recsnrecaps · 4 years
A Love So Beautiful Episode 4 Recap: Run with the Wind, Freedom is the Way
Episode 4 feels like another filler episode. This time, we experience sports day with the students. 
Unlike the enthusiatic reaction to the student elections in the previous episode, the sports event is met with lackluster support. So much so that class leader Li Wei is faced with zero signups for the new hurdle event. In an effort to boost class participation, the teachers resort to bribing the class with prizes. Both Xiaoxi and Jing Xiao end up registering for the hurdle event in order to win a watch.
The first half of the episode we get to see the friendly rivalry between Xiaoxi and Jing Xiao who are both motivated to obtain the watch for the respective men in their lives. Xiaoxi wants to gift it to Jiang Chen as a birthday present, while Jing Xiao wants it for her dad who would be visiting soon.
As a naturally gifted athlete, Jing Xiao is all set to be the winner. That is, until she sprains her ankle and is out of the running. (Literally! Haha, do excuse the pun.) And this was the point where I started to lose interest. Because, according to the rules of dramaland, of course Xiaoxi would end up winning.
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As Xiaoxi attempts to improve her hurdling skills, two different sources of aid appear in the form of Bo Song and Jiang Chen. From the start, Bo Song offers his assistance in the form of textbook notes and verbal encouragement. So much so that his swimming coach berates him for losing his focus on swimming. Unfortunately, despite her practice. Xiaoxi is still unable to clear the hurdles. It is only when Jiang Chen shows up to run alongside her and comes up with a strategy (to just knock the hurdles over), that she finally improves her timing. And thus, Jiang Chen is the one to credit when Xiaoxi eventually wins first place.
I found myself losing interest in the main story because it seems super cliche. No big surprises there. The side story of Jing Xiao and her dad wasn’t enough to entice my interest either. However there was one thing in the episode that I was pleasantly surprised by - DR LI! 
I honestly never expected to see Dr Li after that little scene with Bo Song and stomachache medicine in the doctor’s office last episode. But here he is, and he’s being a competent adult and helping the kids. Awwwwwwwww <3
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Dr Li spends most of his screen time being firm with Jing Xiao who insists on running despite her injured ankle. But when he comes across her leaving the school during school hours, he questions her thoroughly on her intentions and makes the decision to let her off. It’s amazing to watch an adult have empathy in these kind of teenage drama shows. Usually, in order to cause drama, the writers would portray adults in a one dimensional manner where they are unwilling to listen to kids therefore causing conflict (i.e. see the other teachers). I’m just glad that there is one adult available who cares about being a good educator and looks out for the physical and mental well being of the students.
👍👍👍 I approve 👍👍👍
In fact, I think I’m even starting to have a little crush on Dr Li. <3
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Today’s little aside is on Jing Xiao’s words of encouragement. She cites 3 Chinese idiomic sayings to cheer Xiaoxi up.
Netflix translates the sayings as "Think on your feet" and "Where there's a will, there's a way" but here are the original translated meanings.
1. 急中生智 - Within a crisis, intellect is stimulated
This is a pretty straightforward saying, very similar to “Think on your feet”
2. 绝处逢生 - Pushed to Death’s door, yet manage to find a way to survive
It’s a hopeful description of being able to overcome a bleak, seemingly impossible situation
3. 船到桥头自然直 - By the time the ship reaches the bridge, it will automatically be straight
This has a similar message as the English saying “You will be able to cross the bridge when you get there”. In this case, a vessel on the choppy waters might not be able to fathom how it can ever fit in the small narrow space under the bridge, and not get smashed up at the speed it is going at. But due to PHYSICS, by the time the boat/ship reaches the bridge, the rushing water should naturally cause the ship to be aligned correctly and allow it to pass safely under the bridge. Basically it’s a saying to console someone who is currently overwhelmed by saying that things will turn alright in the end.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
A Love So Beautiful Episode 3 Recap: Please Vote for Me
An entire episode on high school shenanigans? Sign me up!
So. The class leader nominated by Ms Liu is Jiang Cheng and much to the astonishment of everyone, Jiang Chen rejects it. The position is suddenly available to any student who wants to nominate themselves and the class gets to hold an election. So exciting!
