quiet-country-cafe · 11 months
i made meiporo today!
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its sweet as expected, but its pretty nice! quite tasty and fairly relaxing to drink, recommended!
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quiet-country-cafe · 11 months
document #2 - thoughts and feelings #2
i was dumping about this in my discord server but ill put this here below, its about takahiro and alpha
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alpha watching takahiro grow up over time like shes always said he would absolutely killed me when i got to the chapter where she returned
and then especially the scene where alpha is going to show him the plane and he does this, a callback to chapter 6
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the relationship between these two is complicated and i could go on and on about it... they both have feelings for each other that they dont act on[and for good reason] but they have a more brother sister bond throughout the series that both of them are aware of
alpha will never age, but takahiro will. she will always be his big sister though, despite the passage of time. ill go more in depth about the characters relationships at some point..
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quiet-country-cafe · 11 months
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quiet-country-cafe · 11 months
document #1 - thoughts and feelings #1
i started watching the ykk ovas on 12/27/2022 and i absolutely loved it. halfway through the first ova, i actually paused it to go open my stash of high quality hot chocolate to drink while i watched! i only open that for special occasions, thats how much i liked it! it was probably the most relaxing piece of media ive ever watched.
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quiet-country-cafe · 11 months
welcome to cafe alpha!
yokohama kaidashi kikou, as well as all art here[except for my own and other fanartists], belongs to hitoshi ashinano.
i also recommend checking out this site! it isnt mine, but it looks nice and its got cool stuff: alpha.cafe
where im reading ykk: yokohama kaidashi kikou [mangadex]
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