puurpleheadband · 7 years
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daphne’s orbs swept around the ballroom, taking it all in, noting everyone’s fashion choices. bringing people together made the redhead feel warm inside. noticing that the DRINK TABLE was empty daphne took it as her cue. as she strutted towards the table, she froze. one of her FAVORITE SONGS started to play. prompting her to run towards the dance floor. feet already on the dance floor, “hey----” staring at the nearest person, “would you like to dance with me ??” voice was dripping with sincerity. dancing wasn’t as fun ALONE.
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puurpleheadband · 7 years
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Madelaine Petsch for Luca Magazine
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puurpleheadband · 7 years
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puurpleheadband · 7 years
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“ YEESH – uh, no.” staring up at the rock-o-plane with saucer-sized eyes, darryl started to shake his head. “this was a bad idea… a very, very bad idea.” even as he spoke, the line inched forward, more people being loaded into the caged ferris wheel and spun before the next set of seats came around. his flight instincts were kicking in big time and he turned, glancing back at the line as he looked for an out. “i’m gonna bail. i changed my mind. they have emergency exits in lines, right ???” darryl’s voice raised a few squeaky octaves.
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“PLEASE---- don’t leave, i can’t do this alone.” heart was beating fast inside her chest. worry expression danced across her sort features. “i really don’t want to go alone.” hoping to rope him back in without scaring him TOO MUCH. “i’ll buy you food ?? or get you free ticket for a DAY ??”
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puurpleheadband · 7 years
{ @thelastlupin } from this post ( here )
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“i have no idea what you’re even talking about ?? why would i even think about you--- while i shave my legs ?? i barely know who YOU are ?? so---- i’m going to have to say NO.” crossing her arms over her chest, “how many slushies have you consumed ?? they must have FROZEN your brain ?? because---- i am LOST ??”
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puurpleheadband · 7 years
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i’ll make a better intro when i’m not so sleeeepy. it’s been a week ( tm ) ---
daphne loves fashion and always gets creative with her makeup. despite being in uniform as a ticket vendor, she jazzes up her outfits. she always likes to look good no matter what she’s doing. 
can be sweet but also feisty. the redhead finds herself in ODD situations & doesn’t know why. she is easily confused. despite the confusion, she can be very intelligent in certain areas. 
favorite colors are purple, pink, and green. 
likes to solve her difficult problems even when things go bad to worse. 
a real mess, probably. 
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puurpleheadband · 7 years
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