ranpo-fan-page · 20 days
ok heres my issue of the hour. i dont know which project i should work on. for my own convenience ill be reblogging this on all my fan pages so this now goes for all of those fandoms. bc i do have one of these for all of those fandoms
yes theres a difference between my youtuber and influencer aus.
Also for the Punk one i plan on using actual bands/issues in the design. when i make a character punk im not gonna be lazy about it
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ranpo-fan-page · 1 month
hi so my grandparents have decided to sell the house after all but in order to sell it we're gonna have to like, find somewhere else to live even before we sell so that the house can be renovated and we can't be there while that happens
i'd really like to try to stockpile funds that i'm gonna need sooner rather than later so i can make sure i have somewhere to live since i can't move with them lol
i'm disabled and getting a job rn is literally impossible so this is my primary option rn
you can donate thru these accounts primarily:
c@sh@pp: $kingoffankids
v3nmo: kingoffankids
my bf has p@yp@l, comment or dm or send an ask off-anon if you wanna use that instead and i'll send a link
pls reblog even if you can't donate! if you can't donate that's fine, but i'd appreciate a reblog as it helps the post get seen
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ranpo-fan-page · 1 month
Finally got around to getting one of these!!
Tumblr media
The goal is to practice whump and hurt/comfort one shots, emphasis on the one shot bit. I have a bad habit of turning everything into a multi chapter fic and then never updating it.
Anyways since I am incapable of choosing what to start with I figured I'll have it be like an ask game, request one of the prompts and I'll write it out in (hopefully) 3 chapters max. I'm also only doing DC Batfam, Bungo Stray Dogs and Telltales The Walking Dead fandom wise, I don't mind doubling up but I'm trying to get a blackout so. I might put off answering any doubles until I'm done.
Basically, send me an ask requesting one of the prompts with characters you'd like me to use either here or on the fan pages and I'll write something for it.
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ranpo-fan-page · 1 month
he passed out last time we saw him and now hes sprinting. someone tuck him in he needs a fucking nap
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ranpo-fan-page · 2 months
or me,
you think fan pages are cringe???
yknow what dont talk to me,
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ranpo-fan-page · 2 months
I like to think that Ranpo started hanging out with Dazai because he finally found somebody on his level, then kept hanging out with him because he didn't always know exactly how each interaction would end. Ranpo likes surprises and this one happens to talk a lot.
dw i ship ranpoe too i just dont have thoughts about them rn
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ranpo-fan-page · 2 months
sorry for the lack of substantial posts lately im trying really hard to not burn out rn and cant really. make shit that takes effort bc of that but uh picture this
Whenever Dazai or Ranpo start to get burnt out the other makes them take a mandatory rest day where they mostly just hang out all day and unwind, for Dazai that usually means being wrapped in a blanket and having his hair played with while they either watch some shitty horror movie or listen to background music. For Ranpo that usually means flopping in bed and not moving while Dazai lays next to him.
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ranpo-fan-page · 3 months
This is my big pinned post w/ all the important things
Hi I'm Evelyn or E, I use whatever pronouns feel right in the moment so dw about that, I'm a minor so I don't do any explicit NSFW anything.
This post will be updated and changed often
Hey my inbox is always open for:
Anything Ranpo related!
Writing requests!
Ongoing Ask Games!
Bad Things Happen Bingo
(Links to be added later)
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