rendezvousroger · 4 years
obx characters as “can you buy me pads” texts
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(this is my twitter thread so I wanted to post it here too)
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
Could it be? Chapter 4 (JJ x Reader)
JJ x Reader
CH.1 - CH.2 - CH.3
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: swearing, violence??
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There he was, wearing a baby blue polo shirt and holding a bottle of champagne in one hand. You felt your mouth dry up followed by a wave of goosebumps forming all over your body. This was the last person you wanted to see.
“What are you doing here Rafe?”
He smiled at the sight of you. It was hard to believe he still had feelings for you since you never felt like he actually cared.
Your relationship with Rafe had been great at the beginning. You being Sarah’s friend just gave you the perfect excuse to see him every single day and spend all your time with him, but as time passed and you started hanging out with the Pogues more, things between you and Rafe changed.
He would often get jealous and angry, saying you shouldn’t be hanging out with “trashy people” which always ended up with the two of you getting into a loud and tiring fight. Rafe had always wanted to control you and you being the stubborn, independent person that you are, you never let him get his way.
The two of you dated for a little more than a year, but the last months of the relationship were very much like hell for you. You’d wanted to get out of the relationship 4 months before it finally ended, but your family has always been close friends with the Camerons which just made things harder for you and Rafe.
Your dad and his dad were closing a business deal and Rafe felt that dating you, meant his father was proud of him and he didn’t want to let him down, so he did the best to keep you next to him. Until you had enough.
Rafe had hurt you. Deeply. And you were holding what he had done to you deep in your heart and it was slowly killing you. The sight of him in front of you just brought back all the memories, making you want to run away.
“I just want to talk.” His voice was low and quiet, as if he feared you might run away at any second.
“There’s nothing to talk about Rafe,” you grabbed your purse a little tighter, “now please leave, I need to go.”
“I’m going to the party too.”
Of course he was.
“We can walk together.” He reached his free hand out to you.
“I can walk by myself, thank you.”
“Y/N come on,” he sighed, “you made a mistake by ending things with me.”
“No I didn’t. It was probably the best decision I’ve ever made.”
His jaw tightened at your words. You knew they had hurt him, which kind of made you scared of his reaction.
“We had a future planned together.” His voice was calm and he walked closer to you, making you back away from him.
“Rafe, I have to go.”
“I just want to talk, please.” He reached for your arm but you pulled away from him.
“Don’t touch me.”
“God Y/N, you’re so stubborn!” He walked even closer making your body press against the front door and leaving you no room to escape.
“I don’t want to talk Rafe, let me go!” You tried to push him away but it was impossible.
“Just let me talk to you, that’s all.” He grabbed your shoulders to make you stand still.
“Rafe let me go!” You closed your eyes as you desperately tried to kick him.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” You heard JJ’s voice and felt a wave of relief take all over your body.
The pressure of Rafe’s hands against your shoulders was suddenly gone after JJ grabbed him by the neck and pulled him away from you.
JJ was quick to punch him on the face before he could react.
“Of course your dirty Pogue is here.” Rafe laughed as he spit blood from his mouth.
He walked towards JJ and hit him back.
“Guys stop it!” You screamed but it was pointless.
The two of them were already throwing punches and kicks nonstop. You didn’t know what to do, they were both stronger than you and it’s not like you could just walk in the middle of them trying to kill each other.
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you saw the two boys covered in blood and still hitting each other.
It wasn’t until JJ was on the floor and you saw Rafe reaching for the champagne bottle he had brought, that you decided to step between the two of them.  
“Stop it Rafe! That’s enough!” You screamed at him, your voice trembling at the sight of him almost throwing the champagne bottle at JJ.
His eyes were filled with anger and you were scared but also angry, and you were not going to let Rafe touch JJ.
JJ was struggling to get up from the ground so you helped him. He wiped the blood off his mouth and tried to pull you back from Rafe but you pushed him away, still standing in between the two of them to stop them from killing each other.
“That’s enough JJ!” You felt tears fall down your cheeks. They were probably tears of anger and fear.
You were breathless and the sight of you tearing up and shaking from trying to stop them, made the two of them just stand still.
Rafe and JJ were still giving each other death looks but the punches had stopped, which was enough for you at the time.
“Stay away from her.” JJ broke the silence.
Rafe’s jaw tightened at his words but he looked at you instead.
“Is he your new fuck now?”
“Excuse me?”
You held a hand out to JJ as to tell him you can handle this, since you saw him ready to jump back at Rafe.
“Are you fucking him or what?” Rafe’s eyes never left yours, “Why is he coming to your house in the night with what a backpack?”
“Rafe you’re out of y-“
“Is he your boyfriend?” His voice trembled, but his eyes were filled with rage.
“He is not and that’s literally none of your business!”
“How low of you, sleeping around with a Pogue,” he spat out, “like the cheap slut you are.”
This time you were the one filled with anger and wanting to throw a punch at Rafe’s face, but his words had left you frozen, the anger inside of you consuming you.
You didn’t even notice how quick JJ was to jump back at him and punch him repeatedly on the face until you snapped out of your thoughts and saw your friend almost punch the life out of Rafe.
And as much as you knew Rafe deserved it, you weren’t going to let this go any further.
“JJ stop!” You pulled him away from Rafe.
JJ was shaking, he was breathless and his knuckles were covered in blood. You let him know it was okay and made him stay away from Rafe.
You stood in front of Rafe and looked down at him in disgust and hurt.
“Leave.” You spat out at him.
You watched him struggle to stand up and reached out your hand for him to take. Tears were falling down your eyes and Rafe took your hand to help himself stand up. You quickly let go of his hand once he was standing up.
He knew he had crossed the line. Guilt was written all over his face and he opened but quickly closed his mouth as he didn’t know what to say.
“Leave and don’t you ever talk to me again.”
You stared right into his eyes and you could’ve sworn his eyes were filled with tears too, but you didn’t care at all. He didn’t even think about taking his champagne bottle and left. Leaving you and JJ alone.
You stood still, emotionless and drained staring at the grass. You heard JJ’s footsteps get near you and after a few seconds you felt his hand softly grab your shoulder.
“Y/N?” He said softly, but you said nothing.
After minutes of silence went by, JJ couldn’t take it any longer and just took you right into his arms and hugged you tightly. His embrace made the crying you were holding inside instantly break out.
You started sobbing uncontrollably, you were trembling and choking on your tears as JJ kept holding you even tighter.
“Shhh, you’re okay Y/N,” he whispered against your ear, “you’re alright, I’m here.”
Once you calmed down, you let go of JJ’s embrace. He stared at you with soft eyes, worrying you might break down again.
You didn’t know what to say so you just opened the door to your house to let him in.
“Let’s go get your bags inside.” You said.
JJ raised an eyebrow at you but then nodded and walked inside your house, understanding you didn’t want to talk about this.
You immediately went to your bathroom and washed your face. You were a mess. Your eyes were puffy and your makeup was all smeared off. You grabbed your makeup bag and quickly redid your makeup, trying to cover the fact you’d been crying your eyes out.
“Hey, hey, hey,” JJ walked into the bathroom as soon as he saw you doing your makeup, “we don’t have to go to the party.”
“I could use a party right now.” You said as you continued doing your makeup.
“JJ, I want to go.” You looked at him angrily but softened up once you saw his face covered in blood. Remembering he had gotten into a fight because of you.
You grabbed a towel and cleaned his face as he just shook his head but allowed you to continue doing it.
You bit your lips trying to contain the tears again, you were so emotional tonight.
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered at him and he slowly took away the towel from your hands and wiped away the tears that were about to fall down your eyes with the clean side of the it.
“Don’t apologise for this,” he smiled at you, “I would do it all over again.”
You just stared at him and shook your head before smiling and softly placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Let’s go to the party.” You said and he nodded.
The two of you made sure neither Rafe nor his Kook friends were at the party after calling John B and asking him about their surroundings. You felt relieved once you got to the beach and saw no Kooks in sight.
“Thank you for letting me die.” Kie looked annoyingly at you and you quickly realised what she was talking about. You were supposed to have arrived like an hour ago to the party to help her set the recycling bins up.
“Kie I’m so sorry, I swear I was ab-“
“It was my fault,” JJ joined the conversation when he saw you struggling to make up an excuse, “I told her you told me you didn’t need her to get early so she could come with me to buy this exquisite bottle of champagne.”
You laughed at JJ as he held up Rafe’s expensive bottle of champagne, which was now yours.
“Whatever,” Kie rolled her eyes at the blonde boy, “let’s open this thing already.”
“What are we celebrating?” Pope smiled at the sight of the champagne.
“Life, brother.” JJ opened the bottle and the cork almost hit John B in the eye.
“I swear if you leave me blind JJ.” John B joked and Sarah giggled at her boyfriend.
The champagne bottle finished in less than half an hour and all of you were pretty tipsy already. You were dancing with Kie and Pope, letting go of all the anger and desperation you’d gone through a few hours ago. You wanted to get wasted tonight and have a good time with your friends.
You thought this party was going to be worry free but as you gulped down a beer you saw JJ flirting with a pretty, blonde, pale tourist and the alcohol inside of you was getting the best of your emotions.
You were used to JJ flirting and sleeping around with girls, but this time you were jealous. Very jealous. So you grabbed a shot of some cheap tequila and gulped it down.
“Woah there Y/N,” Sarah smiled at your actions, “what are we trying to forget tonight?”
“How shitty life can be.” You said.
“I thought we were celebrating life?” John B asked.
Kiara stared curiously at you as you poured yourself another shot of tequila. She knew you way too well to know something was wrong with you. You were not one to drink this much at a party after a blackout you once had that left you scarred.
You ignored your friend’s stares and gulped down the tequila shot, which was clearly not going to be your last one for the night.
And which would later end up making you make some big, embarrassing mistakes…
A/N: okay wow, did not expect many of you to actually like this series!! I’m so happy you guys are liking it. thank u so much for all your kind messages, they really motivate me to keep on writing this series. your thoughts and opinions are always welcome and remember this is a SLOW BURN fic!! take care! x
taglist: @babygirlizz​ - @atabigail - @poguesrforlife​ - @behappyitsemmalie​ - @jane-dough - @yeeedolan - @dontjinx-it - @sofiaconlaz - @fangirlwithme​ - @outermaybank - @hueycat2004 - @nope-thanks - @weasleyswizarding-wheezes - @haleswale - @hungoverhellhound - @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch - @asapkyndall - @hailiemarieeee - @emmasjulixn - @spideyyeet - @rosenbug - @cassidyiscool  - @harrysbbby - @thatshiscigar  - @kiarascarreras - @uhuh-listenboy - @normatural - @goldenariana - @heyyimlaynna - @lukvv - @irontoadllamaclam - @allisjustok - @saturno007 - @pluckypete - @pennepasta82 - @howdyherron - @perfektionsmakel - @dylanpain - @tulzu - @voidsxnsets - @shadesofbarryallen - @rimbougrine - @dolanfivsosxox - @allisjustok - @stell-rosie - @spoopysidemen​ - @optimisticherolightpanda - @dolansbeanies - @arsejungle - @missenchanted27
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
Could it be? (JJ x Reader)
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: swearing, angst???
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You considered yourself a lucky person. You were a Kook, you had a loving family and an amazing group of friends who you could also consider your family.
However, your parents were never approving of the extremely close bond you had with your friends since they were Pogues and you were one of the richest families compared to the rest of the Kooks.
You constantly got into heated arguments with your parents defending your friends but at the end of the day you did whatever you wanted, which usually meant spending every afternoon with your Pogue friends.
