly, is about replacing.  It wants to replace something real with something unreal or at least with something virtual, to denature nature and deculture culture, to decivilize civilization, until there is nothing left, except their own fabrication.
“What is being French? What is being European?   Is it a physical reality inscribed in time, in history, in lineages, in verticality, in origins, in the origins of origins?  Or is it a pure convention, a treaty, a protocol, a rubber stamp?”
Judith Butler is the reigning philosopher of the replacement, she says identity has nothing to do with time, lineage, history, heritage, ancestors, blood, but is as modern as tomorrow afternoon and as unknown, and, as such, Judith Butler has blood on her hands, blood mixed with Nutella.
“In industrial and post-industrial societies, especially those where the main industry is the industry of Undifferentiated Human Matter, where man is the producer, product and consumer at once, there is no such thing as a genuine product. The product is what the industrialists say it is on the package. Name is all. And if the name vanishes, then the thing that was named is bound to vanish too.”
“Fakeal is the non-stop creation of the Industries of Daze, a colossal conglomerate which operates in three principal fields: schools, and the educational system in general, busy providing lessons in forgetfulness, the teaching of oblivion; mass dumbing down, operated by the media, the Press, television, the show business, advertising industry, keen to offer, as films and series do, permanent misrepresentations of everything, particularly of races relations, much more intense in their images than they are in reality, with crossbreeding given as an obsessive example, its omnipresence amounting, like all the rest, to uninterrupted propaganda; and, finally, drugs, of which it is interesting to note that, if the other two departments are still largely in replacist hands, this one, at least as far as distribution goes, is already the replacers’ reserved domain.”
If identity is infinitely malleable then there isn’t one, which is exactly what the Replacist Power wants, a nameless, faceless, raceless, sexless easily digestible mass, ripe for the picking, one free white man at a time.
One stampede’s cattle, to herd them into the pen.  Whenever anyone accuses the anti-immigrant forces of being heartless they will invariably accuse them of wanting to round people up. If you are going to shoot fish it’s best they be in a barrel.
“The victimization competition between slavery and concentration camp will soon be rendered meaningless, the two phenomena converging under the effect of the global Davocratic Replacism, which makes man an industrial product like any other, undifferentiated human matter.”
“The relations between concentration, replacement and space, especially space division, is also called attention to by the French philosopher and metaphysician Georges Gusdorf, whose thought, at times, reminds one of his contemporary Gunther Anders, the great theoretician of The Obsolescence of Man, to whom my own reflection is very much indebted.
“One could even say that one of the tragedies of our times consists of the increasing disqualification of human space.  The natural milieu is more and more obliterated, crossed out by the settlement of technique’s new milieu. Spatial structures tend to become more and more homogenous, the differences between the sites blurred by the growing monotony and uniformity of the ways of living.  All cities tend to look alike, as all houses, as do all flats, all lives as well as all the political regimes.  Modern uprooting makes men interchangeable.  For that matter the value of individuals seems to go down at the same time, as that of places, and the modern man is wondering with anguish whether there will soon be nothing but people being displaced in a concentrationnary universe”
With industrialization people left the rural spaces and moved to the cities, concentrating there, white flight moved them out into the suburbs but with more dark skinned people flooding in the last open, white spaces will be gone soon.
Of the change of people itself we have seen how it has become current for a simple reason, in the single magical word “replace” Camus found something devastatingly accurate, terrifyingly simple, and with tremendous explanatory power, it was like hitting the mother lode with the simple stroke of a pen.  Sound doctrine and a lapidary style have a lightening effect.
The Replacist Power engages in the racial swamping of the white countries for many reasons, for cheap labor, to deracinate the native stock, to create consumers, to drive down wages, to make housing expensive, to demoralize, all of which serve the purposes of the  eradication of the middle class and the creation of slaves, the creation of industrial slaves on an industrial scale.
“Never forget that the proletariat, etymologically speaking, is the class whose function it is to reproduce, to proliferate, to provide slaves.   The proletarianization of the world is the reduction of man to the status of a product, preferably industrial.”
“The Global Davocratic elites advocate the Great Replacement, supporting the change of the people and civilization for the sake of the industry of man, the economic system which produces the Undifferentiated Human Matter, the Human Nutella, spreadable at will.”
In Europe they have Eurabia in America we have the browning of America, it is always aimed at the Europeans because the ruling power knows that it is this people, this singular people, this once great people, this formerly great race, and this people alone who are capable of providing any resistance.   With them gone they will be playing the game of world domination with all borders down, with so many coffee colored slaves for their world-wide plantation, all of the rights of ravage---no noblesse oblige.
“The absences of the races, the absences of the nations.  Soon they will proclaim the inexistence of the species, allowing to be sent into the air with the goats, to put the camel in the Human Nutella and to reassure on the biodiversity.”
“If you can get it in your head that the goal is the abolition of every boundary, all distinctions, hierarchies, nuances, to obtain a homogeneous industrial material, man, undifferentiated human material, then everything will become perfectly clear.”
Human rights are their battle cry, but it’s human rights walking on it’s head, to commit a crime against humanity, to clothe genocide in the rhetoric of human rights, is quite a feat, to dress up tyranny as tolerance, enslavement as freedom, standardization as diversity, and genocide as the rights of peoples.
While the sleeping middle class remains asleep their plans thrive.
Raceless, sexless, genderless, totalitarian global humanity, decivilized, denatured, decultured, rootless, deracinated, demoralized, disoriented, equal, standardized, homogenous, concentrated, allowing them to take dead aim.
So if Global Replacism is the crime, this unprecedented crime, this crime against humanity of the 21st Century, then who are these criminals that no Nuremberg could ever possibly call to account?
For this unprecedented crime, and for the criminals, there will be no Nuremberg, for what tribunal could judge it?
