raven-raving · 4 months
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raven-raving · 5 months
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raven-raving · 7 months
Do you wanna get to know me?
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All you need to know is there.
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raven-raving · 7 months
tey eid t’nod esaelp yriaf lezah raeD
.ekas nwo ruo rof tsiser ,tsiser
yawa og t’nod esaelp yriaf lezah raed ’O
.lleh ot nevaeh morf srewsna emos rof kool ll’I
mlaer namuh eht yaM
uoy laeh ot cigam evah llits
pleh ot gnilliw eb llew sa snamuh yaM
uoy dloh I sa esle ro
traeh ym ot esolc
hsirep llahs wolg ruoy
uoy ees llahs I dna
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raven-raving · 7 months
Truth is fairies can and shall get hurt. Sometimes it’ll be due to accidents or illnesses, and sometimes they may just be cursed. Some curses just make you feel bad for a while, but some other... They might as well be slowly killing you.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Once upon a time a banshee who had to predict the death of her little sister, a child of no more than five years on earth. It was as heartbreaking for her as it was for the rest of her family.
She inherited from the child a comb that became silver once she took it, and being such a precious item for her it is only logic that she’d take very good care of it. Unfortunately it had caught the attention of a dangerous treasure hunter, and the man was convinced he had to get it as a trophy.
So he attacked her one night while she was combing her hair. She struggled and attemped to deafen her attacker, but he had already swiftly cut her vocal cords with a magic pocket knife. She was indefense.
You may wonder, why not kill the banshee? The scoundrel enjoyed seeing his victims suffer too. Unfortunately for him, this banshee had been trained for sword fighting when she was alive (she just had not told her parents about it), and she did not doubt a second to stab him with his own unused sword. He didn’t even get to touch the comb once. The banshee had won.
She felt insecure, though, and now without a voice to warn her family she had to take a much more present role on her duty, and she now distrusted humans much more than a fairy should.
She vowed she’d protect her family and her heirloom much more actively that night, and immediately began her studies on silent fairy curses to avenge those who dared hurt or steal form her or her family.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Banshees are fairies known for announcing the death of family members in Ireland. Their predecessors are told to be keeners who cried at funerals and were paid in alcohol, but people started hating on them because they were drunk all the time. *Side eye*
Some banshees are the souls of dead female family members, and they look according to the age they died and their relationship they had with their family.
In order to announce death they will scream horribly loudly or just present themselves to one of the family members, and if the family member is very important, many banshees may appear.
Banshees are not particularly evil creatures. Their job is to prepare families for impending demise, after all. If they stop protecting their family they are outcasted from fairy society too.
The belief banshees are completely harmful demonstrates women cannot get rid of the stereotypes even after death and even less if they are Supernatural creatures.
Banshees have the power of shapeshifting too and are able to change into ravens, crows, owls, blackbirds, wild hares, weasels, and badgers.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Fairies have been victims of forced displacement for years, due to the advancements of technology and invasion of human. Curses and magic protection spells haven’t been enough to prevent the destruction of fairy homes.
The tiniest, usually tree protectors, have found themselves in the care of bigger fairies in order to be able to travel. Pixies, Devas and Will O’ Wisps have travelled along Tylwyth Tegs, Mouras and Gianes.
Salamanders have found themselves divided between enjoying the care of human animal lovers and breaking havoc setting fires. The biggest fires have not been their fault though, because humans have destroyed the ozone layer enough to cause their own. This has also caused debates within the salamander community.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Not all shapeshifters seem to have good luck, since many of those who presented as young ladies ended up getting married with selfish or stupid men, most times both. There have been selkies whose skin was stolen by randos and then hidden so they’ll stay on land.
Niahm, daughter of king Tir Nan Og, married Ossian and well... they did like each other, they even lived together for three years at Niahm’s home island, but it didn’t have a pretty ending. One day he went “I wanna go say hi to my dad”, so she gave him a horse and told him to not get off it. And guess what he did? He put a foot on the ground and speed-aged till he became dust. You’d think after living with fairies for so long he’d remember fairy days last several human years, or that he’d listen his beloved Niahm... But no. Idiot.
Point in case is fairies don’t have perfect lives like people usually believe. In fact, they can also pay the price for meddling in things they shouldn’t and even for being who they are. Sometimes other fairies can be a little too rude to their own if they make a mistake too...
Some fairies can shapeshift. Changelings might come to mind: creatures that fairies exchange for human babies. This is a fucking lie that people back in the day used to justify their ableism towards their own children. And changelings prefer shapeshifting to steal money and food, and prank shitty people, thank you pretty much. Then there are the selkies, who usually look like seals and ocassionally take off their skin to appear human. Fairies like the Cailag, who lives in Man island, can shapeshift into different animals and usually appears during the night.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Some fairies can shapeshift. Changelings might come to mind: creatures that fairies exchange for human babies. This is a fucking lie that people back in the day used to justify their ableism towards their own children. And changelings prefer shapeshifting to steal money and food, and prank shitty people, thank you pretty much. Then there are the selkies, who usually look like seals and ocassionally take off their skin to appear human. Fairies like the Cailag, who lives in Man island, can shapeshift into different animals and usually appears during the night.
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raven-raving · 7 months
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raven-raving · 7 months
Fairies. Beautiful, mythical, magical nature protectors... It’s beautiful how different from other fairies they might be. It’s sad how badly perceived they are by humans.
I’m here to fix it. I’m here to fix many things, really. I need to make sure of it.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Only Edgar Allan Poe can write the gayest things.
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And it gets gayer
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raven-raving · 7 months
“I was not particularly attentive to what you did; but observation has become with me, of late, a species of necessity.”
- E.A. Poe, The Murders in the Rue Morgue.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Ingenuity and analytical power are not directly proportional, for an ingenious person might not analyze properly, but an analytic requires to be ingenious.
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raven-raving · 7 months
Analysis it's most appreciated by its effect, rather than it's definition
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raven-raving · 7 months
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