The sun was setting and you were spending an amazing time with your friends. Pope and JJ were pretending to fight to “practice” in case any criminals decided to get in the way. Sarah was comfortably staring at the act while being wrapped around John B’s arms and Kiara was also staring at the guys with a disapproving yet a supportive look on her face while you were just smiling at their foolishness.
“Alright so I think Sarah and I are heading back home since it’s getting pretty dark.” John B stood up from his place, helping Sarah get up and holding her hand.
“Just say you’re getting some instead of coming up with the night bullshit man.” JJ winked at his friend and John B just shook his head, hiding the smile behind his face.
“Oh please JJ.” Sarah sighed but as you made eye contact with her, she grinned at you.
“Leave them alone JJ, it is getting dark and I think I’m leaving too.” You gulped down what was left of your beer and picked up your beach bag.
“I agree with Y/N,” Kie stood up and walked towards Pope, “walk me home?”
“You don’t have to ask.” Pope replied and interlaced his arms with Kie.
“Great, another couple getting some action tonight.” JJ sighed and Kie just gave him a look.
“Sorry dude.” Pope rubbed JJ’s shoulder and Kie immediately punched Pope’s shoulder.
“Stop crying JJ,” you went up to him, “just pick some tourist up like you always do.”
JJ mocked you and you just stuck your tongue out at him.
“She’s not lying bro.” John B added.
“Well maybe I will.” JJ shrug his shoulders and grabbed another beer.
You cleared your throat and waved goodbye at your friends before agreeing on meeting tomorrow morning for breakfast by the beach.
As you walked home you couldn’t get out of your head the thought of JJ getting it on with a stupid tourist girl. You knew you had given him the idea but it’s not like he wouldn’t have done it either way. JJ had always been like that. You couldn’t blame him though, he was good looking and funny, any girl would easily fall for his charms and end up on his bed.
What he didn’t know is that you sometimes wished that girl would be you.
Of course no one knew about that, not even Kiara your best friend.
JJ and you have been friends for years and you know what the two of you have is too good and special for it to be ruined by a stupid crush you have on him. You also knew it would never be possible for JJ to think of you in that way. He has always seen you as one of the dudes, or at least that’s what you’ve always thought. He always told you about the girls he slept with and even about his old (but now gone) little crush on Kiara.
You didn’t mind that much though, because at least that had brought you closer to him. JJ’s friendship with you was something he didn’t have with neither John B nor Pope. He trusted you more than the guys and you were always the first person he would run to or tell things to no matter what.
After getting home and taking a long refreshing shower, you sat down on your bed reading your book to distract your thoughts from the fact that all of your friends (especially JJ), but you were getting laid.
You were about to finish a chapter of your book until you heard something hit your window, but you quickly ignored it blaming it on the wind. You got back to reading until multiple knocks on your window made you put down the book and take a look.
As you turned on the flashlight from your phone to see better outside, you saw your blonde friend waving at your window.
You quickly made your way downstairs to let JJ in. You were a little worried since you had no idea what would make him come to your place almost at midnight when he was supposed to be banging some girl.
“I don’t have any condoms.” You joked once you opened the door but the smile on your face faded away as soon as you saw JJ’s face covered in blood and his hand covering his stomach.
“JJ what ev-“
“Shhh!” JJ shushed you. “I don’t want your parents to know I’m here.”
“They’re not even here,” you replied and grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs, “they’ll be gone for the week for some business thing.”
“Oh so you’re home alone?” He managed to wink even with a black eye.
“Oh shut it and tell me what happened.”
“I’m alright,” he smiled, “I just wanted to know if you could let me borrow your phone to call John B and tell him I’m staying with him so I don’t have the unfortunate luck of running into him banging Sarah.”
“What happened to yours?” You asked, not believing he was alright at all.
“It died.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“God Y/N, why are you always so stubborn?” JJ sighed, “My phone died.”
“I don’t care about your phone.”
“Of course you don’t.”
“I care about the blood covering your face.”
JJ looked down on the floor and just shook his head.
“Did you run into Rafe again?” You bit your lips. Rafe Cameron was your ex boyfriend and also the worst kind of Kook you could meet. He always got into fights with your friends, especially because of the fact that you spent all your time with them and he was still into you.
“No, not really.”
You looked at JJ as he was trying to speak but then went silent. You grabbed your first aid kit and wiped the blood off his face.
“JJ,” you paused as you gently grabbed his cheek to clean it up, “who did this?”
He stared into your eyes, his were filled with tears which made your heart shrink. You had never seen him look so hurt, so vulnerable.
“My father.” He whispered almost as if he did not want you to hear.
You felt the blood rush to your head. You knew JJ’s father was impulsive and hot-headed since JJ constantly talked about his disagreements with him, but you would’ve never thought the one person who was supposed to protect and take care of him, would beat him up this way.
“Please don’t tell anyone.” His voice trembled and he avoided eye contact with you.
“I won’t.” You replied and finished aiding his face.
You noticed his hand kept pressing over his stomach.
“Take off your shirt.” You demanded.
“Never thought I would hear you say that.” He managed to smirk even with tears in his eyes.
“JJ I’m not playing.” You said seriously and he bit his lip, slowly taking off his shirt as he whimpered in pain.
You saw the multiple purple and red bruises on his stomach and felt sick. Your own eyes filled with tears but you quickly wiped them away to not let JJ know.
“This can’t keep happening.” You were angry.
“I’ll be alright.” He just shrugged.
“No JJ,” you shook your head, “I won’t allow it.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckled, “What are you going to do? Fight him?”
“Maybe.” You said seriously but he just laughed. He secretly loved that about you. You were also quick tempered and were never afraid to speak your mind and stand your ground, but he knew perfectly well he would never allow you to get near his father.
“Can I call John B now?” He sighed.
“Uh? I need a place to sleep that’s not my house.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why you’re staying here with me.”
A/N: would absolutely love to hear your opinions about this!!! let me know if you’re liking it so I can post the second chapter.
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
Could it be? Chapter 3 (JJ x Reader)
JJ x Reader
CH.1 - CH.2
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
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The sound of the birds chirping outside your window woke you up. A classic sound that never failed to make you fall more in love with your mornings.
As you opened your eyes, you saw a pair of of tanned and strong arms wrapped around you, which belonged to the boy with the golden hair you loved so much. He was peacefully asleep, his chest slowly rising up and down while his eyelashes fluttered every now and then. You carefully examined his face and felt a wave of anger fill you up as you stared at the cuts and bruises all over his cheeks.
The bruise on his left eye was turning purple and you don’t know what instinct got into you that made you softly trace your fingers across his face, careful to not hurt him or wake him up, but you failed at it.
His eyes slowly opened up and yours widened up, and you felt yourself starting to blush.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you covered your mouth, “did I hurt you?”
He smiled lazily and to your surprise, pulled you even closer to him.
“Not really,” his voice was raspy and he closed his eyes again, “it actually feels nice, can you keep doing it?”
You bit your lip to contain the smile that wanted to get out and instead poked his side, making his eyes snap wide open.
“Hey! What was that for?!”
“Get your lazy ass up.”
As much as you wanted to stay in bed with JJ, the two of you were supposed to meet with the Pogues in less than an hour for breakfast and you knew they would get suspicious if neither of you showed up. Even though, no one knew about your feelings for JJ and probably would never even imagine the two of you being something.
“I can skip breakfast,” he groaned, “your bed is too comfy, I want to stay here.”
“No you won’t skip breakfast.”
You got out of bed, pulled your hair into a quick ponytail and headed into your bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. JJ was still laying down in bed with his eyes closed and you took the time to admire the sight in front of you. The sunlight making his blonde hair look golden and him looking angelic even with his face all bruised up.
“Come on JJ, get up!”
He groaned again but finally got out of bed after you threatened to poke his sides again. He went to the bathroom to get ready while you were deciding on which swimsuit to wear.
“Why do you have so many lotions here?” He said while brushing his teeth and clearly making a mess all over your sink.
“They’re not only lotions,” you grabbed the expensive cream he was holding and placed it back on the counter, “they’re also creams, toners and liquid soaps all part of my skincare routine.”
“Do you even need all of this?” He dried his face with your pink towel, making you giggle.
“Of course I do,” you grabbed the tiny cream container and tapped some eye cream on your under-eyes, “I’m practically out in the sun all day, I need to take care of my skin alright?”
“I just put sunscreen on and call it a day.” He curiously stared at you as you finished prepping your face.
“At least you put sunscreen on.”
“What happens if you don’t wear all that?” He was still staring at you, the crease between his eyebrows showing up.
“I would get wrinkles pretty fast and the sun could damage my skin a lot,” you put some lip balm on and felt JJ’s eyes staring at your lips, “my face would be an ugly mess.”
“I doubt you could ever look ugly.” He said carelessly and you felt your cheeks turn red.
JJ was never one to compliment your looks directly to you and if he ever did, it would be as a compliment from a nice friend but nothing more.
“Right,” you cleared your throat, “well talking about skincare, how are your bruises doing?”
He sat on your bed as if he were a child waiting for his mother to sit down next to him to check on him and you stood in front of him with your soothing cream in hand.
“They’re alright, I don’t even feel them.”
“Well show me.”
He slowly took his shirt off and you could tell he was still in pain, especially from the bruises on his stomach near his ribcage. The bruises were a deeper red and purple than last night, looking way worse.
“Oh JJ,” you shook your head and were careful to not hurt him as you rubbed the soothing cream over the bruises, “they look so bad.”
“They’re okay, nothing I can’t handle.”
“You know the others are going to ask about this right? It’s going to be impossible to hide them.”
“I’ll just tell them I ran into some Kooks.”
He put his shirt back on after you were done with the soothing cream and raised an eyebrow at you as you were still standing in front of him, looking at him with a worried look on your face.
“Y/N I’m alright, let’s go.”
He stood up from sitting on the bed and stopped right in front of you since you weren’t moving. You noticed how tall he was next to you and cleared your throat after also noticing how close you were again.
“You can’t go back home.” You looked straight into his eyes which went softer.
“Maybe not tonight but eventually I’ll have to,” he placed his hand comfortably on your shoulder, “he is my father and I can’t stay with John B forever.”
“Then stay with me.”
You were quick to say that. You were scared his father would hit him again, you didn’t want him to go back and be unsafe at a place that wasn’t supposed to feel that way.
“Y/N you kn-“
“At least for this week,” you grabbed his hand, “while my parents are away, come on.”
He paused and hesitated for a minute, not breaking eye contact with you.
“Alright then.”
Once he agreed you couldn’t help the smile taking over your face which made JJ smile back at you. He was secretly way too excited to stay with you for a whole week.
You hugged him, careful to not hurt his bruises but he pulled you closer, tightening the hug without caring about the pain coming from his bruised abdomen.
“Well I’ll go get changed.”
You broke the hug and went inside the bathroom to change into a dark blue bikini and some light denim shorts since you were spending the day at the beach with your friends.
Once the two of you were ready, you headed to the beach to meet your friends and while you were walking you argued whether to tell them about JJ staying with you or coming up with a lie.
“I think they’ll eventually find out.” You desperately ran your fingers through your hair.
“It’s only for a week,” JJ grabbed a beer from your beach bag ignoring the slap you gave him on the hand for wanting alcohol so early in the morning, “we can cover it up.”
“Why should we lie about you staying with me? It just makes the whole thing look suspicious when it isn’t.”
“Because if I had to stay somewhere it would be with John B since you know,” he paused and bit his lip awkwardly, “it’s not like I sleep at girls’ houses if I’m not banging them.”
“Excuse me, what are you trying to say?” You felt insulted for some reason.
