New acc ~ ClaytonOrWhatever
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While I may not agree with how she portrays trans individuals, I agree whole-heartedly to this quote.
No child, no adult, no person should ever have to feel the pain many of us feel. 
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Choosing a new name...
Choosing a new name is a tough thing to do, some people can pick a name in seconds, others however, take years to find their perfect name. 
In my case, I happened to like the name of a Video Game character as well as having chosen my name around the tragic death of Alan Rickman. And so, I became Axel Severus Hodgson. 
When you pick a name, you have to be sure to like it because it’s going to be with you for the rest of your life (unless you change it again). You’re going to have this name on Starbucks cups, forms and ID. So you need to be 100% sure that you’re going to like the name. 
Even though you never chose your birth name, you learned to tolerate it for years to the point where you might not even feel the disliking to it, maybe you liked your birth-name. This is quite a unique stand-point as not everyone has the chance of choosing a new name, so best make it a good one! 
However, it is totally normal to go through phases of complete confusion and multiple name changes before you legally change it. Many people end up having one name and then realizing they dislike it and then changing it to another. I changed my middle name from “Kai” to “Severus” purely because; Kai didn’t suit my personality and I wanted to honour Alan in some way (as well as me liking the name “Severus”). 
Now, how do you pick a name?
Well, you can ask your parents/guardians, after all they probably named you at birth. I asked mine but they wanted to name me “Hal”. 
If they come up with a name you’re not attached to, then perhaps search the baby books and/or internet. They’re a lot on there, trust me. 
You can also play around with words and try to find a combination you might like. 
Remember: you choose what name makes you comfortable. 
Choosing a new name can be a lot of fun!
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Confused? I was confused when I was six and you were dressing me in skirts and dresses and telling me that I couldn’t play with the boys. I was confused when I was ten and you were telling me to straighten up my back and close my legs because ‘ladies don’t act like that’. I was confused when I was twelve and I began going through puberty and every fucking part of my body started to betray me and change into something I wasn’t but you told me I was becoming a woman. I was confused when I was fourteen and I was ready to kill myself because I couldn’t take the constant battle of hating my body and hating both of you whenever you told me to act like a girl. I was confused my whole damn life when all you ever thought of me was a walking, talking pink dress. All you’ve ever seen me as is someone who has to live up to the female gender role of society instead of your child! Well, I’m not the picture perfect daughter and I never will be—but if you’re willing to accept me, I could be your picture perfect son.
(via king0fthe-misfits)
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Dear mom. You’re killing the son you see as your daughter.
To Love or To Die (via toloveortodie)
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I dream of a future in which the world looks at me and sees the man I was born to be, not the girl they tried to force me to become.
Journal Entry; Fall 2015 (via thoughts-into-ink)
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How To Make Love to a Trans Person by Gabe Moses
Forget the images you’ve learned to attach To words like cock and clit, Chest and breasts. Break those words open Like a paramedic cracking ribs To pump blood through a failing heart. Push your hands inside. Get them messy. Scratch new definitions on the bones.
Get rid of the old words altogether. Make up new words. Call it a click or a ditto. Call it the sound he makes When you brush your hand against it through his jeans, When you can hear his heart knocking on the back of his teeth And every cell in his body is breathing. Make the arch of her back a language Name the hollows of each of her vertebrae When they catch pools of sweat Like rainwater in a row of paper cups Align your teeth with this alphabet of her spine So every word is weighted with the salt of her.
When you peel layers of clothing from his skin Do not act as though you are changing dressings on a trauma patient Even though it’s highly likely that you are. Do not ask if she’s “had the surgery.” Do not tell him that the needlepoint bruises on his thighs look like they hurt If you are being offered a body That has already been laid upon an altar of surgical steel A sacrifice to whatever gods govern bodies That come with some assembly required Whatever you do, Do not say that the carefully sculpted landscape Bordered by rocky ridges of scar tissue Looks almost natural.
If she offers you breastbone Aching to carve soft fruit from its branches Though there may be more tissue in the lining of her bra Than the flesh that rises to meet it Let her ripen in your hands. Imagine if she’d lost those swells to cancer, Diabetes, A car accident instead of an accident of genetics Would you think of her as less a woman then? Then think of her as no less one now.
If he offers you a thumb-sized sprout of muscle Reaching toward you when you kiss him Like it wants to go deep enough inside you To scratch his name on the bottom of your heart Hold it as if it can- In your hand, in your mouth Inside the nest of your pelvic bones. Though his skin may hardly do more than brush yours, You will feel him deeper than you think.
Realize that bodies are only a fraction of who we are They’re just oddly-shaped vessels for hearts And honestly, they can barely contain us We strain at their seams with every breath we take We are all pulse and sweat, Tissue and nerve ending We are programmed to grope and fumble until we get it right. Bodies have been learning each other forever. It’s what bodies do. They are grab bags of parts And half the fun is figuring out All the different ways we can fit them together; All the different uses for hipbones and hands, Tongues and teeth; All the ways to car-crash our bodies beautiful. But we could never forget how to use our hearts Even if we tried. That’s the important part. Don’t worry about the bodies. They’ve got this.
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I never knew how great sitting up straight felt until after top surgery.
A trans guy (via badass-boytoy)
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Your body is a temple, But you’ve got the wrong religion.
A note to trans kids -v.c. (via itsokaytodreamincolor)
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“how do lesbians have sex?”
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I went to the doctors and saw the coolest doctor ever. She gave me a sticker.
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We depend on love because the first time your mother held you, that’s all she put into your tiny heart. We depend on love because the first time you felt your heart break, that’s all they took from you. That last little bit of love, forever bittersweet. We depend on it, we depend on them, we’re inflicted. There’s no cure for it, so we’ll continue to search for it. There is a sea, there is a waterfall. There is a flame, there is a volcano. There is a pebble, there are mountains. Little things, tiny little reasons as to why you’ll always smile. It affects us. There’s an empty hole, you’ll just try to fill it.
It’s never enough (via everylittlepieceofyou)
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My friend was in the supermarket
And she was walking past a mom and her teenage son. The mom was yelling at her son and saying things like, “you’re so rude and disgusting! How can you hate gay people?” And her son was frantically interrupting her and trying to explain that that wasn’t what he had meant at all. But, his mom wouldn’t be quiet and he interrupted her and yelled “Mom, I don’t hate gay people, my boyfriend is gay!” And his mom just stood there silently staring at the kid for like ten seconds. What a way to come out
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trans men who are still searching for the right name ✨
trans men who haven’t bought their first binder yet ✨✨
trans men who still have long hair ✨✨✨
trans men who are new to presenting how they feel comfortable ✨✨✨✨
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