rabbica · 7 years
It is our duty as feminists to protect and respect women in Hijabs
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rabbica · 7 years
ummmm???? do people forget that hitler’s rise to power didn’t START with the holocaust??? like it wasn’t like day one he became chancellor and said “okay from now on, all jews are going to be put into camps”. it started so much more subtle than that. he started with quietly and subtly removing jewish people from civil services, from government positions, then from the entertainment industry, then from being on radio, then from medicine and sciences, then from not letting them go to university, THEN the nuremberg laws that officially classified jewish people as outcasts. THEN Kristallnacht. THEN ghettos. and then THEN the rounding up into camps. this all happened over a span of YEARS.
dictatorship doesn’t arrive with a slimy red bow, dripping with venom. it comes promising to make your country better by putting the blame conveniently on the backs of people that are easy targets and slowly raises the temperature on them until it reaches a boiling point. make no mistake. these ARE the signs of fascism. don’t pretend that there’s an overreaction when there really REALLY isn’t.
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rabbica · 7 years
The ACLU was able to halt the Muslim Ban for the time being. The stay is only temporary but it means that Trump’s executive order can’t be implemented and that all current detainees at airports need to be released.
If you have the means to, please donate to the ACLU. The fight is just beginning.
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rabbica · 8 years
Am I lazy or is this another Depression Session™
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rabbica · 8 years
i stress about stress before there’s even stress to stress about
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rabbica · 8 years
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rabbica · 8 years
i;m fucjing crying brett baier filling a water bottle with mustard when he thoguht nobody was looking what the shit
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rabbica · 8 years
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why are old people so obsessed with doing this
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rabbica · 8 years
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rabbica · 8 years
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rabbica · 8 years
everyone has that one story that sounds fake but isnt
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rabbica · 8 years
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The Golden Trio!
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rabbica · 8 years
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee s01e04
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rabbica · 8 years
Yes, Portland is friendly and liberal. But it has a race problem.
Cabouet: I’m from Boston. I’ve lived in New York and Miami and I can say unequivocally that Portland is the most racist place I’ve lived. It is subtle, but it is constant. It is people moving when you sit by them on the bus. It is not being called back when you see an apartment – showing up to see an apartment and you’re told, ‘Oh, there’s nothing available.’ It is white people touching your hair. It’s pervasive. It’s constant. Because it is so subtle a lot of people I know spend a lot of time thinking, ‘I feel angry. I feel hurt. Is it just me, though? Or is it everybody else?’ It takes a while to recognize that it’s everyone else.
Barber: I’ve been in Portland almost three years and one of the shocking things for me is how much Portland celebrates whiteness. I’m still trying to get used to that. Whiteness is celebrated here. It is the center of culture. It is what everything else is measured up against.
Hardesty: We didn’t declare a housing emergency until white middle class people started getting rent hikes. I find it ironic that all of a sudden we have a housing emergency, but 10,000 people of color were displaced from their neighborhoods and not a peep.
If you want to make a meaningful difference, it’s not enough to preach a sermon series on race, share relevant articles on Facebook and/or show up to the occasional protest.
Barber: You’ve got to invest in leaders of color. Being relevant socially, understanding some of what’s happening around the problem of prisons and mass incarcerations – we know that stuff, but the investment is missing.
Cabouet: It’s important that we recognize that investing in the black community is an intentional process. White supremacy was an intentional construct. It’s not a human nature. It was a capitalist strategy. This is going to require very intentional dismantling of the system.
Werner: Part of our history is that we get excited, as progressives, and maybe we’ll show up at a protest once or twice. But how do we become accountable to institutions and groups that are working on this? When you’re in relationship, you’re accountable to continuing to show up. Yes, I am still racist and I still benefit from racist systems and I will show up in public and get it wrong and I will still show up the next day.
Not being blatantly, aggressively racist doesn’t absolve white people of responsibility for systemic racism and racial bias.
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rabbica · 8 years
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reblog for tubbs like for kylo ren
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rabbica · 8 years
one of my favorite hobbies is not being a parent
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rabbica · 8 years
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As if the story wasn’t awful enough, people come to the defence of the attacker because he spent money on a hotel.
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