rafehalstead · 7 years
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It was evident to anyone that happened across him that Rafe was not doing so well. He was struggling to sleep at night, finding it difficult to lock the images of Jesse away in his head. The building collapsing around him was enough to remind him of that day, the day he’d lost his best friend and brother. Despite his arm having healed, thanks to him being the hunter he was, he was still reeling from what had happened. Perhaps that was why he had located an empty room within the hospital, needing to get away from everything and everyone. With a chair pushed up against the wall, he cradled his head within his hands. But when the door suddenly opened, he lifted his head immediately, focusing eyes on the other. “Sorry, didn’t think anyone was using this room.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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“Please tell me you’re here to break me out.” Calypso spoke as soon as she heard the door to her room open, not even caring who it was –doctor or friend. She had gone insane already from bedrest and instead had been worried sick about her mother Chrisjen and the rest of her siblings. Truthfully the list of whom she was worried about could replace her blankets, but she hadn’t told anyone of her worries. She had been told countless of times to look after herself but how could she when all of her friends and family were either injured, near death or missing? “I don’t care if you have to put me in a barrel to do so I just… Need to get out. 
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There was an uneasy feeling within his stomach whenever he stepped foot into a hospital. He hated them, ever since he’d spent days on end laying upon his front. But there were others within the hospital walls that he knew, that he cared to know of their well-being. So many had been affected by the explosions and fires, and Rafe had to momentarily put his fears and dislikes aside to confirm that they were on the mend. Calypso happened to be one of those, the man pushing open the door with his good arm. “Barely gonna be able to get myself out of here,” he muttered as he stepped closer, already feeling the prick at the back of his neck. “Whole hospital’s pretty much on lockdown.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
She had been through huge family feuds that caused the occasional fights. But an attack on a large crowd of people? Never. It was what had scared her more than words. It scared her that one day, she wouldn’t be so lucky to make it through alive. Live each day as if you were dying was what she once heard. And she did that.  A small groan escaping her lips, she closed the book she had been reading on the park bench. After a few days of not leaving her house, getting some fresh air was needed. Seeing someone approach her, she looked up. “If you’re here to talk about what happened, then just save it. And pick a different topic.”
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Rafe certainly hadn’t gone looking for Jules, but it was a pleasant surprise when he chanced upon her. She had helped him after the rubble had fallen onto him, after his arm had been fractured. When he’d been having flashbacks of a time long ago. With his one arm in a sling, still healing despite his hunter status, Rafe gave an affirmative nod. “I just wanted to thank you again, for everything,” he muttered as he stood before her.
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rafehalstead · 7 years
It was happening again. Blood everywhere. Her hands, her arms, her clothes, the woman in front of her at the cafe, the floor… and then it was gone. And back again. A terrified whine sounded in the back of the woman’s throat and she covered her ears with her hands and squeezed her eyes shut as a high-pitched ringing noise sounded in her ears. She begged herself to calm down, to realize she was hallucinating again, but the panic wouldn’t go away. Somewhere far away, the barista tried to ask her if she was alright, but Josefine couldn’t pay attention to it if she wanted to. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry–” she shrieked as her entire body shook. She chanced a peek and opened her eyes a little, only to see blood flash everywhere again. This wasn’t happening, she wasn’t going to kill people again. The low whine became a scream as she pitched her torso forwards, hands still clasped over her ears as the entire cafe stared.