I'm not sure how actual classrooms work nowadays, but sixteen year olds clamoring to be the class leader is absolutely a thing in Asia. In all the classes and school clubs I have ever been in, being the leader or part of the executive committee is A Big Deal. Part of this is due to the competitive nature of schooling where everyone is looking for an edge to be considered over their peers. For typical college application here in Asia, you would include a transcript of your academic grades, a curriculum vitae listing your school club/sports activities, your top 3-5 achievements, your leadership position(s), your contributions to the society, any relevant internship or work/study attachments. Also submitted are testimonials and letters of recommendations from teachers. An extra line of "Class Leader 2005-2007" listed in your CV is a thing to convert.
Despite that, this episode felt more like an anime filler episode than anything. I'm not complaining because I generally enjoy filler episodes, and I do want to share Xiaoxi's school experience.
So far we have seen her two teachers, Mr Liu and Ms Liu. Both are stern disciplinarians but they do seem to genuinely care about their students.
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The episode centers on Xiaoxi's efforts to prove herself as class leader material. From her election speech to her management of the class finances and how she tackles a crisis. Initially the underdog, she is able to inspire her classmates and impress Jiang Chen as well as her teacher as she sets out to do the right thing.
I'm not going to run through every single scene in this episode. This episode’s plot is pretty straightforward - Xiaoxi tries to impress Jiang Chen by running for class leader, but he shows a complete lack of faith in her abilities. However, when she messes up and loses the class fund, he helps her to retrieve it.
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Let’s focus on the Mandarin stuff in this episode instead.
1. Names:
This is the first time I'm seeing Xiaoxi's name spelt out. It's there on the chalkboard as 陈小希. Xiao (小) literally means "small", and many Chinese names have the diminutive Xiao (小) added to the front of their names to imply youth or having a small size. It's a little similar to when the "-chan" suffix is added to Japanese names, implying a sense of kawaii-ness. The second character of Xiaoxi's name, Xi (希), means "hope". It's just so apt for her name to reflect her optimistic hopeful character.
If anyone is interested, in her rival Li Wei’s name, Wei (薇) refers to some kind of plant.
2. Voting counts using 正:
If you notice, during the elections, vote counting is by writing the character 正 (pronounced: zheng). This word literally means Justice. And it is conveniently made up of 5 strokes. So, similarly to the western counting of using 4 vertical lines with 1 horizonal strikethrough, the Chinese use the 正 to denote a count of 5.
3. 忍 Endure
After Jiang Chen’s brutal betrayal, Xiaoxi writes “忍!” in her worksheet. It’s a form of encouragement to herself to hold on and bear with the pain. Later on, in a spectacular loss of self-control, she lashes out and kicks Jiang Chen.
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This episode created loads of cute scenarios for love to blossom. I was squeaking with happiness for Lu Yang because despite his perchance for reading R-rated novels in class, he's just too pure when he with his crush. Please let him have all the hugs!
And let's just talk about our lovely second lead shall we? Bo Song is number 1 boyfriend contender. There is no fight. He notices that Xiaoxi was in discomfort and made all efforts to alleviate her pain. Buying every available medication at the pharmacy? Swoooon. Sign me up for this dude! The scene at the doctor's was hilarious but spot on. There are different stomachaches that females experience. #crampssuck While watching it, I was just stuck by how much I relate to the doctor who's able to just observe Bo Song with an amused knowing smile. I’m sure I had the same smile on my face while watching Bo Song's earnest efforts.
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Unfortunately, throughout this sequence, a thought crept into my mind and has since lodged itself firmly. Poor Bo Song has relegated himself into a role that he might not be able to climb out of. I notice that whenever he speaks to Xiaoxi, he calls her "Dage (大哥)" which means "Big Brother", and Netflix has translated it as "boss". Well, it's usually reserved for the most senior person in a brotherhood - you would tend to hear such a title used for the big boss of a gang, or perhaps for the head of a martial arts clan. And well... The way Bo Song says “Dage”... It's not one bit romantic. Not even bromantic. He says it as though he’s a servant referring to his master. By doing so, Bo Song has diminished himself to a level even below friendzone. He has condemned himself to the minion-zone. He has basically accepted the sidekick/got-your-back-buddy role. I don't see how he can make Xiaoxi see that he cares for her romantically until he treats her like a lady.
Actually, I can't wait till he does that. Xiaoxi deserves to be treated like one!
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
A Love So Beautiful Episode 2 Recap: Can I Hop On Your Bike?
