rasafcrged · 4 hours
Is anyone interested in sexy time starters or memes? Lmk !
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rasafcrged · 12 hours
Is anyone interested in sexy time starters or memes? Lmk !
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rasafcrged · 16 hours
on the note of angst, always feel free to throw john or elizabeth into situations where they've been captured or are hurt or whatever in starters if you want to, there's always a way to make it work! i know a lot of blogs are like don't god mod ! which i absolutely get but i also adore angst and traumatizing my people so like. go for it. always feel free to come poke me for ideas or if you have questions or whatever.
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rasafcrged · 21 hours
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rasafcrged · 22 hours
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∙ You’ve never been outside this building? No. You’ve never walked outside? I’ve never been outside the room I am in now. Where would you go if you did go outside? I’m not sure.
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rasafcrged · 1 day
So I’m playing bg3 with Elizabeth - I’m technically playing her as an elf ranger durge - but the durge part is mostly for note taking purposes for writing some of that plot with a mutual - but I think ranger is a decent enough skill set for her for her verse here ; she’d technically be more of a scholar who tries to avoid fighting and just spend all her time learning but that’s not actually feasible for plot purposes with game muses so. Ranger works as good as any. She does have a verse where she kiiiiind of becomes a warlock to a multis patron but it’s not trading her soul for power it’s knowledge for knowledge / power so that’s an option too. Anyway I would love to do more stuff in her BG3 verses so plz send memes or make starters or lmk if you want memes or a starter etc. going to check my meme call shortly !
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rasafcrged · 1 day
like / reply for memes! lmk what verse if you have one in mind so i can try and gear it towards the setting - also lmk what muse(s) you're most interested in interacting w/ her with so i can send for them.
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rasafcrged · 1 day
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rasafcrged · 1 day
Torture sentence starters
“Oh god.. Oh please, god, no!”
“Please… Please..! I’ll do anything..!!”
“P-please.. Please don’t..”
“Anything but that.. Please, please! Stop!”
“Stop? Why on earth would I do a thing like that for?”
“We’re having so much fun!”
“We’ll have so much fun, you and I…”
“Look at the new toy I got for us to play with!”
“Shut up! Shut up!!”
“Oh please.. Like I haven’t heard that one before…”
“If I had a nickel for every time someone begged me to stop… I’d be fucking rich.”
“Ooh, look at that. Look at all the blood. Amazing, isn’t it?”
“Let’s crack open the hood and see what’s underneath, shall we?”
“You know what I love more than agonized screaming? The sound of people choking on their own blood. Very satisfying.”
“If you beg, I might just stop… Maybe. But only if you’re sincere.”
“Beg me, you stupid whore! Beg me to stop! Come on!!”
“Go ahead – beg for forgiveness. God’s the only friend you’ve got down here. ”
“Shut up or I’ll wrap your intestines around your throat like a scarf.”
“Ha ha! I love it when they scream!”
“Keep going… I love the sound of your voice.”
“Stop praying! There is no God here.”
“Shut the fuck up!!”
“Let’s play a game, shall we? It’s called, ‘how many of your organs can I remove before you die?’“
“Alright, here’s the deal… Since you scream every time you see me – let’s just remove your eyes, hm?”
“Has anyone ever told you how good you look in red?”
“Beautiful… Absolutely beautiful…”
“I’m not going to kill you… But I’m going to make you wish I would.”
“This is what you get! This is what you get for hurting me!”
“Do you like rats? I hope so. Because we’re going to play a little game with one that involves your stomach, a container, and an open flame.”
“Have you ever heard of abacination?”
“You’ve got cavities back there, you know. Why don’t remove those pesky teeth for you, hm?”
“Wake up! Can’t have you passing out on me.”
“I won’t scream.”
“I won’t tell you anything.”
“There’s no way I’m gonna tell you shit.”
“By the time anyone finds your body, they won’t be able to identify it.”
“No one is coming for you.”
“You won’t get away with this!”
“People will notice! They’ll look for me!”
“Stop, oh god, please! Please stop.. The pain..!”
“You’re insane!”
“Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing – I’ve got a medical degree, you know.”
“Shh, don’t cry. Don’t cry.”
“No tears now, okay? Everything will soon be over.”
“Stop! Please, stop! I’ll tell you anything! Just stop!”
“Tell me – how does this feel?”
“I hate you! Oh god, I hate you!”
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck off!”
“Oh, what a mess you’ve made…”
“You look like a mess.”
“Chin up, kid. It’ll be over soon enough.”
“I’m just going to borrow a few fingers, okay?”
“Could you lend me a ‘hand’? Yes? Oh good. I was planning on taking it anyway.”