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The cafe had become something of a second home for Rafe. He wasn’t sleeping, kept up all night by the nightmares, and coffee had been needed in excess to remain awake throughout the day. He happened to be sitting at a table near the windows, staring out so as to avoid eye contact with anyone that happened to walk past. But it was the commotion that suddenly pulled his attention. The screaming had him up out of his seat, moving around others that had decided to stand, drawing himself closer to the woman. Finally he was standing before her, his good hand reaching out to touch her shoulder, “Hey, hey. You’re alright.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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The darkness had taken over, leaving little to no light in the area of the hospital she was in. She wasn’t comfortable, to say the least. She’d sworn to be alert and prepared for the worst, for whatever could possibly be thrown her way, but there hadn’t been any thought in her mind that evening that could have lead her to expect something of this magnitude. Broken pieces of concrete covered the floor, which served to be quite a task when attempting to maneuver around them safely. She lost her balance just enough to topple over, using her hand to stop herself from falling completely. A sharp intake of breath could be heard, quickly closing her hand into a fist and bringing up to her chest. “If you don’t count the small stuff,” She whipped her head to the side, thankful to see a familiar face. “then no. This—” She made a noise of frustration as she kicked a smaller piece of rubble out of the way. “Concrete is annoying. Are you alright?” Her eyes fell to his arm in the dim light, that of which he was holding peculiarly.
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The memories were building up in his head as he stumbled over concrete, attempting to keep his gaze from striking on the bodies that lay scattered around him. If he even dared to look at one of their faces, he feared that Jesse’s would be the one he saw instead. He could feel the way his chest tightened, threatening a panic attack that he was surprised had not come yet. But there were greater things to worry about, like the young hunter before him. Despite the pain he felt in his arm, he was pressing forward. Extending out his good arm, he held his hand out for her to take, “I think we’re in the worst of it.” He spoke gruffly, the dust and smoke coating his throat, filling his lungs. As she questioned him, Rafe contemplated lying, to ease any worry that might spring up. But he knew it would be pointless, considering how his arm now hung oddly by his side. “Concrete caught my arm in the explosion, banged it up pretty good. But I’ll be fine.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
( @jvnex )
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There were several things that made sense to Rafe in that moment; there had been an explosion, his arm was clearly broken, and there were people that needed help. But there were also several things that didn’t make sense to him; and in that moment, it seemed the latter outweighed the former. But he needed to keep busy, despite the searing pain in his arm, to distract himself from the growing panic in his chest. He needed to help the others, those that seemingly couldn’t locate their own way out of the haunted house. With his arm cradled against his abdomen, he was moving through the debris, the concrete, and the lifeless bodies.
It was the sound of another that drew his attention, and he recognized her immediately. “JJ,” he called out even as he moved towards her. As he neared, he immediately started looking for injuries, “Are you hurt?”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
Come and have fun. That’s what an old college friend said to do. dress up, come to the Halloween event and have fun. Forget your troubles for a night. And that’s what Jules did. Dressing up as Aphrodite, she made her way to where it was being held. For the most part, she was having fun. Which was what she needed after everything that had happened recently. From the hay ride, to the maze and the haunted house. She was having fun.
But in a moments notice, any fun she had was out the window. The last thing she had remembered was going into the haunted house with Rafe. It was almost as if what had happened after that was a blur to her. A groan escaping her lips, her eyes opened as her body laid there on the floor. She could definitely move her body. Which was good. Her head though was pounding. It was as if it was a never ending headache that wouldn’t go away. Propping herself up against the wall, she scanned the hallway she was in. Eyes widening as she saw Rafe on the ground, Jules didn’t hesitate once to crawl over to where he was. “You damn well better be okay.” She mumbled as she looked down at him.
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There were multiple reasons why Rafe didn’t attend large events, but worrying about an attack was not one of them. There was a time when he had expected nothing other than an attack, when he had already been in a building that exploded. But he had never considered the possibility here. The moment the explosion rang out, he was jostled back to a time that he had wanted to lock behind a door in his mind. A door in which he could lock, preventing him from ever having to look behind it again. But he couldn’t, and he wouldn’t for Jesse had been his best friend, his brother. It was the sudden voice that forced his eyes open, Rafe groaning as he shifted. It was a bad move, as the searing pain coursed through his arm. “I’m alright,” he spoke through gritted teeth. Moving again, he was greeted with the same sudden jolt of pain. “I think it’s broken,” he growled as he eased himself into a sitting position. “You...are you hurt?” He quickly questioned, turning his attention onto her.
