rararavenne-bct · 4 years
CTEC708 Index- Qeyboard
Devices Research
Wix vs Webflow- Website Creation
Target Audience: Schools
Laptop Lending Service
Colour Palette
Target Audience
Ideas Pre-COVID19 :((
Boom! We’re prototype testing
Statement of Intent
Human Relationships
Group formation + Topics of Interest
Finding common interests
Skills Evaluation
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Finally finished with the website today and I’m so happy and proud for how it turned out :)
Visit it here! (https://icubeeed.wixsite.com/qeyboard) 
We don’t have a registered domain yet as it is quite pricey but if we do decide to have one in the future, it would most likely be www.qeyboard.co.nz
Screenshots below! (For some reason the navbar doesn’t appear in the full-screen captures but it should look like the one in the first photo.)
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Devices Research
I looked into the PB Tech website because they had a BYOD section. They had suggestions for each education level and for secondary students, their most recommended laptops were quite expensive.
When I was in high school (I feel so old saying that), our library and class laptops were all chromebooks. These were small and light and were only really good enough to use for writing essays, reports, research, and just simple web browsing. You couldn’t really download any other software on it because the storage size is too small and it would just run slowly. However, they were still useful in completing my assignments. I think providing the students with chromebooks they can rent is good because they can complete their assignments and the interface is easy and simple enough to use, it might also be similar to what they use in their school. It would also prevent them from downloading any other distracting programs like PC Games which could affect their focus in their school work. These are also very cheap. 
These were two of the best ones I found on PB Tech with a couple of promising reviews. It’s also currently sold out so I’m guessing it is good and worth it.
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In order for us to cater to all of the students’ needs we would also need to provide high-performing devices for students who need to download other programs like Adobe Suite for Design portfolios. We would probably only have a few of these laptops compared to the chromebooks and only offer them to senior students or let them priority reservation as they would need it  more than other students. These were the ones I found on  PB Tech that had good storage size and ideal screen resolutions.
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The touch screen one is especially good because it would be useful for Art and Design students if they want to do any type of illustration to their work. 
In order for us to have security over our devices, we would be requiring borrows to pay for a lending fee which would be used to maintain devices (antivirus, storage cleaning, electricity for charging, etc.) and also a bond fee which will be returned when the device is returned to ensure that they do return the device.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Wix vs Webflow- Website Creation
I have previous experience in building websites from a paper I am taking this semester so I made it my responsibility to build the website for this project as well.
I am choosing between Wix and Webflow as the platform to build the website from. Webflow is fairly new to me but it is the site that we are using for my assignment in my Web Media class. By doing the studio website in Webflow, it would help me become more familiar with its features. However, it is more complex as it is a lot more customisable and made based on html and css codes so it would take longer for me to build a website with it. Wix on the other hand is less customisable as it is mostly just drag and drop. Even someone who has never done any html or css coding before would be able to use it.
I decided to go with the latter as we don’t really have a lot of time left until the due date. The website is only just a working prototype still. If we were to turn this into a proper business venture, then I would consider doing re-building it in a better way.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Target Audience: Schools
To understand our target audience better, I decided to do some research on what schools and how many of them would be our potential customers here in Auckland.
The Ministry of Education website provides a spreadsheet of the decile changes of schools from 2014 and 2015. This may have changed again over time but this is the most updated data I could find on their website.
I filtered the search and found that:
There are 445 secondary schools throughout New Zealand
 This includes composite (Year 1-13) schools, Mixed Year 7-13 schools and purely year 9-13 schools.
87 of these secondary schools are in Auckland 
153 secondary schools were rated with 1-3 decile in 2015 throughout NZ.
35 of those are in Auckland
As we are still new with the business side of things and this service would require a lot of trial and error and testing, it would probably be better if we were to focus on purely secondary schools as it would be a slightly lesser population and the students would be more mature than trying to work with students under year 9.
I found that
There are 67 purely secondary schools that are rated with deciles 1-3 in NZ in 2015
23 of those are in Auckland
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If we were to do any further trials and investigations, it would be best for us to work with the schools listed above as they are our primary target audience.
The Ministry of Education (2015) School deciles 2015 XLS. Retrieved from https://www.education.govt.nz/assets/Documents/School/Running-a-school/Resourcing/DecileChanges18June2015Review.xls
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Laptop Lending Service
Our group found that there wasn’t anything out there that was similar to what we are trying to achieve with a laptop lending service. The closest thing we could find were businesses like Airbnb and Uber where owners could make a profit from their properties or services for other people to use in exchange for cash. However, with our service, making a profit isn’t our main focus. 