So who are these criminals?  Frederick Taylor, for one, has blood on his hands.  In the White Nationalist movement the answer would be easy: Jews.  Jews were the Replacist Power before there ever was such a thing, they were the Replacist Power avant la lettre, as it were, but certainly sine qua non.  Camus rejects this identification out of hand and indeed the cry in Charlottesville of Jews Will Not Replace Us! occasioned him to release his only work on the Great Replacement yet translated into English, an amalgam of his various writings on the subject called, pointedly, You Will Not Replace Us!  Now perhaps if you could create an eternal media embargo and shoot him full of sodium pentothol he might admit that somewhere some way there was a Jew or two in the woodpile somewhere, but perhaps not:
“I was deeply shocked to learn that, during the notorious anti-replacist demonstration in Charlottesville, in 2017, next to the people who were shouting You will not replace us!, which, of course, I thoroughly and enthusiastically approve of, as the very cry against post-humanism, some, a minority, and a very small one I hope—I am very much accustomed to the ways of the mainstream press, and I know their delight in mentioning as central, in the actions of their adversaries, what was in fact totally marginal—were shouting Jews will not replace Us! It is not the Jews that are replacing you. Taylor was not a Jew. Ford was not a Jew, and indeed, as we have seen, he was highly anti-Semitic. Soros is, admittedly, Jewish, and he does play an essential part in global replacism, as have done, on a smaller scale and with much more limited means, many a Jewish intellectual, journalist, columnist or writer, red-hot promoters in their time of massive immigration, or mass migration. But this has perceptibly changed, fortunately (from my point of view); and the proportion of replacist Jews and anti-replacist Jews is now almost reversed. In any case, Jews are very much divided on that issue, which makes them no different from any other community.”
Who, then, does he consider the guilty?  He has many names for them: the clique, the hyper-rich, the Replacist Power, Davocratic Replacists, and, most usually and simply, the Davocracy (Macron being it’s foremost errand boy, having ended the traditional parties) Concerned as he is with lineages he writes:
“I have tried on several occasions to sum up (through tweets!) the genealogy of Replacism and its present marital status. It could run more or less like this: Replacism, the son of Antiracism and High Finance (themselves, respectively son of Egalitarianism and Anti-Facism, and daughter of Taylorization and Ultraliberalism, granddaughter of Industrial Revolution and Capitalism) marries Petite-Bourgeoisie, daughter of Democratization and Welfare State, grand-daughter of French Revolution and Proletariat. Several of those names are names of dynasties, that have been running for several generations. It is notably the case of Industrial Revolution, whose dowry provides the opulence of the whole tribe. Central here to the family tree is Taylorization, and, before that, plain Taylorism”
These criminals will always cry human rights, they dress up genocide in it’s rhetoric, which is a neat trick, this international gang of criminals, they have a hundred year plan; is it an accident that space travel is being privatized?  No mere government will ever restrain their boundless perfidy, they have insulated themselves in the prefect cocoon, they have denationalized themselves, slipped surly bonds of their birth, they have made a separate peace, and for these unprecedented crimes, these crimes against humanity, the crime sine qua non of the 21st century, they will never have their Nuremberg, no mere tribunal can deal with the enormity.
Another word for this international gang of criminals is the elite, the managerial class:
“The Replacist Power can also be described in Soviet terms as the media-political-industrial-intellectual complex, empowered by it's judge-like journalists, it's censor-like judges, it's industrial-like publishers, it's media-magnate-like industrialists, it's organic intellectuals, it’s backroom controls, it’s court sociologists.”
Their ambition is limitless:
“We can see the powers, and in this case the Davocratic Replacist Powers, arrogating progressively over all beings all the powers of the ancient gods, and especially the unique gods - hence their easy alliance with Islam.”
It is in short the entire ruling class, the “meritocratic” elite, the creative class, the rich, the hyper rich, the Davos Set, the symbolic analysts, the ones who control the perfected algorithms of the future.
“They all belong to the hyper-rich, and what the hyper-rich want is the uninterrupted mass production of the factories which churn out Undifferentiated Human Matter (UHM). Nothing else matters to them.”
Macron is the perfect poster boy for this set, the emblem par excellence, a Rothschild banker who ran as a technocratic managerial centrist, got rid of the parties and spoke indiscreetly of becoming Jupiter in his court of sycophants and minions:
“As for the other, upper, end of the economic and political spectrum, I think the media and the people did not pay enough attention to an innocuous remark of ex-president François Hollande about his much criticized successor Emmanuel Macron. Asked whether Macron was the president of the rich, Holland snapped:  “No, he is not the president of the rich (long surprised silence).  He is the president of the very rich”.
“Macron is indeed, in my opinion, the best local representative on earth of what I have called Davocracy, the government of the planet by Davos, that Swiss ski resort where the Great Paymasters of the world, bankers and giants of finance, congregate once a year to decide how the planet should be run according to its best interest and theirs.”
“Macron is even, again in my opinion, the best example of the reality of direct Davocracy, the takeover by Davos of the management, without intermediaries, of the human park, to speak like Peter Sloterdijk. This implies the neutralization of the political strata which used to be the interface between the peoples and high finance: now Davos feels strong enough do to without this in-between body, unreliable as it always was.”
These rich masquerade under the guise of any political ideology which will suit them at the moment, they cut their fashions to fit the fevers of the moment, but their only ideology is themselves:
“The official political sympathies of the media, who are the principal instrument of ideological repression—journalists playing all the parts at once, informer, police officer, commissar, prosecutor, judge, executioner—of the Thought Police, are of no significance whatsoever.”
He sees these managers, however, as essentially using the left for their purposes, though there is no power on earth more in favor of open borders than Global Capital:
“Replacism is the implementation of an idea of the left, anti-racism, serving interests of the right, general interchangeability.”
