quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quelias
elias: can't believe that the lead singer of second exit is such a big nerd and even in denial abt it. who'd have known
elias: christmas break is coming up. i'd ditch my family for cryptids any day, lbr
elias: and ofc. binx is a babe and deserves to come along
elias: lmao
elias: its my superhero power
quen: sorry my phone glitched and i didn't get that first message. its ok tho, u don't have to resend. its fine
quen: who wouldn't? family is lame, cryptids are cool. lets take advantage of winter break together, ya?
quen: agreed, he's better company than anyone i kno, tho u can be a close second
quen: wow......... u might as well have daggered my heart right here
quen: not the most useful power as a superhero, but at least u have a power i guess
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
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“we literally arrived together, you dweeb,” elias said, rolling his eyes as he slid into the seat opposite of quentin. okay, sure. maybe he’d fallen in conversation with local science icon charles charles and left quen to his own devices for a few minutes, but he stilled felt his ‘dweeb’ was justified. “one of everything?” he raised an eyebrow at the other boy before shaking his head a bit. “not happening. not in december. nope,” was his conclusion. he leaned in over the table to be able to look at they menu with quen. “hmmm…….. what about just getting those?” he pointed to a few different dishes before looking up at the other, his head tilted slightly to the side as he awaited an answer.
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“dweeb? that’s practically an honor, coming from you, king dweeb.” he said, a smirk still on his lips as elias rolled his eyes. “that’s a teacher right?” he questioned, nodding in the direction of who elias had been talking to. “pretty sure any normal person would pretend they didn’t exist outside of school, and yet you’ve chosen to go after him... though you also would choose to go after a yeti, wouldn’t you, so...” he trailed off, shaking his head at the thought. elias was a unique person. maybe that’s why quen was so drawn to him, because there was no one else like him. “as long as you’re still buying, yeah. i’ll eat whatever. don’t fill up too much though, dessert comes later,” he said suggestively, unable to help but flirt with anyone he can.
burger boi 👺 ftf
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quandler
Chandler:Sorry unfortunately for you i am a one penis gal,i learned my lesson with that shit.
quen: i think you said 'you' instead of 'me' but dw i understood what u meant
quen: tell me abt the lesson u learned tho, i love drama
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
burger boi 👺 ftf
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“glad you could make it,” quentin said, a slow smirk appearing on his lips as he sat in the booth, sitting back and slouching into it. mooching off of others was something he did all too often, and in most cases it didn’t work out. but sometimes it did. those sometimes made it worth trying over and over again, with whatever dumb plan he could come up with next. right now, all he was really focused on was food, though he’d been considerate enough to wait for the other to show up before ordering, since they were most likely going to end up paying given the fact that he only had about five dollars to his name. “what do you think? one of everything?” he questioned, a brow raising, his eyes scanning the menu. 
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 open
blaine: I don't think I want to watch you eat ten burgers in under 10 minutes. Something tells me that's not gonna end well...
blaine: I'd gladly buy us both ONE burger though?? Or two
quen: some ppl are into it. u kno, as a kink or entertainment or w/e. but i've done it before and they haven't come back up yet, so i'm p much a professional tbh. cute of u to worry abt me tho ;)
quen: hey, i'm not gonna say no to that.
quen: so where do we stand on the make out part........
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quelias
elias: oh wow. nerd
elias: how far are u willing to road trip tho. i need to know if i'll be able to live my cryptid dream or if i'll have to settle /:
elias: uh i always wear somethin nice /and/ easy to take off who do u think i am
elias: "thnx for the burgers elias ur the best"
elias: ur welcome.
quen: did u accidentally send a text meant for urself to me? lol how embarrassing
quen: uh literally no limit. i gotta bring my cat if we're gone for awhile tho, cause no one else would feed him and if my landlord found out i'd be Fcekd
quen: my dream boy
quen: wow u took the words right out of my text
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quegan
regan: I'm so not paying you to eat burgers or to make out.
regan: Has anyone ever taken you up on your offer to make out with them for cash? I need a side job so it seems like a good idea if it actually works.
quen: lame :/
quen: o, yeah. it's def worked. but i have a band, u kno, so a lot of ppl are into that. i've got groupies. but as a hot girl, i doubt u'd have to do anything, ppl would pay u to make out anyway. u should try it sometime
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quemilia
emilia: that sounds like a great way to clog your arteries for only $50 dollars.
quen: a steal, right? pay me and we can get this show on the road :-)
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quenzie
kenz: i don't know, it takes a lot to impress me. I would have to be 100% certain I'm getting my money's worth.
kenz: so, we are eating burgers and making out for free? I mean, you might as well throw in a free solo concert, just saying.
quen: uuuuuuuugh why do ppl want me to put EFFORT into things......
quen: eating burgers and making out for free, uh huh. thats exactly whats happenin, babe. i'll throw in a solo concert for u any day of the week. name the time and the place and i'm urs.