I did a few more research and found that the library in Emporia State University in Kansas, USA had a similar laptop lending service for their students (Michael, Ma, & Hugh, 2008). The university required students to sign an agreement form at the start of every year which is catalogued so they could easily track who has borrowed a laptop or not. I think this is good to implement in our service because it provides us with a legal document that we could use if a student causes any damage or lose the device. I think the best way to do this is to closely work with the schools so we can take advantage of the school’s students record and easily register the students who want to be part of the borrowing program. If students wanted to sign up, they would have to use their school email which would make it easier to prove legitimacy and find their identity if need be.
In this study,  their library only allowed laptop loans for up to 3 days with fines being charged for every hour that the laptop is overdue for. I think 3 days is a good amount of time to complete unfinished work and it would also help decrease the risk of causing any damage to the device. However, high school assessments usually take a full term or a couple of weeks to complete and if students were to hire every 3 days or so, the process might just be too tedious for them and we’d be risking losing their interest. For our service, I think it would be best if we allow long-term rents (one term long) and short-term rents to be able to cater to everyone’s needs.
Summey, T., & Gutiérrez, A. (2012, January 9). Laptops to Go: A Student Assessment of a Library Laptop Lending Service. Journal of Access Services, 9(1), 28–43. doi: 10.1080/15367967.2012.629929
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Colour Palette
During the meeting, I asked the group what colour scheme they would like to use for the website. We all agreed on yellow as it is a bright and fun colour that also seems very youthful
Upon further research, I found that yellow was defined as the colour of the mind and the intellect which relates to acquired knowledge and logic. Looking at yellow objects is also believed to increase mental activity and muscle energy and building confidence.
We want our website to make students feel welcome and hopeful. I want the aesthetic to be youthful so that they would feel more encouraged to explore more about the information provided on the site. 
I’ve chosen to do an analogous palette as the website’s colour scheme because it would add a good flow to the site and won’t be too harsh to look at.
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The bottom-most yellow and oranges will be the main colours used for the site as they are the brightest. The lighter shades will be mainly used for the backgrounds. I rarely used the darker shades so they aren’t part of the main colour scheme.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Target Audience
In order to understand our audience better, I decided to create a survey which we can send to high school students in low-decile schools. 
Link to survey here
This survey will help us inform how many students own a laptop and if so, how they feel about it (are the specs; speed, storage, software, up to their standards?). It would also give us more insight on how the schools provide devices to students and how easily accessible it is to them. We would also be able to gain an understanding about whether they would be interested in our service or not.
Our group planned to send it to Joel Umali from TSI (A speaker in one of the speaker series before) as we remembered from his talks that he was working with the students and schools in South Auckland. Unfortunately, he is away at the moment and we won’t be able to process their results soon. But, if it does come in before submission then we will do our best to process and put those results in our website.
UPDATE: Joel replied to our email after a few days but the group realised that it may be too late for us to process their results at this stage so we decided not to send him the survey. Nevertheless, Joel was still very kind to give us other useful information.
Read more here (Jordan’s blog)
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
To make the website creation easier, I created some wireframes to help me visualise each page’s feature..
I decided that the site should have at least 5 pages:
Contact page
Devices page- information on them + order page
Statistics- information from research and own surveys
Here are the wireframes:
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About page
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Devices information
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
During the crit, I realised that our group lacked proper communication. Although we have set up weekly meetings, we weren’t always successful on having everyone present and sometimes, members also aren’t able to look back on our meeting summaries. While it felt frustrating to be on different pages during the crit, the situation made it critical for us to improve on how we communicate and update each other. It also helped to reiterate the difficulties of remote learning because it’s not as easy to talk to people and share your inputs online. We also had other responsibilities other than academics which we had to work around with, making it more difficult to find a time that we could all “meet”.
After the crit, we had a meeting on discord and made sure that everyone was online. We discussed where we each thought our project was which further proved that we were on different pages. Our group quickly resolved this and finally agreed on a concept that we were all going to work on.
The idea is to create a peer-to-peer device lending service for students who can’t afford to buy one. We will be creating a website and/ or app to execute this. The website will have all the necessary information and also statistics on remote/ online learning, device usage, screen productivity, etc so that all our previous research would still be relevant.
We’ve also set up three weekly meeting times (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) that everyone has agreed on so we can update each other properly on our progress and make sure that we are on the right track.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Statement_of_Intent_Final_Final! (?).doc
Finally back to blogging after a looong time. It’s been hard getting back to a routine with this whole COVID-19 situation. I was just beginning to get into the habit of blogging and now I’m falling back to old mannerisms. I sure hope things continue to improve (situation and self-wise).
After many different iterations of intents (which I will catch up on blogging soon). We’ve finally reached one that is more solid and structured compared to the previous ones.
“Bring Your Own Devices”
The Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) requirement has become more common in schools throughout New Zealand. This has been implemented to enhance the students’ learning and to prepare them for the digital world. However, despite the many benefits of using digital devices, closing the gap between education and technology also increases the economical divide among students.
