There is a fire inside all of us. It is one that ignites when you are triggered by something that has hit you hard. Whether it be in the past, present or even in your future endeavours. We are all built with strength. Some know how to use that strength and shape it into something positive and some of us have no idea we even possess strength. We are like phoenixes. We are able to rise from the ashes and burn everything in our paths. We are all capable of greatness and we are all capable of great success. Its the trauma and the real raw life experiences that teach us that we can be strong and we can fight back against the things that have hurt us. We can be stronger than what we think we are. It surprises me that there are a lot of people out there who don’t even know the strength and courage that they possess because they mask it with low self esteem, judgement or malice and they use it as some kind of power. Instead of turning that negative into a positive, these persons have taken the negative aspects of their life and have managed to turned it into a double negative. The double negative as I like to call it is a place that you don’t want to be. It will swallow you up, spit you out and repeat the process over and over until you feel like your on a carousel constantly spinning out of control. Theres no way to control it anymore after you’ve hit that place. The dark place, the double negative, the rock bottom of all rock bottoms. The concept of being strong seems easy and some may think it comes without negative outcomes or mistakes or failures or let downs. If you think that then you should probably read something else because this page, this writing is all about being REAL AND RAW. Its about the scars that have healed and the wounds that are still open. Its about bringing out the light from the darkness. Its about being strong when you feel like you are at your weakest moments. It is then and only then will you rise from those ashes and be reincarnated into this beautiful Phoenix with so much fire it burns. The rage that you have been feeling, the anger that spins like a top inside of your head day in and day out, the resentment that you feel towards what has hurt you and then facing it in the end is one of the scariest feelings I have encountered. At the end of the day you realize, its your life. You can either take control or you can bury your head in the sand live under a rock and call er quits and that my friends I like to call the “cowards way out.” The cowards way out is a term I like to use for people that like to hide from their emotions. That hide from that pit in their stomach that doesn’t go away. That hide from the true meaning of life and going out and living it. That hide from the world because they’re too scared to face it. Im telling you we have to face it. “Face our fears.” If you can’t face your fears then you are just at a stand still. What people don’t realize is that YOU are the only one that can change your life. YOU are the only one that can take control of the negative or the double negative. YOU are the only one that can make any sort of difference in the way you feel towards things. Its all based on YOU. So my next questions to you are.. Are you living in a double negative? Are you facing your fears? What are YOU going to do to change it?
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