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Netflix oh Netflix. Why do you tease me so! With that picture, I suddenly have visions of these two all grown up and married. No!! Please just let me live in their teenage past and experience their budding love.
So. The world building continues in episode 2. Jiang Chen still appears to be an emotionless robot, but the writers have crafted a believable sob story to explain his emotional detachment and why Xiaoxi is so protective of him.
I’m still not taken in with Jiang Chen’s character yet. And the issue isn’t with the acting at all. For the stoic lead, he has a generous amount of micro-expressions and his “poker face” matches his sarcastic quips. However, something in the writing/directing leaves more to be desired. The parts about Jiang Chen’s past feels like clunky exposition to me.
On the other hand, I’m really liking the second lead, Wu Bo Song 吴柏松.In any other show, Bo Song would have been the main lead. He’s a charming and sporty dude with a sense of humor. I do feel kinda upset every time he interacts with Xiaoxi though. As the second lead, he’s fated to not get the girl. But he really puts in so much more effort than Jiang Chen - it’s not fair!
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At Bo Song’s swim competition, silly Xiaoxi jumbles up the characters on her hand-drawn cheer poster, leading to a "Wu Song Bo" instead. Hahaha! Later on, after the race, when Bo Song was getting harassed by interviewers, Xiaoxi and her poster comes to his rescue with a giant cheer. Bo Song appears really touched by her support, so much so that he offered to trade her for the poster.
The camera work during the dinner scene deliberately included many many lingering closeups of Bo Song's hopeful face. As well as his repeated requests for the poster. It's obvious to us that Bo Song places a great significance on what happened and really wanted a keepsake. However Xiaoxi doesn't place the same importance on the interaction. In her eyes, she was just keeping her word to come and watch the race - she was merely being a friend, and not a very good one at that (the poster typo being an embarrassing bit of evidence).
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So. Storytime now. As an old codger I watch shows like this and cringe unabashedly at scenes of young love like this. I have been Xiaoxi in various situations in my life where I have been absolutely oblivious that my actions were leading someone on. I was just being myself, you know? In interactions with said guy, a sentence might have some significant meaning to the guy, but because things seem innocuous on the surface, I end up answering carelessly and hurting his feelings. 
Here, Xiaoxi is so preoccupied with her life (and Jiang Chen) that she isn’t able to be properly present in the conversation, thus completely missing the social cues from Bo Song.
Personally I find Bo Song’s attraction to Xiaoxi far more organic and interesting rather than the shoehorned Xiaoxi and Jiang Chen childhood friends next door arrangement. Perhaps it's because Bo Song is such an expressive actor. He also has such a natural chemistry with Xiaoxi, I enjoyed him popping up to save Xiaoxi and giving her bike rides. And the impetus for the bike rides are so spontaneous and fun. Early in the episode, he smoothly glided up to save her from a group of girls. And in another instance, when they needed to escape quickly from their teacher, she just mounted up on his bike and they sped away crazily. Ah, youth.
Of course, the title of this episode “Can I Hop On Your Bike?” actually refers to the bike ride that Xiaoxi wants Jiang Chen to give her. It’s establised early on in the episode that Xiaoxi lost her bike. So it’s a running gag that throughout the episode, Xiaoxi gazes mornfully at Jiang Chen whenever she needs a ride, and he always ignores her. But in end, he eventually does give her a ride to school. 
Unfortunately, the payoff is so disappointing in this episode. I don't feel inclined to root for Jiang Chen at all, not even when I learnt that he doesn't have parental support. Nor does Jiang Chen's discovery that "someone" came and looked after him when he was ill make me feel like there was any significant development in their relationship. The bike ride at the end seems more like “payment” for Xiaoxi’s care, rather than an actual joyful and spontaneous event. I personally feel like this cheapens Xiaoxi and Jiang Chen’s interaction. A key part of my inability to accept their relationship, is due to the lack of communication between them. Well, Xiaoxi tries. She has made her intentions Vey Clear. But Jiang Chen is still a closed box. And until he opens up and reciprocates, their interactions just seem awkward and forced.