Camus started out a man of the left, a novelist and literary icon, a gay icon, hob nobber with the Warhol set, an enabler of the small replacement (there’s blood on his hands for an in the spirit of the Cultural Revolution 1970s novel called Tricks about twenty-five random sexual encounters, the manual of the Small Replacement clearly specifies that however tenderly rendered eight is the absolute limit); and he still retains parts of this ideology, such as a concern with over-population and ecology; he also has libertarian streak a la Pym Fortuyn.  But whatever else he is he has officially migrated hard to the hard right, or at least he has created fellow travelers of the right, or become one himself, and birds of a feather are tarred together, and has gained the lasting enmity of the left.  As he has said he follows the truth wherever it takes him which is why the swastika follows him wherever he goes, it’s an unerring barometer; where truth has been the swastika follows.
He sees the left as deeply complicit with replacism, perhaps unwittingly so, perhaps cynically so.  We see this in the Bernie Sanders of the world complaining that open borders are a “Koch Brothers idea” and talking about the American working class and the prerogatives of nation states and then turning around and waiving in 80 year old diabetic grandmothers because he has to appeal to the freak show his party has become, deploring the ever laying one finger on one hair on the head of an illegal because, of course, he has no integrity and he wants to win.  It’s how capital, allegedly, famously even, of the right, is woke and takes the side of every far left cause, to beat us down.   It’s how antifa has become the jackboots of global capital. It’s how cultural Marxism led them to abandon the white working class in favor of fashionable and exotic pet minorities, and led them to strip away the substance of the middle class even as it imported global humanity to keep wages down and investors' profits up.  Corporations know that every body added means wages are a little lower, prices are little higher, land is worth a little more, houses are a little more expensive, and so they use global humanity as a hammer, to beat us down. The sleeping middle class is not sleeping, it’s dead, they breed us for slaves.  Corporations had a bad reputation so they decided to take up every deviant notion of the left to buy their silence, buy their complicity, rainbow flags, men in the restrooms with girls, fetus murdering in Georgia, they’re fully on board in the boardroom.  Kowtowing to fashionable minorities is not even a price to pay for getting a pass on shipping the jobs overseas, even as the barista with the green hair and the steel hoop in her septum waives them on.
When Ralph Nader was around corporations were execrated by the left, they had their Battles Of Seattle and their Occupy Wall Street, then in a change of breathless gall they acquiesced to them when Corporations abandoned White America and threw in with the most unholy thing the left could think up, buying their silence, when we were young we used to just call them weirdos and move on but now they are all decked out with their own ideology complete with corporate sponsorship.
“High Finance was an old lady of practically unlimited means but execrable reputation. She was well aware of being obliged, in a media saturated society, where one’s “image” is everything, to try and build a better one. Someone introduced to her Anti-racism, a popular young man of impeccable credentials (at that time)……..”
“Contrary to what one may have thought, those two (High Finance and Anti-Racism) soon discovered they had a lot in common, notably the hatred of segregation, discrimination, borders, frontiers and the like, everything that might lead to a distinction between human beings. They were also highly complementary. Anti-racism provided the couple with a good name and with absolute protection against all criticism: how could anyone criticize virtue, goodness, generosity, equality, fraternity between people from all walks of life? Finance provided it with money, power, total mastery of the media—all the more so that money and power, thanks to that unexpected union, had virtue on their side, which might one day come handy, and it did, to alleviate the qualms of a few idealistic or extremely naive journalists.”
The left love the rich now, and the rich love the left, in America the Democrat Party used to be the party of society’s downward falling and the Republicans of the winners, but the reversal of this in now almost complete.
“One could object here that the power or powers which want this state of affairs, the Great Replacement, global replacism, the industries of replaceable man, and who have chosen Macron to be their representative in France, the local governor for Davocracy, are probably the richest people in the world”
The left love the rich now, and the rich love the left, in America the Democrat Party used to be the party of the society’s downward falling and the Republicans of the winners, but the reversal of this in now almost complete.   Everywhere the rich and the left are in an unholy alliance.
In this way the Replacist Power sides with the "noble" causes that are strictly none of it's concern, selling slavery as freedom, tyranny as tolerance, sameness as diversity, genocide as human rights.
“The genius of the Replacist Davocracy is to make work incessantly for the interests of the hyper rich (the increase of the number of the consumers, the industrialization of the man, etc.) the progressive forces of left, the antifas, the beautiful souls ...”
“If the Left were what it believes itself to be, humanist and the protector of the humanity of man, it would stand up against the industrialization of human matter, the general interchangeability, all that the interests of the hyper rich demand, and that it actually serves.”
The elites, the clique, the powers that be, the left, who specifically is guilty of this unprecedented crime, this crime against humanity?
At times Camus seems to think it’s a machine that’s been wound up, an interplay of evil forces beyond any one person’s or one group’s control:
“Personally I have never imagined that a group of people with evil intentions congregated one day in some big luxurious executive room and decided that they would change the population of Europe for a cheaper one that would growth faster in quantity. I think it is more evil than that. Some people incriminate the Jews, others incriminate the European Union, some think Wall Street or the IMF are entirely responsible. There might be some truth in any of those assumptions, but I would rather think of some enormous, bizarre and complex processes, so intricate that no one can understand perfectly how they work and why, and no one can master and stop them once they are started. They are very much started. It is for us to break the machines which churn out men like other churn out cookies, or Nutella. The problem, as I see it, is not so much the replacement of men by robots as the replacement of robots by men, dazed machines made of flesh, covered in diplomas, extremely violent to one another but fundamentally obedient to the general plan.”