“That they would assume we are sleeping together and you know about the no Pogue on Pogue mack-“
“Why would they assume that?!” You playfully punched him on the shoulder, “We’re friends JJ, no one’s going to think that.”
“I’m just saying that’s what I’m assuming they would think.” He jokingly raised his arms as if he were a victim.
“No they wouldn’t.”
“Why are you so closed off at the idea of them thinking that we’re banging?”
“First of all, stop saying banging and uh I don’t know it’s just crazy JJ, they would never believe it.”
“So you wouldn’t do it?”
“What are you talking about?” Your voice trembled and you cursed yourself for it.
“You wouldn’t sleep with me?”
His words almost made you choke and stop walking. Your heart was beating faster than ever and you tried your best to not let the nerves get the best of you and the fact that JJ was eagerly waiting for you to respond just made you even more nervous.
“JJ what even are y-“
“I’m just messing with you Y/N,” he chuckled as you were stuttering with your words, “I think we both know it could never happen, you know.. it’s a crazy thing as you said.”
“Okay that hurt.” You thought.
“Right,” you cleared your throat and faked a laugh, “it’s crazy.”
“I just don’t want them to know about my dad you know?” He gulped down his beer, “So I think it’s best if they just think I’m still staying at home.”
“Alright then, it’ll be our secret.”
He smiled at you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you closer to him.
“It was about time you showed up!” Kie waved at the two of you while Pope finished drinking an orange juice.
“Literally cannot believe you’re drinking beer so early in the morning.” Pope pointed at JJ’s finished beer.
“Tried to stop him but he’s stubborn.” You said as you sat down next to Kie.
“Oh look the queen of stubbornness is calling me stubborn,” JJ mocked you, “I just had to start the party earlier.”
“Right, at 11 in the morning.” Kie rolled her eyes at him.
“Was the tourist girl you slept with last night into BDSM or why is your face all bruised man?” John B raised an eyebrow at JJ, knowing he had clearly gotten into a fight.
You grabbed an orange juice from Sarah’s bag and tried your best to avoid eye contact with JJ and faked your best “what’s going on?” look.
“Unfortunately I ran into some Kooks and wasn’t even able to bang any girl,” JJ smiled and you felt sick to the stomach realising how good of a liar he was and wondering if he had lied to you before about his fights with the Kooks when it had probably been his father, “but I handled them like a champion.”
“Please tell me it wasn’t my stupid brother.” Sarah sighed.
“I won’t deny anything.” JJ shrugged and Sarah grunted.
“You know ever since you broke up with him, he’s been getting into more fights with us.” Pope shook his head at you.
“It’s not her fault man.” JJ was quick to snap at Pope.
“It’s because he’s still in love with you,” Sarah said to you as she finished her sandwich, “and he can’t stand the fact that you’d rather hang with Pogues.”
“Well I can imagine,” Kie added, “both his sister and his ex-girlfriend being part of this group, which not only consists of Pogues but also Pogues who hate him.”
“Talking about annoying Kooks,” John B joined the conversation again, “I’m afraid they’re coming to the beach party tonight.”
“For hating the Pogues they sure love the parties we throw.” Pope shook his head.
After finishing your breakfast and preparing everything for tonight’s party at the beach, all of you decided to head to your own places to get ready for the party.
“Are we getting ready together Y/N?” Kie asked as she helped you clean the mess everyone had made on the beach.
“Um I don’t know Kie,” you tried to catch JJ’s attention to know if he was heading to your place but he was too busy trying to jump into Pope’s back, “I have to organise some stuff at home.”
“Well if you change your mind you can go to my place, my dad made some delicious lasagna.” She winked at you and made her way home.
You walked towards JJ and Pope to try and figure out JJ’s plan for the night.
“So,” you smiled at your friends, “are y’all hanging out before the party.”
JJ was quick to realise what you were trying to find out.
“Yeah I’m heading over to Pope’s.”
“Wanna come?” Pope said.
“No thanks, I have some stuff to do at home before the party.” You smiled at your friend’s offer and he nodded.
“Hey Y/N,” JJ grabbed your arm and pulled you further from Pope so he couldn’t hear, “before heading to the party I’ll quickly go to your place to drop my bag with all my clothes and stuff for the week okay?”
You nodded at him and waved goodbye to your friends.
You took a shower as soon as you got home and decided to clean up your room, not because of JJ or anything right? 
You played some music as you did your makeup and waited for JJ to let you know he was outside so you could let him in and the two of you could make your way to the party, but time went by and he still hadn’t shown up.
Kiara texted you telling you to get earlier to the beach so you could help her organise the recycling bins to accumulate the plastic the party would leave so you figured JJ wouldn’t come any time soon and decided to just leave to the party on your own.
As you were closing the front door of your house, you heard someone moving behind you and figured it would be JJ, but as soon as you turned around, you were met with the one person you wanted to see the least.
Rafe Cameron.
A/N: this one was a pretty long one! sorry for any grammar mistakes, I’ll make sure to fix them tomorrow. thank u so much for everyone letting me know you’re liking the story so far! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! sending love.
taglist: @babygirlizz​ - @atabigail - @poguesrforlife​ - @behappyitsemmalie​ - @jane-dough - @yeeedolan - @dontjinx-it - @sofiaconlaz - @fangirlwithme​ 
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
Could it be? Chapter 3 (JJ x Reader)
JJ x Reader
CH.1 - CH.2
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
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The sound of the birds chirping outside your window woke you up. A classic sound that never failed to make you fall more in love with your mornings.
As you opened your eyes, you saw a pair of of tanned and strong arms wrapped around you, which belonged to the boy with the golden hair you loved so much. He was peacefully asleep, his chest slowly rising up and down while his eyelashes fluttered every now and then. You carefully examined his face and felt a wave of anger fill you up as you stared at the cuts and bruises all over his cheeks.
The bruise on his left eye was turning purple and you don’t know what instinct got into you that made you softly trace your fingers across his face, careful to not hurt him or wake him up, but you failed at it.
His eyes slowly opened up and yours widened up, and you felt yourself starting to blush.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you covered your mouth, “did I hurt you?”
He smiled lazily and to your surprise, pulled you even closer to him.
“Not really,” his voice was raspy and he closed his eyes again, “it actually feels nice, can you keep doing it?”
You bit your lip to contain the smile that wanted to get out and instead poked his side, making his eyes snap wide open.
“Hey! What was that for?!”
“Get your lazy ass up.”
As much as you wanted to stay in bed with JJ, the two of you were supposed to meet with the Pogues in less than an hour for breakfast and you knew they would get suspicious if neither of you showed up. Even though, no one knew about your feelings for JJ and probably would never even imagine the two of you being something.
“I can skip breakfast,” he groaned, “your bed is too comfy, I want to stay here.”
“No you won’t skip breakfast.”
You got out of bed, pulled your hair into a quick ponytail and headed into your bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. JJ was still laying down in bed with his eyes closed and you took the time to admire the sight in front of you. The sunlight making his blonde hair look golden and him looking angelic even with his face all bruised up.
“Come on JJ, get up!”
He groaned again but finally got out of bed after you threatened to poke his sides again. He went to the bathroom to get ready while you were deciding on which swimsuit to wear.
“Why do you have so many lotions here?” He said while brushing his teeth and clearly making a mess all over your sink.
“They’re not only lotions,” you grabbed the expensive cream he was holding and placed it back on the counter, “they’re also creams, toners and liquid soaps all part of my skincare routine.”
“Do you even need all of this?” He dried his face with your pink towel, making you giggle.
“Of course I do,” you grabbed the tiny cream container and tapped some eye cream on your under-eyes, “I’m practically out in the sun all day, I need to take care of my skin alright?”
“I just put sunscreen on and call it a day.” He curiously stared at you as you finished prepping your face.
“At least you put sunscreen on.”
“What happens if you don’t wear all that?” He was still staring at you, the crease between his eyebrows showing up.
“I would get wrinkles pretty fast and the sun could damage my skin a lot,” you put some lip balm on and felt JJ’s eyes staring at your lips, “my face would be an ugly mess.”
“I doubt you could ever look ugly.” He said carelessly and you felt your cheeks turn red.
JJ was never one to compliment your looks directly to you and if he ever did, it would be as a compliment from a nice friend but nothing more.
“Right,” you cleared your throat, “well talking about skincare, how are your bruises doing?”
He sat on your bed as if he were a child waiting for his mother to sit down next to him to check on him and you stood in front of him with your soothing cream in hand.
“They’re alright, I don’t even feel them.”
“Well show me.”
He slowly took his shirt off and you could tell he was still in pain, especially from the bruises on his stomach near his ribcage. The bruises were a deeper red and purple than last night, looking way worse.
“Oh JJ,” you shook your head and were careful to not hurt him as you rubbed the soothing cream over the bruises, “they look so bad.”
“They’re okay, nothing I can’t handle.”
“You know the others are going to ask about this right? It’s going to be impossible to hide them.”
“I’ll just tell them I ran into some Kooks.”
He put his shirt back on after you were done with the soothing cream and raised an eyebrow at you as you were still standing in front of him, looking at him with a worried look on your face.
“Y/N I’m alright, let’s go.”
He stood up from sitting on the bed and stopped right in front of you since you weren’t moving. You noticed how tall he was next to you and cleared your throat after also noticing how close you were again.
“You can’t go back home.” You looked straight into his eyes which went softer.
“Maybe not tonight but eventually I’ll have to,” he placed his hand comfortably on your shoulder, “he is my father and I can’t stay with John B forever.”
“Then stay with me.”
You were quick to say that. You were scared his father would hit him again, you didn’t want him to go back and be unsafe at a place that wasn’t supposed to feel that way.
“Y/N you kn-“
“At least for this week,” you grabbed his hand, “while my parents are away, come on.”
He paused and hesitated for a minute, not breaking eye contact with you.
“Alright then.”
Once he agreed you couldn’t help the smile taking over your face which made JJ smile back at you. He was secretly way too excited to stay with you for a whole week.
You hugged him, careful to not hurt his bruises but he pulled you closer, tightening the hug without caring about the pain coming from his bruised abdomen.
“Well I’ll go get changed.”
You broke the hug and went inside the bathroom to change into a dark blue bikini and some light denim shorts since you were spending the day at the beach with your friends.
Once the two of you were ready, you headed to the beach to meet your friends and while you were walking you argued whether to tell them about JJ staying with you or coming up with a lie.
“I think they’ll eventually find out.” You desperately ran your fingers through your hair.
“It’s only for a week,” JJ grabbed a beer from your beach bag ignoring the slap you gave him on the hand for wanting alcohol so early in the morning, “we can cover it up.”
“Why should we lie about you staying with me? It just makes the whole thing look suspicious when it isn’t.”
“Because if I had to stay somewhere it would be with John B since you know,” he paused and bit his lip awkwardly, “it’s not like I sleep at girls’ houses if I’m not banging them.”
“Excuse me, what are you trying to say?” You felt insulted for some reason.
“That they would assume we are sleeping together and you know about the no Pogue on Pogue mack-“
“Why would they assume that?!” You playfully punched him on the shoulder, “We’re friends JJ, no one’s going to think that.”
“I’m just saying that’s what I’m assuming they would think.” He jokingly raised his arms as if he were a victim.
“No they wouldn’t.”
“Why are you so closed off at the idea of them thinking that we’re banging?”
“First of all, stop saying banging and uh I don’t know it’s just crazy JJ, they would never believe it.”
“So you wouldn’t do it?”
“What are you talking about?” Your voice trembled and you cursed yourself for it.
“You wouldn’t sleep with me?”
