realmonstersrus · 3 years
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(+) observant, meticulous, unassuming (–) apathetic, introverted, territorial
he’s their one and only. quiet, maybe unusually so, when kids his age are best at being anything but, though they can’t say they’re complaining.
a natural aptitude for flexibility and balance has him being pushed into a different direction from a young age. they might be more on the cerebral side of thinking, but they know raw talent when they see it.
not one for odd numbers or being the odd one out, but it works, somehow. seven really is a lucky number, after all.
the usual growing pains fall through: puberty, uncertainty about anything and everything, past and present. the one nobody saw coming was loss.
guilt is one hell of a drug. the lethargy is unbelievably potent, enough to unspool the concept of ambition completely. long story short: julliard’s a pipe dream, and that’s all there is to it.
doesn’t make dancing any less of an option, does it now? might as well make something of it here if not elsewhere.
he’s still their one and only. quieter, in a way that should be concerning, though they can’t say they’re complaining. or paying attention.
out of all the horrible things that could happen, it really had to be this one? (don’t answer that.)
part of him wonders if it’d been karma finally making its rounds, or a case of horrible timing. the bigger half decides there’s no point ruminating the cause of it at all.
only hiding in plain sight is always, always easier said than done.
SPIDER PHYSIOLOGY — the power to imitate the basic abilities of spiders, including websilk generation, wallcrawling, predator instinct, and enhanced leaping. 
jihan can shoot webs from his fingers that can stick to solid surfaces up to a length of 10 yards, which can also be used as a makeshift appendage to swing across large distances. the longer the silk, the thinner and more prone to breakage it is. his fingers and toes have natural adhesiveness that allows for sticking and maneuvering across any surface, including ceilings and vertical planes. slippery surfaces and extreme temperature conditions can greatly weaken this ability, as well as fatigue and preexisting injuries. predatory sense is used to detect any approaching threats within 10 feet, but is currently very sporadic and unreliable. 
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realmonstersrus · 3 years
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(+) hardworking, sociable, loyal (–) competitive, volatile, flimsy
han jiyul leads a perfect life. son of a wealthy businessman (former alpha, brawn and brains to boot with the way he capitalized on his legacy’s prestige–not to mention his own blood, sweat, and tears–to start his own company) and a successful online shop owner (mom was a genius, bored housewife, yes, but genius nonetheless). he, along with his brother, grows up more privileged than most. loved than most. blessed, he knows it. and so has never taken a thing for granted.
jiyul grew up nurtured, properly spoiled, gently edged into doing every bit of sport and martial arts there was. dad wanted him prepared after all, his empire is built on the alpha legacy. and his sons? his sons will not amount to anything less. and jiyul led the life of a wealthy trophy son, propped on the display case just like mom.
expectations were made before his birth, and so when jiyul hit puberty and showed no signs of a mutation, the entire han household went into a panic. tensions high on the rise and the door to dad’s study is always closed.
and it’s nothing he wants to feel again.
when it hits, it hits hard. jiyul’s mutation is something unlike dad’s manipulation of vibrations, unlike younger brother’s ability to disintegrate objects. it is something sinister. the way it posses his body. the way black tendrils sticks to his skin, refusing to desist even with the desperation of his clawing. the way it devours him: mind, body, soul.
the next few years is a blur. years devoted to controlling the creature in him. rather than mutation, it is as if his body is not his—simply a tool used by another being when they see fit. his therapist says he’s projecting. using the creature as medium. projecting? what could he possibly be projecting to come up with such a vile thing?
he knew. fair enough. he knew the extent of what it was he was “projecting”. what it was he kept shoved down. the heavying boot on his throat. dad’s expectations. mother’s aspirations. brother’s admiration. he is to be perfect isn’t he? isn’t he?
the creature in question has too many thoughts. opinions. teeth. snarls his words and rots his body from the inside. their body. their mind. their soul to ruin. wring his goodness dry and wear it on his crown. boy king.
at gumi, he carries the same things that fed the monster on his shoulders—pursues a kingdom built for him, meant for him, belonging to him (to them) despite the changing trajectory of his existence in the world around him. the answer’s simple: meet father’s expectations, foster mother’s aspirations, maintain brother’s admiration, all while swallowing back the wicked thing festering in the marrow of his bones. the answer’s simple: it’s a reputation glittering in gold, his name carved out into the untouchable tapestry of the only legacy he’s ever been meant to know—alpha. gumi is where he will built his shelter, where the nightmares of losing his body and his mind to a creature darker than dark come to an end.
his power is his and he chooses not to seek it. years spent learning to tame it are summoned to mind, engraved deep into his memory over and over again each passing day that he chooses to keep it locked away, confined, restrained where it ought to be. he can take care of himself. he can protect a reputation, a legacy, that he’s worked his entire life for without the aid of the monster nestled at the base of his ribcage. the few times that necessity strike and the sickening sensation of black engulfing him pale in comparison to the times that he’s tossed his crutch aside. jiyul knows how to take care of himself—he knows better than to forget the monster he is on his own.