It is that most time honored of things: the Ruling Class, the meritocratic elite, the college professor, the aid worker, the NGO, the State Department employee, the public union employee, the newspaper editor, the fashion magazine publisher, the movie producer, the script writer, the CEO, the op-ed writer, the diversity czar, the barista with the green hair and the steel hoop in her septum,  they all are wittingly or unwittingly in favor of the Great Replacement, they work for it night and day.  That some do it out of what they consider to be humanitarianism is irrelevant; others do it from greed, or malevolence, but once a sound doctrine is in place these distinctions lose their meaning:  and humanitarianism can as easily be misplaced guilt, and all are foes in the friend/foe binary, so the perpetrators of the great replacement, of global replacism are those who are working for it, or who approve of it, or who ignore it when they should know better, or are blind to it, or who do nothing about it when they certainly could.  That there are generals and foot soldiers, collaborators, occupants, fools, traitors, quislings, opportunists, and more, will become less important over time, when the fatal trajectories converge.
“Governments — and not only governments: the Press, the media, intellectuals, judges — are not only coping with this state of affairs, as mere collaborators would. They have created it, either because they think it is right, because they think it is unavoidable, or because they have construed it as an instrument serving their own interest. And most likely they think it is right because they feel (wrongly, in the long run, as we shall probably see) that it is both unavoidable and in their interest. They are not collaborators, they are perpetrators (of the crime of ethnic substitution). And such, and so tragic, is the conjuncture in Europe today, as it is given over to invasion, chaos, Islamization and that worst of all genetic manipulations, the change of people, that all the words which try and describe what is happening evolve through the same three phases as collaboration, occupation, or colonization went through : at first they seem widely exaggerated  then they appear sadly adequate, and finally they prove sorely understated, embarrassingly inferior to the reality of the horror, guilt and grief they are purported to denote.”
The perfect crime is when the perpetrators can brand any one who objects a criminal.
After such knowledge, can there be forgiveness?
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This is the general plan that they are obedient to, these are the perpetrators of the crime, but what judgment can be meted out?   What solution?  What’s to be done? Who will remember the people?
First, Camus is an anti-natalist.  Contrary to many white nationalists who want a proliferation of white people he sees nothing wrong with a slow decline in white numbers provided they can do so in relative peace, relative insularity, the peace of having that thing that seems the most evil to the powers that be, having a country to call their own.
“The state of the Earth requires population decline (and probably all others). The interests of the Davocracy require the permanent increase of the number of consumers.  It replaces declining races everywhere with proliferating races.”
If he has a magical word it is remigration, they have to go back where they came from, the should be famous French Degas!
“Without remigration there will be no liberation. Liberation (of conquered land, occupied country, colonized people) and remigration (of the conqueror, occupying forces, colonialist settlers) are one and the same thing.”
Conservatism has now long since passed it’s sell by date, there’s little to nothing remaining worthy of conservation, only a thorough, remorseless and unsparing and draconian rooting out will do.
“In a world that has become horrible - the global slum - I do not understand how one can be conservative. One must be a reactionary, that is to say, require polluters to clean up, vandals erased, wind turbines destroyed & invaders they must remigrate”
Anti-natalism, remigration, reaction: but what prospect for this is there?  Is not a long stalemate more likely? Given the sad state of affairs in the so called self-liberating democracies, what are the odds that this is not a chimera?  There may be a way, or several ways, but the will, thus far, is sorely lacking, and the media reigning official ideology exerts it’s deadening, monotonous and powerful effects:
“Mind Control has improved in unimaginable proportions. Information is everywhere; it passes into our utmost intimacy; we even produce it ourselves, for each other, and in the dictatorship of petite-bourgeoisie, as we have seen earlier, everyone is the dictator of all the others”
“Acceptance of the unacceptable is a mystery, unless one realizes that technological progress has made the industry of illusion and the manufacturing of daze infinitely more efficient than it used to be even in the relatively recent period of the Soviet dictatorship.”
“Davocratic Replacism and the UHM industries will give a new meaning to the old word of "autocracy": government by the government, management of the human park by robots (sometimes human), dictatorship without dictator other than the algorithm, to profit alone.”
In short, there is an ideological blackout, the truth is forbidden, criminalized, they have turned the neat trick of committing the perfect crime so enormous is it and anyone who says so is branded a criminal or a lunatic.  The people are perishing but talking about it is bad form.
If all else fails there’s always the old American social custom of self defense.
“In all the history of humanity rare are the leaders who have deliberately surrendered their country to foreign conquest and their people to the replacement. This crime is virtually unprecedented.”
Camus says anti-racism, diversity, tolerance is Hitler, but Hitler walking on his head. Silicon Valley introduced itself to America with a famous Super Bowl Commercial where they were hurling a hammer at Big Brother and his oppression but in an insidious twist of fate they've become the power that needs to have the hammer hurled at.   The ones who promised liberation have become the enslaving power.
The very ones who celebrate diversity are the ones who want to abolish all borders, all distinctions, all discrimination, all differences, between nations, peoples, cultures, races, sexes.
Perhaps the only hope is in accelerationism or in playing for time, and perhaps which doesn’t matter.  Eventually things will come to the sticking point, the number of whites will decline and the number of whites who flock to our banner will increase, and these fatal trajectories will converge in the twilight of civil war.
The national populist movements that have been cropping up around the world are in fact the last chance to rein in the present Ruling Class and prevent them from turning the world into what they want it to be, their private plantation.
“Population swamping or ‘demographic invasion’ is a different matter entirely.  It undermines the very identity of a nation or the people targeted by the swamping.  The major threat associated with it is that it might very well be irreversible.”
The signal word “irreversible” here is the headline, what grabs our attention, we all sense the end of something, the coming to the end of the line, the end of the story. That arch racist Jean Raspail wrote a sympathetic novel called Who Will Remember The People?  It is about the eradication of an indigenous South American tribe as the result of repeated encroachment and invasions, and he wrote it because as a humanist he knows that nothing on earth is sadder than to witness the passing away of a people, any people, or to witness the passing away of a distinct way of life.