His words almost made you choke and stop walking. Your heart was beating faster than ever and you tried your best to not let the nerves get the best of you and the fact that JJ was eagerly waiting for you to respond just made you even more nervous.
“JJ what even are y-“
“I’m just messing with you Y/N,” he chuckled as you were stuttering with your words, “I think we both know it could never happen, you know.. it’s a crazy thing as you said.”
“Okay that hurt.” You thought.
“Right,” you cleared your throat and faked a laugh, “it’s crazy.”
“I just don’t want them to know about my dad you know?” He gulped down his beer, “So I think it’s best if they just think I’m still staying at home.”
“Alright then, it’ll be our secret.”
He smiled at you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you closer to him.
“It was about time you showed up!” Kie waved at the two of you while Pope finished drinking an orange juice.
“Literally cannot believe you’re drinking beer so early in the morning.” Pope pointed at JJ’s finished beer.
“Tried to stop him but he’s stubborn.” You said as you sat down next to Kie.
“Oh look the queen of stubbornness is calling me stubborn,” JJ mocked you, “I just had to start the party earlier.”
“Right, at 11 in the morning.” Kie rolled her eyes at him.
“Was the tourist girl you slept with last night into BDSM or why is your face all bruised man?” John B raised an eyebrow at JJ, knowing he had clearly gotten into a fight.
You grabbed an orange juice from Sarah’s bag and tried your best to avoid eye contact with JJ and faked your best “what’s going on?” look.
“Unfortunately I ran into some Kooks and wasn’t even able to bang any girl,” JJ smiled and you felt sick to the stomach realising how good of a liar he was and wondering if he had lied to you before about his fights with the Kooks when it had probably been his father, “but I handled them like a champion.”
“Please tell me it wasn’t my stupid brother.” Sarah sighed.
“I won’t deny anything.” JJ shrugged and Sarah grunted.
“You know ever since you broke up with him, he’s been getting into more fights with us.” Pope shook his head at you.
“It’s not her fault man.” JJ was quick to snap at Pope.
“It’s because he’s still in love with you,” Sarah said to you as she finished her sandwich, “and he can’t stand the fact that you’d rather hang with Pogues.”
“Well I can imagine,” Kie added, “both his sister and his ex-girlfriend being part of this group, which not only consists of Pogues but also Pogues who hate him.”
“Talking about annoying Kooks,” John B joined the conversation again, “I’m afraid they’re coming to the beach party tonight.”
“For hating the Pogues they sure love the parties we throw.” Pope shook his head.
After finishing your breakfast and preparing everything for tonight’s party at the beach, all of you decided to head to your own places to get ready for the party.
“Are we getting ready together Y/N?” Kie asked as she helped you clean the mess everyone had made on the beach.
“Um I don’t know Kie,” you tried to catch JJ’s attention to know if he was heading to your place but he was too busy trying to jump into Pope’s back, “I have to organise some stuff at home.”
“Well if you change your mind you can go to my place, my dad made some delicious lasagna.” She winked at you and made her way home.
You walked towards JJ and Pope to try and figure out JJ’s plan for the night.
“So,” you smiled at your friends, “are y’all hanging out before the party.”
JJ was quick to realise what you were trying to find out.
“Yeah I’m heading over to Pope’s.”
“Wanna come?” Pope said.
“No thanks, I have some stuff to do at home before the party.” You smiled at your friend’s offer and he nodded.
“Hey Y/N,” JJ grabbed your arm and pulled you further from Pope so he couldn’t hear, “before heading to the party I’ll quickly go to your place to drop my bag with all my clothes and stuff for the week okay?”
You nodded at him and waved goodbye to your friends.
You took a shower as soon as you got home and decided to clean up your room, not because of JJ or anything right? 
You played some music as you did your makeup and waited for JJ to let you know he was outside so you could let him in and the two of you could make your way to the party, but time went by and he still hadn’t shown up.
Kiara texted you telling you to get earlier to the beach so you could help her organise the recycling bins to accumulate the plastic the party would leave so you figured JJ wouldn’t come any time soon and decided to just leave to the party on your own.
As you were closing the front door of your house, you heard someone moving behind you and figured it would be JJ, but as soon as you turned around, you were met with the one person you wanted to see the least.
Rafe Cameron.
A/N: this one was a pretty long one! sorry for any grammar mistakes, I’ll make sure to fix them tomorrow. thank u so much for everyone letting me know you’re liking the story so far! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! sending love.
taglist: @babygirlizz​ - @atabigail - @poguesrforlife​ - @behappyitsemmalie​ - @jane-dough - @yeeedolan - @dontjinx-it - @sofiaconlaz - @fangirlwithme​ 
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
lover of mine (JJ x reader)
Description: all you need to know is that this was inspired by 5sos’ song Lover of Mine, so please go listen to this while or before reading this. you won’t regret it.
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You were a Kook, he was a Pogue, your lives were completely different, but none of it mattered.
Your friendship with the rest of the group was stronger than any label. 
You and Kiara had joined John B, Pope and JJ a long time ago and became inseparable ever since, ignoring all the snappy remarks the other Kooks would throw at the two of you every now and then for hanging out with Pogues. 
Your family was very rich, but they were also very loving and understanding of letting you hang out with Pogues at first. They had even met your friends and invited them over a few times, which of course led to some family friendships ending because of that.
You loved your friends deeply but as time went by you developed feelings for the blonde one with the blue eyes. You couldn’t blame yourself for it though since the two of you shared a much closer bond after he helped you sneak out of your house one night to go smoke some weed with him by a fireplace and from that day on, you did that whenever you both could.
You loved those nights. The two of you alone with no care in the world, talking about anything and everything. It brought you closer to one another. 
It wasn’t until one night when you noticed something different on his face. He had a black eye and scratches on his neck, and that was the night he told you about his dad. 
The anger you felt after his confession was unexplainable but he assured you he knew how to handle him and begged you to stay out of it. 
Time went by and the two of you started dating. The rest of the group never failing to make fun of you whenever they could and the two of you eventually getting used to it. 
Everything was great between you and JJ, everything except the latest fights the two of you have been getting into. It all started after John B decided to start his search on his dad and trouble got inside your friendship group.
You knew JJ like the back of your palm and vice versa. You knew he had a hot temper, he was reckless, carefree and never thought before acting, which got him into trouble many times. You on the other hand were an over thinker who even though also had a hot temper, did think before acting. You care about your family and always try to come up with better ways of doing things without causing a scene, and trying to get JJ to avoid causing trouble was getting harder as things got more complicated.
Even though your family was very understanding and loved JJ, they did not agree on you dating him since they knew about his lifestyle and family trouble. Your family not agreeing with your love life had made you get into fights with them, screaming, throwing insults and sneaking out of the house to get away from them which never made you feel good at the end of the day. But you loved JJ and you would give it all for him.
“This boy is changing you Y/N!” your father raised his voice, “You’re not like this.”
“That’s where you’re wrong!” you raised your voice higher, “I’ve always been this way and I’m tired of having to fake being the perfect daughter!”
“Y/N stop this.” Your mother begged.
“You’re screwing up your future!” Your dad replied.
“I’ll do as I please!” You screamed before leaving your house and running to the port to meet your friends.
That was one of the many recents fights you had gotten into with your family. They were worried and as much as you tried to explain them, they just wouldn’t understand and you were getting suffocated. JJ was your escape and you were his.
It wasn’t until one night things got messy between the two of you. JJ had just gotten into a fight with his dad and you were not having it.
“This cannot keep happening.” You said as you were cleaning up an open cut near his eyebrow.
“It’s alright Y/N.” 
“No, it’s not!” You raised your voice, surprising him a little at your sudden change of tone.
“You don’t deserve this JJ.” You lowered down your voice and stood up from the sand.
“Where are you going?” He followed you.
“I’m going to your place to speak to your dad.”
“You’re crazy.” He chuckled, but you could tell he was serious.
“Call me whatever you want, I’m doing it.” You turned around and made your way but he was quick to grab your arm and stop you.
“You’re not going.” His voice was low and serious.
“Let me go JJ.”
“You need to stop this Y/N, seriously.” 
“Stop what? Caring about you? Wanting you to be safe? What JJ?” You were getting annoyed and so was he. Two hot tempers together.
“Stop fucking your life because of me!” He screamed.
“Excuse me?” you replied, “I’m not fucking up my lif-“
“You are!” he interrupted you, “You’re losing scholarships, you’re getting into fights with your family, losing potential friendships with the rich kids, losing a bright future because you’re dating me!”
“JJ th-“
“I think we just shouldn’t be together.” His words hit you like a thousand knives.
“What?” Your voice was soft now, you felt tears form inside your eyes and noticed JJ look away from you, not being able to look at your teary eyed face.
“Our lives are too different, you deserve better things.” He blinked away the tears forming in his eyes.
“So do you!” 
“Y/N, I can’t do this.” He took one last look at your face and walked away, leaving you on your own.
Days went by and you didn’t see each other at all, the rest of the group trying to bring you back together but it never worked. The two of you refused to hang out if it meant having to see each other so they took turns visiting you, Kiara being the one to help you with the breakup the most.
You were going through an awful time but he was having it worse, getting into fights not only with his dad but with other guys, being a pain in the ass even to Pope and John B as he was just irritated and angry all the time.
Then one night, you heard a knock on your window and thought about JJ, that’s how he let you know he was outside waiting for you to sneak out, but it just couldn’t be. 
But there was another knock, so you went to look.
And there he was.
A teary eyed JJ standing outside of your house.
It didn’t take long for you to get out and meet him, a mix of emotions running through your head.
“What are yo-“
“I love you Y/N,” his voice was shaking, “I need you in my life.”
You looked at his blue eyes, they were red and tired. 
“I never wanted to break up with you,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “god you’re everything I’ve ever wanted and when I look at my life all I know is that you’re the only thing that I got right.”
You walked closer to him.
“And now I lost you.”
“JJ.” You were shaking your head, struggling to find any words.
“Because of my fault,” tears were falling down his face, “but you need to understand that it’s because I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want you to lose this amazing life I wish I had because of me. Y/N, I have nothing to give you and you still-“
You cut him off by jumping at him and kissing his softly then passionately. 
“Shut up you idiot,” you smiled with tears between your eyes, “I’m not losing anything by being with you, in fact I’m gaining more. I’m gaining more happiness, more freedom, more fun, more love. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and I want to be there for you and I want us to be together and I want you to be alri- ”
“I love you.” He whispered before giving you a small peck.
“I love you too.” 
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
Serendipity (Part 1)
Ben Hardy x Reader (ft. Harry Styles)
Summary: The reader is a famous actress who just got out of a relationship with no other than Harry Styles. She thinks she is done with love until she meets a special blonde man who changes her mind.
A/N: I love Ben Hardy and I love Harry Styles so this series will be everything I’ve ever wanted to write about. 
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“And we’re done with your hair!” Olivia, your hairstylist said excitedly as she took out her phone to snap a picture of your loose curls. 
“I love it Liv,” you smiled once she showed you the picture, “you’re amazing.”
“Always a pleasure to do your hair Y/N.” She smiled sweetly at you before posting the picture on her instagram.
“Y/N!” You heard the voice of your manager Andrew somewhere around the room.
You watched as he walked into the hotel room where you were getting ready for the red carpet of the SAG Awards. He was holding two cups of coffee while somehow managing to be talking on the phone.
“Is that coffee for me?” You asked as Andrew sat down on the bed and ended the call.
“Yes dear,” he sighed as he looked at his phone, “we’re going to have to change your earring for the Dior ones.”
“Huh?” You replied, pretending to care.
“The company called and they are offering us a better deal if you wear their jewelry for the awards,” he said and gestured at one of the assistants to take off your earrings, “so we’re changing the Chanel ones for the Dior ones.”