ALIEN PHYSIOLOGY. the creature taking over his body is called a SYMBIOTE. essentially a figment of jiyul’s imagination, numerous therapists speculate that the “creature” inhabiting his body is simply a part of his mind struggling to cope with the pressures of life. however, jiyul insists that it is real and rather him having a mutation—he is more so just a HOST BODY to a bastard of a creature from another world. NOTE: true to jiyul’s beliefs, description of the symbiote will be referred to as its own person rather than a “mutation”. the SYMBIOTE manifests in constituent black matter or goo, capable of extending its biomass into tendrils or tentacles. it exists within jiyul’s body dormant if unused, leaving him unable to access most applications it possesses. when put fully to use, however, the symbiote is tricky to control and threatens to over take his body. at that point in which, han jiyul no longer resembles anything human. his body is completely coated in black matter, his height extending to around 6′4 and his muscle mass near tripling to match a larger build. the black matter would completely takeover his body and head, forming a fanged mouth and white “eyes” over his face. APPLICATIONS:
SUPERNATURAL CONDITION the existence of the SYMBIOTE in him allows jiyul a heightened edge in comparison to most. he is FASTER, STRONGER, SMARTER, MORE DURABLE, WITH HEIGHTENED SENSES — all depending on the amount of black matter coating his body.
REGENERATION when engulfed by the SYMBIOTE, the host body is capable of healing at a faster rate than normal.
CONSITUTENT-MATTER GENERATION/MANIPULATION the generation of the same black matter that SYMBIOTE possesses, this application is innate and near acts as a defensive mechanism given the way it shoots out to attack/defend as if possessing a mind of its own. manipulation includes utilizing it as a 5th limb and as “web generation”. the matter itself is a sticky goo that clings to whatever surface it is flung on.
TAKEOVER when fully “possessed” by the SYMBIOTE, he is at his strongest. capable of lifting things up to 40 tons and moving at a faster speed. his regeneration rate is also higher than normal and also seems to be able to “shift” limbs into scythe-like weapons etc.
OVERALL jiyul is only as strong and fast etc with the aid of the creature in his body. though generally hard to separate from his body, the SYMBIOTE is weak to sonic, thermal, and electricity attacks. meaning if struck with any of the three for a long enough period of time (high intensity, maybe under five minutes) — the SYMBIOTE will weaken and fall off his frame—leaving jiyul exposed and weakened. SUPERNATURAL CONDITION full supernatural condition is only applicable when jiyul is taken over by the SYMBIOTE. on a regular basis, although his condition fares better than most — in the face of mutants with supernatural strength etc, jiyul is simply no match.
REGENERATION plausible for minor to major injuries, the host body is capable of regenerating even limbs. however, this is only for as long as the matter is covering said area—once removed, jiyul would cease to heal.
CONSITUTENT-MATTER GENERATION black matter may be removed by heat, sonic waves, or electricity.
TAKEOVER as mentioned before to fully rid the host body of the SYMBIOTE’s control, there are a few choice methods (sound, heat, electricity etc). jiyul may also physically tear the creature off him, but the process itself is exhausting both physically and mentally and once removed, leaves him fatigued and severely weakened.
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realmonstersrus · 3 years
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(+) clever, charming, daring (–) pretty and she knows it
jang danbi is destined to be spoiled. nothing else about it. the sole child of the jang family, not to mention the most adorable baby, grew up coddled, cared for, loved, by all members of the family (from mother, to father, to uncle and auntie). thrived like a budding camellia under the warm rays of affection. like this, she blossomed into a somewhat spoiled variation of disarming girls her age, girls with disarming charms and disarming smiles but behind glossed lips and flushed cheeks lies a barbed tongue and sharp canines.