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quenliot
elliot: it's something you get used to as the years go on
elliot: of course. it'd just have to be at my house because he's usually on duty otherwise
elliot: it just shows who does and doesn't deserve in my life
elliot: hmmmm max thirty and they're the unhappy, wealthy lover of someone who's just boring as hell. they'd be your sugar daddy or something. would you do it?
quen: getting used to things is overrated
quen: so... ur inviting me over... ;)
quen: knowing that's p important imo
quen: ya i'd be into it. 30's only 10 yrs older than me, not that much of an age diff anyway. so yeah, def. would u? under the same circumstances?
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quenzie
kenz: I think the second option is mutually beneficial for both of us?? The first one is literally me paying you to eat.
kenz: what if I don't want to pay to make out with you or to feed you, is there a third option??
quen: who doesn't wanna see me eat tho? i promise its a good time. u'll be so impressed
quen: but u don't have to pay to make out w me
quen: i'd do it for free. just for u ;) there's no better third option than that
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quenliot
elliot: there's always ways to get a feel for it, you know
elliot: he is. he's a german shepherd, but really friendly when he's off-duty
elliot: sometimes you can't help those who decide to be petty. I've learned to just not care about it tbh
elliot: hey, for all I know you're into older people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ everyone has preferences
quen: i guess
quen: i'm not the most observant person tho i'd prob get v little out of life, esp without music
quen: can i meet him
quen: tru. thats the only way to get thru life tbh otherwise u'd gotta care about a lot of ppl bc most people are petty
quen: i guess it depends on how old we're talkin..... and how much money said older person has......
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quenliot
elliot: it's not that bad, actually. like I said, I can still "hear" / feel vibrations. I can still hold a conversation and go to fun events and things. It's just.. different, in some ways.
elliot: he's my guide dog.
elliot: second exit, right?
elliot: I'd totally sign that petition. and while they should, sometimes people can complain about it which I understand. usually they mention prior to the showing that it's a subtitled version of the movie, so actually it helps out the other deaf people around town / towns over and stuff.
elliot: and the elderly, sometimes.
elliot: are you actually sitting there with a boner or are you joking because I cannot tell
quen: i'm sure it's diff being ur life vs me thinkin abt it from my perspective to
quen: oh
quen: is he cute
quen: so u've heard of us? i'm not surprised. we're rly takin off
quen: why complain abt it tho. sometimes ppl in movies don't have the best enunciation anyway so ... idk, i can't see the negative. i guess some ppl argue that its 'distracting' but .... how petty of a complaint is that
quen: yea, i'm sitting here w a boner as u bring up the elderly..... soooooo hot
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quenliot
elliot: you seem lost.
elliot: kind of. I can read lips. And if I'm not paying attention, Anubis notifies me.
elliot: anything with heavy bass and drums. rock, pop punk, alternative, etc.
elliot: I fully agree. It'd make a lot of lives easier.
elliot: sometimes if I'm lucky I can talk to the manager at the movie theater and have them put a subtitled version of the movie I want to see up during a really early or really late showing where there's not a lot of people. that's always a plus.
elliot: well your boner just sounds like it's not trying hard enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
quen: na, just still thinkin abt life without sound. sad
quen: who's anubis
quen: oh, then u'd love my band huh.. u should come see us play sometime
quen: there's no downside to it either. lets petition
quen: oh yeah??? thats chill of them. u kno, even tho they should b doin it anyway but w/e
quen: o its hard enough alright
quen: u kno
quen: not that i'm ACTUALLY sitting here texting u w a boner
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 open
Chandler: I wouldn't be a true Jew if i didn't try to turn the tables i guess.
Chandler:Wow that was offensive and i'm going to hell now.
Chandler:It does not include that,at all.
quen: i can't blame a girl for tryin, i would do the same in ur shoes
quen: its ok at least u'll see me there
quen: lame
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quentinwilde-blog · 5 years
text message 👺 quenliot
elliot: you know how if you haven't seen someone in a while or been to a place for a long time you just kinda forget what it looks like? It's kinda like that
elliot: I've been without sound for so long that I just forgot what anything sounds like
elliot: aside from music, but that's mostly just the beats
elliot: unfortunately, I do use the subtitle boxes. it takes away from the experience sometimes, though.
elliot: ah! more pick-up lines I see. is that the best you've got?
elliot: because if you /really/ want me to say yes, you're going to have to do better than that.
quen: that.... makes sense.......
quen: is it easy to communicate w ppl
quen: bc most ppl prob don't know asl right
quen: what kind of music do u listen to? besides loud
quen: i've never used em but i've seen ppl get them at the ticket desk. they should just have subtitles on the movie for everyone's convenience tbh
quen: at least they're original pick-up lines coming straight from my boner and not off the internet
quen: ur asking for Actual Effort? g2g
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