raspberrycrumb · 1 year
I floated to a speciality unit I very very rarely go to, and let me tell you. The toilet situation in this nursing station is a NIGHTMARE. There’s two on the floor. One toilet is in the old nursing office where we all chart. You are only allowed to pee in this one, due to Smell Concerns. The other one is on the opposite side of the floor. This is the pooping toilet. And since I rarely come to this floor, every time I walk in the vicinity of the main bathroom, I get reminded that this bathroom is piss only so shitting is down the hall, and I have to verbally confirm like “I got it, won’t do anything stinky in this bathroom” which is FAR more interaction about what I’m going to the bathroom to do, and then makes the walk down to the other bathroom feel so. Vulnerable. They all know what I’m walking away to do.
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
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I have a hc that mob eventually picks up on some reigen mannerisms... hes not sure how to feel about this development
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
I think one of my favorite little details about Reigen is that unlike Mob he forgets that other people can’t see Dimple so when they are talking Reigen is shouting and and arguing to the air and doing his weird hand motions while everyone else around him is just looking at him like
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
always a delight to find out that a goofy person is actually also very sincere
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
I haven't seen anyone talking about Jordan Gray yet, which is absolutely insane. For those who don't know (and I'm assuming that's most of you)
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[Image Description: a news headline that reads "Jordan Gray: Trans comedian strips naked on Channel 4 for Friday Night Live" /end id]
[Video Description: Jordan Gray is on a blue-lit stage wearing a pink suit, playing the keyboard. She says to the audience, "You know the best thing about live tv? I can do stupid stuff like this." She stands up from the keyboard, moves over to be completely unobscured from the audience, and in one movement tears her suit off, revealing herself naked underneath. The nudity is censored with pixelation. She returns to the keyboard and continues playing. She says something indistinct to the cheering audience. /end id]
and this is so fucking important. There is, of course, the expected negative reaction. However, a lot of positive support too, including the audience for that show, and from the company in charge of Friday Night Live, who approved the stunt beforehand. But even so the bravery required for this is insane, and doing it on terf island no less.
But in addition to being a good bit of shock value, I think it's a genuinely amazing piece of performance art. Cis people think they're entitled to know everything about our bodies, and this is a parody of that idea.
There's an uncensored version of this clip which also shows her striking the final note on the keyboard with her penis before dancing around the stage a bit more and leaving, as well as an audience reaction shot or two.
This version of the clip also more clearly shows something that I think is important; Gray is very attractive. The video isn't really "sexy," but still, she's clearly an attractive woman and I think that's also very important to the art. Cis people expect trans people to be hideous or mutilated, but Jordan Gray looks like a model. I could keep talking forever but I'm ending the post here.
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
Honestly Reigen Arataka's mental strength is inspiring. He's so gaslight girlboss that sometimes I forget...but he's actually so strong. And he's not just one thing my man contains multitudes. But the thing I like about him most is his core un-fuckwithable stubbornness. That's one of my favorite character traits of my favorite people irl. I think I'll carry him around in my pocket for the times I need to stick my goddamn heels in the ground.
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
Viktor: *comes out to the siblings* Klaus: oh cool, i’ve always wanted a brother
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY MEME: [¾] wardrobes → klaus in season 1
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
I love Klaus season 1 so much. The other seasons are ok but my love wanes a little bit especially with the cult plot. I feel like he had more of a range of expression in season 1 and in the other seasons he really heavily develops that style he uses when addressing the cult, that airy important kind of drunken seeming style of expression that is great but is also an act. Like to me the character seems less spontaneous and like he's putting on more of an act in later seasons. He was a flamboyant gay outcast in the first season and I like that more than cult leader. And I know Robert Sheehan did it on purpose for the sake of showing character growth and it makes sense how he interpreted the script and he's a good actor. I just liked season 1 Klaus better.
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
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I love how Viktor lacing Yuuri’s skates gives me vibes of “preparing your lover for battle” like Achilles helping Patroclus don his armour or that scene from The Last Samurai. I don’t know if the creators thought about this when they wrote ep. 8. It could as well be a reference to Cinderella given how fond Viktor is of fairy tales.
Characterisation in YOI happens a lot through comparing Yuuri and Viktor’s relationship to the relations between other characters. Viktor's chivalrous behaviour in this scene is the counterpart to Mickey making a show of kissing Sara on the hand just a few minutes before. The siblings' dysfunctional relationship points out a possible future path for Yuuri and Viktor, a wrong turn they could take if Yuuri fails to find confidence within himself and instead continues relying on Viktor just like Mickey relies on Sara. It would poison their love just like Mickey’s abandonment issues and his possessiveness poison the relationship between him and his sister.
Luckily, Yuuri manages to find this confidence in ep. 9. Unlike Mickey and Sara, he and Viktor have grown into a functioning team built on mutual trust. The love between them is pure and shines through each and every interaction. It's the small gestures, the short dialogueless scenes like this one which are the most powerful displays of their love. The subtleness with which their story is told makes following the progress of their relationship so compelling. How can you look at this scene and not see Viktor’s undying support and how it makes Yuuri flourish as a person and as a skater? How can you look at this scene and not see how madly in love they are?
