pyramidcurse 4 months
Vampires. How do they work?
be prepared for the babblings of a mad man
A vampire who is born as a vampire has the ability to conceal their vampire traits well. They're able to control their thirst for blood with ease, and if raised without access to blood, can even grow a distaste to it. While they dont die in the sun, they have to be careful with exposure to it as they burn up much easier. Their fur typically has a slight shine to it, and is a lot softer and slightly fluffier than the average troll of their species. They're able to compose themselves and stay "themselves" throughout their entire life, even if exposed to blood
In contrast, vampires who were turned struggle to conceal their vampire traits, and therefore are more likely to be singled out. For the first 24 hours after being turned, they're in a 'frenzy' state, in which they are essentially completely dissociated and acting on autopilot, and their reactions to their newfound bloodlust are decided upon by their subconscious urges, their willpower, and their view of others. For example: within John Dory's frenzy, he was at a point in his life where he was dissatisfied with his family, had little willpower, and viewed others as needing to listen to him. This, combined with the fact he'd just been bitten by multiple vampires, culminated into him giving in to his developing bloodlust - while within Poppy's frenzy, her anxieties about her coronation, strong willpower, and view of everyone in Pop Village as someone close to her kept her from giving in, and allowed her to get through her coronation day with the only oddity being her silence. Turned vampires are more susceptible to bloodlust, and while they can survive without intaking blood, with no actual damage, they will feel an intense craving for it, that gets even worse if they are exposed to blood. They are unaffected by the sun, and get burnt at the same rate they did pre-turning.
In some cases, during their frenzy state, a turned vampire will bite either another turned vampire or a naturally born vampire. Unlike biting a normal troll, this will have an impact on their behavior after their frenzy is over. Both results are called Vampiric Obsession A & B. Vampiric Obsession A occurs when newly turned vampires bite another turned vampire. They will become incredibly aggressive towards all vampires, refusing to let them occupy the same town as them, and becoming territorial over the trolls within said town. Vampiric Obsession B occurs when newly turned vampires bite a natural born vampire. Rather than developing the natural bloodlust, the vampire develops a bloodlust-fueled obsession with the vampire they bit, wanting to completely devour them. Some cases have their brains spiraling this desire into a romantic obsession to protect their psyche, although this is incredibly rare and instead suggests that there is something seriously wrong health-wise with this fledgling, leading into them being "put down" to protect the general population, as whatever they have can be incredibly infectious once this manifests.
Vampires can choose whether or not they want to turn someone when they bite them. Being turned by a vampire, either natural born or turned themselves, is a deliberate choice, as the biting vampire gets nothing out of the encounter if they choose to do so. It is usually the merciful outcome of an encounter, so most trolls are simply thankful it wasn't the alternative.
Vampires will also mark non-vampires they have intense interest in as "taken" to prevent them from being harmed by another vampire if they're not around. This is, essentially, comparable to being engaged/married to them, as it is something that vampires do willy nilly. There are many ways to mark a non-vampire, with every vampire having their own way or idea for it, but the important part is that, by the end, the non-vampires scent has changed to have a vampiric touch to it.
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pyramidcurse 4 months
hi ! i thought id make a little post to pin so i can properly explain my blog-specific tags for the future, so nothing surprises anyone !
this blog is meant to be separate ( to an extent ) from my twitter & ao3 ( both with the same user as this one [pyramidcurse] ) by separate, i mean that nothing here is required to understand anything else. this is simply a fun little bonus for me to get any thoughts, doodles, or concepts out before they get fully fledged into an actual creation.
TAGS AND THEIR MEANINGS, all tagged onto this post for ease of access.
"bloody roses au" - used for general blurbs & extra info about the au. catchall tag for anything i make related to the au.
"skys answer to a rose" - used on answers to asks. if you have a question & wanna know if its been asked before, check this tag
"roses & writing" - au writing tag, either for official content or supplementary content exclusive to here
"the artistry of blood" - tag for all art i make and post. used for both official art and supplementary content exclusive to here
"garden in the mist" - tag for fan content, or anything i didnt make
anything else thats not au related but still on the blog will not have a specific grouping tag, just whatever's relevant to the post :-)
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pyramidcurse 5 months
Bloody Roses AU - Explanation
Bloody Roses is an au that formed from a vague idea I had at 1 am. The first concept was Creek & Floyd centric, being that Creek was a vampire, Floyd wasn't, and BroZone were (or, in Branch's case, still are) vampire hunters. This was tweaked in the final draft I went with - BroZone was a boyband like always, vampires exist, and werewolves exist in a (MOSTLY) non-troll effecting way.
In Bloody Roses, the bergens and the mount rageons aren't a threat. So no Chef, no V&V, and, most importantly, no Creek betrayal. In theory, it's set near the tail end of World Tour, though Barb isn't doing a rockapocalypse or anything like that - Funkfam have found each other again, Hickory & Dickory aren't pretending to be a country troll, trolls of different genres are, mostly, on good terms with each other (minus personal affairs).
Scene setting out of the way - onto characters.
I created these charts to make character explanations a bit easier, but they can be a bit confusing, so I'll break it down character by character, in no particular order. If someone isn't mentioned, it's solely because they're not on the chart. The Vacaytioners are only mentioned for world building purposes.