We all know that ultimately we will need to take our destiny in our own hands, rise up, by political means or otherwise, and do so before the Power perfects it’s last algorithms.
If all else fails there’s always the old American social custom of self defense.
Against this fate of suicidal dispossession may the European peoples speak with one united voice, may they speak in clear tones and with wild cries of execration.
And soon, too, for as Mr. Camus reminds us somewhere we are not bereft of examples, Yugoslavia, Lebanon, South Africa; and their fate could be our fate in the future or, of course, tomorrow afternoon. And should such a fate befall us, as such, there will be blood on our hands
“Truth has a lightning effect, especially on an organism that has been confronted on a daily basis and for years, as the ideal of living together has been, to crushing and often bloodstained denials of its dearest convictions.”
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republicstandard · 5 years
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republicstandard · 5 years
How the Traditional Husband was Shattered into a Million Pieces
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In history, the defining trait of intergender relations was marriage. This was true for every single culture that is civilized. Leftists have to dig for savage amazon tribes or reference bonobos to somehow trick NPCs into believing that somehow marriage isn't a consequence of our biology and our nature.
Marriage isn't actually religious at all. It's not christian or Islamic. Not even Abrahamic. It existed in pagan culture, among Europeans and beyond. Even the Aztecs and other tribes that haven't been connected to us for thousands of years, have a concept of marriage.
It's primarily based on a man providing resources for a woman, who gives him exclusive reproductive rights, so he has the benefit of a secure lineage. Women always know that they are the mother of their children, but not the men. This relationship is basically a necessity for civilization, because otherwise men lose their stake in it.
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What we see right now is basically the complete deconstruction of the role of the husband. The provider role and the partner role have been divided.
There are sugar daddies, beta providers, who provide resources, but they don't get exlusive sexual reproductive access. In fact it's only about sex. No children. That's another thing. Sex and Reproduction is severed because of technology.
But then you have providers, that aren't even in a sexual relationship. They are in a quasi-relationship. They get pornographic pictures or role-play a findom relationship or something like that. Likely only over the internet, not in person. That's another thing. Porn is a pacifier for single men to give them a quasi-sexual relationship. In nature these animals without a mate might have risen up already and went on a killing spree, because the system isn't working for them.
Now to the sexual side. There is the boyfriend, the lover. But that is still monogamous. Even that has now been split up. Now there are open relationship, where the provider role is fulfilled by a beta cuck and the sexual side is fulfilled by an additional boyfriend. The beta provider is usually married, while the sexual competitor is attached without any legal bounds.
Interestingly in a very animalistic sense we can see that the women even shares reproductive rights with both of them. First the beta provider gets 1 or 2 kids. And then he is denied any further reproduction, so the new boyfriend gets to have a kid too.
What I observed is that in these interviews and life stories of these people, you can kinda read out that this group of people is sure that the boyfriend is the father of the new kid, which implies that the woman is somehow making sure it's only him that gets to reproduce in that timeframe. There are many options. Maybe she's taking the pill. Using condoms only with the husband. Maybe she is only satisfying him with non-penetrative sex. They don't talk about that openly, but somehow they are making sure the boyfriend gets to reproduce.
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Behind all the surface bullshit, you can read the basic animalistic nature of humans out of it. How the cuck brags about how he is even going to take care of the children of the boyfriend, because they are his wives children. This is literally bragging btw. He is living that beta provider lifestyle. He shows the ladies that he can provide.
This shows that it really does matter, who the children belong to and people aren't just like "we are all going to take care of whatever kid spawns out of that pussy". They want to know and if they don't they are deeply psychologically concerned about it.
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republicstandard · 5 years
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republicstandard · 5 years
The Brexit Stalemate will never end
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When a new Conservative leader is elected in a few weeks, and Britain has a new Prime Minister, he or she will be faced with the same impossible situation as Theresa May. There are only around 60-70 MPs in Parliament that support a no-deal (full) Brexit, which means that only 1/10th of the House of Commons believes in Brexit. And then on top of that, you have the House of Lords, which is overwhelmingly against Brexit and has strangled the process of leaving the EU for the last 3 years. So if Boris Johnson, for example, becomes the new Prime Minister, his promise to implement a no-deal Brexit if he can’t get a better deal is impossible, because he doesn’t have the numbers to get such an option through parliament.
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Even more crucial still, large sections of his parliamentary party are trying to block his leadership bid by fielding as many candidates as possible to split the vote. So if he did become Prime Minister with the support of Conservative Party grassroots members, a large number of Remainer Conservative MPs could gang up with opposition parties like Labour and the Liberal Democrats, and pass a no-confidence vote against him in the House of Commons. This would effectively leave him as powerless as Theresa May, and thus would send us back to the same position that we are currently in. On top of that, Boris’s genuine support for Brexit is questionable, with many believing he only supported leaving the EU to further his chances of leading the Conservative Party. And of course, Boris might not win the leadership election, and a Remainer taking the reins of power would just continue the same postponement of Brexit that we are experiencing now.
Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party would take seats from the Conservative Party in a general election, and the Liberal Democrats would take seats from the Labour Party. On top of that, the likelihood of Remainer Conservative MPs forming a coalition with Brexit Party MPs is zero. This, in turn, would mean that Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the SNP and possibly Remainer Conservative MPs would form a coalition of their own – which would no doubt lead to a 2nd referendum.
Brexiteers rightly fear a 2nd referendum for two good reasons. Firstly, unlike in the preparation for the 1st referendum, where the Remainer Parliament was so confident of victory that they didn’t allow EU citizens to vote (apart from citizens of the RoI, Cyprus and Malta), the current Remainer Parliament would not make this strategic error again. Secondly, the Remainer Parliament previously blocked the right of 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in the 1st referendum. Again, there is no way Remainers will repeat this mistake. You can count on the fact that they will do everything in their power to gain whatever pre-determined advantage they can.