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On to other stuff now. This story occurs in 2005 and in this episode the directors do try make an effort to pay homage to the era. I'm reminded of my trusty old Nokia phone whenever one appears on screen. In those days, everyone had a Nokia. A phone was literally only able to be used for calling and texting. Apps hadn’t even been invented yet, so the telcos had a powerful monopoly on phone usage. Depending on your phone plan, every month you had a finite amount of call minute and text messages to make. Any extra text message past your limit would cost a ridiculous amount of money. You had to stay within the character limit for each text and ration your texts or end up with your parents refusing to pay your phone bills. I’m so glad that telecommunication these days have improved so drastically.
Speaking of communication, the Internet was a vastly different place back in 2005. As we learn in this episode, being a moderator for a fangirl website is a big honor. Back then, going on the Internet did not consist of scrolling mindlessly on Facebook. You actually had to look for the content you wanted. Thus, there were hives of activity on specialty sites, and each community developed their own form of management. Typically websites would consist of a forum section where users could post their questions and comments on various topics. For a fangirl site, this forum is arguably the most important part of the website. A moderator would have the power to highlight or sticky a post to the top, or delete and ban users.
Although Facebook was not available yet, there were various blogging and sharing sites on the Internet in 2005. As shown in the episode, QQ was widely popular in China (and still is). Each user account could access various functions on the platform which included a friends list, chat message, a personal blog and private memos.
Next historical relic spotted, the Warcraft poster pasted on the door of the Internet Cafe that the boys frequent. Warcraft was released in 2004, so that was absolutely the era of the original Warcraft game. There has been loads of Warcraft sequels since, but the poster is the classic original one. Kudos to the props team on that one.
In the previous episode, the boys spent time in the Internet Cafe as well, and I'm pretty sure that the game they were playing was Counterstrike - another massively popular computer game in that era. Counterstrike is a fantastic bonding game. Every round is approximately 2 to 5 minutes. There is almost no learning curve to this game. You literally team up with your buddies, connect to a game, and try to shoot down anyone who isn't on your team. In an hour, you theoretically could play 50 short games. It's low stress and involves loads of incoherent yelling. It's therefore really believable that the guys could become fast friends after just one gaming session. And that they would make plans to go regularly after school.
That marriage game though............ I'm not sure I ever encountered anything like that. It’s also not within my personal experience that any 16 year old guy would be interested in broadcasting his impending marriage with his virtual waifu. Haha, just my take but this mindset seems too modern for 2005.
I'll try to keep my eyes peeled for more 2005 pop culture references throughout this show.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
A Love So Beautiful Episode 1 Recap: Dear Jiang Chen
First impressions first. This is the perfect rosy tinted nostalgia teenage school puppy love that I expected it to be!
The only reason that I'm even watching this show is because of the catchy theme song. I was listening to a YouTube mix of popular Chinese hits in bed,and despite the fact that I was drifting into sleep, the lyrics of this song were so distinct and cutesy that I snapped back to attention to focus on the lyrics and listen fully to the song.
Here it is: https://youtu.be/6NJfEBlcHmE
我喜欢你的眼睛 你的睫毛  你的冷傲
我喜欢你的酒窝 你的嘴角 你的微笑
我喜欢你全世界都知道 嘲笑 别恼
我会继续 请你准备好
I like your eyes, your eye lashes, you icy demeanor
I like your dimples, the corners of your mouth, your amused smile
I like you - the whole world knows. They mock. But don't worry
I'll still persevere. You better be prepared
Hehehe it is such an addictive and positive little song!
So it totally geared me up in terms of what to expect from this show - an optimistic girl chasing after the aloof boy. Episode 1 pulls no punches though. Poor Xiaoxi gets rejected again and again by Jiang Chen. 
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Throughout the episode we learn the current relationship that Xiaoxi and Jiang Chen have:
1. They are neighbors
2. They graduated from the same Middle School
3. They are currently classmates in their First year of High School
You should think that their existing familiarity would make it easy for her to get closer to him. However Jiang Chen doesn't acknowledge her when she invites him to go to school together and completely ignores her in class. 
To be honest, this is so typically cliche that I’m not even bothering to frame my opinions within any realistic rational manner. Jiang Chen fulfills the stereotype of the cool dude who excels in everything he does and looks good while doing so. Conversely, Xiaoxi has been written as a well-meaning klutz who has her struggles in academics and other real-life issues. In short, it's very easy to identify with Xiaoxi as well as commiserate in her misery while Jiang Cheng remains mysterious and effortlessly cool.
