real-johnwatson · 3 years
my take
In summary, Sherlock Holmes is an international and generational icon created by Arthur Conan-Doyle that continues to survive into the future. Through the use of multi-modal technology such as film-making, the original text has been modernised into a more suitable medium for 21st century audiences to enjoy, all while retaining the factors that made Sherlock so special. A prime example of this is “A Study in Pink” where they involve modern aspects into the main story and its characters to further engage and interact with the viewers. 
He may be an arrogant sod, but he’s brilliant at what he does.
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real-johnwatson · 3 years
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The reoccurring tool of deduction is the mobile phone which has been adapted from the original magnifying glass. It serves as a tracker and communicative tool for the characters, but also as a motif driving the plot. Like when it is used to contact the killer, and subsequently lead the main duo on a chase scene.
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real-johnwatson · 3 years
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At the crime scene of the Pink Lady, one of the many deduction scenes where Holmes displays his skills as a genius detective. Close ups are used in the crime scene to direct the audience on what is important, and the surtitles above it present and explain the necessary pieces of information that Holmes has observed.
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real-johnwatson · 3 years
murder mysteries
Crime in fiction has always been something people gravitated towards, whether it was a movie, book, series, documentary - you name it. Why is this? The.. plot? Crime? The investigation? The violence, conflict? Setting or characterisation? These are the standard conventions the crime genre sticks to; the basic foundation of every crime fiction. So how is it that these types of stories always get us wanting more? 
this is the start of MY murder mystery 😎
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