quirkybread · 8 months
Stomach ache things/diolog I like to hear
Being unable to curl up in a ball because their tummy is too bloated and the pressure of pulling their legs up is too much
Moaning and rubbing their tummy in their sleep
When their tummy is too tender to be touched or rubbed so there’s nothing they or their care taker can do to sooth the pain
Being so full or bloated the their belly gets a red/pink flush
Having to go to the hospital because the pain is so bad, then having to clutch their belly and cry while their caretaker holds them while they sit in the waiting room
Being in the hospital and hearing someone screaming or vomiting in another room
“Please, it hurts so bad, please help me”
“Oh god by belly, make it stop!”
Having their belly painfully pressed and prodded when examined by a doctor
Guarding their tummy when someone tried to get near it
“Ah! Don’t touch it, i-it’s too painful!”
The caretaker tries to touch or rub the belly but it causes them more pain/to violently throw up
Moans turning into whimpers, which turn into cries, then turn into screams
Being so desperate they have to frantically rub their own aching tummy, desperately trying to find some kind of relief
“I-I can’t take it, please make it stop, it’s too much”
Cramps so bad they double over
Bellies being described as “swollen” or “bloated”
Tummies that shake, quiver or bounce from the sheer pain/pressure
“Oohhhh.... m-my, my tummy....”
When their tummy is so packed their system can’t handle it and they need someone to help get things moving by pushing and kneeding the belly, even though the added pressure causes their tummy to hurt so much more. They cry and writhe under the care takers touch but they have to go through it to make their belly feel better in the long run
Or maybe there’s no one to help rub their stuffed tummy so their poor guts have to struggle and strain all night with all the food they overloaded their system with
Writhing on the bed, clawing and grabbing at their belly in pain
Just clutching their bellies in general is really good
Care takers gently placing a hand on an upset tummy and being able to feel the turmoil going on underneath the skin
Cuddling and pressing tummies together, feeling how bloated the other is against their own stomach
Bellies that swell up as gas builds in their guts, big pockets of air that stretch their stomach and twist up their intestines as they move through their digestive system
When their tummy is full of gas and they feel it bubbling inside them
Non stop gurgling
“My belly, my belly...”
Being so full it makes the skin of their tummy extra sensitive, so they can’t have clothes or blankets rubbing up against them
Shallow breaths because their bloated tummy is taking up too much room and their lungs can’t expand properly
Begging their own tummy to stop hurting
Gasping in pain
Tummies that are hard to the touch
Patting the tummy instead of rubbing it
“Ow my tummy, ohhh... my tummy hurts so much, I can’t take it anymore...”
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quirkybread · 8 months
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Some comfort content
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quirkybread · 8 months
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I obviously love this pose 😔
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quirkybread · 8 months
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A: Do you… think you can go to the hospital?
B: ughh….. It’s not stopping…
A request i did a while ago hehe
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quirkybread · 8 months
Doodles i did in a million years
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When they’re too sick to deal with it 😇
CW: scat
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When u love characters who let out on both sides but u hate drawing toilets 🙃
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quirkybread · 8 months
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Hope yall are ok with some ~soft~scat stuff 🤭
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quirkybread · 8 months
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© こなみ
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quirkybread · 8 months
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© https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32840494
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quirkybread · 8 months
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© https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92044399#manga
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quirkybread · 8 months
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Poor boy trying to sleep with a painful tummy ❤️
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quirkybread · 8 months
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Thinkin bout bloated upset tummies👌
Tip jar :)
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quirkybread · 8 months
What’s your favorite scat scenario? Like food poisoning/bug etc and your favorite receptacle besides a normal toilet? Like a bucket or just having an accident and whatnot
Differently bug! I just love a good virus or stomach bug <3 When sickie can't control themself and the huge gushes of hot diarrhea are bursting out of them as if they're just a faucet. They're hot and it's burning and the smell is so awful, but they can't move, it just keeps coming.
Hmm the bucket solution is very lovely (stomach flu my beloved) but most of the time it's the mess for me. I like to fantasize about a situation where sickie is lying in bed, pained and exhausted from the ongoing stomachache and running for the toilet, so when they feel the need again, they can't get themself to get up just yet. They lie there, hugging their stomach until it's too late.
But they don't want to directly mess on the bed (they're lying there for fuck's sake) and the only thing they can do is roll over and stick their ass off the side of the bed. Diarrhea will burst out of them in a matter of seconds, most of it splattering directly on the floor but some of it dripping off their butt and coating the side of the sheets. They can't move, can't do anything, just hug their upset and gurgling middle and groan into the pillow as their body rejects more out of them, the hot waste splattering underneath.
So yeah my little thoughts ♡^▽^♡
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quirkybread · 4 years
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quirkybread · 4 years
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quirkybread · 4 years
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Scat is not my thing actually, but sickie with stomach flu/food poisoning siting on the toilet and realising, they also need a bucket is my weakness
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quirkybread · 4 years
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he definitely shouldn’t have gone to this party
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quirkybread · 4 years
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