red-jasontodd · 4 years
“Not you.  Though are legs are quite tall I was just thinking out loud.”  
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“Thinking about what?  Cause evaluating how tall someone’s legs are is an odd note.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
.。.:*☆ “There… as good as new.” Giving Jason a small smile, Jean brushed her fingers over the freshly grown skin. “I hope it did not hurt too much?” It was something she still could not tell, also because Jason was usually good at hiding such things. It was hard to read his face, most of the time.
“Also, I know it sounds silly, but can you promise me not to be so reckless again in the future? I might be able to heal skin and bones, but I would not want you to end up dead one day because of the things you are doing. Okay?”
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“No, it was simply strange.” Jason stretched a bit, studying his side and flexing his fingers.  “It really is amazing Jean, what you can do.  That’s..wow.”  He shook his head, giving her another soft smile before straightening. 
“That...is unfortunately not a promise I can make.  I’ve been in this position before, I’ll likely do it again.  It’s...Really it’s how I deal with my..”  He gestured at his head, shrugging.  “I need the violence or I look for other outlets.  Fighting is all I’ve ever been good for.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
@that-irene-adler, @geralt-thewitcher, @that-assassin-ezio, @that-arthur, @that-kaa, @that-nico-diangelo, @that-harryhook​, @thejames-potter
Kili looked at all the average humans he saw, making mental notes.  He’s going to help his brother fight and he is not backing down.  “Legs of course !”  He said suddenly 
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Jason looked at the dwarf curiously, lifting an eyebrow at him.  “Excuse me?”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
.。.:*☆ Jean felt like this was important for Jason, and, she could not even blame him. Dark Phoenix was still locked somewhere inside of her, maybe, and no one could tell what would happen, if someone would set the beast free again.
“I do promise,” She therefore said, nodding. “This whole telepathy thing was always more Charle’s thing, anyway. But, I promise. I am only going to heal you. Nothing else. Ready?”
Taking a deep breath, Jean focused on the minor wounds first. Bleeding stopped. Damaged skin was growing together again only because of the will of her mind. It was like Jean knew how every littly cell in Jason’s body was working, and used it now to fix in seconds what would usually take days. She had no idea if it did hurt, but, since Jean had promised not o look into his mind, this area was left untouched during thw whole process of healing him.
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Jason was still worried about the process, knowing Jean was likely quite as powerful or even more so than she stated.  However, he couldn’t help but worry.  He was already concerned with messing her up somehow just being around her, much less what would happen if she was actually poking in his messed up head. 
Forcing himself to stay calm, he kept his eyes closed and kept his face tilted up towards the ceiling.  She was right, he didn’t feel any pain, only a slight unease as she used her abilities.  However, he did feel the pain diminishing and after a moment he looked down to see.  His eyebrow quirked slightly, seeing an injury finish closing and he looked up at her.  He didn’t speak, not wanting to distract her, but just studying her face his expression softened.  He was fairly in awe of her, and this was just another show of how incredible she was. 
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
.。.:*☆ Jean sighed. “You know,” She then said, having a closer look at the wounds. “I would believe you, if you would really rest for the next few days. But knowing you, you won’t, and…” Her eyes trailed over his face, and another sigh left her lips.
“Do it for me? Let me…. prove that those powers can do more than just hurt people?” That was selfish now, surely, but, maybe, just maybe, it would make Jason allow her to help. If Jean would make it sound like she was doing this more for herself, than for him.
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Jason just wanted to sleep, give up on caring about him and just slip off into nightmares and restless dreaming.  Yet here she was, inspecting his stupid wounds and refusing to let it be.  “Really Jean, I....”
He stopped, looking up at her and falling quiet at her little sigh.  He could see her mind working as she responded, the man studying her seriously for a long moment when she was done.  He hated that she would waste her time and energy with him, but he also saw that she was partially telling the truth.  And Jason didn’t like that he would be adding to her pain by furthering his own.  Sighing himself, he nodded.  “Okay.  You want to use your powers on me that’s fine.  Just...don’t try to go in my head.”  His expression shifted, the statement a vulnerable one, and he didn’t like how weak it sounded.  “I trust you. And I trust you with anything I just...don’t know what it’d look like up there and I don’t...”  Jason tilted his head back to look at the ceiling.  “I don’t want the lazarus pit to end up breaking you too.  Just be careful, alright? I’m not...Not fully human or normal or whatever.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
@red-jasontodd​ || closed
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.。.:*☆ “How about you are just leaving me alone now?” Being attacked into an alley like this was for sure nothing Harry had planned to happen to him tonight, yet, there he was, trying to shake off some foolish being who thought who could get away with this, obviously.