Episode 1 includes Xiaoxi getting love advice from:
1. A website
2. Her classmate Lu Yang who's kind of a wimp but likes to brag about his non-existent conquests
3. Her fellow fangirl, the tomboy Jing Xiao, but under the guise of "asking for a friend"
I particularly loved Jing Xiao's confession method - basically threatening the other party into submission. The aftermath of Xiaoxi’s attempt to practice the “confession” led to what was probably my favourite scene in the entire episode: the first encounter between Wu Bo Song and Xiaoxi. Despite being caught unawares in a potentially embarrassing situation, she played it really cool, so much so that Bo Song was convinced that she was a gangster boss. I'm seriously impressed and amused. Best scene ever.
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So with the 5 students properly introduced, the episode brings them together as friends/comrades in the form of a dramatic standoff between them and an unreasonable teacher. And then afterwards, we even got separate bonding sessions for the two genders - the guys at a PC cafe playing video games and the girls at a celebrity fangirl meetup session. I'm so excited for the upcoming episodes to solidify their friendship and introduce lots more interesting scenarios for "interaction".
Let me unabashedly admit here that I looove the character of tomboy Jing Xiao. She’s tough and sassy and not in the typical over-exaggerated way either. She has just the right balance of nonchalance and wit that retains her humanity. And I'm so glad that Lu Yang can appreciate her strength and force of character. It's gonna be so fun to watch him being all smitten with her and try to win her over. I can't wait!
On the main couple's tale, I don't have much to say. It's a fairly cliche outline of girl next door likes best boy. And the prologue already hints that they might not have ended up together in the end. It seems like for that season of youth, she chased after him. And... Maybe they got together for a bit? And then broke up?
The epilogue shows that Jiang Chen actually has a soft spot for Xiaoxi but pulls it back. He almost reached out to brush her hair while she was asleep, but stopped himself when she started sleeptalking.
Ahhhhh what a way to end an episode
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 13 Recap: Vampire Knight
It's over! It's over! But I have no complaints. Everything was done so well. Rido was finally exterminated by Zero. And the aftermath was a great epilogue in itself. We revisit every character and see their motives for what they decide to do in future. Yuki and Zero share one last moment on the rooftop. He offers her his blood. A most intimate moment amongst vampires. And Kaname gracefully accepts Yuki's act, believing that she chose Zero over him.
Yuki's choice to bite Zero fully allowed her to understand him. It laid bare Zero's devotion to Yuki. Also, it is an admission to Zero that she truly is a vampire. The two came to the conclusion where Zero would continue with his Vampire Hunter legacy and Yuki would live as a vampire, giving us the insight that there will be an inevitable meeting in future where Zero will come after Yuki to kill her.
The ending is bittersweet. Yuki leaves with Kaname after a hug with the Headmaster. The Headmaster acts like a typical overprotective dad - asking her if it really is her choice and staring Kaname down to threaten him if he makes Yuki cry.
The episode ends with a stillshot of Yuki leaving with the frame fading to sepia. Such finality.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 12 Recap: World's End
In the penultimate episode, all the chess pieces are in place and all that's needed is for them to make their move.
Yuki does rush hastily to Rido despite having no plan. I seriously am annoyed with her nativity. Thank goodness she's the heroine and has plot armour. In this episode Yuki keeps being referred to as Juli (her vampire mother). We learn that Rido had previously drank Juli's blood forcefully while she called for help. It's rape. That's what it is. And he intends to do it to Yuki too. He wants to slowly savour Yuki's helplessness as she calls for her lover while he drinks her precious blood.
Thankfully Zero bursts onto the scene and shoots Rido. Poor unstable Zero isn't fully able to control himself. His left arm has mutated into a monstrous claw with surges of power. Trusting Zero's instructions, Yuki slices his left shoulder with Artemis so that his left arm hangs limp at his side. Zero picks up his gun and points it at Rido again.
In between all this, Kuran goes to Ichijou who flees. Kuran demolishes the Ichijou compound and strides off mysteriously.
The next episode is the last one already?! I do wonder how they are going to end things satisfactorily.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 11 Recap: Two Souls
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Whoa! Headmaster Crowd's demeanour completely changes when he dons his vampire hunter persona. I wouldn't mind an entire backstory series about his adventures as a vampire hunter.