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And then there is the question of Nigel Farage himself. His new Brexit Party, which has crushed UKIP’s vote and prospects, is likely to become nothing more than a new centre-right party rather than a true right-wing alternative. It’s easy to jump to conspiracy theories, and I try to avoid them unless there is clear evidence. However, I cannot help but notice that every time a true right-wing party emerges, Farage comes from nowhere and crushes it. He did this in the late 2000s and early 2010s when as leader of UKIP he defeated and routed the BNP. And this year, when UKIP was re-emerging as an anti-Islam and anti-mass immigration party, Farage creates the Brexit Party and obliterates it at the European elections. And despite all of this, Farage has not achieved Brexit at all. The only thing he has achieved is the destruction of any true right-wing party willing to tackle difficult issues like Islam or non-white immigration.
While Salvini, Orban and Le Pen correctly prioritise stopping non-white immigration over leaving the European Union, Farage is leading British right-wing voters down the opposite path. And sadly, most of them can’t seem to accept or realise the reality of this. Overall though, the one thing you can guarantee in Britain at the moment is that the flood gates are still open, the third world is still pouring in, and nobody is doing anything about it.
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republicstandard · 5 years
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republicstandard · 5 years
In Search of a Meaningful Identity
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I'm not a patriot, but I do always put my people first. The problem with being a patriot is that it binds you to your country, which can be taken over by foreign/subversive entities, and turned into something that doesn't reflect you. Your people, on the other hand, will always be your people. This is the problem that occurs when countries are not based on blood and soil; they become in a sense distant entities from the people they are meant to serve. Conservatives (whom nationalists rightly mock) are in essence the patriots of the modern age, following their country's flag, government and military without considering the lack of a deeper core to their country and identity.
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It’s the same with the ‘fandom’ phenomenon which grips many young and even older people. Watching films and television shows now and again is fine, but there is no need for them to dominate your thoughts or life. Media consumption should be a side hobby or for use during downtime, it should not dominate your consciousness. Going to conventions dressed as superheroes, especially when you’re an adult, is a clear sign that you have adopted a shallow persona. People can do so much better.
In times gone by, a patriot would be someone who supported their country, and this was usually fine because their country was homogenous and sought to further their people’s interest. When the Ottomans took Constantinople, it didn’t just further the interests of the Sultan, it furthered the interest of the Turks as well, along with their religion of Islam. And when Spain conquered much of the Americas, it didn’t just benefit the King, but also his country as a whole, because the resources and trade brought back from the colonies lead to Spain becoming the world’s dominant power.
These days, however, it is difficult to see how growing a nation’s economy benefits anybody apart from a tiny clique of billionaires and millionaires. Unlike in the sixteenth century, there are no new foods, materials or treasures to bring back home from newly conquered lands. Instead, we have giant corporations making unprecedented profits and paying little or no tax, while at the same time showing barely any loyalty to the countries from which they are based. In the past, merchant companies and corporations were forced by law (or armed force) to trade in circumstances which benefited the country’s strategic interest. So for example, when Britain was at war with France, British merchants were forbidden from trading with France, to essentially blockade the enemy. It is hard to imagine in this day and age if a great war did occur, that our businessmen would stop trading with our enemies. The level of self-interest and short term thinking are currently so high that people no longer feel a collective sense of duty, and so it would be difficult for any western government, even with legal powers, to force companies to toe the line.
If the West is to recover from its current demographic and cultural Marxist predicament, then it must fundamentally make an effort to regain its soul. This doesn’t just mean expelling millions of migrants and their descendants, it also must encompass much broader criteria. The right/left political dichotomy must be eradicated because until that time nations will be continuously divided. In its place must rise a system where the choice isn’t between a free market and small government or lots of regulation with a bigger government. These choices are shallow and mediocre, and quite literally make no sense. For the past few decades, we have had subversive self-hating idiots on the political left aggressively supporting a welfare state, while on the political right, you have had welfare cutting, free market supporting voters who want to restrict immigration. It doesn’t have to be this way, and nor should it be.
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It seems unfathomable that a party that supports both immigration restriction and a sensible version of the welfare state hasn’t emerged successfully in recent times, though there are signs in Europe that are encouraging. Many people, even some in the middle class, simply cannot afford private health insurance; and so if you want your people to be healthy and productive, then you have to accept the option of a single-payer system. If you can accept the government having a military to defend your country, then perhaps the government having an accident and emergency department to defend your body against illness isn’t so bad either.
But away from politics, the future must also care for your planet and environment, which is under unprecedented attack. Of course, the majority of pollution is being caused by India, China and other non-white, developing economies. This doesn’t mean that we can’t look after our own nations’ habitats though, because even in the West large scale house building and fossil fuel exploration are taking its toll. If we are mammals and part of the natural world, then logically this must mean we learn to live with the natural world to some degree.
There also needs to be a strong emphasis on reversing the low birth rates which plague every developed country on earth. The emphasis on the importance of ‘careers’ rather than ‘society’ has been a problem that many simply refuse to acknowledge. Yes, people need to work, however, any government in the future must make having children affordable, whether that be through state subsidies or other initiatives. There’s no point saving your people from mass immigration if they’re going to die out anyway because they refuse to reproduce.
Above all though, we must teach history to our children, and nurture the youngest generation in society to have, throughout their lives, a strong in-group preference towards their own ethnic and racial group. We must never allow the self-hatred in the West to return under any circumstance. The stupidity of today is caused, in part, by the bad education of yesterday. A tribal mindset must be the foundation of any positive future we hope to build, because judging by the last few decades, we have become completely lost without it.