He wasn’t the green goblin anymore, but, obviously could still fight like one, ramming his elbow into the poor guy’s throat, knocking him out.
“Idiot. You should have known better….”
Jason had noticed the scuffle and stopped, always ready for a fight. Though he only had the chance to take down one of the attackers before noticing how the attacked man was moving, realizing quickly the idiots were very, very much outmatched.  So, he let the other handle his business, lifting an eyebrow at the throat hit.  It was brutal, and reminded him of his own fighting style. 
“Well, I did come over to help, but you seemed to have that under control.  Color me impressed. People don’t usually have their wits about them.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
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Once a bird always a bird
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
.。.:*☆ “I was right, you are an idiot,” Jean rolled her eyes. “Maybe I should call your boss and tell them what I think of them?” Again, nothing she really would do. Such a scene would be something for Raven, but not for someone like Jean Grey, who did her best to blend into the crowd. Become invisible. Still, whomever did hire Jason to fight was someone Jean would not see as a good person, at all.
“There is no need for you to stich yourself while I am here, I… could even ty to heal you.” The offer was rather reluctant. Jean was certain she could do it, it was something her powers would allow, if she did channel them the right way. For doing something good, instead of just destroying things. She put the first aid kit down, smiling wryly. “Mean, can not promise it will not hurt, but - it might be faster than natural healing, so, in the end, you most likely have to suffer less?”
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“I definitely didn’t argue that point.”  Jason smiled a little at her before grimacing as he shifted wrong.  “Have fun finding that phone number.  And I volunteered.  Fighting’s the only thing I’m good for.”  He lifted an eyebrow at her, surprised at the notion she’d bother calling over him.  “Really, I’ll be fine.  I just need to get cleaned up.”  
He found himself surprised by her again when she offered to heal him, the former hero frowning at her a little bit.  “Now you’re just putting even more energy into me than you should.  You shouldn’t have to bother with my own self-destruction.  Really Jean, it’s okay.  I’ll just stitch a few things up, take a shower, and be fine in a few days...”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
.。.:*☆ “Are you kidding me?” She rushed to his side, urging Jacen to sat down in the nearest chair. She was used to fights with the XMen, but this here looked rather bad, and it did worry her.
“You are a stubborn idiot - and I can not exactly judge, because, I am the same, but, if you won’t let me patch you up now, I might tie you up until you are healed again. And, you know I can do that.” Not that Jean ever would, most likely, she was sort of hesitant when it came to use any of her abilities these days. And Jean even hated to say it, but it was only because Jason for sure would just not listen to her otherwise.
 “I hope it was not you who started this fight?” She then asked, not even waiting for his reply, already heading to the bathroom to hopefully find a first aid kit there.
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Jason sighed, hating that he was bothering her, and just with something like this.  Sure, he likely had a few broken ribs and definitely needed stitches, but he could handle it himself.  “I’ll be fine, really...” Settling in the chair, he held his side and rested just for a minute, his body absolutely screaming at him.  
“I don’t really have the energy to fight you. Forcing it wouldn’t be necessary...but really, I’ll be fine Jean. I heal faster than most.”  It was true, he did, though he knew this was going to be a three day recovery at minimum, and he was supposed to fight again in two nights.  It wasn’t shaping to be the greatest week for him.  
“I mean, the first couple fights were at my job...where I fight people, if I’ve failed to mention that bit.” Jason gave her a lopsided smile as she walked out, leaning forward to strip the shirt off of his back with a wince.  The bruising was definitely rough, but it and the slight slice in his side were definitely survivable.  The scarring on his body definitely testified to worse. “I won, but they were tough fights and In all honesty I should’ve stopped there.  But ran into an active mugging on the way home and couldn’t ignore it.  Beat the hell out of them but...yeah, they definitely got me too.  You really don’t have to bother with it....I stitch myself up all the time”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
@red-jasontodd​ || closed
.。.:*☆ Jean was not sure what she should think about herself and Jason being roommates now. It was a concept she didn’t like, in general, and Xavier had usually granted her a room for herself - which maybe was to protect the other students of her, instead of the other way around, but this was really nothing Jean wanted to think about any longer.