The episode however, focuses on Zero and Ichiru. The twins have such a convoluted past and so much love-hate tension between them that it's almost a relief that things come to an end.
We get an in-depth look into the feelings of inadequacy and guilt that fuel the duo's relationship. Ultimately, Kaname's engineering pays off and Zero consumes his brother, unleashing the full potential of his genes.
Unfortunately I don't have anything witty or insightful to say regarding the twins. I've never found myself drawn into this particular side story and frankly it seems more like yaoi fanservice. The overwhelming visuals and exaggerated overtly homoerotic sexual tension makes their situation less believable for me. Not to mention the overuse of flashbacks! Enough already! The present Zero is such a toughie but having the show forcefeed us his caring relationship with his brother is at such odds against my perception of him that I just can't resolve it. Not to mention that Ichiru has been written and portrayed to be such a jerk that the ultimate redemption of his character made it seem very rushed and unsatisfying. I don't really have a problem with the resolution because everything wrapped itself up neatly. I just am glad that it's over and I can get back to badass Zero.
In the meantime, Yuki is running towards....? Hopefully she isn't going to do something completely unnecessary and foolhardy.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 10 Recap: Prelude to the Battle
Thank the heavens! My prayers were answered! This episode had more frustrated Aido moments! Look! I even made a gif to commemorate!
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I'm afraid I'm not particularly keen on recsping this episode cause nothing majorly interesting happens. The school goes down into shutdown mode. Random vampires begin to appear to prey on human students. Yuki struggles with the new situation. Zero doubts himself. Headmaster Cross is reluctant to regain his ex role as a Vampire hunter. Ichijou decides to do something. Kaname visits Zero to give him the usual spiel on how he can never betray Yuki. This time, with more exposition, bragging that he maneuvered things so that Zero would gain exceptional skills that allow him to accomplish the task. Then finally Rido wakes up.
I do wonder what Yuki plans to do with a gun. Kaname literally tearing that Vampire into shreds didn't kill him. What would a bullet be able to achieve?
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 9 Recap: Revival of the Mad Emperor
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I feel like how Aido looks. What is this show turning into?!
Yuki, stung by Zero's distrust of the Vampire her, lies to him spitefully saying that the Yuki he once knew doesn't exist any more because she has been eaten up by Vampire Yuki.
Kaname revives Rido in his original body, despite having torn Rido up into bits a mere 10 years ago.
We find out that Rido had resurrected Kaname, who was the original pureblood vampire ancestor. Kaname is unable to kill Rido personally because Rido was the one who awakened him. Why then did he awaken Rido? Couldn't he have gotten Yuki to deliver the killing blow instead?
In other news, the Vampire Hunter president is in cahoots with the Senate. And they are in agreement to kill Zero.
Zero begs to die, but the 2 vampire hunters in thr Academy refuse to kill him.
How are things going to resolve from here on? Do I even care? The love triangle kinda ended when Yuki became a vampire and chose Kurame. And I admit. I'm not that invested in the side plots. Can I just have an entire episode of Aido scuttling after Yuki and trying his hardest not to snap at her antics?
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 8 Recap: Spiraling Recollections
I take it that this is the equivalent of Yuki's consummation of Kaname. She pierces him with her fangs and gulps down his fresh blood. While straddling him. On the bed. In the darkened bedroom.
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I have to admit, a thrill went up my spine as I watched Yuki regaining agency once she acknowledges her pure blood birthright. She straighens up and leaves the room she was told to stay in. She commands Aido and Kain with her force and even teases them by allowing them to follow her. Her powers are strong and she doesn't have control yet. Her hair is different too. It's long and billows around in the wind as a sign of her new unhinged unpredictability. It's fascinating how she's evolved from the timid little human we thought we knew.
I like this new Yuki. More please!
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 7 Recap: The Kiss of Thorns
It finally happened! Yuki has awakened!
Before we get into things, let me just say, "Kiss of Thorns" is such an apt title for this episode. I can easily imagine the feel of the sharp fangs of a vampire akin to thorns in the event of a kiss. Also, the juxtaposition of something as tender as a kiss with the prickly thorn just makes the entire phrase sound dangerous and alluring at the same time.
So. Yuki and Kaname grew up together as siblings when they were young. This actually helps me to accept why Kaname is so loving and possessive towards Yuki. If there were any other set of circumstances I probably would not be able to stomach Kaname's behaviour. As I previously indicated, the reason why I ship Zero and Yuki is because they have coexisted together and such familiarity and mutual support is a prerequisite for any sort of successful romantic relation.