it’s not to say that she’s cruel. vile. or downright wicked. because she’s not. because she grew up going to church on sundays and volunteered to teach its youths on her weekends. because she would fall on the metaphorical sword for anyone held dear to her heart. of course, it didn’t mean that she was good either. that she wasn’t prideful. wasn’t petty. wasn’t selfish. wasn’t a flower soiled by love and attention—poisoned. it fills her head, the want to be, the need to be seen, heard, loved. makes her something akin to cruel. something twisted. though, that’s life.
the early years breeze by without much trouble. but that is the norm for a pretty thing that lives such a disillusioned life. our jang danbi, among the prettiest flowers in class each and every year, lives blind to the fate of her family—the true identity of her father, the two wedding rings he holds in his fist, the role she and her mother plays in another family’s ruin.
instead, our prettiest flower fixates on the superficial, on the school cubby on valentines day overflowing with treats and cards. chocolate kisses and candy hearts she’d share with friends on the path home, sun on their backs, laughter in the air. simple days she’ll never get back again.
by thirteen, a lovely spectacle for all, danbi’s mother pressed to enter her daughter into the local pageant. plunged her into a whole new world of beauty and wickedness. see, to win in life (and this, danbi later better understand), it’s not enough to just be pretty. instead it is dependent on the highest heels, best walk, flawless hair, memorable ‘talent’, and most “moving” answers. a load of bullshit, her peer would mutter. i know, she would readily agreed. but i still want to win.
seventeen, nay, the moon of her sixteen birthday—exactly, one first place trophy, two academic certificates and one piano championship trophy later—life, as minuscule and superficial as she knew it, ceased to be the same ever again. it starts with a bump in the night. the sound of danbi’s head colliding with the cold cement of the basement is what jolted her from her slumber, leaving her more perplexed than anything. how the hell did she get here?
it didn’t take long to figure out the whys and hows. nothing is more apparent than the way her hand phases straight through the bathroom door—and continues to be intangible for a good hour. and danbi knew then, life as she knew it, picture perfect and pristine—was over.
to her credit, she did try her best to hide it. driven by the fear of her parents reaction and desperation to hold their love and affection (what would she have without it? absolutely nothing), danbi spent days at end hiding the fact that she could no longer hold anything with her right hand or that her left leg had the tendency to flicker in and out of tangibility. and nights dedicated to figuring how to make it stop. it never stops, however, waves of intangibility often sends her falling through her bedroom and onto the basement in her sleep. and then comes the pain. when her mom catches her. the relief on her features is almost foreign, the grip on her arms, the glee in her voice when she says ‘you’re just like your dad’. what?
turns out daddy dearest is a mutant, danbi isn’t sure as to when that fact seemed to have slip her — but the news brought nothing but good fortune to the likes of her (rendering her a bit silly for the teen angst freakout). talks of moving from big city seoul to incheon for her father’s alma mater (multiple talks and arguments as danbi did not take lightly to the fact that she would have to move), a new car for new college student (bribe, it’s a bribe) — and before she knew it, she had entered the gates of gumi. accepted into lotus within her first year.
and, truth be told, she hated it. jang danbi, our flower, our beauty, to place so much interest in succeeding, to sacrifice beauty sleep for grades, to conform for the sake of prestige. it isn’t that danbi was stupid (she scored above average on the norm) nor was it the fact that she wasn’t a team player. but to waste time fretting and fawning over a frigid legacy—who even has the time for that? by her second year, she was gone, finding new home in hellion’s open arms.
INTANGIBILITY — the ability to phase through matter. be it flesh or metal or even brick. this is done through the rearrangement of her atomic particles to pass through the atoms of the object she’s phasing though, also know as quantum tunneling—it renders her intangible to physical touch should she will it. given the nature of her ability, usage also interferes with any electric system she phases through as it disrupts the flow of electrons between atoms—this can also pertains to bio-electric systems in animate objects (humans, pets, monsters, etc) if she concentrates right. meaning she is able to cause electronics to malfunction or even destroy them as well as inducing shock and unconsciousness to living things. once in a full “phasing mode”, danbi retains an partially translucent image of herself, but is utterly intangible.
at her current level, she is able to phase anything from limbs or her entire body. although she struggles to fully control phasing with her entire body (though generally possible, she does have a few “flukes” here and there) as well as phasing specific body parts on its own. in theory, it is also possible for her to “phase” with another, but danbi has yet to  fully master that particular front. recently, however, she is fixated on “air-walking”, interacting with the molecules of air over surfaces which should allow her to ascend/descend. her power also tends to phase in and out without her consent, meaning her hand or leg or anything else could just easily turn intangible without her meaning to.