“Shut up, I’m not going to kill you. You don’t deserve that kind of mercy.”
“You know why you’re here.”
“Own up to what you’ve done and maybe you’ll leave here alive!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?!”
“Please! Someone help! Anyone! Oh god.. PLEASE!”
“Not that – anything but that! P-please! PLEASE, NO!”
“Let me go. Please.. Please let me go…”
“I’ll tell you anything you want! Just please, please stop!”
“I’m not going to break that easy.”
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rasafcrged · 2 days
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I mean, it's not a perfect recreation but I like it.
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rasafcrged · 2 days
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Summer Glau in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
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rasafcrged · 2 days
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Lindsey Drager, The Archive of Alternate Endings
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rasafcrged · 2 days
❛ Are you here to kill me? ❜
❛ For this to work, you have to let me in. ❜
❛ If I jumped, would I survive? ❜
❛ I thought you might be missing me. ❜
❛ Killing him would just wake him up… but pain? Pain is in the mind. ❜
❛ You’ve lived up to your reputation. ❜
❛ Every man for himself. ❜
❛ It’s getting worse, isn’t it? ❜
❛ One apology’s all you’re getting. ❜
❛ How would you like to go home? ❜
❛ We should walk away from this. ❜
❛ Assemble your team. And choose your people more wisely. ❜
❛ Be realistic. They’d never understand- they’d lock me up and throw away the key. Or worse. ❜
❛ This is what I have. This is what you taught me. ❜
❛ You told me it would free me. ❜
❛ Come back to reality. Please. ❜
❛ It’s not, strictly speaking, legal. ❜
❛ Our dreams feel real while we’re in them. It’s only when we wake up we realize things were strange, ❜
❛ How did we get here? Where are we? ❜
❛ Mind telling your subconscious to take it easy? ❜
❛ Wake me up! ❜
❛ The only way to wake from inside the dream is to die. ❜
❛ I’m not going to open my mind to someone like that. ❜
❛ I’ve never seen anyone pick it up so fast. ❜
❛ Word is, you’re not welcome in these parts. ❜
❛ You wouldn’t sell me out. ❜
❛ This is your idea of losing a tail? ❜
❛ A dream within a dream? ❜
❛ The only way to know you’ve done the job is if I go in with you. ❜
❛ Do you still dream? ❜
❛ It’s an elegant solution to keeping track of reality. ❜
❛ Why can’t you go home? ❜
❛ They think I killed her. ❜
❛ Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated. ❜
❛ I hope you’ve got something a little more elegant in mind than shooting me in the head like last time. ❜
❛ You know how to find me… you know what you have to do. ❜
❛ You shouldn’t be in here. ❜
❛ In my dreams we’re still together. ❜
❛ But these aren’t just dreams, are they? They’re memories. ❜
❛ What’ve you got buried down there that you regret? ❜
❛ And whatever I do, the dream’s always the same. ❜
❛ Do you know what it is to be a lover? To be half of a whole? ❜
❛ I’ll tell you a riddle. ❜
❛ You’re waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don’t know for sure. But it doesn’t matter. How can it not matter to you where that train will take you? ❜
❛ You promised! You said we’d be together! ❜
❛ You said we’d grow old together! ❜
❛ I’ll come back. I need you to stay here on your own for now. ❜
❛ You knew the risks and you didn’t tell us. ❜
❛ There wasn’t meant to be any risk. We weren’t supposed to be dealing with a load of gunfire. ❜
❛ Downwards is the only way forwards. We have to carry on. ❜
❛ You’ve got an hour. Get talking. ❜
❛ He loved you. In his way ❜
❛ You’ll have become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone. ❜
❛ You can lose track of what’s real. ❜
❛ It’s not so bad at first, being gods. The problem is knowing that it’s not real. ❜
❛ You don’t know you’re dreaming. ❜
❛ I’m going to jump. And you’re coming with me. ❜
❛ Let’s go back inside and talk about this, please. ❜
❛ I’m asking you to take a leap of faith. ❜
❛ You’re not responsible for the idea that destroyed her. ❜
❛ Shouldn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. ❜
❛ You must’ve noticed by now how much time [name] spends doing things he says never to do. ❜
❛ My job is to protect you from any attempt to access your mind through your dreams. ❜
❛ You’re not safe here. Trust me. They’re coming for you. ❜
❛ We’re in a dream. ❜
❛ Breathe. Remember the training. ❜
❛ So you… you’re not real? ❜
❛ You know all this, you just have to remember it. ❜
❛ I’ll lead them on a merry chase. ❜
❛ We’re here. Are we clear to proceed? ❜
❛ So that’s it, then? We failed. ❜
❛ Can I trust you to do what’s needed? ❜