At that time, Yuki did not have a healthy relationship with Kaname. She placed him on a pedestal and their interactions were limited to either her fawning over him or him treating her like a little child. Any healthy relationship should be made of two individuals who have agency and mutual respect. The fact that Yuki was constantly being manipulated, even though Kaname excuses it as "protection" highlights the fact that Yuki does not have any power to refuse Kaname or make any demands of him at all. The two are not equals. In fact, it's laughable how staggering the power imbalance between them are. She might as well be just a plaything subject to his whims.
Now. This quickening has turned the entire situation on its heels. Now that Yuki has regained her memories... We need to revisit the prerequisites for a romantic relations.
Firstly, mutual coexistance and familiarity. It is very possible that when they were young, Kaname was an amazing brother and the two had a close tie. In that case, Kaname would fulfil this criterion. What is important for this criterion is that it has to be mutual. If Kaname remembers, but Yuki doesn't have the memory, it doesn't exist mutually.
Next, the power imbalance. In Vampire lore, and other supernatural stories, the one recurring theme between relations of human and supernatural is the difference in powers. The Vampire is the ultimate of what humans desire. Long life, beauty, supernatural abilities... a human could never match up to that. Thus when Kaname bit into Yuki, he was pulling her into his world. The Vampire world, where Yuki would inherit these traits. And immediately, he gave her his pure blood so that she would not be bound by the blood bond of master-servant relations. He absolutely made her an equal to him. Though she may not be a pure blood, she's a respectable vampire now. And from here, there is a good possibility that they can advance into true romantic relations.
Surprisingly, I didn't find myself disturbed by the fact that Yuki and Kaname have a sister-brother bond. I suppose Yuki and Zero can be considered foster siblings as well. Anyway, the anime got Kaname to admit that they weren't full blood siblings. Maybe they share a mother?
I'm super excited now that Yuki has awakened. I demand flashbacks! I wanna know their mysterious past! The future is exciting too! I demand a kinky Vampire lovefest <3
...though that's not likely to happen is it...
Hahaha. Well, a girl can dream!
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 6 Recap: The Fake Lovers
This episode had a couple of cute moments and that makes me happy!
We get to watch as Ichiru and the Headmaster cook in the kitchen. And also Yuki getting reluctant vampire bodyguards. Did you get a load of Yori-chan's responss to that? Heh.
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This episode, Kaname and Yuki are officially lovers. Except. They are awkward and formal with each other. And Zero gets to spectate. Even Yuki knows that it's all wrong. But Aido had given a word of caution to her - Kaname made this declaration so that Yuki could be protected.
Poor Yuki. I cringed throughout her time with Kaname. He shuts her off and goes round in circles with his words. I just felt so uncomfortable for her. Even her kneeling position looks uncomfortable :(
It looks like the action will start up in the next episode. All the pawns have been set. Let the game begin.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 5 Recap: The Subordinate's Trap
I'm so Team Zero right now.
Kaname's words and actions are pissing me off big time. That's not the way to confess. That's not the way to take a lover. What he does has no respect for the girl in front of him. He is just... taking. It's so crude and possessive. It makes me wanna hurl.
Zero on the other hand has been by Yuki's side the entire time. He gives her space when she needs it and supports her in all manner of ways. He cooks for her, tutors her with homework, stays outside her bathroom when she experiences a blood hallucination. He confides his weaknesses to her and tries to be a better man for her. That's what a real relationship is made of.
That's all I want to comment on for this episode.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 4 Recap: Devil's Awakening
No prizes for guessing who's the devil.
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Fooled us all, you little punk.
In other news, the Shiki family and Ichijou family are both on the move. Aido pledges his allegiance to Kaname. Yuki is determined to remember.
This episode was riveting. Without the distractions of school life, we get access to the Vampire Hunter Association city and it's eccentric president. He traps Zero in a room of bloodsoaked manuscripts and dangles the "cure" of Kuran Kaname's pure blood over Zero, not knowing that Zero had already tasted it. There is a plot afoot here. The Vampire Hunters want Zero and Kaname to clash. But why?