“Alright, alright.” You nodded and took a look at yourself in the mirror.
You were wearing a beautiful, royal blue designer dress, your hair was styled in loose curls falling perfectly down your back and your makeup made your big eyes stand out even more. You looked stunning and you felt confident with the way you looked, but a part of you was a little nervous of going to the awards show. 
“Take a deep breath dear.” Andrew held your hand once he noticed you starting to get a little anxious.
Having worked with you since the beginning of your career as an actress, has made him know you like the back of his hand. 
“I’m okay.” You exhaled and closed your eyes for a few seconds.
“I know you are.” He nodded and smiled sweetly at you.
The reason why you were anxious about assisting to an awards show even though it’s something you’ve been doing for a long time, was that this time it was going to be different. 
You had distanced yourself from the media and cancelled your assistance to the past award shows during the last 4 months, meaning that the majority of people hadn’t heard from you for a long time and your fans were eager to finally see you. 
You avoided all of that because of your breakup with no other than Harry Styles. 
You had dated for 4 years and pretty much were Hollywood’s favorite young couple. Almost everyone loved your relationship and the whole world knew about the two of you. 
People had started to assume your relationship with Harry ended after you disappeared from the cameras and social media and Harry went to Japan for a whole month without you. 
Twitter and Instagram were filled with people talking and asking you about Harry and vice versa, and a bunch of articles were written analyzing your relationship and writing about their theories on your breakup, but the two of you refused to say anything about it. 
You weren’t ready to face interviewers, fans and paparazzis asking you about your breakup, but being one of the most recognized actresses in the whole world and having dated an extremely famous singer wasn’t going to let you avoid it.
Andrew went insane when you stopped assisting to awards, press conferences and interviews since your most recent movie, which has gotten you nominated for “Best Actress”, had just come out not even 5 months ago and the public was starving to get a piece from you.
“I just don’t want to talk about Harry.” You whispered.
“You don’t have to Y/N,” Andrew said as he placed a hand on your shoulder, “just answer questions about the movie dear, your love life is no business to them.”
You nodded and grabbed Andrew’s arm to walk outside the hotel and head over to the SAG Awards.
Once the limo arrived to the destination, you remained in your seat for quite a while. 
“Take your time,” Andrew said to you while checking his phone, “but not too much darling, you don’t want to miss the ceremony.”
You laughed softly and decided to check your phone to get a little distracted from the crowd outside. You opened Twitter and saw the thousands of tweets you were getting from your fans and other people about you finally assisting to the awards. You smiled at yourself as you looked through the tweets from your fans wishing you luck to win the award and fangirling over what you were going to wear.
“I’m ready.” You sighed and handed your phone to the assistant.
“And I’m excited!” Andrew squealed and opened the door to help you out of the limo.
As soon as you stepped out of the limo you heard the crowd go crazy and saw the cameras flash at you.
“Over here.” Andrew whispered at your ear and walked you down the carpet.
“Y/N look at the camera!” “Y/N!” “Y/N please here!” 
You heard the people scream at you in hopes of catching your attention.
You smiled at the crowd and waved at the fans as you positioned yourself on the spot so everyone could take your pictures. 
You had missed this a lot but you still felt weird not having your now ex-boyfriend by your side since you had gotten used to bringing him along to award shows and you were sure everyone else was also noticing the curly haired boy missing next you.
After almost going blind from the thousand of flashes and lights at you, Andrew signaled you to a woman who was waiting to interview you. 
You took a deep breath and walked towards her, giving her the sweetest smile you could.
“Y/N how the world has missed you!” The interviewer flashed a big smile at you as she held her microphone close to your face.
“I missed the world too.” You replied, still smiling.
“First of all,” she looked directly at you, “why did you disappear? Where have you been? What have you been doing?”
Of course they were going to ask me this. 
“I just needed a little time for myself, that’s all.” You said and she nodded.
“Well you look stunning tonight!” She exclaimed as she pointed at your dress and the cameraman recorded you up and down.
“Thank you so much!” You smiled.
“Why didn’t you bring Harry Styles tonight?” She gave you the fakest smile ever and you could feel the pressure as your hands started sweating.
You saw this coming and you knew it was just a matter of time until someone asked you about him.
You avoided looking at the camera knowing thousands of people were watching this and even more were going to see this once it’s uploaded somewhere on the internet.
“I’m on my own tonight.” You said and gave her a fake smile back before walking away from her, not even giving her a chance to ask something else or say goodbye.
Tears started to build up in your eyes and you blinked rapidly in hopes of them fading away. 
You felt your anxiety start to build up and your breathing becoming quicker every second that went by, so you just walked and walked until you could get inside the theatre where the awards were taking place.
You ignored the people screaming your name, wanting to take pictures and to interview you, and you were sure you even ignored Andrew’s call for you, but all you really wanted was to be alone right now.
So you walked faster towards the main entrance, still avoiding to look up at anyone. 
Thoughts about your breakup, the fans, the media and the awards show were invading your mind and you tried to calm down until you felt your body crash onto someone else’s, making you lose your balance before you felt a strong pair of arms grab you by the shoulders.
“I’m so sorry.” You said in a rush, not really wanting to talk to someone.
“No don’t be sorry, it’s my fault I’m blocking the way to the entrance.” A deep voice made you look at the person in front of you.
You had no idea how or why, but you instantly felt a wave of relief and calmness which made your anxiety fade away. You looked at the beautiful, green eyes of the man who was talking to you and felt your heart flutter. His warm hands on your shoulders made you blush a little but to your surprise, he was blushing too.
He smiled softly at you and even though the place was filled with people, loud music, cameras and screams, your attention was only focused on the blonde man standing in front of you.
“I’m Ben Hardy,” he said before reaching a hand out to you, “I already know who you are, so it’s my pleasure to meet you.”
Part 2
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
Could it be? (JJ x Reader)
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: swearing, angst???
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You considered yourself a lucky person. You were a Kook, you had a loving family and an amazing group of friends who you could also consider your family.
However, your parents were never approving of the extremely close bond you had with your friends since they were Pogues and you were one of the richest families compared to the rest of the Kooks.
You constantly got into heated arguments with your parents defending your friends but at the end of the day you did whatever you wanted, which usually meant spending every afternoon with your Pogue friends.
The sun was setting and you were spending an amazing time with your friends. Pope and JJ were pretending to fight to “practice” in case any criminals decided to get in the way. Sarah was comfortably staring at the act while being wrapped around John B’s arms and Kiara was also staring at the guys with a disapproving yet a supportive look on her face while you were just smiling at their foolishness.
“Alright so I think Sarah and I are heading back home since it’s getting pretty dark.” John B stood up from his place, helping Sarah get up and holding her hand.
“Just say you’re getting some instead of coming up with the night bullshit man.” JJ winked at his friend and John B just shook his head, hiding the smile behind his face.
“Oh please JJ.” Sarah sighed but as you made eye contact with her, she grinned at you.
“Leave them alone JJ, it is getting dark and I think I’m leaving too.” You gulped down what was left of your beer and picked up your beach bag.
“I agree with Y/N,” Kie stood up and walked towards Pope, “walk me home?”
“You don’t have to ask.” Pope replied and interlaced his arms with Kie.
“Great, another couple getting some action tonight.” JJ sighed and Kie just gave him a look.
“Sorry dude.” Pope rubbed JJ’s shoulder and Kie immediately punched Pope’s shoulder.
“Stop crying JJ,” you went up to him, “just pick some tourist up like you always do.”
JJ mocked you and you just stuck your tongue out at him.
“She’s not lying bro.” John B added.
“Well maybe I will.” JJ shrug his shoulders and grabbed another beer.
You cleared your throat and waved goodbye at your friends before agreeing on meeting tomorrow morning for breakfast by the beach.
As you walked home you couldn’t get out of your head the thought of JJ getting it on with a stupid tourist girl. You knew you had given him the idea but it’s not like he wouldn’t have done it either way. JJ had always been like that. You couldn’t blame him though, he was good looking and funny, any girl would easily fall for his charms and end up on his bed.
What he didn’t know is that you sometimes wished that girl would be you.
Of course no one knew about that, not even Kiara your best friend.
JJ and you have been friends for years and you know what the two of you have is too good and special for it to be ruined by a stupid crush you have on him. You also knew it would never be possible for JJ to think of you in that way. He has always seen you as one of the dudes, or at least that’s what you’ve always thought. He always told you about the girls he slept with and even about his old (but now gone) little crush on Kiara.
You didn’t mind that much though, because at least that had brought you closer to him. JJ’s friendship with you was something he didn’t have with neither John B nor Pope. He trusted you more than the guys and you were always the first person he would run to or tell things to no matter what.
After getting home and taking a long refreshing shower, you sat down on your bed reading your book to distract your thoughts from the fact that all of your friends (especially JJ), but you were getting laid.
You were about to finish a chapter of your book until you heard something hit your window, but you quickly ignored it blaming it on the wind. You got back to reading until multiple knocks on your window made you put down the book and take a look.
As you turned on the flashlight from your phone to see better outside, you saw your blonde friend waving at your window.
You quickly made your way downstairs to let JJ in. You were a little worried since you had no idea what would make him come to your place almost at midnight when he was supposed to be banging some girl.
“I don’t have any condoms.” You joked once you opened the door but the smile on your face faded away as soon as you saw JJ’s face covered in blood and his hand covering his stomach.
“JJ what ev-“
“Shhh!” JJ shushed you. “I don’t want your parents to know I’m here.”
“They’re not even here,” you replied and grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs, “they’ll be gone for the week for some business thing.”
“Oh so you’re home alone?” He managed to wink even with a black eye.
“Oh shut it and tell me what happened.”
“I’m alright,” he smiled, “I just wanted to know if you could let me borrow your phone to call John B and tell him I’m staying with him so I don’t have the unfortunate luck of running into him banging Sarah.”
“What happened to yours?” You asked, not believing he was alright at all.
“It died.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“God Y/N, why are you always so stubborn?” JJ sighed, “My phone died.”
“I don’t care about your phone.”
“Of course you don’t.”
“I care about the blood covering your face.”
JJ looked down on the floor and just shook his head.
“Did you run into Rafe again?” You bit your lips. Rafe Cameron was your ex boyfriend and also the worst kind of Kook you could meet. He always got into fights with your friends, especially because of the fact that you spent all your time with them and he was still into you.
“No, not really.”
You looked at JJ as he was trying to speak but then went silent. You grabbed your first aid kit and wiped the blood off his face.
“JJ,” you paused as you gently grabbed his cheek to clean it up, “who did this?”
He stared into your eyes, his were filled with tears which made your heart shrink. You had never seen him look so hurt, so vulnerable.
“My father.” He whispered almost as if he did not want you to hear.
You felt the blood rush to your head. You knew JJ’s father was impulsive and hot-headed since JJ constantly talked about his disagreements with him, but you would’ve never thought the one person who was supposed to protect and take care of him, would beat him up this way.
“Please don’t tell anyone.” His voice trembled and he avoided eye contact with you.
“I won’t.” You replied and finished aiding his face.
You noticed his hand kept pressing over his stomach.
“Take off your shirt.” You demanded.
“Never thought I would hear you say that.” He managed to smirk even with tears in his eyes.
“JJ I’m not playing.” You said seriously and he bit his lip, slowly taking off his shirt as he whimpered in pain.
You saw the multiple purple and red bruises on his stomach and felt sick. Your own eyes filled with tears but you quickly wiped them away to not let JJ know.
“This can’t keep happening.” You were angry.
