reignstormsfall · 2 years
A leap of hope
When there is nothing left to look forward to
Just trapped, staring out into space
Nothing but the sky shinning blue
Leaping forward without a trace
To a beauty over yonder I hope
To a better beauty so I can cope
This is when I ponder about you
The one thing I could never face
And so I jump with both eyes closed
And so I jump with both feet off the ground
And so I jump with a prayer
That one day we’ll make it back to one another
Safe and sound
But till then I am stuck in mid air
Leaping and grasping
Clinging onto what hope I may have left
The hope for me, the hope for you, the hope of us
A hope of a future neither of us knew.
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Reality’s truth
Oh, to trust in reality’s lie.
To be able to see truth in the dark
To not fall to the ground and cry
When pain and malice have left it’s mark
By a friend turned fiend with a cruel remark
The pain it hurts, it refuses to stop
Trapped in a never ending cycle of hell
Of demons climbing on me to get to the top
And I am helpless, unable to repel
Their mocking promises they love to tell
Nobody is safe
Nobody is loved
Nobody is coming to save me
No god or angel from above
I am alone in this world
This world filled with lies
So I shall make it my own
And wear a mask till the day I die
For this is reality, a tainted lie
And that’s the cold hard truth that no one can deny
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Ten steps behind as life moves forward
I am ten steps behind
Yet life moves forward
And I left in a bind,
Staring helplessly like a coward
Questions constantly boggle my brain
Truly I’m immured in my own morass
Of an ineffable confusion that leaves me less sane
As my future becomes as clear as grimy glass.
Who am I? I often can not help but ponder
What’s my meaning in this populated world?
Soon I realize people are moving forward, every boy and girl
As I am left behind, chained to the ground in a state of sonder
They say every girl is a pretty flower,
no matter how late it blooms
Yet I can’t help but seem glower,
When my helplessness consumes
Me entirely, as the unknown has left me to cower
As I fear leaving the comfort of my town, my home, my room.
Who am I? I once again ask the mirror reflection
Only to have been answered with my own cold stare,
No matter what I do, I am powerless beyond compare,
Loathing the uncertainty in my journey as life leaves me behind,
Child. Student. Worker. It all now means nothing to my mind
As I am now nothing but a soul filled with daunting dejection.
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Mirror shards
What is this world I wish to see,
The place where others shall perceive,
But only can they blindly look forward.
How do I know who I am,
What I look like since time began,
When I fall into society's tainted order.
A mirror answered my desire,
Yet it lit another fire,
I curse against God’s word.
Pained, I look at someone passing bye,
And follow suit as I must oblige,
Turning into a reflection to hide the man in the corner.
No one knows my true name,
Or the beast inside full of shame,
All they see is themself in this abyss of horror.
I hold this image close and use it as my mask,
I fulfill the devils dreams with my unseen task,
And I brought a man so mad that he fell into disorder.
Sin I scream with open eyes,
Towering over the angels’ cries,
With just a glare from a beast the mountain of hope becomes shorter.
They say two percent of the world has green eyes,
But underneath everyone it lies,
In the calamity of a mind that’s bothered.
I see it all, for a mirror I seem to be,
Held with the perfect image to deceive,
And when one looks it shall be altered.
No more trust,
No more love,
No more praying to the above.
I am all you shall ever see,
And I’ll make your image a mockery.
You have trusted me and that is your mistake,
For I am just an image that is ever so fake,
And I shall grin as I watch your demise.
When I’m done you’ll be so scarred,
And shall break into a million shards,
And I’ll reveal myself as what you despise.
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Dreams turned to stardust
Stars shine when it turns to midnight
The beauty glows through the luminescent moonlight
Growing and growing to be so alluring
Like a moth to a flame, anxiety is curing
As I desire to grow closer
And closer
And closer
To the flame
Only to be shoved away
My dreams are pounded by rocks
As all the stars are suddenly crushed
Moondust falling as two hits the clocks
And life suddenly feels rushed
Nothing is as it seems
Everything is a lie,
Both my reality and dreams
Have left me to cry
As my world slowly disintergrates
And I'm left floating carelessly through space
I flew too high and was burned by the sun
The ethereal flame
But I desired the moon and was blinded for fun
All to never be the same
Make a wish
A star flew by
Shooting through
The infinite sky
But do not hold fate
My dear beloved
For your future date
Is nothing but a lie
All crinkled up in tiny powder star dust
Blowing slowly away.