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POPPY - Poppy is the queen of Pop Village. The day of her coronation, she was attacked and turned into a vampire. Determined to keep her village from freaking out, she suppresses her vampiric urges and keeps this a secret from everyone besides The Snack Pack. She works hard to try and socialize and make Branch comfortable, developing a crush on him, despite her own nervousness about him and his anti-vampire paranoia.
JOHN DORY - John Dory became a vampire the night of the BroZone incident. He is unable to fully suppress his vampiric urges, although he tries his hardest. He misses his brothers a lot, but he knows it's better to be separated. He travels constantly to keep his bloodlust from getting too prevalent, and during these travels he encountered Delta, who very quickly wrangled him out of Lonesome Flats. He managed to convince her he wasn't a threat, mostly by staying out of Lonesome Flats, and developed a few romantic feelings for her.
CREEK - Creek is a vampire by birth. He hides this from Pop Village, with most just thinking he's a bit odd, and willingly moved into the forest to 'improve himself'. He pretends he was driven out, though, in an effort to manipulate trolls into believing he's harmless. He's not very popular in Pop Village, most just seeing him as a weird forest loner. Delta regularly has to wrangle him out of Lonesome Flats, leading to a tense mutual hatred between the two of them.
BARB - Barb is a vampire since birth. She's incredibly open about her vampirism, even going so far as to offer every rock troll the choice to become one whenever they want. She's in contact with Viva and the loners, housing those without fear of vampires in Volcano Rock City. She's an older sister figure to Clay, although she's not a very good influence.
VACAYTIONERS - The Vacaytioners are all werewolves, but there is no real fear of them in trolls. Lycanthropy can't be transmitted to trolls, and vampires don't like to stick around werewolves for whatever reason. The Vacaytioners are also, generally, very calm and mellow, and Vacay Island is something of a safe haven for trolls with intense fear of vampires, which leads to them having a very positive association.
HICKORY & DICKORY - Hickory & Dickory are an odd case for trolls. They were born with the ability to be infected with lycanthropy, which eventually ended up happening, making their physical & mental health jump around often. Most trolls don't believe them, which leads into them being pretty secluded from others. They have a close sibling-esque bond with Delta Dawn, as she's the only troll who really believes them & worries about them.
BRANCH - Branch is an intensely paranoid shut-in. Very few people know where his bunker is, and he only appears in Pop Village once in a blue moon. He's very sensitive about the topic of his brothers, besides Floyd, refusing to talk about them even if someone knows them. He's incredibly afraid of vampires, having several traps and gadgets setup to keep them away or kill them. He's determined to never let one get close to him, although he can be a bit clueless if they don't fit his preconceived idea of them. He is, to some extent, a vampire hunter.
FLOYD - Floyd lives in Pop Village, although his entrance into it is fairly new. He struggles with connecting with other trolls, occasionally having fits of paranoia and discomfort due to the traumatic experience he endured - he tries his best to push past it, and with the help of his close friend (who happens to be a vampire) he's made substantial steps towards overcoming these fits. The comfort he feels around this friend evolves into romantic attraction after a while, although he does his best to keep it in.
BRUCE - Bruce left his two youngest brothers behind to try and find Clay, resulting in him nearly being attacked by vampires. He was saved by Brandi, who happened to be gathering ingredients for her family restaurant, and he was taken into Vacay Island, where he's been too guilt-ridden and otherwise busy to leave since. He and John Dory still talk, and they're fairly friendly with each other. He feels guilty about the incident, feeling as if everything could've been prevented if he'd stayed behind, which impacts his friendship with Floyd, as he can't talk to him without a sense of unease.
CLAY - Clay was separated from his brothers and picked up by Viva, shortly after the incident. He retained his identity as the "fun" one for a while, in an attempt to leave pieces of himself behind so his brothers could find him, before Viva helped him work through his issues and he abandoned the idea of them finding him. He works with Viva to help the loners, taking up the serious side of the operation.
VIVA - Viva runs a rag-tag gang of "loners", taking in any and everyone who was separated from their groups either intentionally or unintentionally by vampire attacks. She works to help them healthily get over the fear of vampires they develop from their experiences, replacing it with the ability to fight to survive. She's learned through her friendship with Barb that not all vampires are evil or monstrous, which she also assists the "loners" in figuring out.
DELTA DAWN - Delta Dawn is the mayor and sheriff of Lonesome Flats, wrangling and kicking out any and all threats with little to no remorse. She cares deeply for Hickory & Dickory in an older sister way, caring for and homing them when their physical health plummets.
CHAZ - Chaz is... A siren? A succubus? A mix of both? No one's quite sure, but they do know he's a pain in the ass. He works as a bounty hunter, and not much else is really known about him. Very widely hated. Lol.
Formatting may be odd, as I ripped this straight from a Twitter thread I made.
instead of brozone disbanding how it did, the bros were on their way to a live performance when they got entrapped by vampires. jd "sacrificed himself" and ushered bruce off w/ other bros in tow. he returned later that day & bruce thought everything was okay, until jd, a freshly turned vampire who had no real control over himself, attacked floyd when nighttime came. rosiepuff sacrificed herself for realsies to distract jd long enough for the other bros to flee to pop village, where floyds leg got amputated. on the way clay got lost & separated from everyone else, picked up by viva & the other loners, & bruce left to go find him, ending up being saved by brandi & beginning their long romance. branch & floyd stayed on the outskirts of pop village inside the bunker, neither going in until branch was truly old enough to take care of himself, as his paranoia was intense leading to it just being floyd whod enter & leave the village regularly - branch goes in to get supplies now and then but that's it.
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