The next episode is called "The Subordinate's Trap". Argh. My imagination is going into overdrive wondering what the trap is.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 3 Recap: The Azure Portrait
In contrast to the previous episode, this one was a slow burner. Rather than leaping right into the intensity of Yuki, Kaname and Zero's relationship, we get a detour into Aido's side of the story. Its a refreshing pace and provided more depth to the character - I really welcomed that.
If you recall back to season one, Aido was the very first vampire that we had any sort of characterisation of. He was the one who asked Yuki for a taste of her blood and attempted to get it. The one who manifested his ice powers in front of her when he was upset with her. In terms of characterization, he has been noticeable from the start, with his chatty ditzy act in front of the Day class, to the cold malice he displays when he gets jealous of Yuki.
What could have caused Aido to turn into a complete utter fanboy of Kaname? How was this reckless, spoilt, capricious creature tamed?
We are treated to an almost complete recall of Aido's relationship with Kaname. The initial reaction of Aido upon meeting Kaname was as hostile as one can imagine. He completely refused Kaname's request to be friends!
Their next encounter, he was more cruel. Although he was aware of Kaname's status, his pride would not let him change his stance. Aido rejected Kaname again. However, Aido couldn't help regretting his decision. And held on to the little sand glass ball ever since. When they finally bumped into each other again years later at the ball, Aido took the chance to apologise sincerely.
However their interaction at the ball was different from their interactions before. When Aido speaks up with concern for Kaname, Kaname treats him with suspicion and even considers killing him. Something must have happened to Kaname when his parents died. Why does Kaname fear that Aido knew "the Truth"? Could he actually have killed his own parents? What caused his attitude to be more cynical and ruthless?
In the present, Aido finds himself doubting Kaname. He had secretly overheard Kaname murdering Shizuka and he is watching as Kaname appears to be pinning the blame onto Zero. Poor Aido doesn't know what to do with this secret knowledge and the revelation has shaken his allegiance to Kaname. It takes a brave Yuki declaring that she doesn't mind if she gets betrayed by Kaname, that calms Aido down to consider that he too feels the same. It strengthens his resolve to continue to follow Kaname, even if Kaname betrays him later.
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Oh and can I just say that Aido's eyes are just beautiful. They turn into this amazing turquoise when he gets pensive. And the little glass ball which is a symbol of his attachment to Kaname is this deep glassy green that matches his eyes. We get so many scenes of him holding up the ball and brooding over it. Mmmmmm. It's such beautiful imagery. I'm loving this anime's attention to detail.
Amongst all that, we get a little bit of Shiki as well. He has a whole different family environment from what we've seen so far. I'm not sure what to make if him right now so I'll leave my comments till next time.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 2 Recap: The Eternal Promise
Argh it's such exquisite torture watching this episode. That scene. Woooh. It's getting really hot in here. (Fans self vigorously)
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So. Yuki agrees to become a vampire to be with Kaname. But... She says that with a pained frown whilst trembling. Kaname realises she is not fully prepared and stops. This vampire truly has iron clad control of himself.
My eternal gratitude to the animators for working on this, because omg. Really. this scene... Let me just say that this anime has been fantastic in imagery, pacing, music and sound effects all along, but this really cemented it for me. From the red glow of Kaname's eyes to his seductive voice and Yuki's motionless body. Every single frame builds up to this intense moment and I just really have this intense urge to acknowledge the animators for a job well done.
Excuse me now. I'm just gonna go back and replay it a couple more times.
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recsnrecaps · 4 years
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 1 Recap: Burden of Sinners
We are on the second season of Vampire Knight and the new opening is amazing too! And yes, I can definitely confirm that once upon a time, I must have watched this entire series, cause I automatically started humming along to the theme song. I'm glad that the song is the only remnant of my prior watch - I don't have any inkling of what's going to happen beyond this episode.
This episode picks up smoothly where we left off in the last season. Yuki continues to be oblivious to Kaname, Zero and the headmaster's plots. Maria Kurenai awakens and drops hints about the Mastermind. Kaname prevents the Vampire Senate from executing Zero. But he loses Yuki's trust because he is unable to tell her that Zero is not the killer.
Now Zero doubly owes him his life. Previously he was allowed to drink Kaname's blood to recover. And now he has been spared execution by the Senate, at least on school grounds. He's safe for now. Too bad the Vampire Hunter Association is getting in on the action too. I wonder what's in that envelope!
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