for phasing through solid matter via her entire body, the estimation duration is for however long she could hold her breath as she’s moving through the matter.
her power tends to phase in and out without her consent, meaning her hand or leg or anything else could just easily turn intangible without her meaning to.
in some cases, if she is not fully intangible to begin with, it is possible to bridge the molecules via electricity or various energy sources — rendering her unable to phase for a good hour after.
as it is not entirely a particularly stressing power (as it is more passive than not), overusage will encourage bad side-effects. such as rendering herself to stay in a naturally “phased” state and having to consciously will herself to be solid. fatigue is not frequent, but if danbi is not careful, she may phase through the earth right to the center.
though untested, the longest danbi can fully move between solid matter in her phased state is only a good two or three minutes.
moving phasing another person with her, she can manage about thirty seconds or so.
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realmonstersrus · 3 years
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(+) loyal, diligent, easygoing (–) unforgiving, temperamental, snarky
before her power manifested, yujin grew up loved. as the youngest child of two, she was ( and still is ) a bright girl who her parents loved showing off to their friends and colleagues.
when it happens, she’s eleven and an outcast. while her elder sister absolutely loved it, her parents only looked at her in disgust and she was no longer their bright little girl, but a mere ghost in their house.
her sister ended up taking care of her in place of their parents, making sure that no harm would come in yujin’s way. of course, there’s only so much that she can do for yujin.
it’s her last year in middle school and she already made herself enemies without even knowing about it. they cornered her behind the school, taunting her. they called her a monster, so she became one.
she seemed to black out and when she came to, she stood over the ringleader of the group. there’s blood splattered on her uniform, but she knows it isn’t hers. claws unsheathed and the taste of copper in her mouth, she doesn’t even flinch when the teacher that finds them lets out an ear-piercing shriek.
that’s when she learns that her power isn’t as great as it seemed. the week after the incident, she starts going to a therapist against her will, to talk about her temper even though that wasn’t the cause of it. she goes for her sister, she wouldn’t have gone for anyone else.
her parents seem to use that incident as an opportunity to kick her out. thankfully, her sister, who is in her second year in university, gladly takes her in to live in her apartment away from their parents.
despite all of this, she never lets her sister see just how vulnerable she can become. she’d have to be blind to not notice how increasingly stressed her sister is becoming. it’s not easy being a university student and an older sister at the same time.
so she maintains her high grades, makes friends in her new school, and always makes an attempt to lift her sister’s spirits up with some lame biology pun.
soon, it’s time for her to attend university and leave the makeshift nest her sister crafted for her. her sister is more than happy to send her off to gumi, because nothing could possibly be better for yujin than going to school with strictly powered folk only, right?
hellhound physiology is the power to take form and/or use the abilities of the hellhound.
— physique: as there are a few variations of the hellhound, yujin specifically takes form of cerebrus. therefore, when she decides to shift into the hellhound, she will appear as a giant ( around 9ft tall ) three-headed hound with glowing red eyes that looks like a monstrous version of a doberman. sometimes if she’s not in the form of the hellhound but still uses her power, she’d only possess the glowing red eyes. otherwise, she looks completely normal.
— psyche: known as feral mind, she can tap into a primal, almost berserk rage that allows her to perform drastically better with a higher tolerance to attacks. this is only applicable to when she’s changed her physical form. she also has the ability to invoke fear in others and possesses predatory instincts, which allows her to perform well in hunting and tracking.
— enhancements: her physical capabilities are enhanced to match that of a hellhound. the improvements that apply regardless of changing her physical form are endurance, senses, speed, stamina, strength, and agility. the ones that apply only when she has taken the form of cerebrus are bite and durability. the speed of her healing has also improved.
— weaponry: she can extend and retract claws from her fingertips when she doesn’t take form of the hellhound. given that she adopts the traits and appearance of cerebrus, she can also breathe hell-fire.
— time limit: if she were to use her ability with all her energy, including shifting, then it can take as little as half an hour before fatigue hits her, rendering her vulnerable until she’s capable of defending herself. the state of feral mind only lasts for a maximum of five minutes and drains a considerable amount of energy.
— physical flaw: when she takes form of the hellhound, her large size limits her movements in small spaces, so she may be required to remain in human form and rely on only her abilities.
— psychological flaw: she’s unable to remember what she’s done during the state of feral mind, which can also sometimes be activated unintentionally when nervous.
— range: fire breath only has a 15ft radius while fear inducement only works up to 40ft.
