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Tips for Writing a Difficult Scene
Every writer inevitably gets to that scene that just doesn't want to work. It doesn't flow, no matter how hard you try. Well, here are some things to try to get out of that rut:
1. Change the weather
I know this doesn't sound like it'll make much of a difference, but trust me when I say it does.
Every single time I've tried this, it worked and the scene flowed magically.
2. Change the POV
If your book has multiple POV characters, it might be a good idea to switch the scene to another character's perspective.
9/10 times, this will make the scene flow better.
3. Start the scene earlier/later
Oftentimes, a scene just doesn't work because you're not starting in the right place.
Perhaps you're starting too late and giving too little context. Perhaps some description or character introspection is needed before you dive in.
Alternatively, you may be taking too long to get to the actual point of the scene. Would it help to dive straight into the action without much ado?
4. Write only the dialogue
If your scene involves dialogue, it can help immensely to write only the spoken words the first time round.
It's even better if you highlight different characters' speech in different colors.
Then, later on, you can go back and fill in the dialogue tags, description etc.
5. Fuck it and use a placeholder
If nothing works, it's time to move on.
Rather than perpetually getting stuck on that one scene, use a placeholder. Something like: [they escape somehow] or [big emotional talk].
And then continue with the draft.
This'll help you keep momentum and, maybe, make the scene easier to write later on once you have a better grasp on the plot and characters.
Trust me, I do this all the time.
It can take some practice to get past your Type A brain screaming at you, but it's worth it.
So, those are some things to try when a scene is being difficult. I hope that these tips help :)
Reblog if you found this post useful. Comment with your own tips. Follow me for similar content.
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Me imagining Markiplier's future gameplay 🤣😂
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She's chasing me oh noooo
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About Alcina Dimitrescu
She started trading in sanguis virginis at the end of the 20th century.
She spent 70 years murdering and mutilating people.
Probably born in the early 20th century.
She has an inherited a blood disease, possibly hemophilia or porphyria, due to inbreeding.
Sometime in the 1950s, Miranda infected her with a cadou parasite.
Her mutation gave her amazing regenerative ability, retractable claws and eternal life.
She was 44 years old when Miranda infected her.
Her height is due to consuming large quantities of human flesh and blood.
In the late 1950s, Miranda gives Alcina three women with whom she experiments.
The experiment was a success and the girls awoke amnesic.
Alcina and the three girls felt a mother-daughter connection from the first moment, so she adopted them.
She named them Bela, Cassandra and Daniela.
Their names are in alphabetical order, matching her own.
Her alliance with the three houses allowed her to rule her castle with ruthlessness, regularly bringing in new staff to replace those who were taken to the dungeon to be killed.
The entire staff of her castle was made up of women.
Maiden's blood was used to create the Sanguis Virginis.
She gets on badly with Karl Heisenberg.
Alcina loves her daughters very much.
For her daughters, she decided to ignore Miranda's orders to avenge them.
She writes a diary
She take notes about her experiments.
She can play the piano
She can sing opera.
Her favourite song is Danse Macabre
She knows how to paint and in her art studio there is an unfinished painting. She painted herself in a dress.
She experiments with maidens seeking to create vessels for mother miranda, but all experiments have failed, resulting in ghouls roaming the basement.
She hates men.
Apparently, she dislike men blood; also Bela, Cassandra and Daniela seems to like men blood.
Apparently, she prefer maiden blood.
She bathes in maiden's blood.
She and her daughters kill men who stray into her castle.
She resents the sunlight
Her tomb is empty and garlic is found in it, so she probably has an aversion to garlic.
She is immune to bullets and explosives.
She is immune to knifes.
If you shoot at her hat, she will hold it so it won't fall off.
If you throw explosives at her, she will shake the dust off her dress.
She has to bend down to pass through the doors of her castle.
She clutches her hat when she passes through the doors.
She wears makeup to hide her gray face (and because she likes it, of course)
She wears a hat to hide the scar left by the cadou on the side of her head.
Her underwear is white.
She wears a 44.
She is 2,90.
Apparently, she is left handed.
Apparently, she has never married and had no biological children.
She has three flowers on her dress, near her heart. It symbolizes her love for her daughters.
In her closet there are only white or red clothes.
As Ethan eavesdrops on her phone conversation with mother Miranda, she will look at him through her vanity mirror. Her expression is one of hatred and sadness.
Lady Dimitrescu's lipstick disappears and the personal attendant leaves a note for whoever took the lipstick to leave it in the bathroom. Possibly some maid took it off... or Lady Dimitrescu herself lost it.
When she calls Cassandra, she always comes to her call.
She calls Cassandra twice upon learning of her death, just as Cassandra called her mother twice upon learning that Bela had died.
When Cassandra calls her mother twice, Alcina will ignore Ethan completely to come to her daughter's call.
She doesn't want to cry with Ethan on her castle.
Apparently, you can see her crying.
She doesn't know that Miranda only wants her as a vessel for Eva.
Also she doesn't know that Miranda discarded her because her blood disease. Miranda considers her a useless vessel due to her blood disease.