❛ An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious, and an idea can grow. ❜
❛ The smallest seed of an idea can grow to define or destroy your world. ❜
❛ So certain of your world. Of what’s real. ❜
❛ I know what’s real. ❜
❛ Admit it. You don’t believe in one reality anymore. ❜
❛ Choose to be here. Choose me. ❜
❛ You judged me for believing the very same thing. ❜
❛ You keep telling yourself what you know, but what do you believe? What do you feel? ❜
❛ You infected my mind. You betrayed me. ❜
❛ You can still keep your promise. We can still be together… right here. ❜
❛ I’m not going to let you lose yourself in here! ❜
❛ I’m the only thing you do believe in anymore. ❜
❛ I’m not capable of imagining you in all your complexity and… perfection. ❜
❛ I miss you more than I can bear, but we had our time together. And now I have to let you go. ❜
❛ I came back for you. I came to remind you of what you once knew. ❜
❛ This world is not real. ❜
❛ You came to convince me to honor our arrangement? ❜
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rasafcrged · 2 days
❛ I thought you were the ghost. ❜
❛ You got to figure it out. I'm not always gonna be here to help you. ❜
❛ Well, I guess that answers the old "if I asked you to drive off a cliff" scenario. ❜
❛ It's like we've forgotten who we are. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers. ❜
❛ You're the one who doesn't belong. Born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early. ❜
❛ We used to look up in the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt. ❜
❛ You were good at something and you never got a chance to do anything with it. I'm sorry. ❜
❛ Don't make me take you down again. Sit down! ❜
❛ It's pretty clear you don't want any visitors. So why don't you just let us back up from your fence and we'll be on our way? Huh? ❜
❛ You're sitting in the best-kept secret in the world. Nobody stumbles in here. Nobody stumbles out. ❜
❛ I hesitate to term it supernatural, but it definitely wasn't scientific. ❜
❛ We'll find a way. We always have. ❜
❛ Okay, now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world. ❜
❛ We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it. ❜
❛ You're asking me to hang everything on an almost. ❜
❛ I'm asking you to trust me. ❜
❛ This world was never enough for you, was it? ❜
❛ Don't trust the right thing done for the wrong reason. ❜
❛ Mankind was born on Earth, it was never meant to die here. ❜
❛ We're just here to be memories for our kids. ❜
❛ Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future. ❜
❛ You have no idea when you're coming back. No idea at all! ❜
❛ Don't make me leave like this. Come on! Don't make me leave like this! ❜
❛ I love you. Forever. You hear me? I love you forever, and I'm coming back. ❜
❛ We're going to be spending a lot of time together. We should learn to talk. ❜
❛ Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic, nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings. ❜
❛ We'll be waiting for you when you get back. A little older, a little wiser, but happy to see you. ❜
❛ You don't think nature can be evil? ❜
❛ Why are you whispering? They can't hear you. ❜
❛ This gets to me. This. Millimeters of aluminum, that's it, and then nothing out there for millions of miles won't kill us in seconds. ❜
❛ Everybody ready to say goodbye to our solar system? ❜
❛ You can't just think about your family. Now you have to think bigger. ❜
❛ I told you to leave me! Why didn't you? ❜
❛ One of us was thinking about the mission! ❜
❛ I was trying to do the right thing! ❜
❛ Oh, we are not prepared for this. ❜
❛ You eggheads have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop. ❜
❛ Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but it can't run backwards, it just can't. ❜
❛ When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe. ❜
❛ I thought I was prepared. I knew the theory. Reality's different. ❜
❛ There's nothing here for us. ❜
❛ So it would be a real good time for you to come back. ❜
❛ I didn't mean to intrude. It's just that I've never seen you in here before. ❜
❛ I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of time. ❜
❛ Are you calling my life's work nonsense? ❜
❛ Love isn't something we invented. It's observable, powerful. It has to mean something. ❜
❛ Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it yet. ❜
❛ I let you all down. ❜
❛ Pray you never learn just how good it can be to see another face. ❜
❛ I hadn't a lot of hope to begin with, but after so long, I had none. ❜
❛ I just want to know if you left me here to die. I just have to know. ❜
❛ There are some things that aren't meant to be known. ❜
❛ We can care deeply, selflessly about those we know, but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight. ❜