“I’ll be alright.” He just shrugged.
“No JJ,” you shook your head, “I won’t allow it.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckled, “What are you going to do? Fight him?”
“Maybe.” You said seriously but he just laughed. He secretly loved that about you. You were also quick tempered and were never afraid to speak your mind and stand your ground, but he knew perfectly well he would never allow you to get near his father.
“Can I call John B now?” He sighed.
“Uh? I need a place to sleep that’s not my house.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why you’re staying here with me.”
A/N: would absolutely love to hear your opinions about this!!! let me know if you’re liking it so I can post the second chapter.
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
we said forever (ch.3)
ch.1 - ch.2 
A/N: thank u so much for reading!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think. I cannot wait to write about Y/N’s interaction with Harry after the breakup…
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It was hard to sleep without the image of Harry and Camille coming into your thoughts every few seconds. You tried your best to distract your mind from it and focus on something else, like the upcoming release of your movie, but it just wasn’t enough to drift your mind away from the blonde woman holding the man who was still the love of your life.
You probably managed to get around four hours of sleep before your alarm woke you up. You felt tired and wanted to sleep some more but remembered that today was the day you were meeting with your manager to get your life back on track again.
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you noticed how different you looked now and thought about how real it is when people say that breakups change you.
Your face looked sad.
There was just something about it that made you look so sad and empty, which made you tear up. You wanted to stop feeling this way and you wanted even more to look better than before.
You covered up what you thought looked bad with some makeup and managed to feel a bit better about yourself. You made yourself a cup of coffee and decided to order bagels once you arrived at your office.
Once you arrived at your office, you were greeted by a very optimistic and happy Andrew, your manager, which was followed by a tight hug.
“So happy you’re back!”
“Glad to be here.”
You smiled and stared at him. You could tell he was genuinely happy you were ready to get back to business and he was also relieved the press for the movie could start now.
“Francesca is arriving in about 20 minutes,” Andrew sighed as he picked up his phone to violently type something, “your bagels are on their way too.”
“Good, I’m starving.”
“You look…” He paused as he stared at you, a look of confusion and surprise all over his face, “different.”
“Yeah that’s probably because I lost a little weight and haven’t been getting any sleep.” You cracked a smile to cover up the mess you had become.
“Oh dear,” he shook his head, “you’ll be alright, you just need to get back to your routine and you’ll recover your power.”
You nodded silently and grabbed your phone, trying your best to not open Twitter in case that picture of Harry and Camille popped up.
busy tonight?
You thought it would be a good idea to hang out with Saoirse to get back in track with the world, have a good chat with a friend and get excited about your movie, so you texted her.
Hey Y/N!! Good to hear from ya… I’m free tonight, what’s on your mind? :)
You smiled at the text from your friend, this was going to help you a lot.
let’s grab something to eat at the Beachwood Cafe.
Sounds good! See you at 6?
see you Saoirse!
The smell of the bagels inside the office made your stomach grumble and you were quick to stand up from the sofa and grab your breakfast. The taste of the cream cheese and salmon making you remember how good life could be sometimes.
“Francesca is here!” Andrew said a little too loud and opened the door to greet the tall, platinum blonde haired woman.
Francesca was your hairstylist, she had been doing your hair ever since your career started and you were always happy with the results. Not that you’d ever done something crazy to your hair (unless it was for a movie, which was usually a wig), but you always loved the results.
“Hello sweetheart.” Andrew kissed her on the cheek.
“How’s life treating you Andrew?” She said with a big smile on her face.
“A bit better now that Y/N’s back to work.”
“Y/N dear!”, she squealed as she walked towards you with a look of adoration on her face, you were like a daughter to her, “I’m glad you’re back!”
You helped her set everything up after finishing your breakfast and heard Francesca and Andrew talk about some recent gossip from Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik. You were so lost with what was going around in the entertainment industry and you honestly didn’t care that much, unless it involved any of your friends.
“So what do you have on mind for me?” You asked Francesca as she mixed colours and grabbed hair brushes.
“I’m bringing back your power dear.” She giggled.
“Nothing too different honey, don’t you trust me?”
You sighed and looked at her before nodding and relaxing on the chair. You did not want her to give you a drastic change since you didn’t want to seem like a cry for attention after going through a breakup, it just wasn’t you.
While Francesca did your hair, you went through your schedule for the press release of the movie with Andrew and couldn’t help but feel excited to go back to work even if things were going to be a little different now.
Time went by and you received a text message from Saoirse.
Hey is it okay if Timothée joins us tonight?
yeah, no problem :)
You didn’t think much about it. You had met Timothée Chalamet a few times before and he was a nice guy and a really good actor, but you wouldn’t really call him a friend so you were excited to get to know him better.
“Y/N, I don’t want to bring up this conversation but eventually we’re going to have to talk about this so it’s better to do it now.” Andrew’s words made your heart skip a beat, since you knew exactly what he wanted to talk about.
“Yeah, it’s alright.” You sighed.
“So the press is going to be all over you and they might ask you about Harry, “ he looked straight into your eyes, afraid you would break anytime soon, “do you know.. uh you know…”
“Have I talked to him? No, I haven’t.” You cut him off.
“But do y-“
“Know that he’s with Camille now?” You asked coldly.
Francesca bit her lips and focused on drying your hair while Andrew cleared his throat and nodded.
“I saw something on Twitter last night so I can only assume they’re a thing.” You said and took a sip of your coffee, trying your hardest to not cry.
“Well, they are.”
You knew what Andrew’s response was going to be but it still hit you like a thousand knives.
“They went public a month and a half after your breakup.” He finished.
“What do you mean they went public?” you raised your voice, which caught Andrew and Francesca by surprise, “Did Harry tweet or post something about her or what do you mean by that huh? Because he is not the type to make a relationship public.”
Andrew scratched his neck as he grabbed his phone, trying his best to not make eye contact with you since he did not want to see you cry.
“She posted a picture with him and later he confirmed it on a radio interview.” He said quietly.
You just nodded and felt your eyes getting teary.
“Well,” you fake laughed, “it’s what he and his team wanted anyway right?”
Andrew remained quiet and Francesca noticing the awkward silence, decided to join the conversation.
“Oh honey,” she exclaimed, “who needs a man anyway?”
You smiled at her in a thankful way and stared at your finished hair.
You let a tear fall down your face and brushed it off with a smile as you touched your hair.
You looked really great.
She had darkened up your hair a bit and given it a better form as well as a special keratin treatment which ended up looking amazing. You felt like a new woman and you were definitely ready to get back your life.
After saying goodbye to your manager and thanking Francesca for helping your self esteem get back on track, you headed to the Beachwood Cafe to meet Saoirse and Timothée, clearly not expecting to run into the one and only Harry Styles with his new girlfriend.
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
we said forever (ch.2)
A/N: I just could not wait to post the second chapter until tomorrow so I had to post it now. I enjoy writing with my whole heart and I’m having so many ideas for this series. would love to hear your opinions and thoughts on this. next chapter will be up until next week. be safe and take care.
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A grunt escaped from your lips as your phone ran loudly above the coffee table. You had no idea how or when you’d ended up falling asleep on the sofa but you were grateful you’d been able to get some sleep since it’s what you needed after all those sleepless and lonely nights you’ve been spending lately.
The name of your manager, Andrew, showed up on the caller ID and before answering the call, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
“It was about time you picked up the phone.” He sounded annoyed but at the same time calmer than his usual self.
He was being extremely patient with you since the breakup letting you take days off, checking up on you every now and then, making the PR team work on deleting and ending the gossip built around you and taking over your social media, but you knew that enough was enough and you needed to get back to work.
Especially now with the upcoming release of the big movie you were starring in, there were interviews and press releases to be done and your fans were begging to hear from you.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I was taking a nap.”
“Naps are good,” his voice went softer, “how are you doing?”
“Well that was a good nap.”
“I’m sure it was, but that’s not what I asked.”
You took another deep breath and reminded yourself that enough was enough, you had to keep living.
“I’m doing better.” You lied.
“Better enough to start promoting the movie?”
“How soon?”
“Relax dear,” he chuckled, “the first interview would be Tuesday next week.”
“Tuesday next week.” You repeated out loud just to make sure your brain had processed the information.
“Y/N, it’s the furthest I’ve been able to push the start of the promotion for the movie, you know the rest of the cast have busy schedules and the movie is premiering in a month, the PR team is urging us to start now.”
Not only had your personal manager been patient and understanding with you but also the cast and the rest of the PR and Marketing team for the movie rescheduling interviews, press releases, conferences and other events. You were one of the main characters on the movie so you had to be there, you were a good marketing strategy after all.
The trailer had been released a month ago and the public’s response has been outstanding ever since. Fans and movie critics were eager to watch the movie and know more about it. 
The movie was produced and directed by Greta Gerwig, who recently has been having a huge success on the film industry and apart from you being the main star, it also starred your co-star Saoirse Ronan, who has now become one of your closest friends.
The movie is focused on female empowerment, so you had an even bigger reason to show your face and prove the audience you’re doing great, even if you had to fake it till you make it.
“I appreciate that Andrew, I truly do.” You replied after a short silence. “I’m ready to get out there again.”
“That’s the Y/N I know.”
You hung up after setting a meeting tomorrow with your team to organise everything and you even ended up with an appointment with your hair stylist since everyone knew that a change in your appearance was another way of ending a cycle and having a fresh start
You made your way to your bedroom, your heart beating fast at the thought of being interviewed and having the media all over you again. 
Being honest, you still felt like cuddling up in a ball and never going out again, but you also knew you were better than this and you were not going to let a breakup also break something you’ve worked on your whole life. Your career.
Laying in your bed after doing your night routine, you decided it was time to check your social media even though you were not going to post anything for the sake of your wellbeing, so you just opened Twitter to read all the opinions of your fans about the upcoming movie and how loved you are by them, which definitely made you feel a little better.
This is not so bad. You thought to yourself.
Sure you scrolled past the usual unnecessary gossip from accounts like TMZ and some hateful bot tweets but you’d had years of training on ignoring the hate and focusing on the people who support and spread love to you, so all was well.
Until you saw it.
A picture of the curly haired man with green eyes who had broken your heart, the man with the many tattoos you used to softly trace with your fingers when he had trouble falling asleep, the man you were supposed to spend forever with, the man with the pretty hands and fingers covered in rings that once held your own hands but looking at the picture, you saw they were now holding another pair of hands.
There it was, the picture of Harry Styles holding hands with his new girlfriend, Camille Rowe.
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
we said forever - harry styles
Description: you’re a famous actress trying to manage living your new life after breaking up with your long term boyfriend, the person you saw your future with, harry styles. the two of you being public figures not helping at all.
A/N: the first chapter is short and sad, just to give a small introduction as to what the series will be about. I would love to hear your opinions about this and to incorporate any ideas. thank u for reading.
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It had been 4 months already since you and Harry had broken up and you were still trying to get your life back together, but it wasn’t easy.
It angered you how much power a person can have in your life to control your perspective of it. Your younger self wouldn’t be proud of it, she wouldn’t be proud of yourself for letting you get so close to someone and revolving your life around them.
But could you blame yourself for falling in love?
Could you blame yourself for being heartbroken from having to let go the one person you saw your future with?
You sat on your sofa, taking a look at your apartment and how different it looked now. How empty the living room was without the happy portraits of your many holiday and “business” trips with your now ex-boyfriend, how lonely the olive coloured sofa looked without the pillows Harry had brought from his London house to decorate it and make it seem more like the perfect mix of both of your styles. Your apartment suffered a big renovation after your boyfriend moved out and took his essence away from it. You also spent a huge amount of time and determination redecorating your place since everything reminded you of him.
