ravi-kumar · 10 days
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
says that by worshiping Kaal Brahm according to the method mentioned in the Vedas.
Supreme Peace
and the eternal supreme abode cannot be attained, which have been mentioned in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62
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ravi-kumar · 16 days
Complete #Salvation can be attained by Following the path of Devotion shown by God Kabir Ji.💐💐
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ravi-kumar · 18 days
श्वांस से स्मरण करने से यानि जाप की धुन (लगन के साथ जाप करने) से जीव मोक्ष प्राप्ति करता है।
📲अधिक जानकारी के लिए
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Yotube Channel पर visit करें
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ravi-kumar · 18 days
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After taking the initiation (Naam Diksha) from SatGuru Rampal Ji, the Supreme God removes all the problems as the soul is united with the Supreme God
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ravi-kumar · 20 days
Sant Rampal ji Maharaj teaches human beings to be kind towards everyone , without the bias of caste , creed or religion and is here
to show the ultimate path of salvation
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ravi-kumar · 22 days
Spiritual seekers who practice without following the scriptural methods destroy their lives.
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ravi-kumar · 23 days
#SantRampaljiM #SantRampajiQuotes
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सुख की खोज"
परमात्मा ने आकर बताया है कि बच्चों तुम यहाँ के वासी नहीं हो। आप एक ऐसे स्थान से आये हो जिसकी कसक आज भी आपके हृदय के अंदर है। और उस सुख की खोज में आप इस काल के लोक में लगे हुए हो।
-बंदीछोड़ सतगुरु रामपाल जी महाराज
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ravi-kumar · 23 days
Himself coming in all the four Yugas, gives His true path of Bhakti.
~ Bandichhod SatGuru Rampal Ji Maharaj
Must Visit our Satlok Ashram YouTube Channel for More Information
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ravi-kumar · 25 days
🌄Dowry Free Marriage 🌄
The Mission of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is to make the world dowry-free by organising dowry free marriages called
Ramaini in just 17 minutes.👌
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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ravi-kumar · 28 days
गुरु दर्श की महिमा
कबीर परमेश्वर जी ने कहा है कि- कबीर, संत मिलन कूँ चालिए, तज माया अभिमान । जो-जो कदम आगे रखे, वो ही यज्ञ समान ।।
- जगतगुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज
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ravi-kumar · 28 days
Is God the father, A DIFFERENT person from Jesus?
If yes, then who is the Father of Jesus?
To know, Must read sacred book "Gyan Ganga."
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ravi-kumar · 28 days
Is God the father, A DIFFERENT person from Jesus?
If yes, then who is the Father of Jesus?
To know, Must read sacred book "Gyan Ganga."
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ravi-kumar · 28 days
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ravi-kumar · 1 month
गुरूदेव जी बताते हैं कि जो सेवा-भक्ति करेगा, उसी को फल मिलेगा। मैं भोजन खाऊँगा तो मेरा पेट भरेगा। आप खाओगे तो आपका पेट भरेगा। सब प्राणी परमात्मा के बच्चे हैं। आप धनी के बच्चे समझकर सेवा करो।
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ravi-kumar · 1 month
It is through Satsang only that one gets to know that those who commit adultery, become blind in their next lives at least 70 times.
Visit Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj YouTube Channel for More Information
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ravi-kumar · 1 month
Supreme god kabir sahin ji has said that a devotee who follows the SatGuru'S command succeeds in his human life.
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ravi-kumar · 1 month
To attain the supreme God, the giver of all happiness, one must play the Holi of Ram Naam.
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