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republicstandard · 5 years
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republicstandard · 5 years
The Racial Crime Double Standard that Refuses to go away
A few weeks ago in Britain, we had to endure the first ever ‘Stephen Lawrence Day’, which commemorates the murder of the black man who was murdered by a gang of whites in 1993. The crime has become somewhat of a meme in my country, which the political establishment has used to push anti-white narratives onto the native white British population. The fact that Stephen was a well-known school bully and drug dealer is of course not allowed to be mentioned in the media, nor is the fact that his mother gained a peerage in the Houses of Parliament despite having no qualification for public office.
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Repeated inquiries into his death and into alleged institutionalized racism in the police have been in and out of the TV news schedules for two decades now, and the newspapers have responded to these reports by tripping over themselves to prove how not racist they are. The entire Stephen Lawrence saga has been absolutely baffling, especially when considering the reality of what is actually going on in Britain right now. The actual scandal in my country is the plague of non-white crime which is steadily turning our cities into no-go areas. There is no special day for the victims of these crimes because the victims are white.
Consider the Asian grooming gang scandals for example, where thousands of white girls were raped, tortured and pimped out right across the country. The figures are simply staggering, and I have listed (some!) of the towns and the estimated number of victims below:
Rotherham: 1500 girls         Oxford: 300 girls Telford: 1000 girls               Rochdale: 350 girls Newcastle: 250 girls
Sources: Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, The Sun, The Guardian
Was there a national day for these victims? Of course not - they were white - and the complete opposite happened. Not only did the mainstream media cover up the abuse for over a decade, but the police actually arrested a father of one of the victims when he tried to rescue his own daughter.
Then there are the individual cases which are so horrific that it is hard to believe such evil could occur. I’ve listed several below:
Charlene Downes - the white girl who was raped, murdered, decapitated and turned into kebab meat at an Asian takeaway. Source: Manchester Evening News
Kriss Donald – the white boy who was kidnapped and stabbed multiple times before being doused in petrol. He was slowly burned alive as he bled to death from his injuries. His murderers were a local Pakistani gang. Source: Evening Times
Lucy Lowe – a blonde Telford grooming gang victim who was burned alive in her own home alongside her sister and mother. Lucy had fallen pregnant with her Asian rapist’s baby, and the rapist decided to get rid of it along with anybody who could reveal his abuse of the girl by setting Lucy’s house on fire.  Sources: Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Birmingham Mail
Now imagine if the victims had been non-white and the perpetrators had been white, the mainstream media would never stop writing and talking about it. The state broadcaster, the BBC, has even admitted on multiple occasions that such a double standard exists, and yet continues to practice this double standard anyway. The power of political correctness – the power to invert reality and make non-whites the primary receiver of protection and undeserved sympathy – is endemic in Britain.
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London’s knife crime epidemic, primarily caused by black men murdering each other in gang wars, is another example. Have the black men been blamed for their ruthless, barbaric actions? No, of course not! Instead, local charities have blamed poverty caused by white politicians (even though white areas at the same poverty level rarely experience such violent crimes); whilst the police have blamed white middle-class families for buying drugs from the gangs. The authorities will do anything to avoid blaming the non-white perpetrators because the religion of political correctness simply does not allow it.
What is clear is that wherever there is a non-white minority population in the modern world, the governments are too weak to protect their own people (the white majority), and instead side with the vocal non-white minority, who benefit from ‘hate speech’ legislation, which is designed to protect them from whites complaining about their criminal actions.
With populist-nationalist governments coming to power in Europe, there is a sign of things beginning to change, though the long fight to erase the anti-white double standard surrounding law and order has only just begun. The only way this can be achieved is with the repeal of hate speech laws and the remigration of non-white populations back to their continents of origin. But most importantly, in the future, it must be made certain that the mainstream media, and especially the state broadcaster, do not have the far-left bias that they have had for decades.
If these changes are not implemented, Britain and Europe as a whole face a dark future.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine http://bit.ly/2LLBDar via IFTTT
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republicstandard · 5 years
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republicstandard · 5 years
Exiles In Our Own Land
In his book The Fame Of A Dead Man’s Deeds author Robert S. Griffin tells an anecdote about the origins of William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries. Pierce had taken over a struggling organization known as the National Youth  Alliance and on the board of the National Youth Alliance was one Revilo P. Oliver.    And it was through this meeting of the two titans of White Identity that came the inspiration for the most notorious novel of the twentieth century.
Mr. Oliver had been a mainstay in conservative circles in the 1950s, having befriended William Buckley, attended Mr. Buckley’s wedding, and written for The National Review.  Mr. Buckley of course turned respectable and banished Mr. Oliver from polite society, freeing him to write a series of books and essays which ripped the bark off the issues surrounding the racial destruction of White America.
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Mr. Pierce was the younger man, a physics professor who felt himself called to also defend the White World from various predations that he recognized and fought against.  When the two men met Pierce was writing essays but was frustrated his message was not getting out. When he told Oliver of his frustrations Oliver suggested that he try his hand at fiction.  Oliver said that the broad section of whites that he was trying to reach were unlikely to read erudite essays, however well written, but that these people loved action and violence oriented fiction.   It was at this point that Oliver told Pierce that he had a model in mind, a book published anonymously in 1959, called The John Franklin Letters.  Pierce was intrigued, read the book, and thus the auspicious meeting of these two great men gave us The Turner Diaries.
Pierce says that Oliver never said a word about the true author of The John Franklin Letters but that he always suspected that it was Oliver himself.  Griffin read the book and he said he is convinced that the author is Oliver, that it’s contents perfectly mirror the many concerns that Oliver wrote about in his non-fiction.  Thus we have a novel written by the premier white advocate of the twentieth century.
In reading the novel one can see how Pierce was inspired by it. The Turner Diaries describes a world where the government has become tyrannical and has confiscated guns through legislation called The Cohen Act, and a renegade organization called The Order is formed which eventually overthrows the government by violent means.  Likewise, The John Franklin Letters tells of  a time where the government has become a One World Government run by the Burros (ie, the bureaucrats) and is overthrown by a patriotic military organization know as The Rangers.