With Jason, it was supposed to be easier, because he know what she was, but, Jean was pretty sure he had no idea about her feelings for him. Sighing, she turned around in bed once again, only to hear noises coming from the kitchen. Naturally, Jean got up to check, only to catch Jason climbing through the window, looking like a truck had been running over him, at least.
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Being roommates with Jean felt like some sort of cruel joke.  He had feelings for the woman, and they were feelings he knew he couldn’t voice.  She was amazing, and strong, and already had so much to deal with.  He wasn’t about to add to that burden she carried, and that was exactly what he would be if he said anything about how he felt.  
So, for the most part he’d just kept living his life, staying out of her way, going to fights and occasionally putting on a mask to deal his form of brutal justice.  Tonight had been a rough one, barely holding his own and winning his fight in the ring.  Only to then encounter a group mugging someone in an alley, and getting in another fight.  Normally he would’ve entered in the window to his bedroom so as not to bother Jean at all, but tonight that would’ve been too much effort to scale, instead having to use the easier access of the kitchen window.  As soon as his feet hit the ground, his knee gave out, Jason having to catch himself on the counter and wincing as he knocked into a pan.  It wasn’t super loud, but it was enough for Jean to emerge, Jason smiling wryly despite the pain he was in and the blood on his face.  “Sorry.  I’m just going to my room....”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
Zim didn’t really have an answer for why, it was just something he was told to do. “Um, it’s fun? I don’t know, the Tallest tells us to do that.”
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“The Tallest?  Can’t say I’ve encountered them.  Sounds like a dick.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
.。.:*☆ “Oh, no worries, I am a big girl, I can take care of myself,” Shank laughed as she listened. “Also, you know, if you are so clever, maybe you should listen a little to your own advice next time?”
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“I’m sure.”  Jason sighed, splashing some more water from his water bottle over the injuries to wash the blood away before smirking. “Never said I was clever.  Just offering you some blunt advice.  But I’ll make sure to remember you’ve got everything handled.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
“You would be surprised with just how different I am compared to the rest of the psychiatrists you will run into” he said and shrugged. 
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“Not that different, if you’re telling me talking my issues out is best.  Trust me, you wouldn’t ever want to deal with the mess of shit I am.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
.。.:*☆ “Well, I mean - are we?” Not that Jean was expecting anything like that, ever again. Cyclops had loved her, and she had loved him, but, he was also mourning her, and Jean had no idea what she would do, should he show up in Limbo one day like everyone else….
“I just really thought hiding here with you would be better than hiding all by myself. That is all already, really.”
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He didn’t like the question being turned back on him, unsure how to answer.  He knew how he would like to answer, Jason already quite attached to the young woman and very protective.  But.  He also understood he wasn’t anyone she should be with, and that there were plenty of better options for her.   His eyes lingered on her maybe a little too long before looking away to the TV.  “I suppose not.”
He nodded, figuring that was the case.  Better to watch questionably bad movies with someone than alone in your own thoughts.  “That’s true.  Watching movies this bad on your own would be a crime after all. “
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
“That sounds entertaining. I’m surprised the humans allow that. They never would let me enslave people but fighting seems to be fine.” 
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“We can be very violent creatures.  But no, slaves aren’t a smiled upon concept.  Why would you want to do that?”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
“As a psychiatrist, I do not agree with that mind set. But if you think that will keep you afloat then go on” he mused and shrugged. 
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“A psychiatrist?  I’m sure there’s a lot about me you wouldn’t agree with.”  Jason smirked a bit and shrugging.  “It’s worked for me so far.”
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red-jasontodd · 4 years
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“I’m not shocked that people are getting hurt, I’m shocked that you guys have a fight club…I don’t know what a fight club is.” He admitted. 
Jason still got thrown off by his look-alikes, of which there seemed to be a lot.  But he shrugged.  “People bet on other people to fight in an arena for sport.  I’m one of the fighters.”
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