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Finally back!
Recently changed my phone but forgot my tumblr password but I'm glad to finally have it resolved
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Art Tips with Cynthi
“Comic Planning”
You want to make your own comic.
You’ve seen all these beautifully drawn stories and you have so many of your own ideas.
Here’s a few tips on how to start. (Certainly not the only way, but works for me.)
1. Decide that you’re going to do it. If your worried about your art, there is no better practice than comic making. You’ll improve as you go! For example, this is the first full paneled page of new beginnings compared to the most recent.
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The first one’s not bad persay, but the most recent is better. The panels are evenly spaced and the borders are all the same size.
Unless you’re doing a short one shot, be ready to commit some time and energy making your comic, especially if you’re getting paid for it. However! Even if you do only get a couple of pages into it and are unable to continue, you can always start over or pick it up later :).
2. Plan your story.
You have a specific moment in mind that you want to share? Great! But you need the beginning and end and subplots. (Unless you’re doing a quick one shot, but in my case, I’m working on a full blown story.
Now, while neatly typed outlines are perfectly fine and some folks work better that way, it’s not the only way. All my notes are handwritten in my notes app and are all over the place, but I understand them and I’m the only one who needs to since I’m the only one telling the story.
(If you had a crew you would probably need clearer notes.)
These are some of my notes. :) my notes have scratches and information that I have and haven’t used, which is perfectly ok. Sometimes something works, sometimes it doesn’t.
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3. Paneling and Page Planning
You’ll want to really think about your panels. You can hand draw them or use a program, whichever but panels help keep timing. You don’t want to clutter your page up with panels though so a good rule of thumb is to keep it around 6-8 panels per page or less. Not that you can’t do more, but it’s easy to make your page chaotic the more panels you have. I make my panels in Medibang paint app on the iPad as it has a nice panel making feature so that they look uniform.
When drawing in your panels, don’t be afraid to overlap the character and the panels. For example, while there is nothing really wrong with the first image, the second one is far more dynamic with the small change of having Steven overlap the middle panel :).
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You’ll want to think about your artwork as well in this part. Lot of artists like to do small thumbnails to plan their pages with stick figures or what have you. I don’t always do that unless I can’t get the look I want. What’s really important is that your pages can be read and followed easily! Character placement is important from panel to panel, but it also helps if your speech bubbles are placed in a way that allows the reader to follow the flow of the page and so that the dialogue makes sense :) if your wanting your comic to read like a manga, you’ll do the same, just in the opposite direction. :)
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And that’s all for today! I hope this is helpful! Again, there’s more than one way to make a comic! These are just some tips!
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How I draw hands.
This certainly isn’t the only way, but it works for me :)
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Corruption + Pathophysiology concepts
So, I learned a few new terms and concepts this week in my Mechanisms of Disease class, and I believe there’s some interesting applications one can make between these human medical concepts and SU’s concept of corruption- specifically, when showing how Steven’s condition in I Am My Monster can indeed be referred to as corruption despite having a different origin to other examples of corruption we’d seen before.
Before I get into the fandom stuff though, we need to talk shop about some cool pathophysiology words! Let’s go do that.
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Term 1: Etiology
Etiology refers to the precise cause of a disease or disorder. Now, one of the important pieces of knowledge I’ve had reinforced in this class is that some diseases/disorders can have multiple causes.
An example: Meningitis. 
This disease can be caused by one of many species of bacteria, viruses, some fungi, and even by parasitic tapeworms. These are all wildly different sources, but in the end- if all the signs and symptoms of meningitis are there, and the etiology points to a documented meningitis-causing pathogen, the likely diagnosis WILL be meningitis. 
Term 2: Idiopathic
Idiopathic is what one calls a disease/disorder wherein the precise cause, or etiology, is unknown. Sometimes, individuals develop some form of disease/disorder and doctors may not be able to pinpoint the specific root cause of it. In that case, their goal is still to recognize and understand the signs and symptoms of it, and work off of what they DO know to try and alleviate one’s signs/symptoms.
Term 3: Clinical manifestations
This term refers to all the presenting signs and symptoms of a disease/disorder. Signs are measurable and directly observable- such as rashes, fevers, increased blood pressure, etc. Symptoms are patient-reported, subjective, and not able to be directly observed or measured- such as a headache, fatigue, etc.
Term 4: Disease/disorder
I also think the specific definitions of disease and disorder are important to clarify before I move forward- 
A disease is the functional impairment of cells, tissues, organs, or organ systems. 
Whereas a disorder is a disruption of the normal or regular functions in the body or a part of the body.
__ OKAY, and now to the fandom related stuff!
So. Thesis. When it comes to corruption, my analysis is that it can be considered a Gem disorder that has a collective set of recognizable symptoms, but many potential etiologies.
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First off, Gems of course don’t have physical bodies, organs, and cells, but they do have a physical gemstone, and their hard light forms have clear functional abilities that can sometimes become impaired.