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Free of construct
It doesn’t take a mastermind to deduct
My whole life is a social construct
Given a name and gender at birth
And a social class to state my worth
Since the beginning, it was never my choice
Each and every day is a lie
Yet nobody hears my desperate cry
For the truth to somehow be seen
And shatter this mockery we call routine
Yet I learned early on I have no voice
Get a nice husband they say
He’ll protect you for the rest of your days
You’ll be such a lovely wife
With millions of babies to fill your life
This is the role I was forced to play
Why must I be made of sugar and spice and everything nice
And why must to fit in my happiness be the price
Why do boys get to be bugs and slugs
And get every excuse for being thugs
Leaving girls to cry and pray
Why am I girl? Why am I a mother? Why am I a wife?
Why is this fate? Why is this destiny? Why is this my life?
My life, what a joke. Why even say it’s mine when it’s not my own.
Every where I look is a social construction,
And in the end, that’s freedoms true destruction.
So here I stand all alone in my own lifestyle
Judge, beaten, yet still standing with a smile.
Now I finally understand,
Freedom and love is bound to no instruction.
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Her heavenly luscious lips are soft
Rosy cheeks wet from tear drops
And gentle skin warm and ablazed
Tainted by his gaze
His gaze and his alone
With eyes cold as stone
Over the angel we knew
The angel that is you
You should be treated better
You could be treated better
In my arms, not his
His makes your eyes wetter
You bring me so much smile
So much of the smiles, joy, and love, it’s insane
So why won’t you let me give you the same
Why won’t you pick me
When I picked you
Why did you pick he
When you could pick she
When you could pick me
I’m forever left confused
As I still somehow love you
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Love is slander
Happiness is a lie.
Kindness is a fraud.
Love is slander.
We are told through life to cherish
These aspects that are so old
So twisted by those whose blood runs cold
And grin in glory as they watch their fellow man perish.
Here I cry.
The world is so odd.
No one is of candor.
My mother only spoke lies to me as a child,
She always talked about finding the one
Your other half who will make life brighter than the sun
The person who you’ll have to always hold
Standing with you until you’re grey and old
Oh how I wish that were true, for life could then be reconciled
Yet humanity is cursed to die,
And not because of an ungracious god,
But as punishment for humanity’s constant dander
Humans are worse than bugs.
They are greedy. They are self-centered. They are explosive.
They are monsters. They are spiteful. Their life is nothing but tainted motives.
Humanity’s will to change itself is slower than slugs.
That’s what you showed me.
You were supposed to be the one.
My life’s love token.
You made me smile, you made me laugh, you made me feel so warm I thought I was sick.
You're an effortless beauty, stunning in an image that carries a heart of gold, I know why you were my first pick.
Oh, but I was nothing short of a fool.
For that wondrous beauty deceived me, abused me and used me, demeaned me to a tool.
And like that, my first love left me broken.
Down on my knees, crying tears.
Cursing god's name for burdening me with these fears.
I no longer know what I want, I simply have turned numb.
Why? The memories are replaying in my head.
This gruesome and horrid torture has gone on for years, filling my life with dread.
You made me feel like I could fly.
You made humanity look beautiful for being flawed.
And now all I can see is the cruelty of this world's grandeur.
I guess I should really be thanking you.
You crushed all my standards.
No longer do I see people as happy or kind
I now know the deceit and malice laying in their mind
Truly this glorified love that I hear so many stories about
Is truly a misconception of people’s greed and doubt
For it is all lies.
Love will always be slander.
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Lonely nights at the pond
Rain storms are my very life
Sun slices them like a knife
And leaves me all alone
The night shall find me broke
In the center orchestra of croaks
Jumping, falling, and splattering on a stone
Is it webbed feet and slippery skin
Or the slimy lifeless nature within
Me that can never atone
You say you love me so
Why did you ever go
This pond now lays still
It’s shrivels and shrills
As you left it dead and dry to the bone
And you left me, all alone
Goodbye, don’t cry, for dear friend, the pond sleeps still tonight,
Unknowing of the terror it must now face on its own.
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reignstormsfall · 3 years
Time's humanity
Time is a mere construction
For that is my deduction
Watching wandering eyes walk by
Their faces that laugh smile and cry
Now in a distinct disgrace
Waiting for time to fly
So that they may finally die
And escape this devilish place
For hell is life on earth
With every death and every birth
Until one is left gasping
With all their last strength they are grasping
For straws on what their will is
For air that might bring them bliss
For a heart that they will miss
And for a person to be left in confusion
Wishing for their disappearance to be a delusion
But life is death, a game all must play
In agony, in fear, no human has a say
Only time will tell
so humanity is forced to wait day by day
In agony, in fear, in pain
They live on in disdain
Stranded in constant dismay
Left to turn on one another
Save a life at the cost of a brother
And to be slaughtered in disarray
This is life.
This is death.
This is humanity
Until it takes its last breath
Time truly is a mere construction
For life is humanity's own destruction
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