❛ Panic won't help. We just have to keep working, same as ever. ❜
❛ Before you get all teary, remember that as a robot I have to do anything you say. ❜
❛ A machine doesn't improvise well because you can't program a fear of death. Our survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration. ❜
❛ When I left Earth, I thought I was prepared to die. ❜
❛ Nothing worked out the way it was supposed to. ❜
❛ You fucking coward. ❜
❛ Listen, if you're not going to go, let your family go. Just save your family. ❜
❛ Dad's not coming back. He never was coming back. ❜
❛ You're gonna save everybody? ❜
❛ He left us here to die. ❜
❛ Don't judge me. You were never tested like I was. Few men have been. ❜
❛ You're feeling it, aren't you? The survival instinct. That's what drove me. it's what drives all of us. ❜
❛ I'm sorry, I can't watch you go through this. I'm sorry. I thought I could, but I can't. ❜
❛ The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind. ❜
❛ No, don't go. Don't go, you idiot. ❜
❛ They didn't bring us here to change the past. ❜
❛ I don't care who describes it, there is no way for it to be exaggerated. It was that bad. ❜
❛ Is this really what it was like? ❜
❛ I don't care much for this pretending we're back where we started. I want to know where we are. Where we're going. ❜
❛ Nobody believed me. But I knew you'd come back. ❜
❛ No parent should have to watch their own child die. ❜
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rasafcrged · 2 days
❛ Dreams are messages from the deep. ❜
❛ Why do we have to go through all of this when it’s already been decided? ❜
❛ You look tired. More dreams? ❜
❛ There is no call we do not answer. There is no faith that we betray. ❜
❛ So, it’s done? ❜
❛ Can I trust you with something? ❜
❛ I’ve been having dreams. ❜
❛ That’s a good omen right there, right? ❜
❛ I saw you lying dead. Fallen in battle. ❜
❛ Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we’re awake, because that’s where we make things happen. ❜
❛ I need you by my side. ❜
❛ I want you sitting in on my council, learn what I do. ❜
❛ If your answer is “no” you’ll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be, my son. ❜
❛ I found my own way to it. Maybe you’ll find yours. ❜
❛ Don’t stand with your back to the door. How many times do we have to tell you? ❜
❛ That’s rude. ❜
❛ I’m not in the mood today. ❜
❛ You fight when the necessity arises, no matter the mood. Now, fight! ❜
❛ You don’t get it, do you? You don’t really understand the grave nature of what’s happening to us. ❜
❛ You have to be ready. ❜
❛ When is a gift not a gift? ❜
❛ Not a word of this to anyone. ❜
❛ Remember your training. ❜
❛ Defiance in the eyes, like his father. ❜
❛ Come here. Kneel. ❜
❛ How dare you use the Voice on me? ❜
❛ Why are you doing this? ❜
❛ An animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to escape. What will you do? ❜
❛ I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. ❜
❛ Fear is the little death that brings obliteration. ❜
❛ If you had been unable to control your impulses like an animal, we could not have let you live. ❜
❛ You have more than one birthright. ❜
❛ Do you often dream things that happen just as you dreamt them? ❜
❛ Goodbye, young human. I hope you’ll live. ❜
❛ Did you have to go that far? ❜
❛ Do you see so little hope? ❜
❛ All part of the plan. ❜
❛ How does it feel to walk on a new world? ❜
❛ Let’s get you out of the sun. The heat can kill in this place. ❜
❛ They see what they’ve been told to see. ❜
❛ What do they say about this hell hole again? ❜
❛ If you mean to harm me, I must warn you whatever you’re hiding, it won’t be enough. ❜
❛ When you have lived with a prophecy for so long the moment of revelation is a shock. ❜
❛ You shouldn’t be out here at this time of the day. ❜
❛ I failed you today. There’s no excuse. ❜
❛ They tried to take the life of my son! ❜
❛ I don’t give a damn about your honor. You want absolution? Go catch some spies. ❜
❛ Allow them the dignity of exile. ❜
❛ I give you my word. We would not harm them. ❜
❛ The desert takes the weak. ❜
❛ A hostage? I love it. ❜
❛ I have to tell you, I’ve never come so close to dying. ❜
❛ I respect the personal dignity of any man that respects mine. ❜
❛ Name what you want. If it’s in my power to grant I’ll give it and ask for nothing. ❜
❛ Why don’t you stay. We would honor you. ❜
❛ Honor requires that I be elsewhere. ❜
❛ I know who you are. ❜
❛ You wait till you see it. It’s beautiful out there. ❜
❛ So what happens now? ❜
❛ We won’t make it. You have to evacuate. ❜
❛ It’s getting close, guys. We better abandon the ship now. ❜
❛ There is protocol for a reason, if we take one step out we’re as good as dead. ❜
❛ I recognize your footsteps. ❜
❛ What’s wrong with you? Come on. Let’s go. ❜