— resistance: users of psychic shield are highly resistant to fear inducement and users of cold/water based powers would have the upper hand when faced with fire breath.
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realmonstersrus · 3 years
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(+) (selectively) loyal, adaptive, tenacious (–) judgmental, vindictive, narrow-minded
patriarchal bullshit? in this economy? with families like this one where the line of succession skips the sole legitimate child to hand the title of heir apparent to the eldest bastard son on the matters of him being, well, a son—more likely than you think.
the easy thing to do would be to simply demand what’s yours. the smarter thing would be to ensure that it never gets taken from you again.
power is bound to impress only when you do something with it that’s worth the awe. she’s no exception to the rule, but having money at disposable gives her a leg up in honing its potential.
gumi is thus an inevitable stepping stone in more ways than one. use it for what its worth.
HEAT GENERATION is the power to increase the kinetic energy of atoms, which subsequently increases the relative temperature of the target of interest. this can be done via physical touch or the creation of heat blasts by manipulating the kinetic energy of surrounding air molecules. 
yeji is able to withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees celsius (1112 degrees fahrenheit). that does not mean, however, she’s immune to the potential injuries that can occur under exposure to extremely high heat such as severe burns. conversely, her power can be weakened by cold conditions and are generally more sensitive to lower temperatures. users must maintain an optimal body temperature themselves in order to properly execute this ability. having direct contact with objects of extremely high temperatures for more than 20 minutes at a time can cause permanent scalding/burn marks of the palms, which can adversely impact their ability to exert control over the kinetic energy of atoms in the long run. 
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realmonstersrus · 3 years
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(+) forthright, level-headed, chic (–) judgmental, mischievous, nihilistic
King of Shrimps. That’s her dad. Inherited a seafood trading behemoth based out of a Hong Kong port that fishes for prawns and partnerships all over the East Asian archipelago. Grandpa grew up like most folk on the island. Grandma, on the other hand, was something else. She always smelled nice. Every time she showed up to the pier she’d bring her smell with her, turn seawater to rosewater. Anyway, Genevieve pops out a few months after the company goes public. She’s not as nice as grandma. For a long, long time, the house smells like diapers. They chalk it up to Genevieve being a particularly stinky baby. But not too long after, the house is permeating with the unmistakable smell of overripe durian. The maids are pulling the hair clean from their scalp. So many overturned chaise lounges. No durians. At some point, Genevieve calls off the extended prank. She goes to private school and 20 of her 21 meals in a given week are Western. She goes to an equestrian camp in Switzerland every summer. The house has never smelled better. In fact, it’s nauseatingly nice now. Her only ex-boyfriend throws up in the powder room because he is so overwhelmed and intoxicated by the blend of kumquat and sandalwood. About a week later Grandma wraps up her world travels and comes to visit. Incidentally, it’s Genevieve and Grandma’s first time meeting. Next day, Grandma tells the family to send her to college. Well, obviously, Grandma. No, really, she needs to go to this one.
“Hey. The fuck is that smell?” “Shrimp paste.”
AROMATHERAPY. Can materialize and manipulate scents.
Scents cannot be reproduced without having experienced smelling it prior. She can only enhance the scent; she cannot remove or weaken the scent once placed, and must rely on time/space to let the scent fade naturally. She can only generate scents within her direct line of sight.
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realmonstersrus · 3 years
lee taeyong, nct / teleportation, hellion captain  cha eunwoo, astro / sleep manipulation, undecided kim hyojin, onf / undecided boo seungkwan, seventeen / hellion co-captain kim doyoung, nct / disintegration, undecided jung yerin, gfriend / undecided, lotus kang seulgi, red velvet / undecided, lotus kim taehyung, bts / undecided park jihyo, twice / undecided nam yoonsu, actor / undecided choi jisu (lia), itzy / undecided kim donghee, actor / water manipulation  moonbin, astro / fire manipulation, alpha co-captain yoon sanha, astro / sensory manipulation, jaeger
ALPHA: 1/7 (INITIATES: 0/3)             LOTUS: 3/7 (INITIATES: 0/3) JAEGER: 0/7 (INITIATES: 0/3)          HELLION: 4/7 (INITIATES: 0/3)
heo jihan (park minhyuk) / spider physiology (h) han jiyul (lee dohyun) / alien physiology (a) jang danbi (park sooyoung) / intangibility (h)  kim yujin (jung yerin) / hellhound physiology (l) nam yeji (jang yeeun) / heat generation (l) (cc) genevieve kwok (lexie liu) / aroma therapy (j) 
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