ra-daras · 6 years
“If only my heart were stone.”
— Cormac McCarthy, The Road (via the-book-diaries)
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ra-daras · 6 years
For every 💭 I receive, I will write one thought my Muse has had about yours.
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ra-daras · 6 years
it’s time to get up again. rise.
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ra-daras · 6 years
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ra-daras · 6 years
Zhellik Malache,
I was originally going to just write something along the lines of 'set your uncle/friends straight before they poison me,' but then I remembered that I never got around to telling you that they're wrong. Before I even do that, pause for a moment. If you don't know very well who's writing this by now, think for about thirty seconds and figure it out because it's not hard and this won't make any sense if you're confused!
Brief interlude aside... look closely. It isn't worth much, I know, but for what little it means, I wasn't trying to kill you that night, whatever your people think. I don't particularly enjoy killing, in actuality. Your wanted poster actually goes into fine detail on 'wanted dead, mutilated in various ways, or alive-' it may not have seemed that way, but I was aiming for the latter.
Look, I can understand that you hate me for that, and frankly, that's fine as if that's the case I don't like you all that much either.  The one thing I ask is that you at least believe what I just wrote, even if you don't tell anyone else. Look, I half wish I could apologize, but I can't be sorry. It doesn't feel right not to be, I don't think it ever will, but currently I can't. I hope you can understand that.
Tear this up after you read it, and properly!
- T
Letter dropped outside the tent of @zhellikmalache. Upon closer inspection, a tiny leaf has been tucked inside - an olive leaf, to be exact.
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ra-daras · 6 years
and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
My non-romantic OTP for this character
My unpopular opinion about this character
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
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ra-daras · 6 years
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Titan by artist Mathias Kollros.
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ra-daras · 6 years
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Autumn Photography by Oer-Wout
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ra-daras · 6 years
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               ERA AESTHETICS                ↳ Classical Greece. 480BC - 399BC
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ra-daras · 6 years
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ra-daras · 6 years
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moodboard: brigid
↦ irish goddess of the spring season, poetry, smithcraft, and healing
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ra-daras · 6 years
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ra-daras · 6 years
Flaws - Traedrela Ra'daras
italicized - less prominent or past flaws
Bolded - Current / Prominent flaws
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish |chronic heroism | clingy | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic |
Do this thing! @flaxinmalache @ryleyth @ anyone and everyone I forgot... 
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ra-daras · 6 years
“Wh-” Peering away, he might have missed what came after the inevitable shock, the faint ember of anger that flared and fizzled in the blink of an eye. Traedrela: (f) Traedrel, ‘many sparks.’ She remembered the definition, had looked it up in a book during one of her fleeting moments of interest before darting off to something else. No, it didn’t suit her, not at all. It wasn’t for someone so hopelessly weak, and yet she’d cling to it all the same. With the present and the future unknown, the past rose to the light.
Even if that was useless too. Why he was so fel-bent on using her for anything…ah, but she remembered enough to burn that thought before it started. She wasn’t far gone enough to completely go out.
She might be able to fight back, somehow. How and when were uncertain, but she’d earn it all back someday. Even if it was from the other side. If it was at all possible.
Momentarily distracted, it was practically pure instinct that drove her to slide back into motion, slowly edging further to the side. Not that she had ever sat still much to begin with, not that she could recall, but it was far from accidental that the direction she chose would slowly inch her away from the man nearby. “Is this why you pulled me out here?”
Flaxin Malache wasn't particularly kind to the fallen Farstrider, but his behavior towards her at the fight circle in Shadowhaven Port had not shifted or deviated in style. He took it a bit further in the new main chamber of Vipers' Cove though, once the move was fully in swing. He asked her to walk with him as he inspected the various hollows along the pitch black cavern, and after they had begun, he asked her, "Which of these will you choose?"
“What?” In the darkness of the cavern, she was little more than a pair of wide fel eyes, blinking at the man from a wary two-foot distance off to the side. Traedrela’s opinion had not changed from Shadowhaven Port and before, continuing to eye the mage like he had suddenly grown an extra head or began speaking in Eredun. At the least, it was an improvement from the previous days, in that she would follow him at all without the need for physical force - although the arcane bracer that she idly poked at with her free hand was an unpleasant incentive. She hadn’t exactly evolved from biting anyone who came close enough, either. “Er…I’m not sure?” A tiny frown came to the former outrunner’s face at her own words as she searched for the confidence she had had before, finding none.
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ra-daras · 6 years
Whirling lights captured her shocked expression in shades of turquoise and lavender, freezing under his gaze in a brief panic. One hand tightened on the bracer at her wrist, her gaze darting around the cavern in a silent wish to climb a wall and vanish one of the openings. "...I'm not - I wasn't hiding." She offered lamely, visibly cringing at the blatant lie. She released the device at her wrist in favor of nervously wringing her hands, searching for a hint of fire, finding a weak spark.
"I-I do have a name. 'Girl' isn't it." Was the timid whisper, quiet to her own ears. She turned towards the wall of the cavern, craning her neck to stare upwards. The openings at the top were what she sought. Strategically useful, maybe a better place to hide - once upon a time, something she would have chosen out of a personal liking. Maybe that was still a factor. "...anyway. Would one of those be possible?" She asked, her voice easily audible this time as she pointed.
Flaxin Malache wasn't particularly kind to the fallen Farstrider, but his behavior towards her at the fight circle in Shadowhaven Port had not shifted or deviated in style. He took it a bit further in the new main chamber of Vipers' Cove though, once the move was fully in swing. He asked her to walk with him as he inspected the various hollows along the pitch black cavern, and after they had begun, he asked her, "Which of these will you choose?"
“What?” In the darkness of the cavern, she was little more than a pair of wide fel eyes, blinking at the man from a wary two-foot distance off to the side. Traedrela’s opinion had not changed from Shadowhaven Port and before, continuing to eye the mage like he had suddenly grown an extra head or began speaking in Eredun. At the least, it was an improvement from the previous days, in that she would follow him at all without the need for physical force - although the arcane bracer that she idly poked at with her free hand was an unpleasant incentive. She hadn’t exactly evolved from biting anyone who came close enough, either. “Er…I’m not sure?” A tiny frown came to the former outrunner’s face at her own words as she searched for the confidence she had had before, finding none.
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ra-daras · 6 years
Flaxin Malache wasn't particularly kind to the fallen Farstrider, but his behavior towards her at the fight circle in Shadowhaven Port had not shifted or deviated in style. He took it a bit further in the new main chamber of Vipers' Cove though, once the move was fully in swing. He asked her to walk with him as he inspected the various hollows along the pitch black cavern, and after they had begun, he asked her, "Which of these will you choose?"
"What?" In the darkness of the cavern, she was little more than a pair of wide fel eyes, blinking at the man from a wary two-foot distance off to the side. Traedrela's opinion had not changed from Shadowhaven Port and before, continuing to eye the mage like he had suddenly grown an extra head or began speaking in Eredun. At the least, it was an improvement from the previous days, in that she would follow him at all without the need for physical force - although the arcane bracer that she idly poked at with her free hand was an unpleasant incentive. She hadn't exactly evolved from biting anyone who came close enough, either. "Er...I'm not sure?" A tiny frown came to the former outrunner's face at her own words as she searched for the confidence she had had before, finding none.
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ra-daras · 6 years
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