After all, the two of you had put your all to make this place a home for years, so it was hard to let that go and you were determined to change the whole inside of your place to create a new one without that curly haired man.
There were no words to describe what you were feeling at the moment. You had felt it all in the last 4 months… anger, sadness, disgust, pain, fear, you name it. All of those emotions came slowly in waves and then as fast as a lightning striking during a thunderstorm. They were so much to take that you were left feeling nothing. You were drained.
You knew you had to get out of the dark place but no matter how much help you got from your friends, family and professionals, it just wasn’t enough. You wanted to hide from the world and not deal with anyone, not even with your emotions, but being a famous worldwide actress was not helping to grant your wishes, in fact it gave you the opposite. You were in the spotlight.
The media was talking about you all the time, about your past relationship with the famous singer Harry Styles, now coming to an end. The two of you had been dating for almost 4 years but it took you a year to make it official to the media, and not even because you wanted to, but because everyone was way too invested trying to find out whether the two of you were in a relationship or not, that it was a matter of time until the paparazzi and fans caught the two of you hand in hand for the Christmas holidays.
The reason why neither of you wanted to make your relationship “public” was because you knew the media would talk nonstop about it and had you on their eye at all times. The two of you had strong fanbases with unwanted opinions about your relationship, some hurtful and some supportive. You both knew being public figures would have its downsides and you always tried your best to not let the media touch your relationship.
What you had was between the two of you and it was intimate, it was private, it was real and you kept it like that for years, until one of you broke it.
And that someone was him.
When he allowed the marketing, business and management of the entertainment industry get involved in your relationship, when he put his public image before you.
And it broke you.
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
lover of mine (JJ x reader)
Description: all you need to know is that this was inspired by 5sos’ song Lover of Mine, so please go listen to this while or before reading this. you won’t regret it.
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You were a Kook, he was a Pogue, your lives were completely different, but none of it mattered.
Your friendship with the rest of the group was stronger than any label. 
You and Kiara had joined John B, Pope and JJ a long time ago and became inseparable ever since, ignoring all the snappy remarks the other Kooks would throw at the two of you every now and then for hanging out with Pogues. 
Your family was very rich, but they were also very loving and understanding of letting you hang out with Pogues at first. They had even met your friends and invited them over a few times, which of course led to some family friendships ending because of that.
You loved your friends deeply but as time went by you developed feelings for the blonde one with the blue eyes. You couldn’t blame yourself for it though since the two of you shared a much closer bond after he helped you sneak out of your house one night to go smoke some weed with him by a fireplace and from that day on, you did that whenever you both could.
You loved those nights. The two of you alone with no care in the world, talking about anything and everything. It brought you closer to one another. 
It wasn’t until one night when you noticed something different on his face. He had a black eye and scratches on his neck, and that was the night he told you about his dad. 
The anger you felt after his confession was unexplainable but he assured you he knew how to handle him and begged you to stay out of it. 
Time went by and the two of you started dating. The rest of the group never failing to make fun of you whenever they could and the two of you eventually getting used to it. 
Everything was great between you and JJ, everything except the latest fights the two of you have been getting into. It all started after John B decided to start his search on his dad and trouble got inside your friendship group.
You knew JJ like the back of your palm and vice versa. You knew he had a hot temper, he was reckless, carefree and never thought before acting, which got him into trouble many times. You on the other hand were an over thinker who even though also had a hot temper, did think before acting. You care about your family and always try to come up with better ways of doing things without causing a scene, and trying to get JJ to avoid causing trouble was getting harder as things got more complicated.
Even though your family was very understanding and loved JJ, they did not agree on you dating him since they knew about his lifestyle and family trouble. Your family not agreeing with your love life had made you get into fights with them, screaming, throwing insults and sneaking out of the house to get away from them which never made you feel good at the end of the day. But you loved JJ and you would give it all for him.
“This boy is changing you Y/N!” your father raised his voice, “You’re not like this.”
“That’s where you’re wrong!” you raised your voice higher, “I’ve always been this way and I’m tired of having to fake being the perfect daughter!”
“Y/N stop this.” Your mother begged.
“You’re screwing up your future!” Your dad replied.
“I’ll do as I please!” You screamed before leaving your house and running to the port to meet your friends.
That was one of the many recents fights you had gotten into with your family. They were worried and as much as you tried to explain them, they just wouldn’t understand and you were getting suffocated. JJ was your escape and you were his.
It wasn’t until one night things got messy between the two of you. JJ had just gotten into a fight with his dad and you were not having it.
“This cannot keep happening.” You said as you were cleaning up an open cut near his eyebrow.
“It’s alright Y/N.” 
“No, it’s not!” You raised your voice, surprising him a little at your sudden change of tone.
“You don’t deserve this JJ.” You lowered down your voice and stood up from the sand.
“Where are you going?” He followed you.
“I’m going to your place to speak to your dad.”
“You’re crazy.” He chuckled, but you could tell he was serious.
“Call me whatever you want, I’m doing it.” You turned around and made your way but he was quick to grab your arm and stop you.
“You’re not going.” His voice was low and serious.
“Let me go JJ.”
“You need to stop this Y/N, seriously.” 
“Stop what? Caring about you? Wanting you to be safe? What JJ?” You were getting annoyed and so was he. Two hot tempers together.
“Stop fucking your life because of me!” He screamed.
“Excuse me?” you replied, “I’m not fucking up my lif-“
“You are!” he interrupted you, “You’re losing scholarships, you’re getting into fights with your family, losing potential friendships with the rich kids, losing a bright future because you’re dating me!”
“JJ th-“
“I think we just shouldn’t be together.” His words hit you like a thousand knives.
“What?” Your voice was soft now, you felt tears form inside your eyes and noticed JJ look away from you, not being able to look at your teary eyed face.
“Our lives are too different, you deserve better things.” He blinked away the tears forming in his eyes.
“So do you!” 
“Y/N, I can’t do this.” He took one last look at your face and walked away, leaving you on your own.
Days went by and you didn’t see each other at all, the rest of the group trying to bring you back together but it never worked. The two of you refused to hang out if it meant having to see each other so they took turns visiting you, Kiara being the one to help you with the breakup the most.
You were going through an awful time but he was having it worse, getting into fights not only with his dad but with other guys, being a pain in the ass even to Pope and John B as he was just irritated and angry all the time.
Then one night, you heard a knock on your window and thought about JJ, that’s how he let you know he was outside waiting for you to sneak out, but it just couldn’t be. 
But there was another knock, so you went to look.
And there he was.
A teary eyed JJ standing outside of your house.
It didn’t take long for you to get out and meet him, a mix of emotions running through your head.
“What are yo-“
“I love you Y/N,” his voice was shaking, “I need you in my life.”
You looked at his blue eyes, they were red and tired. 
“I never wanted to break up with you,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “god you’re everything I’ve ever wanted and when I look at my life all I know is that you’re the only thing that I got right.”
You walked closer to him.
“And now I lost you.”
“JJ.” You were shaking your head, struggling to find any words.
“Because of my fault,” tears were falling down his face, “but you need to understand that it’s because I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want you to lose this amazing life I wish I had because of me. Y/N, I have nothing to give you and you still-“
You cut him off by jumping at him and kissing his softly then passionately. 
“Shut up you idiot,” you smiled with tears between your eyes, “I’m not losing anything by being with you, in fact I’m gaining more. I’m gaining more happiness, more freedom, more fun, more love. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and I want to be there for you and I want us to be together and I want you to be alri- ”
“I love you.” He whispered before giving you a small peck.
“I love you too.” 
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
we said forever (ch.3)
ch.1 - ch.2 
A/N: thank u so much for reading!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think. I cannot wait to write about Y/N’s interaction with Harry after the breakup…
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It was hard to sleep without the image of Harry and Camille coming into your thoughts every few seconds. You tried your best to distract your mind from it and focus on something else, like the upcoming release of your movie, but it just wasn’t enough to drift your mind away from the blonde woman holding the man who was still the love of your life.
You probably managed to get around four hours of sleep before your alarm woke you up. You felt tired and wanted to sleep some more but remembered that today was the day you were meeting with your manager to get your life back on track again.
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you noticed how different you looked now and thought about how real it is when people say that breakups change you.
Your face looked sad.
There was just something about it that made you look so sad and empty, which made you tear up. You wanted to stop feeling this way and you wanted even more to look better than before.
You covered up what you thought looked bad with some makeup and managed to feel a bit better about yourself. You made yourself a cup of coffee and decided to order bagels once you arrived at your office.
Once you arrived at your office, you were greeted by a very optimistic and happy Andrew, your manager, which was followed by a tight hug.
“So happy you’re back!”
“Glad to be here.”
You smiled and stared at him. You could tell he was genuinely happy you were ready to get back to business and he was also relieved the press for the movie could start now.
“Francesca is arriving in about 20 minutes,” Andrew sighed as he picked up his phone to violently type something, “your bagels are on their way too.”
“Good, I’m starving.”
“You look…” He paused as he stared at you, a look of confusion and surprise all over his face, “different.”
“Yeah that’s probably because I lost a little weight and haven’t been getting any sleep.” You cracked a smile to cover up the mess you had become.
“Oh dear,” he shook his head, “you’ll be alright, you just need to get back to your routine and you’ll recover your power.”
You nodded silently and grabbed your phone, trying your best to not open Twitter in case that picture of Harry and Camille popped up.
busy tonight?
You thought it would be a good idea to hang out with Saoirse to get back in track with the world, have a good chat with a friend and get excited about your movie, so you texted her.
Hey Y/N!! Good to hear from ya… I’m free tonight, what’s on your mind? :)
You smiled at the text from your friend, this was going to help you a lot.
let’s grab something to eat at the Beachwood Cafe.
Sounds good! See you at 6?
see you Saoirse!
The smell of the bagels inside the office made your stomach grumble and you were quick to stand up from the sofa and grab your breakfast. The taste of the cream cheese and salmon making you remember how good life could be sometimes.
“Francesca is here!” Andrew said a little too loud and opened the door to greet the tall, platinum blonde haired woman.
Francesca was your hairstylist, she had been doing your hair ever since your career started and you were always happy with the results. Not that you’d ever done something crazy to your hair (unless it was for a movie, which was usually a wig), but you always loved the results.
“Hello sweetheart.” Andrew kissed her on the cheek.
“How’s life treating you Andrew?” She said with a big smile on her face.
“A bit better now that Y/N’s back to work.”
“Y/N dear!”, she squealed as she walked towards you with a look of adoration on her face, you were like a daughter to her, “I’m glad you’re back!”
You helped her set everything up after finishing your breakfast and heard Francesca and Andrew talk about some recent gossip from Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik. You were so lost with what was going around in the entertainment industry and you honestly didn’t care that much, unless it involved any of your friends.
“So what do you have on mind for me?” You asked Francesca as she mixed colours and grabbed hair brushes.
“I’m bringing back your power dear.” She giggled.
“Nothing too different honey, don’t you trust me?”
You sighed and looked at her before nodding and relaxing on the chair. You did not want her to give you a drastic change since you didn’t want to seem like a cry for attention after going through a breakup, it just wasn’t you.
While Francesca did your hair, you went through your schedule for the press release of the movie with Andrew and couldn’t help but feel excited to go back to work even if things were going to be a little different now.
Time went by and you received a text message from Saoirse.
Hey is it okay if Timothée joins us tonight?
yeah, no problem :)
You didn’t think much about it. You had met Timothée Chalamet a few times before and he was a nice guy and a really good actor, but you wouldn’t really call him a friend so you were excited to get to know him better.
