rena1019 · 5 months
My journey about the Final Pictching- 4TH BLOG
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The days before the final pitching we were filled with anxiety about the cost structure about our product which is the Musaquito Banish-Wax. For the reason that, we're all not in the field of computation about the calculation such as; the start up amount should we ask from the investors, about production estimates we'll be making for a year and in the future years, and even estimating how many units are we going to produce for a month. These seemingly simple numbers felt overwhelming, threatening to derail our entire endeavor. Fast forward... Three members from the wax crafters, Me, Honorah and Mirriam had a magical dinner together at KNK. They encountered someone who had walked a similar entrepreneurial path. This kind soul generously offered his expertise, untangling the mysteries of financial calculations. Yes, all those numbers was confusing but suddenly we noticed that we understood all of it and truly we're very grateful. Our dinner was magical that night since we solved that main problem before the final pitching.
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The next day, invigorated by the previous night's breakthrough, Miriam and I took the lead in presenting the cost structure to our group. Though the numbers still held a slight headache in their wake, it was a different kind of pain this time. This pain was accompanied by cooperation, as everyone actively listened, offered suggestions, and contributed to the discussion. We ended the meeting on a positive note, with a clear path forward: continuous production of the Musaquito Banish Wax for the next three years, paving the way for a future we all envisioned – a future filled with success and overflowing with profits. As we walked out of the meeting, the shared sense of accomplishment and the excitement for what lay ahead washed away any lingering discomfort. We had faced the beast of the numbers and emerged victorious. Now, it was time to roll up our sleeves and get to work, ready to turn our dream into a reality.
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The final day of pitching arrived. Determined to make a good impression, I took extra effort to look my best, even doing my groupmates' makeup. While I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked, feeling a similar unpreparedness to my recent long statbio exam, I faced the challenge head-on. To my surprise and delight, the answers to the panel's questions flowed effortlessly from my mind, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment and pride. I am incredibly grateful to God for providing guidance and strength throughout this journey, and to the panel for recognizing the potential of our idea and making it a reality.
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rena1019 · 5 months
Blog 3: The entrepreneurial journey is a wild one, filled with highs and lows, twists and turns. The past two weeks have been no exception.
During the past two weeks, our team has experienced a dynamic mix of triumphs and obstacles in our endeavors. The collaborative effort on the Musaquito Banish-Wax promotional video resulted in a series of entertaining moments, particularly with Leo's engaging reactions. These lighthearted interactions sparked our creativity, leading us to repurpose the video into a compelling short advertisement.
While navigating the complexities of project development, we encountered unforeseen challenges that tested our resilience and adaptability. However, we remained steadfast in our commitment to achieving our goals, drawing strength from our shared passion and unwavering belief in the potential of our project. By embracing these challenges as opportunities for growth, we refined our approach and emerged stronger, ready to tackle future hurdles with renewed determination.
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I had a great experience learning about the start-up ecosystem in our recent webinar. I was particularly interested in the discussion of finance investment and human capital. I think it is important for entrepreneurs to understand these two areas in order to be successful.
The webinar was hosted by a panel of experts who shared their insights on the start-up ecosystem. I learned about the different types of funding that are available to entrepreneurs, as well as the challenges of building a strong team.
I was also interested in the discussion of human capital. The panelists emphasized the importance of hiring the right people for your start-up. They also discussed the importance of creating a culture that will attract and retain top talent.
Overall, I had a great experience learning about the start-up ecosystem in our recent webinar. I would recommend this webinar to anyone who is interested in learning more about this exciting and challenging field.
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We're thrilled to announce the successful launch of our Facebook page, marking a new chapter in our journey to connect with you. Stay tuned for exciting content, engaging interactions, and exclusive offers as we continue to share our passion and expertise. Together, let's embark on a path of innovation and growth.
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While our Facebook launch was a success, the ongoing survey has sparked concerns about customer interest in our product. Surveys' inherent uncertainty of reception is a challenge to overcome, but it's an opportunity to gather valuable insights and refine our approach.
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Well, for my reflection, despite feeling tired from promoting the Mosquito Banish Wax, for the reason that, we're all pressured from our lab works, reporting and all the long exams. But still, I am inspired and gained my strength back since I've seen each of my groupmates their willingness to take risks to ensure the smooth progress of our product.
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So yeah, lets do all the work and find our comfort right after all the tiredy days. EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY AND FIND PEACE :)
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rena1019 · 7 months
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Our story begins with a consult session where our team, fueled by enthusiasm and a love for cycling, our team presented the idea of a bike rental service. The proposal reached the ears of our seasoned instructor, a sage in the world of startups. While she acknowledged the charm of our initial idea, her feedback was a dose of reality— "Rent a bike" was a kind of venture that was too common to stand out in the competitive landscape. Rather than discouraging, this feedback became the catalyst for a creative awakening towards our team. It was time for our team to shift gears and explore alternative routes to innovation. The instructor's advice was not a roadblock; instead, it was an invitation to navigate the entrepreneurial terrain with fresh eyes and an open mind.
As we brainstormed, the humble banana peel took center stage from the other options that we had. It is widely available, biodegradable, and boasting natural adhesive properties, the banana peel seemed like an unlikely yet promising candidate for floorwax.
However, innovation doesn't stop the team. To elevate our product, we introduced citronella, a fragrant essential oil known for its insect-repelling properties. This addition not only enhanced the functionality of our floorwax but also aligned with our commitment to sustainability by reducing the need for additional chemical additives.
In summary, embrace rejection as a guide, not a deterrent, for within its folds lie the seeds of unforeseen growth and success.
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rena1019 · 7 months
Blog about our previous interview
A diverse community of Central Mindanao University, we embarked on a journey to understand the challenges faced by its dedicated student body. Through interviews and conversations during the 113th Foundation Day celebrations ,with a diverse cross-section of students, it quickly became evident that they shared a common set of concerns that profoundly impacted their daily lives. Among these challenges, transportation emerged as a pressing issue that cast a shadow over their educational pursuits.
The students we spoke with from various backgrounds and academic disciplines, yet their experiences were interconnected by the recurring theme of inadequate transportation infrastructure. Whether residing on or off-campus, a significant portion of the student population found themselves grappling with the daunting task of commuting to and from the university. Insufficient public transportation left many students to have erratic schedules and lengthy wait times, often jeopardizing their punctuality and attendance. However, transportation was not the sole concern plaguing the Central Mindanao University community. The lack of proper trash disposal facilities and the recurring issue of floods also featured prominently in our discussions. These issues, while distinct in nature, painted a broader picture of the collective challenges faced by students in their pursuit of academic excellence and a sustainable campus environment.
In the following exploration of these issues, we the group 2 decided to focus on transportation since most of the students complained about it. In addition of that, our group thought of possible solution that includes the following; renting a bike wherein the students can borrow a bike and pick it up at specific locations depending on their needs. Furthermore, the rent-a- bike idea must be affordable for every student, it would be per hour, enable for the start up to generate income for the betterment of the new transportation system ✨
Well, from our previous interviews of the students, it taught us valuable lessons about resilience and adaptability of Central Mindanao University. Despite the odds stacked against them, these students we interviewed exhibited an unwavering commitment to their education❤️❤️
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