queercrab · 2 years
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@corvidparty @thebeesfriend @kaijuhm @all-i-do-is-reblog @the-jester-block @sleepydoggos @manicpixieenightmaregirl @wallapology @manu-elsl @blumbie @badromantics @embers--and--ashes @veneorology @jenniferdiazisatransgirl @cheezbot 
Louis Vuitton only offers one-day discount. Please click the link for details
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queercrab · 5 years
hi i hate to make this post but i need money for my meds
ive been fighting for months tryna get proper treatment and now that i have the chance, the pharmacy says i need to pay out of pocket for my antipsychs until they figure out how i can get it covered
anything you can spare would be highly appreciated
My Paypal
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queercrab · 5 years
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It’s over folks pack it up
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queercrab · 5 years
do cis people realise that trans people get misgendered even if we pass? a trans man could walk up in a full beard and still be called “miss” because people are transphobic, not because he looks like woman. obviously non-passing trans people get misgendered more often, but there’s really more layers (aka transphobia) to being misgendered apart from “i pass all the time thus no one ever misgenders me”
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queercrab · 5 years
It’s sad that toxic game culture is so prevalent cuz like. As someone who has ended up in random matches with kids before, I can attest to how fucking easy it is to reverse and un-teach shitty attitudes in kids.
Example: I downloaded Friday the 13th because it’s free on psn. I dunno how to play, so I just enter quick play and I’m matched with 3-4 kids on mic. Immediately on mic they’re shitty and disparaging to each other. They laugh at each others deaths, they actively work against team mates and self sabotage, they call each other “fags”, etc. From the sounds of the voices they cannot be older than 13-14.
I put on my mic and just decide I ain’t havin it. I am nice. I thank them for barricading doors or leaving me items. When they break free from Jason’s grasp I say “good job!” or I try to help them. One kid survived for most of the match by himself. When he dies, I tell him he did a fantastic job.
The mood shift is practically INSTANT. These kids almost immediately stop being dick heads. They start encouraging each other and being kind. After the match all of them try to friend request me. Which should tell you a couple of things:
A) kids want to be kind, and they want to have a nice time playing games. But encounters with adults like me or so rare that they’ve trained themselves to instantly put on a toxic, shitty, defensive veneer when encountering any new person online. It’s literally just THAT EASY to not groom a horrible gaming community, it’s just that NO ONE does it.
B) the speed of which they all tried to friend me was cute, but paints for me such a sad picture? Like these kids are SO desperate to find people to play with who aren’t crappy jerks. They played with me for 10 minutes TOPS and all instantly tried to reach out to me.
tl;dr: The kids are alright. Adults are shit heads.
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queercrab · 5 years
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met gala 2014 // met gala 2019
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queercrab · 5 years
i, personally, would love to calm down, and yet
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queercrab · 5 years
some of you support mentally ill people in theory but not in practice and it shows
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queercrab · 5 years
Me on Ellen
Ellen: So I heard you like Homestuck.
Me: haha yeah
*a meteor begins to head our way, a kernelsprite appears as Ellen launches herself into it, my friends are beginning to bug me to start playing sburb*
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queercrab · 5 years
“Labeling yourself as pan or bisexual doesn’t make your experience with homophobia any easier: homophobes don’t care and the hateful language will always still hurt, and there is a stigma associated with being bisexual/pansexual for men and women both within the LGBTQ+ community and outside of it.
We are not allies, we are members of the community. No matter who we sleep with or have relationships with, our identities are not defined solely by our partnerships. They are defined by our feelings, the people we’ve loved, and the full acknowledgment of who we are. There are bi/pan people who never got to date same-sex partners because they realized who they were in monogamous opposite relationships and that’s fine. There are many who have never had and may never have the opportunity to express themselves in this way. This doesn’t change who they are.
There are also many bi/pan people who have looked to date same-sex partners and have come across biphobia and other stigmas/skepticism about our sexuality, and still work to be apart of the community to make it better and more inclusive. We are not allies, and despite the elevated space allies tend to occupy, we don’t want to be lumped in with them out of an erasure of our actual identities.” 
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queercrab · 5 years
someone teach me how to draw bears
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queercrab · 5 years
what do you mean this isn’t how it happened???
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queercrab · 5 years
fall in love with the man in the moon for he will be your confidant, and lover. Love him who lights up your dark, depressing night. He will hug your shivering body with his bright silver light and whisper sweet nothings to your ear to lull you back to sleep after a frightening nightmare. He will smile and listen to you talk about the dream you last had about a man with the gentle silver eyes and the blackest hair who watches over you every night.
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queercrab · 5 years
How to write a morally gray character:
Have their ideals be right but their methods be wrong
Make it seem like their dastardly methods are really the only way to achieve the goal for the “greater good.”
Have them develop from a flat antagonist to a well-rounded protagonist
How to not write a morally gray character
wah my childhood was hard
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queercrab · 5 years
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queercrab · 5 years
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Am…am I Oopsie?
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queercrab · 5 years
detective pikachu: *is baby*
movie sonic: *is carrying the bubonic plague*
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