“Y/N, I don’t want to bring up this conversation but eventually we’re going to have to talk about this so it’s better to do it now.” Andrew’s words made your heart skip a beat, since you knew exactly what he wanted to talk about.
“Yeah, it’s alright.” You sighed.
“So the press is going to be all over you and they might ask you about Harry, “ he looked straight into your eyes, afraid you would break anytime soon, “do you know.. uh you know…”
“Have I talked to him? No, I haven’t.” You cut him off.
“But do y-“
“Know that he’s with Camille now?” You asked coldly.
Francesca bit her lips and focused on drying your hair while Andrew cleared his thought and nodded.
“I saw something on Twitter last night so I can only assume they’re a thing.” You said and took a sip of your coffee, trying your hardest to not cry.
“Well, they are.”
You knew what Andrew’s response was going to be but it still hit you like a thousand knives.
“They went public a month and a half after your breakup.” He finished.
“What do you mean they went public?” you raised your voice, which caught Andrew and Francesca by surprise, “Did Harry tweet or post something about her or what do you mean by that huh? Because he is not the type to make a relationship public.”
Andrew scratched his neck as he grabbed his phone, trying his best to not make eye contact with you since he did not want to see you cry.
“She posted a picture with him and later he confirmed it on a radio interview.” He said quietly.
You just nodded and felt your eyes getting teary.
“Well,” you fake laughed, “it’s what he and his team wanted anyway right?”
Andrew remained quiet and Francesca noticing the awkward silence, decided to join the conversation.
“Oh honey,” she exclaimed, “who needs a man anyway?”
You smiled at her in a thankful way and stared at your finished hair.
You let a tear fall down your face and brushed it off with a smile as you touched your hair.
You looked really great.
She had darkened up your hair a bit and given it a better form as well as a special keratin treatment which ended up looking amazing. You felt like a new woman and you were definitely ready to get back your life.
After saying goodbye to your manager and thanking Francesca for helping your self esteem get back on track, you headed to the Beachwood Cafe to meet Saoirse and Timothée, clearly not expecting to run into the one and only Harry Styles with his new girlfriend.
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
we said forever (ch.2)
A/N: I just could not wait to post the second chapter until tomorrow so I had to post it now. I enjoy writing with my whole heart and I’m having so many ideas for this series. would love to hear your opinions and thoughts on this. next chapter will be up until next week. be safe and take care.
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A grunt escaped from your lips as your phone ran loudly above the coffee table. You had no idea how or when you’d ended up falling asleep on the sofa but you were grateful you’d been able to get some sleep since it’s what you needed after all those sleepless and lonely nights you’ve been spending lately.
The name of your manager, Andrew, showed up on the caller ID and before answering the call, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
“It was about time you picked up the phone.” He sounded annoyed but at the same time calmer than his usual self.
He was being extremely patient with you since the breakup letting you take days off, checking up on you every now and then, making the PR team work on deleting and ending the gossip built around you and taking over your social media, but you knew that enough was enough and you needed to get back to work.
Especially now with the upcoming release of the big movie you were starring in, there were interviews and press releases to be done and your fans were begging to hear from you.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I was taking a nap.”
“Naps are good,” his voice went softer, “how are you doing?”
“Well that was a good nap.”
“I’m sure it was, but that’s not what I asked.”
You took another deep breath and reminded yourself that enough was enough, you had to keep living.
“I’m doing better.” You lied.
“Better enough to start promoting the movie?”
“How soon?”
“Relax dear,” he chuckled, “the first interview would be Tuesday next week.”
“Tuesday next week.” You repeated out loud just to make sure your brain had processed the information.
“Y/N, it’s the furthest I’ve been able to push the start of the promotion for the movie, you know the rest of the cast have busy schedules and the movie is premiering in a month, the PR team is urging us to start now.”
Not only had your personal manager been patient and understanding with you but also the cast and the rest of the PR and Marketing team for the movie rescheduling interviews, press releases, conferences and other events. You were one of the main characters on the movie so you had to be there, you were a good marketing strategy after all.
The trailer had been released a month ago and the public’s response has been outstanding ever since. Fans and movie critics were eager to watch the movie and know more about it. 
The movie was produced and directed by Greta Gerwig, who recently has been having a huge success on the film industry and apart from you being the main star, it also starred your co-star Saoirse Ronan, who has now become one of your closest friends.
The movie is focused on female empowerment, so you had an even bigger reason to show your face and prove the audience you’re doing great, even if you had to fake it till you make it.
“I appreciate that Andrew, I truly do.” You replied after a short silence. “I’m ready to get out there again.”
“That’s the Y/N I know.”
You hung up after setting a meeting tomorrow with your team to organise everything and you even ended up with an appointment with your hair stylist since everyone knew that a change in your appearance was another way of ending a cycle and having a fresh start
You made your way to your bedroom, your heart beating fast at the thought of being interviewed and having the media all over you again. 
Being honest, you still felt like cuddling up in a ball and never going out again, but you also knew you were better than this and you were not going to let a breakup also break something you’ve worked on your whole life. Your career.
Laying in your bed after doing your night routine, you decided it was time to check your social media even though you were not going to post anything for the sake of your wellbeing, so you just opened Twitter to read all the opinions of your fans about the upcoming movie and how loved you are by them, which definitely made you feel a little better.
This is not so bad. You thought to yourself.
Sure you scrolled past the usual unnecessary gossip from accounts like TMZ and some hateful bot tweets but you’d had years of training on ignoring the hate and focusing on the people who support and spread love to you, so all was well.
Until you saw it.
A picture of the curly haired man with green eyes who had broken your heart, the man with the many tattoos you used to softly trace with your fingers when he had trouble falling asleep, the man you were supposed to spend forever with, the man with the pretty hands and fingers covered in rings that once held your own hands but looking at the picture, you saw they were now holding another pair of hands.
There it was, the picture of Harry Styles holding hands with his new girlfriend, Camille Rowe.
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rendezvousroger · 4 years
we said forever - harry styles
Description: you’re a famous actress trying to manage living your new life after breaking up with your long term boyfriend, the person you saw your future with, harry styles. the two of you being public figures not helping at all.
A/N: the first chapter is short and sad, just to give a small introduction as to what the series will be about. I would love to hear your opinions about this and to incorporate any ideas. thank u for reading.
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It had been 4 months already since you and Harry had broken up and you were still trying to get your life back together, but it wasn’t easy.
It angered you how much power a person can have in your life to control your perspective of it. Your younger self wouldn’t be proud of it, she wouldn’t be proud of yourself for letting you get so close to someone and revolving your life around them.
But could you blame yourself for falling in love?
Could you blame yourself for being heartbroken from having to let go the one person you saw your future with?
You sat on your sofa, taking a look at your apartment and how different it looked now. How empty the living room was without the happy portraits of your many holiday and “business” trips with your now ex-boyfriend, how lonely the olive coloured sofa looked without the pillows Harry had brought from his London house to decorate it and make it seem more like the perfect mix of both of your styles. Your apartment suffered a big renovation after your boyfriend moved out and took his essence away from it. You also spent a huge amount of time and determination redecorating your place since everything reminded you of him.
After all, the two of you had put your all to make this place a home for years, so it was hard to let that go and you were determined to change the whole inside of your place to create a new one without that curly haired man.
There were no words to describe what you were feeling at the moment. You had felt it all in the last 4 months… anger, sadness, disgust, pain, fear, you name it. All of those emotions came slowly in waves and then as fast as a lightning striking during a thunderstorm. They were so much to take that you were left feeling nothing. You were drained.
You knew you had to get out of the dark place but no matter how much help you got from your friends, family and professionals, it just wasn’t enough. You wanted to hide from the world and not deal with anyone, not even with your emotions, but being a famous worldwide actress was not helping to grant your wishes, in fact it gave you the opposite. You were in the spotlight.
The media was talking about you all the time, about your past relationship with the famous singer Harry Styles, now coming to an end. The two of you had been dating for almost 4 years but it took you a year to make it official to the media, and not even because you wanted to, but because everyone was way too invested trying to find out whether the two of you were in a relationship or not, that it was a matter of time until the paparazzi and fans caught the two of you hand in hand for the Christmas holidays.
The reason why neither of you wanted to make your relationship “public” was because you knew the media would talk nonstop about it and had you on their eye at all times. The two of you had strong fanbases with unwanted opinions about your relationship, some hurtful and some supportive. You both knew being public figures would have its downsides and you always tried your best to not let the media touch your relationship.
What you had was between the two of you and it was intimate, it was private, it was real and you kept it like that for years, until one of you broke it.
And that someone was him.
When he allowed the marketing, business and management of the entertainment industry get involved in your relationship, when he put his public image before you.
And it broke you.
298 notes · View notes
rendezvousroger · 4 years
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❝ 5.5k celebration | @anonymous asked queen live in budapest or queen live in montreal ❞
1K notes · View notes
rendezvousroger · 4 years
we said forever - harry styles
Description: you’re a famous actress trying to manage living your new life after breaking up with your long term boyfriend, the person you saw your future with, harry styles. the two of you being public figures not helping at all.
A/N: the first chapter is short and sad, just to give a small introduction as to what the series will be about. I would love to hear your opinions about this and to incorporate any ideas. thank u for reading.
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It had been 4 months already since you and Harry had broken up and you were still trying to get your life back together, but it wasn’t easy.
It angered you how much power a person can have in your life to control your perspective of it. Your younger self wouldn’t be proud of it, she wouldn’t be proud of yourself for letting you get so close to someone and revolving your life around them.
But could you blame yourself for falling in love?
Could you blame yourself for being heartbroken from having to let go the one person you saw your future with?
You sat on your sofa, taking a look at your apartment and how different it looked now. How empty the living room was without the happy portraits of your many holiday and “business” trips with your now ex-boyfriend, how lonely the olive coloured sofa looked without the pillows Harry had brought from his London house to decorate it and make it seem more like the perfect mix of both of your styles. Your apartment suffered a big renovation after your boyfriend moved out and took his essence away from it. You also spent a huge amount of time and determination redecorating your place since everything reminded you of him.
After all, the two of you had put your all to make this place a home for years, so it was hard to let that go and you were determined to change the whole inside of your place to create a new one without that curly haired man.
There were no words to describe what you were feeling at the moment. You had felt it all in the last 4 months… anger, sadness, disgust, pain, fear, you name it. All of those emotions came slowly in waves and then as fast as a lightning striking during a thunderstorm. They were so much to take that you were left feeling nothing. You were drained.
You knew you had to get out of the dark place but no matter how much help you got from your friends, family and professionals, it just wasn’t enough. You wanted to hide from the world and not deal with anyone, not even with your emotions, but being a famous worldwide actress was not helping to grant your wishes, in fact it gave you the opposite. You were in the spotlight.
The media was talking about you all the time, about your past relationship with the famous singer Harry Styles, now coming to an end. The two of you had been dating for almost 4 years but it took you a year to make it official to the media, and not even because you wanted to, but because everyone was way too invested trying to find out whether the two of you were in a relationship or not, that it was a matter of time until the paparazzi and fans caught the two of you hand in hand for the Christmas holidays.
The reason why neither of you wanted to make your relationship “public” was because you knew the media would talk nonstop about it and had you on their eye at all times. The two of you had strong fanbases with unwanted opinions about your relationship, some hurtful and some supportive. You both knew being public figures would have its downsides and you always tried your best to not let the media touch your relationship.
What you had was between the two of you and it was intimate, it was private, it was real and you kept it like that for years, until one of you broke it.
And that someone was him.
When he allowed the marketing, business and management of the entertainment industry get involved in your relationship, when he put his public image before you.
And it broke you.
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