The John Franklin Letters was published in 1959.  It is bracketed by a preface imagined to have been written in 1987 and then consists of series of letters written from 1957 through 1976 written by one John Franklin.   By the time the last letter is written the “patriotic military forces” have triumphed over the one world government of the “interloping Burros” that has taken over America and which was formally known as the “North American Anti-Fascist Democracy”.  When the first letter is written in 1957 America is as it always had been on the surface but Mr. Franklin sees dangerous times coming.  In a letter to his uncle he writes:
“You asked me if your last letter if I thought we were operating
here in  the United States under the philosophy of a social order.
Yes sir, we certainly are, it’s the philosophy of the social order of
the New Deal which was fastened on the country when Franklin
D. Roosevelt came to power and has not been seriously challenged
This reflects the concerns of the American Old Right of the 1950s, a group Sam Francis once called a “pig-eyed lot” who were dead set against what Franklin refers to as “our present state of Left-Liberalism”. These conservative stalwarts felt that the social engineering of the New Deal had relegated the last remnants of the Old Republic to the ash heap of history and all that was left was:
“an expert elite of non elected bureaucrats at the top distributing
the earned income of the country’s working citizens to those who
would not work.”
In his work from the 1960s onward Mr. Oliver’s writing became obsessed with racial concerns but in this book he touches on them tangentially.  But in Franklin’s explanation for the situation we can see those concerns coming through in embryo. When describing who all this welfare goes to and who commits the crime he writes:
“the racial aspect is that most of these welfare clients and
almost all who cause the trouble are Negroes or Puerto
Ricans….one third of the nation’s crime is committed by
Negroes, mostly in the Northern Cities---home of enlightenment
and integration you’ll notice…….I’ll suggest to you that
we already have conditions of civil war in our large
northern cities for what is it but war when people are
savagely killed every day…this kind of civil war is
purposely built into the tactics of communist propaganda”
Franklin then goes on to express the concerns of the Old Right, that the ancient liberties were being overturned by the Warren Court and the man most behind it all “that weird human oddity, Justice Douglas”, as well as how the growing bureaucracy of the CIA was spawning what we would call the Deep State. The novel’s tipping point comes when a group of Americans are accused of “obstructing international justice” and are hauled before a World Tribunal in the early 1960s. Franklin notes how in a newspaper it was written that “this is regrettable and rather distasteful to those who still cling to the traditions of American Nationalism but that it was high time that an international organization broke over nationalistic boundaries.”  When the need for warrants against American citizens is set aside the American Supreme Court acquiesced in this as:
“you’ll plainly recall how Justice Frankfurter was the
spokesman for the Court majority in announcing this
ruling which so plainly set aside our Constitutional
safeguards and the Ancient Anglo-Saxon common law….
things which could never have much meaning to the
Austrian intellectual Frankfurter with his bone-bred
Middle European love for bureaucratic authority.”
It is at this point that Franklin writes that he has joined an “American underground” given that “we have now become convinced that the process of eroding American liberties and sovereignty has gone so far that they cannot be reversed.”  By 1970 he is writing that “our country’s national integrity has been dissolved….the civil authority of the United States is being set aside and international officials begin to exercise direct control within the border of our country.”  Here, the Rubicon has been crossed and the patriotic guerrilla movement begins.
It is interesting to note that the One World propaganda justifies this breach of sovereignty in part because of “the historic psychological genocide against the Negro Race” and there is a wry allusion to the Warren-Myrdal Supreme Court decision, Gunner Myrdal being the author of the 1944 book An American Dilemma about the plight of blacks in America, the book which led to the Civil Rights Acts which Oliver considered abominations.   Indeed, one of the offenses that brought down the wrath of the one world government was “being discourteous to a Negro which was regarded as a form of genocide because it could do psychological harm to a minority element.” This is reminiscent of current European anti-racist laws and also of the ending of The Camp Of The Saints when the colored people take over the houses and apartments of whites which is seen by the new powers that be as racial justice.
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The rest of the novel details the depredations of the new government, the wholesale murder of the recalcitrant portions of the population, and the sending en masse of millions to the Third World as slaves.  Some, like John Franklin, form the patriotic underground and engage in sabotage against the government and engage in “wasp” attacks which “sting” the Burros through targeted assassinations.   In the end it is shown that the new government collapses because the Third World elements that run it do not have the intelligence or the ability to manage it.  Liberty, on a sounder basis than before, is thus restored.  Perhaps the key to this victory is stated as the fact that before the one world government came to power “the NRA (National Rifle Association) frustrated the various bureaucrats who sought to legislate restrictions on the Constitutional guarantees of the Second Amendment” and “we were not, as were the Hungarians, reduced to fighting with our bare hands and Molotov Cocktails”---an armed people is  a free people.
Thus the novel ends on a hopeful note---but is also a warning.   It is true that some of Oliver’s concerns are not ours.  He detests big government and is anti-state, whereas we are much more open to using the state to promote, protect, and defend our interests. We tend to see Corporations as the bigger threat, something he does not mention at all. But in large measure his battles were ours----the tyranny of the giant interests of the Leviathan assaulting our ancient liberties, and of racial justice and racial revenge threatening White America.  We see this today everywhere in the attacks on our speech,  the shutting down of our access to social media and bank accounts, the banning of our books, the anti-white indoctrination, and the persecution of our people.  In many respects we have become what Franklin said his people were----“exiles in our own land”.  And amid talk of civil war, and there being no way to vote our way out of our situation, The John Franklin Letters speaks directly to our concerns.  
And we would do well to heed those two prophets, Oliver and Pierce, for when they met giants really were walking the earth.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine http://bit.ly/2VlNEHZ via IFTTT
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republicstandard · 5 years
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