Some of these functional abilities include: 
Retaining a stable form
Communicative ability
Mental cognizance
Access of powers
Corruption disrupts many of these functions. Thus, considering the definitions of disease and disorder, I believe disorder would be the most accurate way to refer to corruption, looking at it from a human medical perspective. (While also recognizing that it’s a fantasy alien condition, and thus won’t perfectly align to human standards.)
As a disorder, corruption presents a number of recognizable signs and symptoms, which include:
Loss of control over form and shape- a corrupted individual’s form may physically expand, develop spikes/tusks/fangs/new body parts, or grow thicker hair. On top of this, upon reformation, this individual is not successfully able to revert to their original form. 
Loss of communication ability- a corrupted individual expresses trouble with verbal communication.
Loss of full mental cognizance- a corrupted individual is not completely aware of themselves and their surroundings, caught in what may be considered a “fight or flight” mindset.
Sometimes, but not in all cases- the development of atypically colored splotches on one’s form or gemstone
The only known successful treatment for those who exhibit the symptoms of corruption is exposure to water that contains the essences of all four diamonds. 
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Now, moving on- Etiology. 
From what we’ve seen in Steven Universe and Steven Universe Future, and considering the the situations in these shows that exhibit these clinical manifestations, we can confidently say that corruption has three distinct etiologies:
1) It can be caused by direct damage from the Diamonds. (All the corrupted Gems on Earth.)
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2) It can be caused by fusing with a currently corrupted Gem. (Jasper.)
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3) It can be caused by a state of extreme mental distress and distortion of self-image. (Steven.)
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Now, when it comes to the third etiology, a point of clarification- it cannot be confidently PROVEN whether this cause is something that could arise from any Gem or just from a diamond since we only have one case as an example, but given the fact that we didn’t see any of the CGs randomly corrupt when they were going through mental turmoil, my personal hypothesis is that: it’s either a diamond or a Steven exclusive thing. But again, with only one recorded statistic to work with, we can’t really make any certain statements.
So. Let’s talk Steven’s corruption, and why I believe it wholly counts as such. 
The symptoms Steven exhibits in I Am My Monster are: loss of control over form and shape, loss of communication ability, and loss of full mental cognizance. His form shifts until he’s larger than all of the Diamonds, he grows spikes and tusks and scales, he looses his ability to communicate verbally, and he expresses a great deal of mental confusion about his state, attempting to rush at his family and friends out of sheer fight/flight and survival instincts without wholly understanding what’s going on. He doesn’t develop splotches on his gem, but this is a manifestation that doesn’t always appear. It’s like the spotted rash in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever- not every patient with this disease exhibits it, and it sometimes makes diagnosis tricky.
I don’t believe the Gems had any idea what specifically triggered him to fall into this state at first, nor did the Diamonds. Thus, initially they might have thought of Steven’s corruption as idiopathic. But when Blue Diamond first saw him, she recognized the signs and symptoms of corruption- and so, the most logical first step is to attempt to treat this condition like it IS corruption. The treatment of course, being exposure to water that contains the essences of all four Diamonds. Which means, with Steven being one of those diamonds, they must bring out his humanity so he can cry, adding in his own healing addition to that final elixir.
In sum: What happened to Steven in SUF was an example of corruption, despite having a different root cause than the other examples of this Gem disorder we’d previously seen in the show.
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“This Is Why You’re Always So Tired”
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So Here she is....
Click pic for better quality
Finally done redrawing my character sheet for Red...losing those file were a bum and finger drawing sucks might improvise for a tablet soon lol...
So just a bit of info about Red....
Red Diamond was the first Diamond who ruled with White during era zero but went AWOL due to unforseen circumstances.
Red was the one in charge with improving technologies and buildings during that era and was often left by White on Homeworld while she conquer other planetary bodies and star systems during that time.
Red is a silent and shy Diamond but always curious In everything around her which often makes White worry.
Red strived in advancing era zero's technologies and infrastructures as a gift for White
Red isn't aware of the existence of the other diamonds
And Red admired White's brilliance from afar
First Comic will be posted soon and I'm excited to share her story!
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Steven Universe: B-Sides Guest Feature: Lapis the Babysitter by @thechekhov
You can check out more of Chekhov’s work on their personal blog ( @thechekhov ) AND via their A+ webcomic @ask-whitepearl-and-steven!
A big big BIG thanks to Chekhov for being an amazing artist and friend and helping us out this week! <3 we love you!!
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I have many to tell lol
Come back, I have to tell you the plot of a fic I’ll never write and get you excited about it so we can all be disappointed with me later
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Yup this is so true
trying to clean your room when you have adhd should be considered an extreme sport
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“That one scene from Change Your Mind if White hasn’t been controlling Yellow and Blue” I just think they would be very surprised and uncomfortable with such sudden signs of ‘affection’. (I mean she was basically caressing them) And I love it.
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i think that out of all the residents of the owl house, King could relate to Lilith the most… also yes i really drew all that because i wanted this sour faced witch to get a hug. 
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"You're a part of me Starlight, the part that I always have to repress"
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aid to navigation really hits different
fic by @infriga
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