rct-rogue · 5 years
hope your pets stay healthy in 2017
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rct-rogue · 5 years
Does anyone have a gif of Alice from the scene in the Hospital where she says ‘It’s quite Spectacular’ ? I’d really really appreciate it if you would send me it <3
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rct-rogue · 5 years
when ur friend is watching one of ur fav tv shows but u dont wanna give away any spoilers 
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rct-rogue · 5 years
Alice Morgan deserves better
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rct-rogue · 5 years
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rct-rogue · 5 years
I feel like airing the luther S5 episodes back to back was genius but it meant it was intense and now I’m struggling to adapt to life without Luther(and Alice) again lol! What were your thoughts on the series? ox
Hi, apologies that this will probably be (another) long post, but I’m struggling to adapt too!
I feel like a need to start off by saying that Alice felt a little…off…in the second episode, but thankfully she seemed to get back to normal by the third one.
I’m still deciding how I feel about the fact that Alice and John had a relationship off-screen, because whilst I’m really happy that they finally resolved their sexual tension…I still feel robbed that all we got to see of it was a few short flashbacks.
I was really intrigued by the Lake storyline, and I’m slightly annoyed that it often got shoved to the side, but at the same time I found myself wondering when Alice was going to show up again. Really I think it should have been more than 4 episodes long as then we would’ve had more time to enjoy both the Alice storyline and the Lake storyline.
Now onto the finale…
I’ve got a lot of problems with the finale, but the biggest one is just how out of character Alice seemed. I know she’s a killer and I’m not trying to erase that part of her but I really don’t think she’d kill Halliday for no reason. Alice is cold and calculated and plans out her kills, she likes to be in control and so far we haven’t seen her kill anyone without feeling her actions were justified.
I suppose you could argue that John lying to her totally broke her and made her snap, but despite this I still don’t think she’d just kill Halliday. She’d make it between her and John. There was no need to kill Halliday.
I’m gradually coming round to the John and Alice showdown at the end of the episode, because even though it emotionally destroyed me, it seems like it’s the way the writers always wanted their relationship to end.
There was so many throwbacks to S1 (mentioning Zoe and Ian, Alice falling like Henry Madsen, and of course Alice repeating what John said to her about not being able to understand love), and the more I think about it, the more I’m growing to like the sort of role reversal Alice and John went through.
I’ve mentioned it in another post and I find it really interesting that in the end, it was Alice who really understood what it was like to love someone, and it was John who still couldn’t admit that he loved Alice. I think Alice knew this and knew that he could never love her the way she loved him, and I think that’s what really broke her.
Also, I don’t think Alice had another bullet left (we heard the gun click) and even if she did I doubt she would’ve been able to kill John.
I almost think she wanted it be be this way. With Alice (supposedly) dead and John arrested, there really isn’t any other scenario that could have hurt John more.
Which leads me to think that Alice isn’t dead.
Saying this, though, I would’ve much preferred if the finale ended with Alice and John pulling a Bonnie and Clyde and just running away together.
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rct-rogue · 5 years
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I think they’re worried I might sneak in and finish the job.
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rct-rogue · 5 years
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Alice: I wanted something. John: What? Alice: You.
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rct-rogue · 5 years
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3.04 // 5.01
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rct-rogue · 5 years
I’ve seen some of the Horses that we’re in Game of Thrones and Outlander, they’re incredibly Amazing animals. I’ll never forget the little bit that a white horse done and with the slightest of signals, he fell to the ground looking very dead - the whole audience was stunned to silence, until he hopped up and continued on with the show! Beautifully Talented.
me, watching a battle scene: please not the horses. leave them alone. they did nothing wrong. they are the only innocent ones. they don’t deserve this.
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rct-rogue · 5 years
Dear LoRD did this take forever to upload. My laptop wouldn’t post it, my phone wouldn’t, so honestly thank my iPad for being normal. You can now find one of my Alice x Luther fics on both Archive and Fanfiction . Net ! Don’t hate me too much... Toodle Pip!
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rct-rogue · 5 years
I love 😭
There is Love in the Word (John Luther/Alice Morgan)
So after that (painful) disaster of a finale, I set about writing a fix-it fic where Alice and John get the happy ending they deserve. However, I’ve since decided to pull a Bandersnatch and write three different endings for my fanfic, one happy, one bittersweet, and one sad. Below is the beginning of the fanfic, which follows the finale from the point where John rescues Alice and Mark from the fridge, but with few…tweaks. I’m still writing the endings but I’ll try and get at least one of them posted by tomorrow night. Let me know what you think so far! (2480 words)
He sees Mark before he sees Alice. There’s a moment, just a split second, where he finds himself entertaining the idea that perhaps this time, Alice won’t make it out alive. And then the moment is gone, and Mark’s eyes flutter open, his arm shifting just a fraction, but it’s enough for John to catch a glimpse of the frost-covered red hair buried into Mark’s shoulder.
Keep reading
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rct-rogue · 5 years
They Could’ve Had Everything
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rct-rogue · 5 years
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rct-rogue · 5 years
SO I’m writing a Luther (More Alice Morgan) fic because I’m still hurting over that horrible ending. It’s going to be full of angst and drama just the way it should be.
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rct-rogue · 5 years
Hi, I’d like to join the support group of everybody else who has suffered from season 5 of Luther.
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rct-rogue · 5 years
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