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
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i’m not in the marauders fandom but the person im dating loves atyd and made me read it (yes, i read a 500 000+ words fanfic for them. ik im a simp, shut up.) so i wanted to draw some fanart for them.
so yeah anyways, enjoy my take on wolfstar.
click for better quality!
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
cmon child safety lid you know it's me
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
That last post makes me think of my own friend Grant who never got the chance to heal. Rest in peace Grant, there is no one like you on planet earth
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
I just finished reading Out of the Blue, the 2016 follow up to the epic wolfstar fic All the Young Dudes. even though I enjoyed Sirius and Remus together, the character who really stuck with me was OC Grant Chapman. Beautiful wounded Grant.
Out of the blue was such a poignant character study. I was just thinking about the roller coaster of emotions this took me through and I figured out the thing that hurts most to me is seeing how isolated Grant is despite the support of his partner and his sweet family. In truth he doesn't have community. He has a role he feels like he has to play in order to belong - caretaker. And although he's really damn good at it, and although it heals a part of him to imagine rescuing his own abandoned self, he never gets to be rescued by somebody else. He never feels like enough, even knowing how he's impacted the lives of his kids, and he never will feel like enough as long as a part of himself is still abandoned. A part of himself- or many parts of himself - are still locked up.
The thing in particular I kept thinking about is that he's not a part of the wizarding world even peripherally. Imagine 12 whole years of your life locked behind you. Who can he talk to about this? Even if his partner Mark knows, Grant is still isolated with memories and ghosts of people who he can never fully explain. Mark understands grief, and probably knows that Grant has only half grieved. Grieving happens in community with other people. Grant never got that. Of course it's simpler for him to just lock it up.
And Grant clearly has wounds to heal from his time with Remus, too. It hurts to know that people didnt even know what he meant to Remus. That he was kept so isolated in their relationship that he didn't even get notified when Remus died. He can't talk about his life experiences and be understood with anybody from either world, at this point.
Except...Remus' kid Teddy opened the door for him. And in my mind, Out of the Blue is not closure for Grants storyline, it is the beginning of a wild next chapter of his healing that throws the doors open on his grief. Just think of all the isolated broken pieces of Grant's life. In my mind this is the beginning of Grants re integration of all the broken pieces, into one loving whole. Teddy is going to pull him back in - he already is, with the box of memories. He's an expressive and emotionally curious kid and he's going to introduce Grant to the adults in Teddy's life. He's going to bring him into the fold. Grants relationships are going to expand beyond the circle of adults around Teddy and he's going to bring in more people who knew Teddy's dad. It's going to happen organically as they sort through the memorabilia left over from Remus' life. Remus was a secret keeper - he likely had close connections no one else knew about. Teddy and Grant are going to mend the broken pieces together and bring them all in, all the survivors who knew and loved him. Grant is going to bring the queer community out of the woodwork and put people at ease the same way he did with Remus all those years ago when they were teens. Teddy is going to get angry at everything he lost by not knowing Grant earlier in his life. The anger will be justified. Grant is going to get the opportunity to grieve with others and to break the spell of all of these heavy secrets. He has so many inner resources, people will learn from him. And he will learn from them, too.
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
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peeling potatoes
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raspberrycrumb · 2 years
New YOI fanfic: Can You Hear My Heartbeat
Hey, I wrote a YOI fanfiction which fills the gaps in the anime, and I feel like Pride Month is the best time to share it with the world! This fanfiction has way more Viktuuri than the show gave to us. In fact, it’s all about Viktuuri, which was why I wrote this piece in the first place. I included central scenes from the anime to make the plot consistent. Please don’t let this put you off. There will be lots of new stuff as well.
If you like YOI canon fanfiction, if you’re in urgent need of more Viktuuri, this is for you.
Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 2 “Funeral for a dream”:
When Viktor had choreographed this programme, he had meant it to be a cry into the void, a longing for that which his heart had lacked. He had poured his heart into his skating until he had been empty. Now, as he watched the video, an echo of the old yearning stirred inside him, crescendoing until his whole body reverberated with the music Yuuri created with his skating as if he was going through a similar experience. There was a distinct harmony in the elements, the transitions, and the interpretation. It was like seeing the first beauty in the world after a winter that had lasted a lifetime. Suddenly, the void inside Viktor was less dark and desolate.
All too soon, it was over. Viktor replayed the video. He had to see it again.
This time, he noticed flaws that were easy to ignore in the light of the powerful emotions Yuuri skated into the routine. Forcing his mind away from clinical analysis, Viktor replayed the video once more. The artistry was immaculate down to the detail. Yuuri moved with the grace of a ballet dancer—poised, lithe, and effortless, his gaze always following his arms. His interpretation bled despair and desire onto the ice, comped by the clear singing of his blades. It made Viktor ache as if he was feeling Yuuri’s pain and his own at once. How could something on earth be this heart-breaking and beautiful at once?
This was more than an application for tutorship. It was a song, and it sang straight to Viktor’s heart.
Link to the story on AO3:
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