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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          His dark hair accentuated the pallor that overtook his typical olive skin. He felt like shit, but he wasn’t dead. Julian lived another day; another fucking minute to save anybody else he could. It was difficult to say the least. To get over the nauseating stench of metallic blood and the bodies of those who had since passed. With the sulfuric smell of the explosion, his senses seemed to be overloaded, stumbling through the haunted house; scouring it for anymore survivors. The blood that seeped from his arms was such that he ignored, limping along the wall as eyes frantically swept through the debris filled rooms. Rooms that just hours ago were filled with such gleeful screams replaced now with ones of terror. 
          Finally noticing a live body out of those whom he was too late for, he called out voice hoarse and gravelly through the inhalation of smoke and debris, “—Hey. Can you walk?” Despite the dizziness that swept through him in that moment, Julian picked up the pace to finally come face to face with the other, desperate to get them out of here and clear the house once and for all. There was no time to assess injuries until they were out and safe; he just needed them to get the hell out of here. “Come on..” He rasped out, beckoning with his free hand that wasn’t being used to prop him up against the wall. His heart felt as if it would burst out of his chest in that moment, something he should have been long since used to considering his life long condition. “—Exit’s this way.” Hand flipped around to point to the exit behind them, one that still had few survivors milling through it. 
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It was a panic attack, as the doctors had explained to him over and over again. The tightness in his chest, the shortness of breath, it all happened when something triggered him. That something could very well be a building exploding around him...again. He couldn’t think straight, especially with the added searing pain of a broken arm clutched uselessly against his abdomen. He’d been standing in a room, unable to move from his rooted spot. All he could think about was Jesse. If this was how he felt all those years ago, if he’d been waiting for Rafe to come and save him just as he’d done countless times before.
The voice coming from behind him suddenly stirred him from his thoughts, from his rooted position within the room. Despite all the elements working against him, Rafe turned to face the individual who had spoken. The dust and smoke made it hard to decipher who was standing just outside the door. But with a groan to stifle the exclamation at the pain in his arm, Rafe proceeded forward, drawing himself closer. Arm clutched against him, he took in the sight of Julian before nodding his head, “Let’s go.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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It happened in what felt like a matter of hours but could’ve only amounted to mere seconds. One moment Addison had been walking through the haunted house with a varying degree of interest and a desire to feel something other than what she was, intent on meeting her brother, and the next she felt searing pain against her head as it collided against concrete. The earth shook around her before there was a rush and a rumble and the sky was falling. She didn’t know how long she’d been like that with a stunned inability to move as her vision blurred and blood dripped into her eyes. Seconds later, though, she realized that she literally couldn’t move and it was as though everything that had been suppressed in those moments of stunned shock came rushing back while pain overwhelmed the shapeshifter. 
Her legs were caught beneath slabs of concrete debris. She couldn’t move and couldn’t really see. The room was filled with dust and debris making it difficult to see anything or breathe for that matter. But once the ringing stopped, she heard it: the cries for help, the sound of agony and she struggled, her mind sluggishly stumbling over thoughts of Arthur and Rosalie and Forrest. Tears of pain welled in her eyes as she tried to lift or push or shift the slabs that were crushing her from the hips down but there was too much and it was like gravity had taken on a new unforgiving meaning. Addison could already feel the wet feeling of blood trailing down her legs, her costume presumably torn apart, and if she could’ve looked beneath the concrete, she would’ve seen bone protruding from skin in an ungodly fashion. She even attempted to shift, thinking that her bear form would help her move the debris but the moment she tried, she was met with another wave of pain telling her that was out of the question. So the Vale did the only thing she could do, the one thing she rarely did– “help–” pain riddled her voice and smoke and dust made a coughing croak more than anything, “help…please–” 
It all happened so fast. One moment he was moving carelessly through the haunted house, unfazed by the individuals jumping out from the shadows at him. The next moment, the building was rumbling beneath his feet, sending him into a panic that he hadn’t thought was possible. It had been years, and while he thought he had been coping well, it seemed as if it were all for naught the moment the building exploded. The debris knocking him down sent images flashing before his eyes, of Jesse heading for the bathroom, of waking up in the hospital room. The searing pain in his arm brought him back to reality. Attempting to move it confirmed the likely fracture of his arm, the hand useless from the break. But he couldn’t focus on the pain, couldn’t focus on the rising panic within him as he got to his feet. He needed to get out of the building before matters got worse.
