remus-moony · 3 years
Mostly its promoting the idea that genderfluid people are only interested in themselves and can only be with themselves. The ship itself acts as though Loki is cisgender Male (he/him) and Sylvie a cisgender woman (she/her) when infact, considering that they are variants and basically the same person, it would be most likely that all Lokis were genderfluid. (It also doesn't clarify otherwise). One major issue is that Sylvie is basically another version of Loki. The ship is so damaging to actual genderfluid people such as myself.
"Loki is queerbaiting" yeah i agree, it's fucked up that Marvel assured fans that Loki being nonbinary/genderfluid (as he is in the comics) would show up and be relevant to the tv show, and then they just didn't mention it or do anything with it, which is horrifically misleading especially to trans and non-binary fa-- oh? sorry? what now? you're talking about how you wholesale invented a romantic tension between Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson and then got mad when they obviously didn't kiss, even though both Loki and his actual love interest are both canonically openly bi? ah. i see. you don't mean "queerbaiting" you mean "i have to apply a shipping lens to literally any two white men i see"
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