❛ You cannot take such risks. You do have responsibilities. ❜
❛ We’ve been set up to fail. ❜
❛ Take good care of your family. ❜
❛ The desert’s not kind to humans either. ❜
❛ I had a vision. My eyes were wide open. ❜
❛ I thought I saw my death, only it wasn’t. ❜
❛ I know you’re pregnant. ❜
❛ Anyone who defies us will fall. ❜
❛ There’s something you need to know about [name]. ❜
❛ I trusted you completely, even when you walked in shadows. Now I’m asking you this one thing. ❜
❛ If anything happens will you protect our son? ❜
❛ Why are you having these thoughts? ❜
❛ I thought we’d have more time. ❜
❛ I should have married you. ❜
❛ I had no choice. ❜
❛ I will do what I can. And you will kill a man for me. ❜
❛ Why not just cut their throats? ❜
❛ Don’t you dare touch my mother. ❜
❛ Kill him. ❜
❛ For hundreds of years we’ve traded blood for blood. But no more. ❜
❛ Here I am, here I remain! ❜
❛ It’s not safe for you here. ❜
❛ I am commanded to say nothing, to see nothing. ❜
❛ The Emperor sent us here to die. ❜
❛ You’re scared. I can see it. Tell me, please, what do you fear? ❜
❛ Somebody help me, please. ❜
❛ You know who you are. ❜
❛ Get off me! You did this to me! ❜
❛ It’s recycled water from the tent. Sweat and tears. ❜
❛ Yet you risk your life to help us. ❜
❛ The storm will be here in a few hours. We’ll be safe here. ❜
❛ Would you bear witness? ❜
❛ You’d make a play for the throne? ❜
❛ He brought you here to kill you. ❜
❛ You’re a lost boy hiding in a hole in the ground. ❜
❛ I’ve seen your dream. ❜
❛ We have to go. We have no choice. ❜
❛ You’re not coming with us? ❜
❛ The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve. But a reality to experience. ❜
❛ Nothing survives such a storm. ❜
❛ Don’t be frightened. Even a little desert mouse can survive. ❜
❛ You’ll need to face your fears. ❜
❛ You have much to learn. And I will show you the ways of the desert. ❜
❛ I think this is the right direction. ❜
❛ We are not alone. ❜
❛ Do not run. You will only waste your bodies water. ❜
❛ We have powerful friends. You help us off world, you will be well rewarded. ❜
❛ What wealth can you offer beyond the water in your flesh. ❜
❛ Why didn’t you say you were a weirding woman and a fighter? ❜
❛ I would not have let you hurt my friends. ❜
❛ You talk like a leader, but the strongest leads. ❜
❛ Don’t be frightened. Don’t resist. ❜
❛ When you take a life, you take your own. ❜
❛ I want you to die with honor. ❜
❛ You should welcome my blade. This world will kill you. Quicker this way. ❜
❛ Do you yield? ❜
❛ There is no yielding under the Amtal rule, only death is the test of that. ❜
❛ [name] has never killed a man. ❜
❛ You’re one of us now. A life for a life. ❜
❛ [name] needs to get off world. You must have ways. You have smugglers, you have ships. ❜
❛ My road leads into the desert. ❜
❛ If you’ll have us, we will come. ❜
❛ This is only the beginning. ❜
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rasafcrged · 3 days
okay but also i was thinking about different things that elizabeth would be susceptible to, weakened by or generally different things that could be used against her, since there's a lot that doesn't actually hurt her and while i don't care about her seeming op so much, it does help to have checks and balances and helps with plots and what not anyways so.
things like a tractor beam, graviton beam etc. could definitely be used against her to keep her trapped / confined in one form / place if it's strong enough she wouldn't be able to just dissolve away into goo and escape, basically -- a good bet would be something also like a laser or energy kind of force field bubble, something that would keep her from being able to escape through cracks, drill or burn her way through floors or walls etc or seep through air vents etc. etc. combine something like a tractor beam & a bubble force field and that'd be a prettttttty good way to keep her from escaping --
if those are technology based and not magic based, though, there would need to be something that prevented her being able to connect to 'bluetooth' or wifi equivalent bc in most universes barring some super future advanced tech verses she would probably be easily capable of hacking anything with any kind of electronic brain that was keeping her imprisoned.
now, of course, if her keeping her form / shape / identity that she's assumed is a concern, that definitely makes it easier to keep her trapped simply bc ... if she doesn't want it to be discovered that she's not who and what she says she is, it does limit what she can use to escape. -- more to come.
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rasafcrged · 3 days
Elizabeth craves physical contact (?) context varies: so do with that what you will I guess.
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