But that’s when he heard it. The voice calling out for help, pain evident in the tone. Clutching his arm close to him, Rafe pushed through fallen debris, lifeless bodies as he searched for the one calling out. Each step brought a new sense of panic, causing his chest to tighten as he reminded himself to breath in and out, in and out. This voice calling out could have been Jesse, calling out for him while he laid unconscious. The doctor had told him it had been quick, but Rafe could only assume it was said for his own benefit. “Where are you?” He groaned as he pushed forward, trying to push through the pain and panic. Until he saw her, trapped under the slab of concrete. Rushing forward, he dropped to his knees as he reached her. “I’m here, I’m here.” He got out while he looked her over, searching for her injuries. “Tell me everywhere it hurts. I gotta make sure moving this ain’t gonna make it worse,” he spoke loudly, worriedly as he looked down at her.
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rafehalstead · 7 years
Finding it much easier to hear the other now the mask was lifted Arthur nodded in response, “You don’t have to tell me who you are. I have TMNT pajamas as a kid. Donatello ones.” He replied with a chuckle. “I don’t envy you wearing that mask though, I thought a crown was annoying enough.” 
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“Think you’re the first one to get it,” he muttered the words, considering the amount of times he’d already been asked who he was. “Might actually work to my benefit. Not a lot of people wanna talk to a guy in a mask.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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“Yeah, you’re gonna have to repeat everything you said before you took that off. Something about french fries?” Her lips pulled down into somewhat of a frown, grimacing. “The mask is great. Practical? Maybe not.”
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“Seemed like a good idea in the beginning,” he muttered, shrugging his shoulders at the thought. He hadn’t exactly wanted to be seen at the party, but now it seemed inevitable. “Then again, not many people know who I’m supposed to be anyway.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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“I’m sorry, but who is that?” 
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“Casey Jones. Vigilante from the TMNT comics. Skates and fights with a hockey stick.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
“I knew who you were. I did watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after all when I was younger.” She pointed out as she approached him.  "Having any fun yet here?“
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“At least someone does,” he commented with a gruff. It wasn’t like he expected many people in New York to get it, but at least a few. “Depends on your definition of fun. You?”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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“And…who the fuck is Casey Jones, Halstead? Should I actually know who that is?” Addison said skeptically but with a smile, brow arched in that ever present, slightly judgmental look she was so fond of.
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“You’re kidding, right?” He questioned with a quizzical expression on his face. While he had been raised hunting, while he had spent his high school years chasing girls, Rafe still had time to read comics. “He’s a vigilante, from the TMNT comics.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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The idea was to leave the mask on the entire night, to cover up the fact that he was actually attending. The downside? Not everyone could hear him properly. His words were being muffled by the mask, causing more problems than necessary. Finally giving in, Rafe pushed the mask up and off his face, “Guess that’ll make it easier.” He muttered, dropping his hand back by his side. “Suppose to be Casey Jones.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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“The amount of times somebody asked me to smite them can no longer be counted on two hands. I can’t even be mad they got the wrong deity.” Because who didn’t appreciate being complimented for their costume? Thank goodness she knew her way around a sowing machine. “So where are we going? Hay ride? Haunting house?” 
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“Who exactly are you supposed to be?” Rafe questioned, because he knew next to nothing about deities. “Haunting house. I’m not a fan of hay rides.”
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rafehalstead · 7 years
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“I haven’t been here long, but I already regret showing up in the first place. The only consolation is seeing people get genuinely scared of the haunted house.” 
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“A mutual feeling. Just --- not the people getting scared.”
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