ragnetto31 · 2 days
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ragnetto31 · 2 days
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I watched the series Masters of the air and i- awpofkpaewof
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ragnetto31 · 3 days
*First day of basics* Bucky : Buck, let's play 20 questions! Gale : My name's Gale. Bucky : :) Gale : *sighs* Gale : Why d'you want to play that ? Bucky, grinning : We're roommates, Buck! Gotta get to know each other. Gale, ducking his head to avoid the full force of a Bucky Smile : ... Fine. What's your favorite color ? Bucky, laser-focused : Rectangle. Are you into fellas ? Especially, slightly older ones, like 3 years older kind of fellas. This is important, Buck.
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ragnetto31 · 6 days
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A peek at the front 🔥
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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finally finished watching mota so this is some Bucky and Buck
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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much to think about (x)
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
I am, how you say, ill as fuck.
And I would love some fluffy, fluffy, fluff whilst I perish.
(Don't worry, there's no actual perishing. I am also very dramatic when I'm ill, so...)
So what's like your one, fluffiest headcanon for buck x bucky?
Here's some of mine:
Buck needs to know where Bucky is. If he doesn't see him, and John hasn't told him where he's gone, his heart trips in his chest. The rest of the 100th have clocked this and casually drop it into conversation if they've seen Bucky.
Buck also knows Bucky is a natural caregiver (like it's a secret), so he always makes sure to tell John if he sees any of the boys needing some help: Crosby's not sleeping again; Curt misses his ma; Jack is feeling overwhelmed, etc. John goes out of his way to make them feel better; whatever they need, they get. John finds a way.
But Bucky has a real soft spot for Ken - the youngest in the 100th and the best ground crew chief in the air force (he'd bet). He's always checking on him, making sure no one's giving him a hard time. Ken maybe thinks John is teasing him or doesn't think he can do his job, but Buck tells him one day, "He's just looking out for you; he's taken a likin' to ya, son", and Ken blushes like crazy and feels real flattered.
I would love to hear some of yours!
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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“you fought well, atreides”
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
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clegan + love languages
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
Yes bucky is dog coded but gale is cat coded . He likes to spend his free time with one person and one person only and that's bucky.
No he doesn't like it when other people touch him and get in his personal space but bucky can touch him all the time and come close to him as much as he wants.
You know how cats will randomly come to you and bump their heads on you till they get scratches or just lay down on you . You can't tell me that buck doesn't do the exact same thing.
Bucky will be sitting down minding his business and suddenly he has an armful full of gale who wants cuddles.
Bucky is extremely happy with this because gale doesn't do that with anyone and two he knows about his past , so the fact that gale is comfortable enough to do that with him makes him so happy.
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
writers and artists will go "this isn't good enough." my brother in christ, you're creating something new out of nothing and expressing yourself creatively. your productivity and unrealistic standards of perfection do not define you or the worth of your art. you're doing great.
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
How about a Gale who talks dirty after orgasm?
Once he's come, while still loose from his orgasm, sex-drunk and half-asleep, he says the dirtiest things possible without even trying. Each time, he nails Bucky's kink.
Bucky wants to scream because he's just come and he can't do anything about it, “Fuck, Buck what a mouth you've got”.
And Buck will say respond something like “Yeah, I love your mouth too, I love it when you...” in a deep, sleepy voice.
Bucky can only grunt “God, give me a minute”.
And then the second round begins sooner than they expected.
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ragnetto31 · 7 days
Imagine john and gale having a fight . They both said things that they shouldn't have things that were meant to tear the others heart opened.
In the midst of the chaos john gets up and leaves , to get some fresh air and cool off before he says another hurtful thing to gale that he's going to regret in the morning.
After fifteen minutes have gone past and he has calmed down and thought of how he's going to apologize to gale about that things he said . As soon as he opens the door with an apologize to his lips , he is met with the weight of his partner that has flung himself at him and babbling apologizes over and over again .
Later when they both have calmed down , gale will confess to him that he thought he left for good and john will cradle his face in his hands and kiss him softly and he will tell him that as long as he breathes he will never leave his side .
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