raffydeliman027 · 3 years
Are you also a family that wants to reduce the problem of this Pandemic?
Here we will let you know what we have done to meet daily needs. By the way, I am Raffy Deliman, a student from AISAT COLLEGE. What did we really do to reduce the problem?
Today we are still in the midst of a pandemic, and our income has been greatly reduced. What we need to do right away is to make a living so that we don't end up in debt. These are the three steps we took in business;
First THINK of an item that you realize you are acceptable at there. For instance, you appreciate making leche flan. That is the weapon you will use in your business. Since individuals will partake in a feast in case it is flavorful!
Second, DON'T BE SHY. Since your business is the thing that we are discussing here we ought to be thick and tireless in presenting to individuals. Try not to humiliate the independent venture, since all the well - realized organizations additionally began in small company.
Third, THINK POSITIVE. In business just certain reasoning is required. Try not to be debilitate when deals are powerless. All things considered, think about a way of expanding your pay.
We just started with BBQ, about 15-20 pcs. that's all we can do in one day. About 1-2 months later, the BBQ has increased with BITUKA NG BABOY, BITUKA NG MANOK, PAA NG MANOK, ULO NG MANOK. Until our income increased a bit, and we built a sari-sari store to breed another business. “TO BUILD A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, YOU MUST START SMALL AND DREAM BIG. - Aliko Dangote"
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
Portfolio Checklist and Self-Assessment
Portfolio Entry No. 1: ✔
Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
Portfolio Entry No. 2: ✔
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIASS)
Portfolio Entry No. 3: ✔
Creative Writing
Portfolio Entry No. 4: ✔
Creative Nonfiction
Portfolio Entry No. 5: ✔
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences (DISS)
Portfolio Entry No. 6: ✔
Philippine Politics and Governance
Portfolio Entry No. 7: ✔
Trends and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Portfolio Entry No. 8: ✔
Culture Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
This portfolio is about the compilation of activities I was asked to do in the first and second semester in each subject I went through now in grade 12. The artifacts I used in each subject corresponded to them. At the end of every activity, a reflection or insight is done that reflects the learning of myself on every subject. This Portfolio may serves as the basis of total learning of me on the topic of the activity that I put in the portfolio in every subject.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
Personal Vision and Goals for the Future
10 years from now, I consider myself to be one of the full - fledged directors in fastfoods or lodgings. I additionally see that I will concentrate again in school and take the Bachelor of Science in Public Administration or Political Science so I can seek after my dream about turning into a mayor. What I achieved personally, I want to pursue my dream about turning out to be mayor and give my folks a decent life. At work, I am most likely one of the city hall leaders who can contribute a ton to feel the change of our country. To fulfill these dreams I need to persevere after school and not despair no matter what problems I face, I can't allow my disappointments to characterize me, I need to allow my disappointments to educate me.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In Culture Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship. We explained the definition of Community.
The actual word interfaces us with one another. It depicts an encounter so regular that we never truly set aside effort to clarify it. It appears to be so straightforward, so normal, thus human. In the social area, we regularly add it to the names of social advancements as an image of sincere goals.
Community area isn't a spot, a structure, or an association or is it a trade of data over the Internet. Local area is both an inclination and a bunch of connections among individuals. Individuals frame and keep up networks to address basic issues.
Individuals from a community area have a feeling of trust, having a place, wellbeing, and really focusing on one another. They have an individual and aggregate sense that they can, as a component of that local area, impact their surroundings and one another.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In Trends and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century, we explain the meaning of FAD and TRENDS
Trends and Fad are the two things we as a whole encounter once at regular intervals. Regardless of whether that is as style, innovation or music, patterns and crazes shape the manner in which we see a specific brand or how we distinguish. They are a piece of regular day to day existence and we experience various patterns and crazes without knowing it more often than not.
Trends are what we experience when something changes are advances along a particular (now and again unsurprising) way, while prevailing fashions will in general be more transitory in their reality, here one day, gone the following.
A Fad is a style or action that unexpectedly gets mainstream yet which as a rule doesn't remain well known for extremely long.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In Philippine Politics and Governance we need to define states, nation, and globalization.
The job of the country state in globalization is a mind boggling one to a limited extent because of the fluctuating definitions and moving ideas of globalization. While it has been characterized from multiple points of view, globalization is for the most part perceived as the blurring or complete vanishing of monetary, social, and social lines between country states. A few researchers have speculated that country states, which are innately separated by physical and financial limits, will be less applicable in a globalized world.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, we need to explain the meaning of Social Sciences.
Sociology is in its broadest sense, the investigation of society and the way in which individuals act and impact our general surroundings.
Sociology educates us concerning the world past our nearby experience, and can help clarify how our own general public functions from the reasons for joblessness or what helps monetary development, to how and why individuals vote, or what satisfies individuals. It gives indispensable data to governments and policymakers, nearby specialists, non-administrative associations and others.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In Creative Nonfiction we need to explain the argumentative text.
Argumentative text is One of the most the principal things we use language for is contention. Contending implies guaranteeing that something is valid and attempting to convince others to concur with your case by introducing proof to validate it. And The factious article is a class of composing that requires the understudy to examine a theme; gather, produce, and assess proof; and set up a situation on the point in a brief way.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In Creative Writing we need to explain the I Remember poem by Thomas Hood.
This sonnet is about the changing idea of ​​time. The speaker reviews his happy youth that is as yet green in his recollections. He reviews his room with its little window where the sun used to show up each day. He additionally saw numerous blossoms in the nursery around his home and the laburnum tree. The tree was planted by his sibling on his birthday, which is as yet remaining at a similar spot.
The artist reviews how he used to swing and travel through the air with no consideration on the planet. He likewise has the memory of fir trees with their tall branches and summer pools, which invigorated him. Presently, as a grown-up, he misses that lighthearted time in light of the fact that this present reality has taken his honesty and happiness. He feels that he is away from the endowments and genuine bliss in the wake of becoming more established.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In the subject of Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences, we need to explain the discipline of communication.
Communication inspects correspondence between individuals. The control centers around contacts and connections between individuals, both in private and public settings, and both face-to-face and interceded through different correspondence innovations.
The control of correspondence centers around how people utilize verbal and nonverbal messages to make significance in different settings from two man gatherings to mass crowds across societies utilizing an assortment of channels and media. The control is particularly keen on the effect of those messages on human conduct.
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raffydeliman027 · 3 years
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Raffy Deliman
Grade 12 - Rousseau
S.Y. 2020-2021
General Juan Castañeda Señior High School
Kazelle Anne A. Sallegue
In the subject of Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems we were looking for photographs of the good effect of religion on man, and this photograph was my choice. Because most of the prisoners wanted to change, and many of them had come to the Lord to repent of their wrongdoings.
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