Final edit with sound! Here is the youtube link for HD viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCeDOSFJ4X4
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Final Edit before sound
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Doing the sound edit!
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Version 1 of the edit (no sound)
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24 fps faucet and tap
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second test using frame blending
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first test- September 14
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Initial Proposal
Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this animated study is to explore the representation of a subject’s anatomy through reflective surfaces in traditional frame by frame animation. By focusing on this relationship, I hope to attempt to capture the expressive potential offered by the warped reflection, while also representing a subject’s anatomy for experimental characterization. Subject Matter: The subject matter of this animation is a study of the human form, and its potential fluidity when viewed through the lens of a reflective surface. The reflective surface at the center of the short will be a stainless steel shower head. As the shower head handled by the offscreen subject moves and sprays the subject’s body, the subject’s form will bend and warp with special attention given to the myriad of fragmentation and warping present in the reflection during this interaction. Special attention will be given to making sure that the viewer only sees the reflection, and never the subject themselves. This is a significant feature of the study, since the purpose is to demonstrate the expressive potential of the reflective surface, as opposed to the rigidity of the human anatomy. Study Relevance: Throughout my undergrad at Concordia, I have become increasingly interested in the boundless fluidity made available through animation. My previous film centered on an unbreaking camera move, and I hope to continue to explore the possibilities of the animated camera. The animated camera in this context, refers to the framing of the illustrated content within an animation in order to reflect camera techniques used in live action filmmaking (panning, zooming in/out etc.) For this study, the animated camera techniques intended will be drawn frame by frame (each drawing serves the next to create a readable motion) in order to create the illusion of the aforementioned camera techniques. This independent study will allow me to explore a personally valuable skill set in regards to refining my illustration and animated filmmaking techniques, while continuing to receive the valuable advice of my peers and faculty members. Proposed Research Methodology: The purpose of this animated study is to translate the effect of reflective warping through real world observation, into contemporary traditional animation. The intended outcome will be to put special emphasis on the way reflections force the body (in this study) to bend and contour around their surfaces. The significance of capturing the relationship between objects and their reflections in animation, is to compare and contrast the rigidity of an anatomic form, and the reduction and warping of said form through a lens which changes the content. This effect is emphasized through animation in order to explore the potential of experimental representation. The research component of this project will be initially studied in live action (observing how reflections force the body to bend and change according to their surfaces) and in turn, translating that reference into illustrated thumbnails and studies which will ultimately be used to inform the final animation. The purpose of this stated method is to have a jumping off point rooted in the real life consequence of reflection, before modifying it and reducing it to the most significant demonstration for the animation.
Form and Length: This will be a short (30sec) test, traditionally animated in 2D and frame by frame. This is a technique I have been using since beginning my undergraduate studies in the Film Animation Program. The penciled/ rough animation will inform the flow of the main keys in order to be readable and adaptable for necessary feedback before the finished lines and colour. The reasoning behind using a method which has featured in some of my more recent work, is to refine and push the use of this technique in order to attempt a more experimental approach to representation. The intended goal of this study is to use this test as a proof of concept for future films, which will frame the human body and characters through a lens which emphasizes the purposeful distortion of representation available through animation. Studying it from a live action reference allows for a familiarity with viewers, since looking in warped reflections is a mundane yet recognizable experience. I believe that capturing this interaction can help to inform experimental animations with a hard to place familiarity. The sound may be provided through a collaborator, though this component is not critical to the outcome of the project.
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Initial thumbnails outlining which surfaces I would be capturing throughout the process (faucet, shower head, tap, teapot)
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stopmotionstudio app used on my phone to collect images. Eventually, it would cool to re-shoot the frames in a more controlled environment since it was hard to frame successfully with the limited set up I had available at home
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Still frames and tests. The body shows perspectives of how the "shower head" would view a subject. These stills were translated digitally. Teapot still life and chain test for other digital tests that weren't as successful
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Frames together. The scale of the paper ended up increasing to 8″x 6″ as opposed to the initial frame size of 6″ x 4″
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Shower Head elements separated before compositing for a digital test 
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Live action reference vs the drawn frame. Reflection was captured on various surfaces and then translated into illustration
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