As COVID-19 has pushed students to continue their studies online, it has become more apparent that digital learning does not cater to all and only causes more problems for others. People in lower socio-economic status may not have been able to afford to own a device before the pandemic, and if they did already own one, some don’t have strong broadband connection to actually access online content.
If education is so strongly linked to a better life, why is it harder for people who need it most to access it?
Our intent for this project is to provide a solution to help students who are at a disadvantage in the digital movement. We aim to create a service or product where they can have access to education that will put them at an equal level with their peers.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Trash To Treasure
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In last week’s class, we were encouraged to make prototypes made from “trash” that we found around our house. I decided to make a prototype for an assignment in my Virtual and Immersive Environments class.
Our idea is to create an experience that would allow the user to delve into the fourth dimension; a space that is outside a fixed state in time and simultaneously giving them the power to control it. One obvious indicator of time is the changing of seasons, our current plan is to create an environment that is directly affected by the seasons i.e. a park, forest, etc. As the user turns their head, the world around him travels through time to witness the seasons change - clockwise goes forward and anti-clockwise rewinds it.
In the model, the field is a circle to symbolise a clock, although this feature may not be apparent when in the virtual world. The whole scene will be split up into four sections; winter, spring, summer, and fall. Therefore, we can make each 90 degree turn trigger the "time travel" feature. The seasons have to be cohesive to each other so it's obvious to the user that they are still at the same place, just at a different time. However, it also must have obvious differences to indicate where they are in time, this can be achieved by having atmospheric differences such as colours and sounds.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Boom! We're prototype testing
Grace came in today with an idea for a prototype... and a weapon. Just kidding, it's a ball shooter for pets. The basic idea is that when people spread misinformation, you're essentially shooting them down with fake news which may cause an impact in their thoughts/ beliefs. I believe this was a good interpretation of that idea and testing it outside was pretty fun too.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Some installations I found on Pinterest which are pretty similar to what we’re envisioning for our outcome.
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Link to Pinterest board
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Statement of Intent
(Still in development)
Project Overview
How does the new age of communication affect the spread of misinformation and what are its consequences?
Nowadays, information are easily accessible at anytime and anyone has the power to upload anything on the internet. What are the effects of information overload and how do we evaluate what is real and what isn’t?
Aims and Outcome
To educate and inform people of the speed in which information spreads and the possible consequences
Make people aware of this issue that lies within the bigger issue of having information overload
Possible Methods
We want our audience to have a multi-sensory experience in which our chosen topic can be expressed through. This would result into an interactive, possibly immersive installation where the user can be a catalyst.
Active/ Reactive Interaction
Sound design
Colour and lighting (immersive aspect?)
Touch sensitive
Ideas/ Materials Exploration
Magnets - Playing with polarity; opposites attract and same charges repel.
Pipes - User can change the course of an object based on their decisions (kinda similar to the initial ideas we had last year with Rube Goldberg machines.)
Web/ strings - A frame filled with strings that are tangled with each other where if you moved/ touched one it would affect another area as well. This plays with the butterfly effect and/ or visualising the spread of information.
Mirrors - The more mirrors you have, the more it distorts the image that it is reflecting. Could reflect the game of Chinese Whispers where the message gets changed as it gets passed through different people.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Human Relationships
To expand more on the topics of interest from the previous blog, we made another more detailed mindmap.
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Our two main interests became: mass hysteria and online vs. offline personas of people.
Mass hysteria focuses more on the spread of misinformation/ fake news that causes people to go into unnecessary panic and/ or fear. This is also current in today’s times where many false information about the coronavirus are being spread around. However, if this topic does push through, i don’t think we would want to focus the topic on the disease as it may be too sensitive of a topic for some people and there’s not much research about it yet and we wouldn’t want to base a project around assumptions which may be false ie. spreading fake news ourselves.
Online vs offline personas is about how people create fake personalities online that is completely different to their actual lifestyle. This creates a false sense of reality to their audience that isn’t always attainable.
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rararavenne-bct · 4 years
Group formation + Topics of Interest
After putting up our own project proposals on the wall, we found that the team I was working with last year (Jordan, Jake, and Vahid) were also interested in doing more interactive installation type projects. Therefore, we put our plans close to each other and found that two year 2s (Gohanne and Grace) put their names on our papers too as they too were interested in doing interactive installations.
We then sat around a table and threw around topics that we were interested in.
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We found that we were interested in providing awareness around issues that revolved around humanity- human behaviour, societal expectations, etc. It’s still pretty broad but I think it’s good progress considering it’s still the first studio session and we’re already getting ideas for what our outcome may look like. Sangeeta suggested we should focus on narrowing down these ideas into a solid plan so we don’t become too overwhelmed.
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